*** OPENAPI設計書のサンプルPetStoreを解析した結果を内部でどのようにもっているのか [#x130e8fb]

 --- objs ---
     operations: {
       classname: PetApi
       operation: [
         hasAuthMethods: true
         hasConsumes: true
         hasParams: true
         hasRequiredParams: true
         path: /pet
         operationId: addPet
         httpMethod: POST
         summary: Add a new pet to the store
         baseName: Pet
         consumes: [
             0: {
               mediaType: application/json
             1: {
               mediaType: application/xml
           isBodyParam: true
           isModel: true
           baseName: body
           paramName: body
           dataType: Pet
           description: Pet object that needs to be added to the store
           baseType: Pet
           jsonSchema: {
                         "description" : "Pet object that needs to be added to the store",
                         "content" : {
                           "application/json" : {
                             "schema" : {
                               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Pet"
                           "application/xml" : {
                             "schema" : {
                               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Pet"
                         "required" : true
           hasVars: true
           vars: [
               openApiType: integer
               baseName: id
               complexType: long
               getter: getId
               setter: setId
               dataType: Long
               datatypeWithEnum: Long
               dataFormat: int64
               name: id
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
               baseType: long
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "integer",
                             "format" : "int64"
               isNumeric: true
               isLong: true
               nameInCamelCase: Id
               nameInSnakeCase: ID
               openApiType: Category
               baseName: category
               complexType: Category
               getter: getCategory
               setter: setCategory
               dataType: Category
               datatypeWithEnum: Category
               name: category
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.category;
               baseType: Category
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Category"
               isModel: true
               nameInCamelCase: Category
               nameInSnakeCase: CATEGORY
               openApiType: string
               baseName: name
               complexType: string
               getter: getName
               setter: setName
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: String
               name: name
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
               baseType: string
               example: doggie
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string",
                             "example" : "doggie"
               required: true
               isString: true
               nameInCamelCase: Name
               nameInSnakeCase: NAME
               openApiType: array
               baseName: photoUrls
               complexType: string
               getter: getPhotoUrls
               setter: setPhotoUrls
               dataType: List
               datatypeWithEnum: List
               name: photoUrls
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
               baseType: array
               containerType: array
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "array",
                             "xml" : {
                               "name" : "photoUrl",
                               "wrapped" : true
                             "items" : {
                               "type" : "string"
               required: true
               isContainer: true
               isArray: true
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: photoUrls
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPhotoUrls
                 setter: setPhotoUrls
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: photoUrls
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                 nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: photoUrls
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPhotoUrls
                 setter: setPhotoUrls
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: photoUrls
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                 nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
               nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
               nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
               xmlName: photoUrl
               isXmlWrapped: true
               openApiType: array
               baseName: tags
               complexType: Tag
               getter: getTags
               setter: setTags
               dataType: List
               datatypeWithEnum: List
               name: tags
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
               baseType: array
               containerType: array
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "array",
                             "xml" : {
                               "name" : "tag",
                               "wrapped" : true
                             "items" : {
                               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
               isContainer: true
               isArray: true
                 openApiType: Tag
                 baseName: tags
                 complexType: Tag
                 getter: getTags
                 setter: setTags
                 dataType: Tag
                 datatypeWithEnum: Tag
                 name: tags
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
                 baseType: Tag
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
                 isModel: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Tags
                 nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
                 openApiType: Tag
                 baseName: tags
                 complexType: Tag
                 getter: getTags
                 setter: setTags
                 dataType: Tag
                 datatypeWithEnum: Tag
                 name: tags
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
                 baseType: Tag
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
                 isModel: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Tags
                 nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
               nameInCamelCase: Tags
               nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
               xmlName: tag
               isXmlWrapped: true
               openApiType: string
               baseName: status
               complexType: string
               getter: getStatus
               setter: setStatus
               description: pet status in the store
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
               name: status
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
               baseType: string
               unescapedDescription: pet status in the store
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string",
                             "description" : "pet status in the store",
                             "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
               isString: true
               isEnum: true
               _enum: [
                   0: available
                   1: pending
                   2: sold
               allowableValues: {
                   values: [
                     0: available
                     1: pending
                     2: sold
               nameInCamelCase: Status
               nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
               enumName: StatusEnum
           requiredVars: [
               openApiType: string
               baseName: name
               complexType: string
               getter: getName
               setter: setName
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: String
               name: name
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
               baseType: string
               example: doggie
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string",
                             "example" : "doggie"
               required: true
               isString: true
               nameInCamelCase: Name
               nameInSnakeCase: NAME
               openApiType: array
               baseName: photoUrls
               complexType: string
               getter: getPhotoUrls
               setter: setPhotoUrls
               dataType: List
               datatypeWithEnum: List
               name: photoUrls
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
               baseType: array
               containerType: array
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "array",
                             "xml" : {
                               "name" : "photoUrl",
                               "wrapped" : true
                             "items" : {
                               "type" : "string"
               required: true
               isContainer: true
               isArray: true
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: photoUrls
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPhotoUrls
                 setter: setPhotoUrls
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: photoUrls
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                 nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: photoUrls
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPhotoUrls
                 setter: setPhotoUrls
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: photoUrls
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                 nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
               nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
               nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
               xmlName: photoUrl
               isXmlWrapped: true
           required: true
           hasRequired: true
         allParams: [
             isBodyParam: true
             isModel: true
             baseName: body
             paramName: body
             dataType: Pet
             description: Pet object that needs to be added to the store
             baseType: Pet
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Pet object that needs to be added to the store",
                           "content" : {
                             "application/json" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Pet"
                             "application/xml" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Pet"
                           "required" : true
             hasVars: true
             vars: [
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: id
                 complexType: long
                 getter: getId
                 setter: setId
                 dataType: Long
                 datatypeWithEnum: Long
                 dataFormat: int64
                 name: id
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
                 baseType: long
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "format" : "int64"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isLong: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Id
                 nameInSnakeCase: ID
                 openApiType: Category
                 baseName: category
                 complexType: Category
                 getter: getCategory
                 setter: setCategory
                 dataType: Category
                 datatypeWithEnum: Category
                 name: category
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.category;
                 baseType: Category
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Category"
                 isModel: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Category
                 nameInSnakeCase: CATEGORY
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: name
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getName
                 setter: setName
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: name
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
                 baseType: string
                 example: doggie
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "example" : "doggie"
                 required: true
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Name
                 nameInSnakeCase: NAME
                 openApiType: array
                 baseName: photoUrls
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPhotoUrls
                 setter: setPhotoUrls
                 dataType: List
                 datatypeWithEnum: List
                 name: photoUrls
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                 baseType: array
                 containerType: array
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "array",
                               "xml" : {
                                 "name" : "photoUrl",
                                 "wrapped" : true
                               "items" : {
                                 "type" : "string"
                 required: true
                 isContainer: true
                 isArray: true
                   openApiType: string
                   baseName: photoUrls
                   complexType: string
                   getter: getPhotoUrls
                   setter: setPhotoUrls
                   dataType: String
                   datatypeWithEnum: String
                   name: photoUrls
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                   baseType: string
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "type" : "string"
                   isString: true
                   nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                   nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                   openApiType: string
                   baseName: photoUrls
                   complexType: string
                   getter: getPhotoUrls
                   setter: setPhotoUrls
                   dataType: String
                   datatypeWithEnum: String
                   name: photoUrls
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                   baseType: string
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "type" : "string"
                   isString: true
                   nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                   nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                 nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 xmlName: photoUrl
                 isXmlWrapped: true
                 openApiType: array
                 baseName: tags
                 complexType: Tag
                 getter: getTags
                 setter: setTags
                 dataType: List
                 datatypeWithEnum: List
                 name: tags
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
                 baseType: array
                 containerType: array
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "array",
                               "xml" : {
                                 "name" : "tag",
                                 "wrapped" : true
                               "items" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
                 isContainer: true
                 isArray: true
                   openApiType: Tag
                   baseName: tags
                   complexType: Tag
                   getter: getTags
                   setter: setTags
                   dataType: Tag
                   datatypeWithEnum: Tag
                   name: tags
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
                   baseType: Tag
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
                   isModel: true
                   nameInCamelCase: Tags
                   nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
                   openApiType: Tag
                   baseName: tags
                   complexType: Tag
                   getter: getTags
                   setter: setTags
                   dataType: Tag
                   datatypeWithEnum: Tag
                   name: tags
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
                   baseType: Tag
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
                   isModel: true
                   nameInCamelCase: Tags
                   nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
                 nameInCamelCase: Tags
                 nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
                 xmlName: tag
                 isXmlWrapped: true
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: status
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getStatus
                 setter: setStatus
                 description: pet status in the store
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
                 name: status
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
                 baseType: string
                 unescapedDescription: pet status in the store
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "description" : "pet status in the store",
                               "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
                 isString: true
                 isEnum: true
                 _enum: [
                     0: available
                     1: pending
                     2: sold
                 allowableValues: {
                     values: [
                       0: available
                       1: pending
                       2: sold
                 nameInCamelCase: Status
                 nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
                 enumName: StatusEnum
             requiredVars: [
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: name
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getName
                 setter: setName
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: name
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
                 baseType: string
                 example: doggie
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "example" : "doggie"
                 required: true
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Name
                 nameInSnakeCase: NAME
                 openApiType: array
                 baseName: photoUrls
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPhotoUrls
                 setter: setPhotoUrls
                 dataType: List
                 datatypeWithEnum: List
                 name: photoUrls
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                 baseType: array
                 containerType: array
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "array",
                               "xml" : {
                                 "name" : "photoUrl",
                                 "wrapped" : true
                               "items" : {
                                 "type" : "string"
                 required: true
                 isContainer: true
                 isArray: true
                   openApiType: string
                   baseName: photoUrls
                   complexType: string
                   getter: getPhotoUrls
                   setter: setPhotoUrls
                   dataType: String
                   datatypeWithEnum: String
                   name: photoUrls
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                   baseType: string
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "type" : "string"
                   isString: true
                   nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                   nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                   openApiType: string
                   baseName: photoUrls
                   complexType: string
                   getter: getPhotoUrls
                   setter: setPhotoUrls
                   dataType: String
                   datatypeWithEnum: String
                   name: photoUrls
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                   baseType: string
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "type" : "string"
                   isString: true
                   nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                   nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                 nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 xmlName: photoUrl
                 isXmlWrapped: true
             required: true
             hasRequired: true
         bodyParams: [
             isBodyParam: true
             isModel: true
             baseName: body
             paramName: body
             dataType: Pet
             description: Pet object that needs to be added to the store
             baseType: Pet
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Pet object that needs to be added to the store",
                           "content" : {
                             "application/json" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Pet"
                             "application/xml" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Pet"
                           "required" : true
             hasVars: true
             vars: [
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: id
                 complexType: long
                 getter: getId
                 setter: setId
                 dataType: Long
                 datatypeWithEnum: Long
                 dataFormat: int64
                 name: id
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
                 baseType: long
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "format" : "int64"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isLong: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Id
                 nameInSnakeCase: ID
                 openApiType: Category
                 baseName: category
                 complexType: Category
                 getter: getCategory
                 setter: setCategory
                 dataType: Category
                 datatypeWithEnum: Category
                 name: category
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.category;
                 baseType: Category
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Category"
                 isModel: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Category
                 nameInSnakeCase: CATEGORY
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: name
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getName
                 setter: setName
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: name
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
                 baseType: string
                 example: doggie
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "example" : "doggie"
                 required: true
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Name
                 nameInSnakeCase: NAME
                 openApiType: array
                 baseName: photoUrls
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPhotoUrls
                 setter: setPhotoUrls
                 dataType: List
                 datatypeWithEnum: List
                 name: photoUrls
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                 baseType: array
                 containerType: array
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "array",
                               "xml" : {
                                 "name" : "photoUrl",
                                 "wrapped" : true
                               "items" : {
                                 "type" : "string"
                 required: true
                 isContainer: true
                 isArray: true
                   openApiType: string
                   baseName: photoUrls
                   complexType: string
                   getter: getPhotoUrls
                   setter: setPhotoUrls
                   dataType: String
                   datatypeWithEnum: String
                   name: photoUrls
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                   baseType: string
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "type" : "string"
                   isString: true
                   nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                   nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                   openApiType: string
                   baseName: photoUrls
                   complexType: string
                   getter: getPhotoUrls
                   setter: setPhotoUrls
                   dataType: String
                   datatypeWithEnum: String
                   name: photoUrls
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                   baseType: string
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "type" : "string"
                   isString: true
                   nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                   nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                 nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 xmlName: photoUrl
                 isXmlWrapped: true
                 openApiType: array
                 baseName: tags
                 complexType: Tag
                 getter: getTags
                 setter: setTags
                 dataType: List
                 datatypeWithEnum: List
                 name: tags
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
                 baseType: array
                 containerType: array
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "array",
                               "xml" : {
                                 "name" : "tag",
                                 "wrapped" : true
                               "items" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
                 isContainer: true
                 isArray: true
                   openApiType: Tag
                   baseName: tags
                   complexType: Tag
                   getter: getTags
                   setter: setTags
                   dataType: Tag
                   datatypeWithEnum: Tag
                   name: tags
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
                   baseType: Tag
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
                   isModel: true
                   nameInCamelCase: Tags
                   nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
                   openApiType: Tag
                   baseName: tags
                   complexType: Tag
                   getter: getTags
                   setter: setTags
                   dataType: Tag
                   datatypeWithEnum: Tag
                   name: tags
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
                   baseType: Tag
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
                   isModel: true
                   nameInCamelCase: Tags
                   nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
                 nameInCamelCase: Tags
                 nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
                 xmlName: tag
                 isXmlWrapped: true
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: status
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getStatus
                 setter: setStatus
                 description: pet status in the store
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
                 name: status
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
                 baseType: string
                 unescapedDescription: pet status in the store
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "description" : "pet status in the store",
                               "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
                 isString: true
                 isEnum: true
                 _enum: [
                     0: available
                     1: pending
                     2: sold
                 allowableValues: {
                     values: [
                       0: available
                       1: pending
                       2: sold
                 nameInCamelCase: Status
                 nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
                 enumName: StatusEnum
             requiredVars: [
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: name
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getName
                 setter: setName
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: name
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
                 baseType: string
                 example: doggie
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "example" : "doggie"
                 required: true
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Name
                 nameInSnakeCase: NAME
                 openApiType: array
                 baseName: photoUrls
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPhotoUrls
                 setter: setPhotoUrls
                 dataType: List
                 datatypeWithEnum: List
                 name: photoUrls
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                 baseType: array
                 containerType: array
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "array",
                               "xml" : {
                                 "name" : "photoUrl",
                                 "wrapped" : true
                               "items" : {
                                 "type" : "string"
                 required: true
                 isContainer: true
                 isArray: true
                   openApiType: string
                   baseName: photoUrls
                   complexType: string
                   getter: getPhotoUrls
                   setter: setPhotoUrls
                   dataType: String
                   datatypeWithEnum: String
                   name: photoUrls
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                   baseType: string
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "type" : "string"
                   isString: true
                   nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                   nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                   openApiType: string
                   baseName: photoUrls
                   complexType: string
                   getter: getPhotoUrls
                   setter: setPhotoUrls
                   dataType: String
                   datatypeWithEnum: String
                   name: photoUrls
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                   baseType: string
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "type" : "string"
                   isString: true
                   nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                   nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                 nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 xmlName: photoUrl
                 isXmlWrapped: true
             required: true
             hasRequired: true
         requiredParams: [
             isBodyParam: true
             isModel: true
             baseName: body
             paramName: body
             dataType: Pet
             description: Pet object that needs to be added to the store
             baseType: Pet
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Pet object that needs to be added to the store",
                           "content" : {
                             "application/json" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Pet"
                             "application/xml" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Pet"
                           "required" : true
             hasVars: true
             vars: [
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: id
                 complexType: long
                 getter: getId
                 setter: setId
                 dataType: Long
                 datatypeWithEnum: Long
                 dataFormat: int64
                 name: id
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
                 baseType: long
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "format" : "int64"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isLong: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Id
                 nameInSnakeCase: ID
                 openApiType: Category
                 baseName: category
                 complexType: Category
                 getter: getCategory
                 setter: setCategory
                 dataType: Category
                 datatypeWithEnum: Category
                 name: category
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.category;
                 baseType: Category
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Category"
                 isModel: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Category
                 nameInSnakeCase: CATEGORY
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: name
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getName
                 setter: setName
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: name
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
                 baseType: string
                 example: doggie
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "example" : "doggie"
                 required: true
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Name
                 nameInSnakeCase: NAME
                 openApiType: array
                 baseName: photoUrls
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPhotoUrls
                 setter: setPhotoUrls
                 dataType: List
                 datatypeWithEnum: List
                 name: photoUrls
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                 baseType: array
                 containerType: array
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "array",
                               "xml" : {
                                 "name" : "photoUrl",
                                 "wrapped" : true
                               "items" : {
                                 "type" : "string"
                 required: true
                 isContainer: true
                 isArray: true
                   openApiType: string
                   baseName: photoUrls
                   complexType: string
                   getter: getPhotoUrls
                   setter: setPhotoUrls
                   dataType: String
                   datatypeWithEnum: String
                   name: photoUrls
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                   baseType: string
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "type" : "string"
                   isString: true
                   nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                   nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                   openApiType: string
                   baseName: photoUrls
                   complexType: string
                   getter: getPhotoUrls
                   setter: setPhotoUrls
                   dataType: String
                   datatypeWithEnum: String
                   name: photoUrls
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                   baseType: string
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "type" : "string"
                   isString: true
                   nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                   nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                 nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 xmlName: photoUrl
                 isXmlWrapped: true
                 openApiType: array
                 baseName: tags
                 complexType: Tag
                 getter: getTags
                 setter: setTags
                 dataType: List
                 datatypeWithEnum: List
                 name: tags
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
                 baseType: array
                 containerType: array
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "array",
                               "xml" : {
                                 "name" : "tag",
                                 "wrapped" : true
                               "items" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
                 isContainer: true
                 isArray: true
                   openApiType: Tag
                   baseName: tags
                   complexType: Tag
                   getter: getTags
                   setter: setTags
                   dataType: Tag
                   datatypeWithEnum: Tag
                   name: tags
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
                   baseType: Tag
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
                   isModel: true
                   nameInCamelCase: Tags
                   nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
                   openApiType: Tag
                   baseName: tags
                   complexType: Tag
                   getter: getTags
                   setter: setTags
                   dataType: Tag
                   datatypeWithEnum: Tag
                   name: tags
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
                   baseType: Tag
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
                   isModel: true
                   nameInCamelCase: Tags
                   nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
                 nameInCamelCase: Tags
                 nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
                 xmlName: tag
                 isXmlWrapped: true
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: status
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getStatus
                 setter: setStatus
                 description: pet status in the store
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
                 name: status
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
                 baseType: string
                 unescapedDescription: pet status in the store
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "description" : "pet status in the store",
                               "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
                 isString: true
                 isEnum: true
                 _enum: [
                     0: available
                     1: pending
                     2: sold
                 allowableValues: {
                     values: [
                       0: available
                       1: pending
                       2: sold
                 nameInCamelCase: Status
                 nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
                 enumName: StatusEnum
             requiredVars: [
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: name
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getName
                 setter: setName
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: name
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
                 baseType: string
                 example: doggie
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "example" : "doggie"
                 required: true
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Name
                 nameInSnakeCase: NAME
                 openApiType: array
                 baseName: photoUrls
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPhotoUrls
                 setter: setPhotoUrls
                 dataType: List
                 datatypeWithEnum: List
                 name: photoUrls
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                 baseType: array
                 containerType: array
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "array",
                               "xml" : {
                                 "name" : "photoUrl",
                                 "wrapped" : true
                               "items" : {
                                 "type" : "string"
                 required: true
                 isContainer: true
                 isArray: true
                   openApiType: string
                   baseName: photoUrls
                   complexType: string
                   getter: getPhotoUrls
                   setter: setPhotoUrls
                   dataType: String
                   datatypeWithEnum: String
                   name: photoUrls
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                   baseType: string
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "type" : "string"
                   isString: true
                   nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                   nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                   openApiType: string
                   baseName: photoUrls
                   complexType: string
                   getter: getPhotoUrls
                   setter: setPhotoUrls
                   dataType: String
                   datatypeWithEnum: String
                   name: photoUrls
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                   baseType: string
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "type" : "string"
                   isString: true
                   nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                   nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                 nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 xmlName: photoUrl
                 isXmlWrapped: true
             required: true
             hasRequired: true
         authMethods: [
             name: petstore_auth
             type: oauth2
             isOAuth: true
             flow: implicit
             authorizationUrl: http://petstore.swagger.io/api/oauth/dialog
             scopes: [
                 0: {
                   scope: write:pets
                   description: modify pets in your account
                 1: {
                   scope: read:pets
                   description: read your pets
             isImplicit: true
         tags: [
             name: pet
             description: Everything about your Pets
         responses: [
             code: 405
             is4xx: true
             message: Invalid input
             simpleType: true
             primitiveType: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Invalid input",
                           "content" : { }
         imports: [Pet]
         imports: {
             - Pet
         requestBodyExamples: [
             0: {
               contentType: application/json
               example: {
                          "photoUrls" : [ "photoUrls", "photoUrls" ],
                          "name" : "doggie",
                          "id" : 0,
                          "category" : {
                            "name" : "name",
                            "id" : 6
                          "tags" : [ {
                            "name" : "name",
                            "id" : 1
                          }, {
                            "name" : "name",
                            "id" : 1
                          } ],
                          "status" : "available"
             1: {
               contentType: application/xml
               example: <Pet>
         vendorExtensions: {
             x-codegen-request-body-name: body
         nickname: addPet
         operationIdOriginal: addPet
         operationIdLowerCase: addpet
         operationIdCamelCase: AddPet
         operationIdSnakeCase: add_pet
         hasAuthMethods: true
         hasParams: true
         hasOptionalParams: true
         hasRequiredParams: true
         path: /pet/{petId}
         operationId: deletePet
         httpMethod: DELETE
         summary: Deletes a pet
         baseName: Pet
         allParams: [
             isPathParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: petId
             paramName: petId
             dataType: Long
             dataFormat: int64
             description: Pet id to delete
             unescapedDescription: Pet id to delete
             defaultValue: null
             example: 789
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "petId",
                           "in" : "path",
                           "description" : "Pet id to delete",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "integer",
                             "format" : "int64"
             isLong: true
             required: true
             isHeaderParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: api_key
             paramName: apiKey
             dataType: String
             defaultValue: null
             example: apiKey_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "api_key",
                           "in" : "header",
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "string"
             isString: true
         pathParams: [
             isPathParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: petId
             paramName: petId
             dataType: Long
             dataFormat: int64
             description: Pet id to delete
             unescapedDescription: Pet id to delete
             defaultValue: null
             example: 789
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "petId",
                           "in" : "path",
                           "description" : "Pet id to delete",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "integer",
                             "format" : "int64"
             isLong: true
             required: true
         headerParams: [
             isHeaderParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: api_key
             paramName: apiKey
             dataType: String
             defaultValue: null
             example: apiKey_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "api_key",
                           "in" : "header",
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "string"
             isString: true
         requiredParams: [
             isPathParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: petId
             paramName: petId
             dataType: Long
             dataFormat: int64
             description: Pet id to delete
             unescapedDescription: Pet id to delete
             defaultValue: null
             example: 789
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "petId",
                           "in" : "path",
                           "description" : "Pet id to delete",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "integer",
                             "format" : "int64"
             isLong: true
             required: true
         optionalParams: [
             isHeaderParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: api_key
             paramName: apiKey
             dataType: String
             defaultValue: null
             example: apiKey_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "api_key",
                           "in" : "header",
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "string"
             isString: true
         authMethods: [
             name: petstore_auth
             type: oauth2
             isOAuth: true
             flow: implicit
             authorizationUrl: http://petstore.swagger.io/api/oauth/dialog
             scopes: [
                 0: {
                   scope: write:pets
                   description: modify pets in your account
                 1: {
                   scope: read:pets
                   description: read your pets
             isImplicit: true
         tags: [
             name: pet
             description: Everything about your Pets
         responses: [
             code: 400
             is4xx: true
             message: Invalid pet value
             simpleType: true
             primitiveType: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Invalid pet value",
                           "content" : { }
         imports: [string]
         imports: {
             - string
         nickname: deletePet
         operationIdOriginal: deletePet
         operationIdLowerCase: deletepet
         operationIdCamelCase: DeletePet
         operationIdSnakeCase: delete_pet
         hasAuthMethods: true
         hasProduces: true
         hasParams: true
         hasRequiredParams: true
         isArray: true
         hasReference: true
         path: /pet/findByStatus
         operationId: findPetsByStatus
         returnType: List
         httpMethod: GET
         returnBaseType: Pet
         returnContainer: array
         summary: Finds Pets by status
         unescapedNotes: Multiple status values can be provided with comma separated strings
         notes: Multiple status values can be provided with comma separated strings
         baseName: Pet
         defaultResponse: null
         produces: [
             0: {
               mediaType: application/xml
             1: {
               mediaType: application/json
         allParams: [
             isQueryParam: true
             isContainer: true
             baseName: status
             paramName: status
             dataType: List
             datatypeWithEnum: List
             collectionFormat: csv
             description: Status values that need to be considered for filter
             unescapedDescription: Status values that need to be considered for filter
             baseType: String
             defaultValue: null
             enumName: StatusEnum
             style: form
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "status",
                           "in" : "query",
                           "description" : "Status values that need to be considered for filter",
                           "required" : true,
                           "style" : "form",
                           "explode" : false,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "array",
                             "items" : {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "default" : "available",
                               "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
             isArray: true
             isEnum: true
             allowableValues: {
                 values: [
                   0: available
                   1: pending
                   2: sold
                 enumVars: [
                   0: {
                     name: AVAILABLE
                     isString: true
                     value: "available"
                   1: {
                     name: PENDING
                     isString: true
                     value: "pending"
                   2: {
                     name: SOLD
                     isString: true
                     value: "sold"
               openApiType: string
               baseName: status
               complexType: string
               getter: getStatus
               setter: setStatus
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
               name: status
               defaultValue: available
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
               baseType: string
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string",
                             "default" : "available",
                             "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
               isString: true
               isEnum: true
               _enum: [
                   0: available
                   1: pending
                   2: sold
               allowableValues: {
                   values: [
                     0: available
                     1: pending
                     2: sold
                   enumVars: [
                     0: {
                       name: AVAILABLE
                       isString: true
                       value: "available"
                     1: {
                       name: PENDING
                       isString: true
                       value: "pending"
                     2: {
                       name: SOLD
                       isString: true
                       value: "sold"
               nameInCamelCase: Status
               nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
               enumName: StatusEnum
               openApiType: string
               baseName: status
               complexType: string
               getter: getStatus
               setter: setStatus
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
               name: status
               defaultValue: available
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
               baseType: string
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string",
                             "default" : "available",
                             "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
               isString: true
               isEnum: true
               _enum: [
                   0: available
                   1: pending
                   2: sold
               allowableValues: {
                   values: [
                     0: available
                     1: pending
                     2: sold
                   enumVars: [
                     0: {
                       name: AVAILABLE
                       isString: true
                       value: "available"
                     1: {
                       name: PENDING
                       isString: true
                       value: "pending"
                     2: {
                       name: SOLD
                       isString: true
                       value: "sold"
               nameInCamelCase: Status
               nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
               enumName: StatusEnum
             required: true
         queryParams: [
             isQueryParam: true
             isContainer: true
             baseName: status
             paramName: status
             dataType: List
             datatypeWithEnum: List
             collectionFormat: csv
             description: Status values that need to be considered for filter
             unescapedDescription: Status values that need to be considered for filter
             baseType: String
             defaultValue: null
             enumName: StatusEnum
             style: form
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "status",
                           "in" : "query",
                           "description" : "Status values that need to be considered for filter",
                           "required" : true,
                           "style" : "form",
                           "explode" : false,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "array",
                             "items" : {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "default" : "available",
                               "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
             isArray: true
             isEnum: true
             allowableValues: {
                 enumVars: [
                   0: {
                     name: AVAILABLE
                     isString: true
                     value: "available"
                   1: {
                     name: PENDING
                     isString: true
                     value: "pending"
                   2: {
                     name: SOLD
                     isString: true
                     value: "sold"
                 values: [
                   0: available
                   1: pending
                   2: sold
               openApiType: string
               baseName: status
               complexType: string
               getter: getStatus
               setter: setStatus
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
               name: status
               defaultValue: available
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
               baseType: string
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string",
                             "default" : "available",
                             "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
               isString: true
               isEnum: true
               _enum: [
                   0: available
                   1: pending
                   2: sold
               allowableValues: {
                   values: [
                     0: available
                     1: pending
                     2: sold
                   enumVars: [
                     0: {
                       name: AVAILABLE
                       isString: true
                       value: "available"
                     1: {
                       name: PENDING
                       isString: true
                       value: "pending"
                     2: {
                       name: SOLD
                       isString: true
                       value: "sold"
               nameInCamelCase: Status
               nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
               enumName: StatusEnum
               openApiType: string
               baseName: status
               complexType: string
               getter: getStatus
               setter: setStatus
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
               name: status
               defaultValue: available
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
               baseType: string
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string",
                             "default" : "available",
                             "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
               isString: true
               isEnum: true
               _enum: [
                   0: available
                   1: pending
                   2: sold
               allowableValues: {
                   values: [
                     0: available
                     1: pending
                     2: sold
                   enumVars: [
                     0: {
                       name: AVAILABLE
                       isString: true
                       value: "available"
                     1: {
                       name: PENDING
                       isString: true
                       value: "pending"
                     2: {
                       name: SOLD
                       isString: true
                       value: "sold"
               nameInCamelCase: Status
               nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
               enumName: StatusEnum
             required: true
         requiredParams: [
             isQueryParam: true
             isContainer: true
             baseName: status
             paramName: status
             dataType: List
             datatypeWithEnum: List
             collectionFormat: csv
             description: Status values that need to be considered for filter
             unescapedDescription: Status values that need to be considered for filter
             baseType: String
             defaultValue: null
             enumName: StatusEnum
             style: form
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "status",
                           "in" : "query",
                           "description" : "Status values that need to be considered for filter",
                           "required" : true,
                           "style" : "form",
                           "explode" : false,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "array",
                             "items" : {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "default" : "available",
                               "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
             isArray: true
             isEnum: true
             allowableValues: {
                 enumVars: [
                   0: {
                     name: AVAILABLE
                     isString: true
                     value: "available"
                   1: {
                     name: PENDING
                     isString: true
                     value: "pending"
                   2: {
                     name: SOLD
                     isString: true
                     value: "sold"
                 values: [
                   0: available
                   1: pending
                   2: sold
               openApiType: string
               baseName: status
               complexType: string
               getter: getStatus
               setter: setStatus
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
               name: status
               defaultValue: available
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
               baseType: string
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string",
                             "default" : "available",
                             "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
               isString: true
               isEnum: true
               _enum: [
                   0: available
                   1: pending
                   2: sold
               allowableValues: {
                   values: [
                     0: available
                     1: pending
                     2: sold
                   enumVars: [
                     0: {
                       name: AVAILABLE
                       isString: true
                       value: "available"
                     1: {
                       name: PENDING
                       isString: true
                       value: "pending"
                     2: {
                       name: SOLD
                       isString: true
                       value: "sold"
               nameInCamelCase: Status
               nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
               enumName: StatusEnum
               openApiType: string
               baseName: status
               complexType: string
               getter: getStatus
               setter: setStatus
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
               name: status
               defaultValue: available
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
               baseType: string
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string",
                             "default" : "available",
                             "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
               isString: true
               isEnum: true
               _enum: [
                   0: available
                   1: pending
                   2: sold
               allowableValues: {
                   values: [
                     0: available
                     1: pending
                     2: sold
                   enumVars: [
                     0: {
                       name: AVAILABLE
                       isString: true
                       value: "available"
                     1: {
                       name: PENDING
                       isString: true
                       value: "pending"
                     2: {
                       name: SOLD
                       isString: true
                       value: "sold"
               nameInCamelCase: Status
               nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
               enumName: StatusEnum
             required: true
         authMethods: [
             name: petstore_auth
             type: oauth2
             isOAuth: true
             flow: implicit
             authorizationUrl: http://petstore.swagger.io/api/oauth/dialog
             scopes: [
                 0: {
                   scope: write:pets
                   description: modify pets in your account
                 1: {
                   scope: read:pets
                   description: read your pets
             isImplicit: true
         tags: [
             name: pet
             description: Everything about your Pets
         responses: [
             code: 200
             is2xx: true
             message: successful operation
             dataType: List
             baseType: Pet
             containerType: array
             isArray: true
                 $ref: #/components/schemas/Pet
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "successful operation",
                           "content" : {
                             "application/xml" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "type" : "array",
                                 "items" : {
                                   "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Pet"
                             "application/json" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "type" : "array",
                                 "items" : {
                                   "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Pet"
               openApiType: Pet
               baseName: response
               complexType: Pet
               getter: getResponse
               setter: setResponse
               dataType: Pet
               datatypeWithEnum: Pet
               name: response
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.response;
               baseType: Pet
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Pet"
               isModel: true
               nameInCamelCase: Response
               nameInSnakeCase: RESPONSE
             code: 400
             is4xx: true
             message: Invalid status value
             simpleType: true
             primitiveType: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Invalid status value",
                           "content" : { }
         imports: [string, Pet]
         imports: {
             - string
             - Pet
         examples: [
             0: {
               contentType: application/json
               example: {
                          "photoUrls" : [ "photoUrls", "photoUrls" ],
                          "name" : "doggie",
                          "id" : 0,
                          "category" : {
                            "name" : "name",
                            "id" : 6
                          "tags" : [ {
                            "name" : "name",
                            "id" : 1
                          }, {
                            "name" : "name",
                            "id" : 1
                          } ],
                          "status" : "available"
               statusCode: 200
             1: {
               contentType: application/xml
               example: <Pet>
               statusCode: 200
         nickname: findPetsByStatus
         operationIdOriginal: findPetsByStatus
         operationIdLowerCase: findpetsbystatus
         operationIdCamelCase: FindPetsByStatus
         operationIdSnakeCase: find_pets_by_status
         hasAuthMethods: true
         hasProduces: true
         hasParams: true
         hasRequiredParams: true
         isArray: true
         hasReference: true
         isDeprecated: true
         path: /pet/findByTags
         operationId: findPetsByTags
         returnType: List
         httpMethod: GET
         returnBaseType: Pet
         returnContainer: array
         summary: Finds Pets by tags
         unescapedNotes: Multiple tags can be provided with comma separated strings. Use tag1, tag2, tag3 for testing.
         notes: Multiple tags can be provided with comma separated strings. Use tag1, tag2, tag3 for testing.
         baseName: Pet
         defaultResponse: null
         produces: [
             0: {
               mediaType: application/xml
             1: {
               mediaType: application/json
         allParams: [
             isQueryParam: true
             isContainer: true
             baseName: tags
             paramName: tags
             dataType: List
             collectionFormat: csv
             description: Tags to filter by
             unescapedDescription: Tags to filter by
             baseType: String
             defaultValue: null
             style: form
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "tags",
                           "in" : "query",
                           "description" : "Tags to filter by",
                           "required" : true,
                           "style" : "form",
                           "explode" : false,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "array",
                             "items" : {
                               "type" : "string"
             isArray: true
               openApiType: string
               baseName: inner
               complexType: string
               getter: getInner
               setter: setInner
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: String
               name: inner
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.inner;
               baseType: string
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string"
               isString: true
               nameInCamelCase: Inner
               nameInSnakeCase: INNER
             required: true
         queryParams: [
             isQueryParam: true
             isContainer: true
             baseName: tags
             paramName: tags
             dataType: List
             collectionFormat: csv
             description: Tags to filter by
             unescapedDescription: Tags to filter by
             baseType: String
             defaultValue: null
             style: form
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "tags",
                           "in" : "query",
                           "description" : "Tags to filter by",
                           "required" : true,
                           "style" : "form",
                           "explode" : false,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "array",
                             "items" : {
                               "type" : "string"
             isArray: true
               openApiType: string
               baseName: inner
               complexType: string
               getter: getInner
               setter: setInner
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: String
               name: inner
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.inner;
               baseType: string
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string"
               isString: true
               nameInCamelCase: Inner
               nameInSnakeCase: INNER
             required: true
         requiredParams: [
             isQueryParam: true
             isContainer: true
             baseName: tags
             paramName: tags
             dataType: List
             collectionFormat: csv
             description: Tags to filter by
             unescapedDescription: Tags to filter by
             baseType: String
             defaultValue: null
             style: form
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "tags",
                           "in" : "query",
                           "description" : "Tags to filter by",
                           "required" : true,
                           "style" : "form",
                           "explode" : false,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "array",
                             "items" : {
                               "type" : "string"
             isArray: true
               openApiType: string
               baseName: inner
               complexType: string
               getter: getInner
               setter: setInner
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: String
               name: inner
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.inner;
               baseType: string
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string"
               isString: true
               nameInCamelCase: Inner
               nameInSnakeCase: INNER
             required: true
         authMethods: [
             name: petstore_auth
             type: oauth2
             isOAuth: true
             flow: implicit
             authorizationUrl: http://petstore.swagger.io/api/oauth/dialog
             scopes: [
                 0: {
                   scope: write:pets
                   description: modify pets in your account
                 1: {
                   scope: read:pets
                   description: read your pets
             isImplicit: true
         tags: [
             name: pet
             description: Everything about your Pets
         responses: [
             code: 200
             is2xx: true
             message: successful operation
             dataType: List
             baseType: Pet
             containerType: array
             isArray: true
                 $ref: #/components/schemas/Pet
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "successful operation",
                           "content" : {
                             "application/xml" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "type" : "array",
                                 "items" : {
                                   "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Pet"
                             "application/json" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "type" : "array",
                                 "items" : {
                                   "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Pet"
               openApiType: Pet
               baseName: response
               complexType: Pet
               getter: getResponse
               setter: setResponse
               dataType: Pet
               datatypeWithEnum: Pet
               name: response
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.response;
               baseType: Pet
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Pet"
               isModel: true
               nameInCamelCase: Response
               nameInSnakeCase: RESPONSE
             code: 400
             is4xx: true
             message: Invalid tag value
             simpleType: true
             primitiveType: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Invalid tag value",
                           "content" : { }
         imports: [string, Pet]
         imports: {
             - string
             - Pet
         examples: [
             0: {
               contentType: application/json
               example: {
                          "photoUrls" : [ "photoUrls", "photoUrls" ],
                          "name" : "doggie",
                          "id" : 0,
                          "category" : {
                            "name" : "name",
                            "id" : 6
                          "tags" : [ {
                            "name" : "name",
                            "id" : 1
                          }, {
                            "name" : "name",
                            "id" : 1
                          } ],
                          "status" : "available"
               statusCode: 200
             1: {
               contentType: application/xml
               example: <Pet>
               statusCode: 200
         nickname: findPetsByTags
         operationIdOriginal: findPetsByTags
         operationIdLowerCase: findpetsbytags
         operationIdCamelCase: FindPetsByTags
         operationIdSnakeCase: find_pets_by_tags
         hasAuthMethods: true
         hasProduces: true
         hasParams: true
         hasRequiredParams: true
         returnSimpleType: true
         hasReference: true
         path: /pet/{petId}
         operationId: getPetById
         returnType: Pet
         httpMethod: GET
         returnBaseType: Pet
         summary: Find pet by ID
         unescapedNotes: Returns a single pet
         notes: Returns a single pet
         baseName: Pet
         defaultResponse: null
         produces: [
             0: {
               mediaType: application/xml
             1: {
               mediaType: application/json
         allParams: [
             isPathParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: petId
             paramName: petId
             dataType: Long
             dataFormat: int64
             description: ID of pet to return
             unescapedDescription: ID of pet to return
             defaultValue: null
             example: 789
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "petId",
                           "in" : "path",
                           "description" : "ID of pet to return",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "integer",
                             "format" : "int64"
             isLong: true
             required: true
         pathParams: [
             isPathParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: petId
             paramName: petId
             dataType: Long
             dataFormat: int64
             description: ID of pet to return
             unescapedDescription: ID of pet to return
             defaultValue: null
             example: 789
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "petId",
                           "in" : "path",
                           "description" : "ID of pet to return",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "integer",
                             "format" : "int64"
             isLong: true
             required: true
         requiredParams: [
             isPathParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: petId
             paramName: petId
             dataType: Long
             dataFormat: int64
             description: ID of pet to return
             unescapedDescription: ID of pet to return
             defaultValue: null
             example: 789
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "petId",
                           "in" : "path",
                           "description" : "ID of pet to return",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "integer",
                             "format" : "int64"
             isLong: true
             required: true
         authMethods: [
             name: api_key
             type: apiKey
             isApiKey: true
             keyParamName: api_key
             isKeyInHeader: true
         tags: [
             name: pet
             description: Everything about your Pets
         responses: [
             code: 200
             is2xx: true
             message: successful operation
             dataType: Pet
             baseType: Pet
             isModel: true
             simpleType: true
               $ref: #/components/schemas/Pet
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "successful operation",
                           "content" : {
                             "application/xml" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Pet"
                             "application/json" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Pet"
             code: 400
             is4xx: true
             message: Invalid ID supplied
             simpleType: true
             primitiveType: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Invalid ID supplied",
                           "content" : { }
             code: 404
             is4xx: true
             message: Pet not found
             simpleType: true
             primitiveType: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Pet not found",
                           "content" : { }
         imports: [Pet]
         imports: {
             - Pet
         examples: [
             0: {
               contentType: application/json
               example: {
                          "photoUrls" : [ "photoUrls", "photoUrls" ],
                          "name" : "doggie",
                          "id" : 0,
                          "category" : {
                            "name" : "name",
                            "id" : 6
                          "tags" : [ {
                            "name" : "name",
                            "id" : 1
                          }, {
                            "name" : "name",
                            "id" : 1
                          } ],
                          "status" : "available"
               statusCode: 200
             1: {
               contentType: application/xml
               example: <Pet>
               statusCode: 200
         nickname: getPetById
         operationIdOriginal: getPetById
         operationIdLowerCase: getpetbyid
         operationIdCamelCase: GetPetById
         operationIdSnakeCase: get_pet_by_id
         hasAuthMethods: true
         hasConsumes: true
         hasParams: true
         hasRequiredParams: true
         path: /pet
         operationId: updatePet
         httpMethod: PUT
         summary: Update an existing pet
         baseName: Pet
         consumes: [
             0: {
               mediaType: application/json
             1: {
               mediaType: application/xml
           isBodyParam: true
           isModel: true
           baseName: body
           paramName: body
           dataType: Pet
           description: Pet object that needs to be added to the store
           baseType: Pet
           jsonSchema: {
                         "description" : "Pet object that needs to be added to the store",
                         "content" : {
                           "application/json" : {
                             "schema" : {
                               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Pet"
                           "application/xml" : {
                             "schema" : {
                               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Pet"
                         "required" : true
           hasVars: true
           vars: [
               openApiType: integer
               baseName: id
               complexType: long
               getter: getId
               setter: setId
               dataType: Long
               datatypeWithEnum: Long
               dataFormat: int64
               name: id
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
               baseType: long
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "integer",
                             "format" : "int64"
               isNumeric: true
               isLong: true
               nameInCamelCase: Id
               nameInSnakeCase: ID
               openApiType: Category
               baseName: category
               complexType: Category
               getter: getCategory
               setter: setCategory
               dataType: Category
               datatypeWithEnum: Category
               name: category
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.category;
               baseType: Category
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Category"
               isModel: true
               nameInCamelCase: Category
               nameInSnakeCase: CATEGORY
               openApiType: string
               baseName: name
               complexType: string
               getter: getName
               setter: setName
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: String
               name: name
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
               baseType: string
               example: doggie
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string",
                             "example" : "doggie"
               required: true
               isString: true
               nameInCamelCase: Name
               nameInSnakeCase: NAME
               openApiType: array
               baseName: photoUrls
               complexType: string
               getter: getPhotoUrls
               setter: setPhotoUrls
               dataType: List
               datatypeWithEnum: List
               name: photoUrls
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
               baseType: array
               containerType: array
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "array",
                             "xml" : {
                               "name" : "photoUrl",
                               "wrapped" : true
                             "items" : {
                               "type" : "string"
               required: true
               isContainer: true
               isArray: true
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: photoUrls
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPhotoUrls
                 setter: setPhotoUrls
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: photoUrls
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                 nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: photoUrls
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPhotoUrls
                 setter: setPhotoUrls
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: photoUrls
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                 nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
               nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
               nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
               xmlName: photoUrl
               isXmlWrapped: true
               openApiType: array
               baseName: tags
               complexType: Tag
               getter: getTags
               setter: setTags
               dataType: List
               datatypeWithEnum: List
               name: tags
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
               baseType: array
               containerType: array
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "array",
                             "xml" : {
                               "name" : "tag",
                               "wrapped" : true
                             "items" : {
                               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
               isContainer: true
               isArray: true
                 openApiType: Tag
                 baseName: tags
                 complexType: Tag
                 getter: getTags
                 setter: setTags
                 dataType: Tag
                 datatypeWithEnum: Tag
                 name: tags
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
                 baseType: Tag
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
                 isModel: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Tags
                 nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
                 openApiType: Tag
                 baseName: tags
                 complexType: Tag
                 getter: getTags
                 setter: setTags
                 dataType: Tag
                 datatypeWithEnum: Tag
                 name: tags
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
                 baseType: Tag
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
                 isModel: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Tags
                 nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
               nameInCamelCase: Tags
               nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
               xmlName: tag
               isXmlWrapped: true
               openApiType: string
               baseName: status
               complexType: string
               getter: getStatus
               setter: setStatus
               description: pet status in the store
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
               name: status
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
               baseType: string
               unescapedDescription: pet status in the store
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string",
                             "description" : "pet status in the store",
                             "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
               isString: true
               isEnum: true
               _enum: [
                   0: available
                   1: pending
                   2: sold
               allowableValues: {
                   values: [
                     0: available
                     1: pending
                     2: sold
               nameInCamelCase: Status
               nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
               enumName: StatusEnum
           requiredVars: [
               openApiType: string
               baseName: name
               complexType: string
               getter: getName
               setter: setName
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: String
               name: name
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
               baseType: string
               example: doggie
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string",
                             "example" : "doggie"
               required: true
               isString: true
               nameInCamelCase: Name
               nameInSnakeCase: NAME
               openApiType: array
               baseName: photoUrls
               complexType: string
               getter: getPhotoUrls
               setter: setPhotoUrls
               dataType: List
               datatypeWithEnum: List
               name: photoUrls
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
               baseType: array
               containerType: array
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "array",
                             "xml" : {
                               "name" : "photoUrl",
                               "wrapped" : true
                             "items" : {
                               "type" : "string"
               required: true
               isContainer: true
               isArray: true
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: photoUrls
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPhotoUrls
                 setter: setPhotoUrls
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: photoUrls
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                 nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: photoUrls
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPhotoUrls
                 setter: setPhotoUrls
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: photoUrls
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                 nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
               nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
               nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
               xmlName: photoUrl
               isXmlWrapped: true
           required: true
           hasRequired: true
         allParams: [
             isBodyParam: true
             isModel: true
             baseName: body
             paramName: body
             dataType: Pet
             description: Pet object that needs to be added to the store
             baseType: Pet
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Pet object that needs to be added to the store",
                           "content" : {
                             "application/json" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Pet"
                             "application/xml" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Pet"
                           "required" : true
             hasVars: true
             vars: [
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: id
                 complexType: long
                 getter: getId
                 setter: setId
                 dataType: Long
                 datatypeWithEnum: Long
                 dataFormat: int64
                 name: id
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
                 baseType: long
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "format" : "int64"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isLong: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Id
                 nameInSnakeCase: ID
                 openApiType: Category
                 baseName: category
                 complexType: Category
                 getter: getCategory
                 setter: setCategory
                 dataType: Category
                 datatypeWithEnum: Category
                 name: category
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.category;
                 baseType: Category
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Category"
                 isModel: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Category
                 nameInSnakeCase: CATEGORY
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: name
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getName
                 setter: setName
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: name
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
                 baseType: string
                 example: doggie
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "example" : "doggie"
                 required: true
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Name
                 nameInSnakeCase: NAME
                 openApiType: array
                 baseName: photoUrls
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPhotoUrls
                 setter: setPhotoUrls
                 dataType: List
                 datatypeWithEnum: List
                 name: photoUrls
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                 baseType: array
                 containerType: array
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "array",
                               "xml" : {
                                 "name" : "photoUrl",
                                 "wrapped" : true
                               "items" : {
                                 "type" : "string"
                 required: true
                 isContainer: true
                 isArray: true
                   openApiType: string
                   baseName: photoUrls
                   complexType: string
                   getter: getPhotoUrls
                   setter: setPhotoUrls
                   dataType: String
                   datatypeWithEnum: String
                   name: photoUrls
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                   baseType: string
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "type" : "string"
                   isString: true
                   nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                   nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                   openApiType: string
                   baseName: photoUrls
                   complexType: string
                   getter: getPhotoUrls
                   setter: setPhotoUrls
                   dataType: String
                   datatypeWithEnum: String
                   name: photoUrls
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                   baseType: string
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "type" : "string"
                   isString: true
                   nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                   nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                 nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 xmlName: photoUrl
                 isXmlWrapped: true
                 openApiType: array
                 baseName: tags
                 complexType: Tag
                 getter: getTags
                 setter: setTags
                 dataType: List
                 datatypeWithEnum: List
                 name: tags
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
                 baseType: array
                 containerType: array
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "array",
                               "xml" : {
                                 "name" : "tag",
                                 "wrapped" : true
                               "items" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
                 isContainer: true
                 isArray: true
                   openApiType: Tag
                   baseName: tags
                   complexType: Tag
                   getter: getTags
                   setter: setTags
                   dataType: Tag
                   datatypeWithEnum: Tag
                   name: tags
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
                   baseType: Tag
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
                   isModel: true
                   nameInCamelCase: Tags
                   nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
                   openApiType: Tag
                   baseName: tags
                   complexType: Tag
                   getter: getTags
                   setter: setTags
                   dataType: Tag
                   datatypeWithEnum: Tag
                   name: tags
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
                   baseType: Tag
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
                   isModel: true
                   nameInCamelCase: Tags
                   nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
                 nameInCamelCase: Tags
                 nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
                 xmlName: tag
                 isXmlWrapped: true
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: status
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getStatus
                 setter: setStatus
                 description: pet status in the store
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
                 name: status
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
                 baseType: string
                 unescapedDescription: pet status in the store
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "description" : "pet status in the store",
                               "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
                 isString: true
                 isEnum: true
                 _enum: [
                     0: available
                     1: pending
                     2: sold
                 allowableValues: {
                     values: [
                       0: available
                       1: pending
                       2: sold
                 nameInCamelCase: Status
                 nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
                 enumName: StatusEnum
             requiredVars: [
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: name
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getName
                 setter: setName
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: name
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
                 baseType: string
                 example: doggie
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "example" : "doggie"
                 required: true
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Name
                 nameInSnakeCase: NAME
                 openApiType: array
                 baseName: photoUrls
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPhotoUrls
                 setter: setPhotoUrls
                 dataType: List
                 datatypeWithEnum: List
                 name: photoUrls
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                 baseType: array
                 containerType: array
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "array",
                               "xml" : {
                                 "name" : "photoUrl",
                                 "wrapped" : true
                               "items" : {
                                 "type" : "string"
                 required: true
                 isContainer: true
                 isArray: true
                   openApiType: string
                   baseName: photoUrls
                   complexType: string
                   getter: getPhotoUrls
                   setter: setPhotoUrls
                   dataType: String
                   datatypeWithEnum: String
                   name: photoUrls
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                   baseType: string
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "type" : "string"
                   isString: true
                   nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                   nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                   openApiType: string
                   baseName: photoUrls
                   complexType: string
                   getter: getPhotoUrls
                   setter: setPhotoUrls
                   dataType: String
                   datatypeWithEnum: String
                   name: photoUrls
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                   baseType: string
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "type" : "string"
                   isString: true
                   nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                   nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                 nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 xmlName: photoUrl
                 isXmlWrapped: true
             required: true
             hasRequired: true
         bodyParams: [
             isBodyParam: true
             isModel: true
             baseName: body
             paramName: body
             dataType: Pet
             description: Pet object that needs to be added to the store
             baseType: Pet
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Pet object that needs to be added to the store",
                           "content" : {
                             "application/json" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Pet"
                             "application/xml" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Pet"
                           "required" : true
             hasVars: true
             vars: [
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: id
                 complexType: long
                 getter: getId
                 setter: setId
                 dataType: Long
                 datatypeWithEnum: Long
                 dataFormat: int64
                 name: id
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
                 baseType: long
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "format" : "int64"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isLong: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Id
                 nameInSnakeCase: ID
                 openApiType: Category
                 baseName: category
                 complexType: Category
                 getter: getCategory
                 setter: setCategory
                 dataType: Category
                 datatypeWithEnum: Category
                 name: category
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.category;
                 baseType: Category
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Category"
                 isModel: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Category
                 nameInSnakeCase: CATEGORY
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: name
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getName
                 setter: setName
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: name
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
                 baseType: string
                 example: doggie
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "example" : "doggie"
                 required: true
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Name
                 nameInSnakeCase: NAME
                 openApiType: array
                 baseName: photoUrls
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPhotoUrls
                 setter: setPhotoUrls
                 dataType: List
                 datatypeWithEnum: List
                 name: photoUrls
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                 baseType: array
                 containerType: array
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "array",
                               "xml" : {
                                 "name" : "photoUrl",
                                 "wrapped" : true
                               "items" : {
                                 "type" : "string"
                 required: true
                 isContainer: true
                 isArray: true
                   openApiType: string
                   baseName: photoUrls
                   complexType: string
                   getter: getPhotoUrls
                   setter: setPhotoUrls
                   dataType: String
                   datatypeWithEnum: String
                   name: photoUrls
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                   baseType: string
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "type" : "string"
                   isString: true
                   nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                   nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                   openApiType: string
                   baseName: photoUrls
                   complexType: string
                   getter: getPhotoUrls
                   setter: setPhotoUrls
                   dataType: String
                   datatypeWithEnum: String
                   name: photoUrls
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                   baseType: string
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "type" : "string"
                   isString: true
                   nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                   nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                 nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 xmlName: photoUrl
                 isXmlWrapped: true
                 openApiType: array
                 baseName: tags
                 complexType: Tag
                 getter: getTags
                 setter: setTags
                 dataType: List
                 datatypeWithEnum: List
                 name: tags
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
                 baseType: array
                 containerType: array
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "array",
                               "xml" : {
                                 "name" : "tag",
                                 "wrapped" : true
                               "items" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
                 isContainer: true
                 isArray: true
                   openApiType: Tag
                   baseName: tags
                   complexType: Tag
                   getter: getTags
                   setter: setTags
                   dataType: Tag
                   datatypeWithEnum: Tag
                   name: tags
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
                   baseType: Tag
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
                   isModel: true
                   nameInCamelCase: Tags
                   nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
                   openApiType: Tag
                   baseName: tags
                   complexType: Tag
                   getter: getTags
                   setter: setTags
                   dataType: Tag
                   datatypeWithEnum: Tag
                   name: tags
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
                   baseType: Tag
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
                   isModel: true
                   nameInCamelCase: Tags
                   nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
                 nameInCamelCase: Tags
                 nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
                 xmlName: tag
                 isXmlWrapped: true
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: status
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getStatus
                 setter: setStatus
                 description: pet status in the store
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
                 name: status
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
                 baseType: string
                 unescapedDescription: pet status in the store
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "description" : "pet status in the store",
                               "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
                 isString: true
                 isEnum: true
                 _enum: [
                     0: available
                     1: pending
                     2: sold
                 allowableValues: {
                     values: [
                       0: available
                       1: pending
                       2: sold
                 nameInCamelCase: Status
                 nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
                 enumName: StatusEnum
             requiredVars: [
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: name
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getName
                 setter: setName
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: name
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
                 baseType: string
                 example: doggie
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "example" : "doggie"
                 required: true
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Name
                 nameInSnakeCase: NAME
                 openApiType: array
                 baseName: photoUrls
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPhotoUrls
                 setter: setPhotoUrls
                 dataType: List
                 datatypeWithEnum: List
                 name: photoUrls
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                 baseType: array
                 containerType: array
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "array",
                               "xml" : {
                                 "name" : "photoUrl",
                                 "wrapped" : true
                               "items" : {
                                 "type" : "string"
                 required: true
                 isContainer: true
                 isArray: true
                   openApiType: string
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                   getter: getPhotoUrls
                   setter: setPhotoUrls
                   dataType: String
                   datatypeWithEnum: String
                   name: photoUrls
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                   baseType: string
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "type" : "string"
                   isString: true
                   nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                   nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                   openApiType: string
                   baseName: photoUrls
                   complexType: string
                   getter: getPhotoUrls
                   setter: setPhotoUrls
                   dataType: String
                   datatypeWithEnum: String
                   name: photoUrls
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                   baseType: string
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "type" : "string"
                   isString: true
                   nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                   nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                 nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 xmlName: photoUrl
                 isXmlWrapped: true
             required: true
             hasRequired: true
         requiredParams: [
             isBodyParam: true
             isModel: true
             baseName: body
             paramName: body
             dataType: Pet
             description: Pet object that needs to be added to the store
             baseType: Pet
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Pet object that needs to be added to the store",
                           "content" : {
                             "application/json" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Pet"
                             "application/xml" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Pet"
                           "required" : true
             hasVars: true
             vars: [
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: id
                 complexType: long
                 getter: getId
                 setter: setId
                 dataType: Long
                 datatypeWithEnum: Long
                 dataFormat: int64
                 name: id
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
                 baseType: long
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "format" : "int64"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isLong: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Id
                 nameInSnakeCase: ID
                 openApiType: Category
                 baseName: category
                 complexType: Category
                 getter: getCategory
                 setter: setCategory
                 dataType: Category
                 datatypeWithEnum: Category
                 name: category
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.category;
                 baseType: Category
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Category"
                 isModel: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Category
                 nameInSnakeCase: CATEGORY
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: name
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getName
                 setter: setName
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: name
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
                 baseType: string
                 example: doggie
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "example" : "doggie"
                 required: true
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Name
                 nameInSnakeCase: NAME
                 openApiType: array
                 baseName: photoUrls
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPhotoUrls
                 setter: setPhotoUrls
                 dataType: List
                 datatypeWithEnum: List
                 name: photoUrls
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                 baseType: array
                 containerType: array
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "array",
                               "xml" : {
                                 "name" : "photoUrl",
                                 "wrapped" : true
                               "items" : {
                                 "type" : "string"
                 required: true
                 isContainer: true
                 isArray: true
                   openApiType: string
                   baseName: photoUrls
                   complexType: string
                   getter: getPhotoUrls
                   setter: setPhotoUrls
                   dataType: String
                   datatypeWithEnum: String
                   name: photoUrls
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                   baseType: string
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "type" : "string"
                   isString: true
                   nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                   nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                   openApiType: string
                   baseName: photoUrls
                   complexType: string
                   getter: getPhotoUrls
                   setter: setPhotoUrls
                   dataType: String
                   datatypeWithEnum: String
                   name: photoUrls
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                   baseType: string
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "type" : "string"
                   isString: true
                   nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                   nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                 nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 xmlName: photoUrl
                 isXmlWrapped: true
                 openApiType: array
                 baseName: tags
                 complexType: Tag
                 getter: getTags
                 setter: setTags
                 dataType: List
                 datatypeWithEnum: List
                 name: tags
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
                 baseType: array
                 containerType: array
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "array",
                               "xml" : {
                                 "name" : "tag",
                                 "wrapped" : true
                               "items" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
                 isContainer: true
                 isArray: true
                   openApiType: Tag
                   baseName: tags
                   complexType: Tag
                   getter: getTags
                   setter: setTags
                   dataType: Tag
                   datatypeWithEnum: Tag
                   name: tags
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
                   baseType: Tag
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
                   isModel: true
                   nameInCamelCase: Tags
                   nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
                   openApiType: Tag
                   baseName: tags
                   complexType: Tag
                   getter: getTags
                   setter: setTags
                   dataType: Tag
                   datatypeWithEnum: Tag
                   name: tags
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
                   baseType: Tag
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
                   isModel: true
                   nameInCamelCase: Tags
                   nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
                 nameInCamelCase: Tags
                 nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
                 xmlName: tag
                 isXmlWrapped: true
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: status
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getStatus
                 setter: setStatus
                 description: pet status in the store
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
                 name: status
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
                 baseType: string
                 unescapedDescription: pet status in the store
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "description" : "pet status in the store",
                               "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
                 isString: true
                 isEnum: true
                 _enum: [
                     0: available
                     1: pending
                     2: sold
                 allowableValues: {
                     values: [
                       0: available
                       1: pending
                       2: sold
                 nameInCamelCase: Status
                 nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
                 enumName: StatusEnum
             requiredVars: [
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: name
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getName
                 setter: setName
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: name
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
                 baseType: string
                 example: doggie
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "example" : "doggie"
                 required: true
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Name
                 nameInSnakeCase: NAME
                 openApiType: array
                 baseName: photoUrls
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPhotoUrls
                 setter: setPhotoUrls
                 dataType: List
                 datatypeWithEnum: List
                 name: photoUrls
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                 baseType: array
                 containerType: array
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "array",
                               "xml" : {
                                 "name" : "photoUrl",
                                 "wrapped" : true
                               "items" : {
                                 "type" : "string"
                 required: true
                 isContainer: true
                 isArray: true
                   openApiType: string
                   baseName: photoUrls
                   complexType: string
                   getter: getPhotoUrls
                   setter: setPhotoUrls
                   dataType: String
                   datatypeWithEnum: String
                   name: photoUrls
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                   baseType: string
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "type" : "string"
                   isString: true
                   nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                   nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                   openApiType: string
                   baseName: photoUrls
                   complexType: string
                   getter: getPhotoUrls
                   setter: setPhotoUrls
                   dataType: String
                   datatypeWithEnum: String
                   name: photoUrls
                   defaultValue: null
                   defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
                   baseType: string
                   example: null
                   jsonSchema: {
                                 "type" : "string"
                   isString: true
                   nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                   nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
                 nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
                 xmlName: photoUrl
                 isXmlWrapped: true
             required: true
             hasRequired: true
         authMethods: [
             name: petstore_auth
             type: oauth2
             isOAuth: true
             flow: implicit
             authorizationUrl: http://petstore.swagger.io/api/oauth/dialog
             scopes: [
                 0: {
                   scope: write:pets
                   description: modify pets in your account
                 1: {
                   scope: read:pets
                   description: read your pets
             isImplicit: true
         tags: [
             name: pet
             description: Everything about your Pets
         responses: [
             code: 400
             is4xx: true
             message: Invalid ID supplied
             simpleType: true
             primitiveType: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Invalid ID supplied",
                           "content" : { }
             code: 404
             is4xx: true
             message: Pet not found
             simpleType: true
             primitiveType: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Pet not found",
                           "content" : { }
             code: 405
             is4xx: true
             message: Validation exception
             simpleType: true
             primitiveType: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Validation exception",
                           "content" : { }
         imports: [Pet]
         imports: {
             - Pet
         requestBodyExamples: [
             0: {
               contentType: application/json
               example: {
                          "photoUrls" : [ "photoUrls", "photoUrls" ],
                          "name" : "doggie",
                          "id" : 0,
                          "category" : {
                            "name" : "name",
                            "id" : 6
                          "tags" : [ {
                            "name" : "name",
                            "id" : 1
                          }, {
                            "name" : "name",
                            "id" : 1
                          } ],
                          "status" : "available"
             1: {
               contentType: application/xml
               example: <Pet>
         vendorExtensions: {
             x-codegen-request-body-name: body
         nickname: updatePet
         operationIdOriginal: updatePet
         operationIdLowerCase: updatepet
         operationIdCamelCase: UpdatePet
         operationIdSnakeCase: update_pet
         hasAuthMethods: true
         hasConsumes: true
         hasParams: true
         hasOptionalParams: true
         hasRequiredParams: true
         path: /pet/{petId}
         operationId: updatePetWithForm
         httpMethod: POST
         summary: Updates a pet in the store with form data
         baseName: Pet
         consumes: [
             0: {
               mediaType: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
         allParams: [
             isPathParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: petId
             paramName: petId
             dataType: Long
             dataFormat: int64
             description: ID of pet that needs to be updated
             unescapedDescription: ID of pet that needs to be updated
             defaultValue: null
             example: 789
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "petId",
                           "in" : "path",
                           "description" : "ID of pet that needs to be updated",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "integer",
                             "format" : "int64"
             isLong: true
             required: true
             isFormParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: name
             paramName: name
             dataType: String
             description: Updated name of the pet
             unescapedDescription: Updated name of the pet
             baseType: string
             defaultValue: null
             example: name_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string",
                           "description" : "Updated name of the pet"
             isString: true
             isFormParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: status
             paramName: status
             dataType: String
             description: Updated status of the pet
             unescapedDescription: Updated status of the pet
             baseType: string
             defaultValue: null
             example: status_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string",
                           "description" : "Updated status of the pet"
             isString: true
         pathParams: [
             isPathParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: petId
             paramName: petId
             dataType: Long
             dataFormat: int64
             description: ID of pet that needs to be updated
             unescapedDescription: ID of pet that needs to be updated
             defaultValue: null
             example: 789
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "petId",
                           "in" : "path",
                           "description" : "ID of pet that needs to be updated",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "integer",
                             "format" : "int64"
             isLong: true
             required: true
         formParams: [
             isFormParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: name
             paramName: name
             dataType: String
             description: Updated name of the pet
             unescapedDescription: Updated name of the pet
             baseType: string
             defaultValue: null
             example: name_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string",
                           "description" : "Updated name of the pet"
             isString: true
             isFormParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: status
             paramName: status
             dataType: String
             description: Updated status of the pet
             unescapedDescription: Updated status of the pet
             baseType: string
             defaultValue: null
             example: status_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string",
                           "description" : "Updated status of the pet"
             isString: true
         requiredParams: [
             isPathParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: petId
             paramName: petId
             dataType: Long
             dataFormat: int64
             description: ID of pet that needs to be updated
             unescapedDescription: ID of pet that needs to be updated
             defaultValue: null
             example: 789
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "petId",
                           "in" : "path",
                           "description" : "ID of pet that needs to be updated",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "integer",
                             "format" : "int64"
             isLong: true
             required: true
         optionalParams: [
             isFormParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: name
             paramName: name
             dataType: String
             description: Updated name of the pet
             unescapedDescription: Updated name of the pet
             baseType: string
             defaultValue: null
             example: name_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string",
                           "description" : "Updated name of the pet"
             isString: true
             isFormParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: status
             paramName: status
             dataType: String
             description: Updated status of the pet
             unescapedDescription: Updated status of the pet
             baseType: string
             defaultValue: null
             example: status_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string",
                           "description" : "Updated status of the pet"
             isString: true
         authMethods: [
             name: petstore_auth
             type: oauth2
             isOAuth: true
             flow: implicit
             authorizationUrl: http://petstore.swagger.io/api/oauth/dialog
             scopes: [
                 0: {
                   scope: write:pets
                   description: modify pets in your account
                 1: {
                   scope: read:pets
                   description: read your pets
             isImplicit: true
         tags: [
             name: pet
             description: Everything about your Pets
         responses: [
             code: 405
             is4xx: true
             message: Invalid input
             simpleType: true
             primitiveType: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Invalid input",
                           "content" : { }
         imports: [string]
         imports: {
             - string
         nickname: updatePetWithForm
         operationIdOriginal: updatePetWithForm
         operationIdLowerCase: updatepetwithform
         operationIdCamelCase: UpdatePetWithForm
         operationIdSnakeCase: update_pet_with_form
         hasAuthMethods: true
         hasConsumes: true
         hasProduces: true
         hasParams: true
         hasOptionalParams: true
         hasRequiredParams: true
         returnSimpleType: true
         isMultipart: true
         hasReference: true
         path: /pet/{petId}/uploadImage
         operationId: uploadFile
         returnType: ApiResponse
         httpMethod: POST
         returnBaseType: ApiResponse
         summary: uploads an image
         baseName: Pet
         defaultResponse: null
         consumes: [
             0: {
               mediaType: multipart/form-data
         produces: [
             0: {
               mediaType: application/json
         allParams: [
             isPathParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: petId
             paramName: petId
             dataType: Long
             dataFormat: int64
             description: ID of pet to update
             unescapedDescription: ID of pet to update
             defaultValue: null
             example: 789
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "petId",
                           "in" : "path",
                           "description" : "ID of pet to update",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "integer",
                             "format" : "int64"
             isLong: true
             required: true
             isFormParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: additionalMetadata
             paramName: additionalMetadata
             dataType: String
             description: Additional data to pass to server
             unescapedDescription: Additional data to pass to server
             baseType: string
             defaultValue: null
             example: additionalMetadata_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string",
                           "description" : "Additional data to pass to server"
             isString: true
             isFormParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: file
             paramName: file
             dataType: File
             dataFormat: binary
             description: file to upload
             unescapedDescription: file to upload
             baseType: file
             defaultValue: null
             example: BINARY_DATA_HERE
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string",
                           "description" : "file to upload",
                           "format" : "binary"
             isBinary: true
             isFile: true
         pathParams: [
             isPathParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: petId
             paramName: petId
             dataType: Long
             dataFormat: int64
             description: ID of pet to update
             unescapedDescription: ID of pet to update
             defaultValue: null
             example: 789
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "petId",
                           "in" : "path",
                           "description" : "ID of pet to update",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "integer",
                             "format" : "int64"
             isLong: true
             required: true
         formParams: [
             isFormParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: additionalMetadata
             paramName: additionalMetadata
             dataType: String
             description: Additional data to pass to server
             unescapedDescription: Additional data to pass to server
             baseType: string
             defaultValue: null
             example: additionalMetadata_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string",
                           "description" : "Additional data to pass to server"
             isString: true
             isFormParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: file
             paramName: file
             dataType: File
             dataFormat: binary
             description: file to upload
             unescapedDescription: file to upload
             baseType: file
             defaultValue: null
             example: BINARY_DATA_HERE
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string",
                           "description" : "file to upload",
                           "format" : "binary"
             isBinary: true
             isFile: true
         requiredParams: [
             isPathParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: petId
             paramName: petId
             dataType: Long
             dataFormat: int64
             description: ID of pet to update
             unescapedDescription: ID of pet to update
             defaultValue: null
             example: 789
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "petId",
                           "in" : "path",
                           "description" : "ID of pet to update",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "integer",
                             "format" : "int64"
             isLong: true
             required: true
         optionalParams: [
             isFormParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: additionalMetadata
             paramName: additionalMetadata
             dataType: String
             description: Additional data to pass to server
             unescapedDescription: Additional data to pass to server
             baseType: string
             defaultValue: null
             example: additionalMetadata_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string",
                           "description" : "Additional data to pass to server"
             isString: true
             isFormParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: file
             paramName: file
             dataType: File
             dataFormat: binary
             description: file to upload
             unescapedDescription: file to upload
             baseType: file
             defaultValue: null
             example: BINARY_DATA_HERE
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string",
                           "description" : "file to upload",
                           "format" : "binary"
             isBinary: true
             isFile: true
         authMethods: [
             name: petstore_auth
             type: oauth2
             isOAuth: true
             flow: implicit
             authorizationUrl: http://petstore.swagger.io/api/oauth/dialog
             scopes: [
                 0: {
                   scope: write:pets
                   description: modify pets in your account
                 1: {
                   scope: read:pets
                   description: read your pets
             isImplicit: true
         tags: [
             name: pet
             description: Everything about your Pets
         responses: [
             code: 200
             is2xx: true
             message: successful operation
             dataType: ApiResponse
             baseType: ApiResponse
             isModel: true
             simpleType: true
               $ref: #/components/schemas/ApiResponse
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "successful operation",
                           "content" : {
                             "application/json" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ApiResponse"
         imports: [file, string, ApiResponse]
         imports: {
             - file
             - string
             - ApiResponse
         examples: [
             0: {
               contentType: application/json
               example: {
                          "code" : 0,
                          "type" : "type",
                          "message" : "message"
               statusCode: 200
         nickname: uploadFile
         operationIdOriginal: uploadFile
         operationIdLowerCase: uploadfile
         operationIdCamelCase: UploadFile
         operationIdSnakeCase: upload_file
       pathPrefix: pet
     package: org.openapitools.api
     imports: [
       0: {
         import: org.openapitools.model.ApiResponse
         classname: ApiResponse
       1: {
         import: org.openapitools.model.Pet
         classname: Pet
       2: {
         import: org.openapitools.model.file
         classname: file
       3: {
         import: org.openapitools.model.string
         classname: string
     hasImport: true
 --- allModels ---
     0: {
       importPath: org.openapitools.model.ApiResponse
       name: ApiResponse
       classname: ApiResponse
       title: An uploaded response
       description: Describes the result of uploading an image resource
       classVarName: ApiResponse
       modelJson: {
                    "title" : "An uploaded response",
                    "type" : "object",
                    "properties" : {
                      "code" : {
                        "type" : "integer",
                        "format" : "int32"
                      "type" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                      "message" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                    "description" : "Describes the result of uploading an image resource"
       dataType: object
       classFilename: ApiResponse
       unescapedDescription: Describes the result of uploading an image resource
       vars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: code
           complexType: integer
           getter: getCode
           setter: setCode
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: code
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.code;
           baseType: integer
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int32"
           isNumeric: true
           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: Code
           nameInSnakeCase: CODE
           openApiType: string
           baseName: type
           complexType: string
           getter: getType
           setter: setType
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: type
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.type;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Type
           nameInSnakeCase: TYPE
           openApiType: string
           baseName: message
           complexType: string
           getter: getMessage
           setter: setMessage
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: message
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.message;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Message
           nameInSnakeCase: MESSAGE
       allVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: code
           complexType: integer
           getter: getCode
           setter: setCode
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: code
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.code;
           baseType: integer
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int32"
           isNumeric: true
           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: Code
           nameInSnakeCase: CODE
           openApiType: string
           baseName: type
           complexType: string
           getter: getType
           setter: setType
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: type
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.type;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Type
           nameInSnakeCase: TYPE
           openApiType: string
           baseName: message
           complexType: string
           getter: getMessage
           setter: setMessage
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: message
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.message;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Message
           nameInSnakeCase: MESSAGE
       optionalVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: code
           complexType: integer
           getter: getCode
           setter: setCode
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: code
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.code;
           baseType: integer
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int32"
           isNumeric: true
           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: Code
           nameInSnakeCase: CODE
           openApiType: string
           baseName: type
           complexType: string
           getter: getType
           setter: setType
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: type
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.type;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Type
           nameInSnakeCase: TYPE
           openApiType: string
           baseName: message
           complexType: string
           getter: getMessage
           setter: setMessage
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: message
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.message;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Message
           nameInSnakeCase: MESSAGE
       readWriteVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: code
           complexType: integer
           getter: getCode
           setter: setCode
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: code
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.code;
           baseType: integer
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int32"
           isNumeric: true
           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: Code
           nameInSnakeCase: CODE
           openApiType: string
           baseName: type
           complexType: string
           getter: getType
           setter: setType
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: type
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.type;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Type
           nameInSnakeCase: TYPE
           openApiType: string
           baseName: message
           complexType: string
           getter: getMessage
           setter: setMessage
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: message
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.message;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Message
           nameInSnakeCase: MESSAGE
       imports: [integer, string]
       imports: {
           - integer
           - string
       hasVars: true
       hasOptional: true
     1: {
       importPath: org.openapitools.model.Category
       name: Category
       classname: Category
       title: Pet category
       description: A category for a pet
       classVarName: Category
       modelJson: {
                    "title" : "Pet category",
                    "type" : "object",
                    "properties" : {
                      "id" : {
                        "type" : "integer",
                        "format" : "int64"
                      "name" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                    "description" : "A category for a pet",
                    "xml" : {
                      "name" : "Category"
       dataType: object
       xmlName: Category
       classFilename: Category
       unescapedDescription: A category for a pet
       vars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
       allVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
       optionalVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
       readWriteVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
       imports: [string]
       imports: {
           - string
       hasVars: true
       hasOptional: true
     2: {
       importPath: org.openapitools.model.Order
       name: Order
       classname: Order
       title: Pet Order
       description: An order for a pets from the pet store
       classVarName: Order
       modelJson: {
                    "title" : "Pet Order",
                    "type" : "object",
                    "properties" : {
                      "id" : {
                        "type" : "integer",
                        "format" : "int64"
                      "petId" : {
                        "type" : "integer",
                        "format" : "int64"
                      "quantity" : {
                        "type" : "integer",
                        "format" : "int32"
                      "shipDate" : {
                        "type" : "string",
                        "format" : "date-time"
                      "status" : {
                        "type" : "string",
                        "description" : "Order Status",
                        "enum" : [ "placed", "approved", "delivered" ]
                      "complete" : {
                        "type" : "boolean",
                        "default" : false
                    "description" : "An order for a pets from the pet store",
                    "xml" : {
                      "name" : "Order"
       dataType: object
       xmlName: Order
       classFilename: Order
       unescapedDescription: An order for a pets from the pet store
       vars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: petId
           complexType: long
           getter: getPetId
           setter: setPetId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: petId
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.petId;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: PetId
           nameInSnakeCase: PET_ID
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: quantity
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           getter: getQuantity
           setter: setQuantity
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: quantity
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.quantity;
           baseType: integer
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int32"
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           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: Quantity
           nameInSnakeCase: QUANTITY
           openApiType: string
           baseName: shipDate
           complexType: DateTime
           getter: getShipDate
           setter: setShipDate
           dataType: Date
           datatypeWithEnum: Date
           dataFormat: date-time
           name: shipDate
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.shipDate;
           baseType: DateTime
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "format" : "date-time"
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           nameInCamelCase: ShipDate
           nameInSnakeCase: SHIP_DATE
           openApiType: string
           baseName: status
           complexType: string
           getter: getStatus
           setter: setStatus
           description: Order Status
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
           name: status
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
           baseType: string
           unescapedDescription: Order Status
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "description" : "Order Status",
                         "enum" : [ "placed", "approved", "delivered" ]
           isString: true
           isEnum: true
           _enum: [
               0: placed
               1: approved
               2: delivered
           allowableValues: {
               values: [
                 0: placed
                 1: approved
                 2: delivered
           nameInCamelCase: Status
           nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
           enumName: StatusEnum
           openApiType: boolean
           baseName: complete
           complexType: boolean
           getter: getComplete
           setter: setComplete
           dataType: Boolean
           datatypeWithEnum: Boolean
           name: complete
           defaultValue: false
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.complete;
           baseType: boolean
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "boolean",
                         "default" : false
           isBoolean: true
           nameInCamelCase: Complete
           nameInSnakeCase: COMPLETE
       allVars: [
           openApiType: integer
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           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
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           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: petId
           complexType: long
           getter: getPetId
           setter: setPetId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: petId
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.petId;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
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           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: PetId
           nameInSnakeCase: PET_ID
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: quantity
           complexType: integer
           getter: getQuantity
           setter: setQuantity
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: quantity
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.quantity;
           baseType: integer
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int32"
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           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: Quantity
           nameInSnakeCase: QUANTITY
           openApiType: string
           baseName: shipDate
           complexType: DateTime
           getter: getShipDate
           setter: setShipDate
           dataType: Date
           datatypeWithEnum: Date
           dataFormat: date-time
           name: shipDate
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.shipDate;
           baseType: DateTime
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "format" : "date-time"
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           nameInCamelCase: ShipDate
           nameInSnakeCase: SHIP_DATE
           openApiType: string
           baseName: status
           complexType: string
           getter: getStatus
           setter: setStatus
           description: Order Status
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
           name: status
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
           baseType: string
           unescapedDescription: Order Status
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "description" : "Order Status",
                         "enum" : [ "placed", "approved", "delivered" ]
           isString: true
           isEnum: true
           _enum: [
               0: placed
               1: approved
               2: delivered
           allowableValues: {
               values: [
                 0: placed
                 1: approved
                 2: delivered
           nameInCamelCase: Status
           nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
           enumName: StatusEnum
           openApiType: boolean
           baseName: complete
           complexType: boolean
           getter: getComplete
           setter: setComplete
           dataType: Boolean
           datatypeWithEnum: Boolean
           name: complete
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           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.complete;
           baseType: boolean
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "boolean",
                         "default" : false
           isBoolean: true
           nameInCamelCase: Complete
           nameInSnakeCase: COMPLETE
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           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
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           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
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           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
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           getter: getPetId
           setter: setPetId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: petId
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.petId;
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           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
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           nameInSnakeCase: PET_ID
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           getter: getQuantity
           setter: setQuantity
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: quantity
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.quantity;
           baseType: integer
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
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           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
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           nameInSnakeCase: QUANTITY
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           getter: getShipDate
           setter: setShipDate
           dataType: Date
           datatypeWithEnum: Date
           dataFormat: date-time
           name: shipDate
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.shipDate;
           baseType: DateTime
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "format" : "date-time"
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           nameInSnakeCase: SHIP_DATE
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           setter: setStatus
           description: Order Status
           dataType: String
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           name: status
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
           baseType: string
           unescapedDescription: Order Status
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "description" : "Order Status",
                         "enum" : [ "placed", "approved", "delivered" ]
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               0: placed
               1: approved
               2: delivered
           allowableValues: {
               values: [
                 0: placed
                 1: approved
                 2: delivered
           nameInCamelCase: Status
           nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
           enumName: StatusEnum
           openApiType: boolean
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           setter: setComplete
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           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
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                         "default" : false
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           nameInSnakeCase: COMPLETE
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           setter: setId
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           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
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           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
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           nameInSnakeCase: ID
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           setter: setPetId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: petId
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           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
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           nameInSnakeCase: PET_ID
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           getter: getQuantity
           setter: setQuantity
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
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           name: quantity
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           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.quantity;
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           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
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           setter: setShipDate
           dataType: Date
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           name: shipDate
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           baseType: DateTime
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "format" : "date-time"
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           nameInSnakeCase: SHIP_DATE
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           setter: setStatus
           description: Order Status
           dataType: String
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           name: status
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
           baseType: string
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           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "description" : "Order Status",
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               0: placed
               1: approved
               2: delivered
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               values: [
                 0: placed
                 1: approved
                 2: delivered
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           nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
           enumName: StatusEnum
           openApiType: boolean
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           setter: setComplete
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           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
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           nameInSnakeCase: COMPLETE
       imports: [DateTime, integer, string]
       imports: {
           - DateTime
           - integer
           - string
       hasVars: true
       hasEnums: true
       hasOptional: true
     3: {
       importPath: org.openapitools.model.Pet
       name: Pet
       classname: Pet
       title: a Pet
       description: A pet for sale in the pet store
       classVarName: Pet
       modelJson: {
                    "title" : "a Pet",
                    "required" : [ "name", "photoUrls" ],
                    "type" : "object",
                    "properties" : {
                      "id" : {
                        "type" : "integer",
                        "format" : "int64"
                      "category" : {
                        "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Category"
                      "name" : {
                        "type" : "string",
                        "example" : "doggie"
                      "photoUrls" : {
                        "type" : "array",
                        "xml" : {
                          "name" : "photoUrl",
                          "wrapped" : true
                        "items" : {
                          "type" : "string"
                      "tags" : {
                        "type" : "array",
                        "xml" : {
                          "name" : "tag",
                          "wrapped" : true
                        "items" : {
                          "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
                      "status" : {
                        "type" : "string",
                        "description" : "pet status in the store",
                        "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
                    "description" : "A pet for sale in the pet store",
                    "xml" : {
                      "name" : "Pet"
       dataType: object
       xmlName: Pet
       classFilename: Pet
       unescapedDescription: A pet for sale in the pet store
       vars: [
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           baseName: id
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           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
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           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: Category
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           getter: getCategory
           setter: setCategory
           dataType: Category
           datatypeWithEnum: Category
           name: category
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.category;
           baseType: Category
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Category"
           isModel: true
           nameInCamelCase: Category
           nameInSnakeCase: CATEGORY
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
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           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: doggie
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "example" : "doggie"
           required: true
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
           openApiType: array
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           complexType: string
           getter: getPhotoUrls
           setter: setPhotoUrls
           dataType: List
           datatypeWithEnum: List
           name: photoUrls
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
           baseType: array
           containerType: array
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "array",
                         "xml" : {
                           "name" : "photoUrl",
                           "wrapped" : true
                         "items" : {
                           "type" : "string"
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           isContainer: true
           isArray: true
             openApiType: string
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             setter: setPhotoUrls
             dataType: String
             datatypeWithEnum: String
             name: photoUrls
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
             baseType: string
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string"
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             nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
             openApiType: string
             baseName: photoUrls
             complexType: string
             getter: getPhotoUrls
             setter: setPhotoUrls
             dataType: String
             datatypeWithEnum: String
             name: photoUrls
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
             baseType: string
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
             nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
           nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
           nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
           xmlName: photoUrl
           isXmlWrapped: true
           openApiType: array
           baseName: tags
           complexType: Tag
           getter: getTags
           setter: setTags
           dataType: List
           datatypeWithEnum: List
           name: tags
           defaultValue: null
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           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "array",
                         "xml" : {
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                           "wrapped" : true
                         "items" : {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
           isContainer: true
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             setter: setTags
             dataType: Tag
             datatypeWithEnum: Tag
             name: tags
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             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
             baseType: Tag
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
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             setter: setTags
             dataType: Tag
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             name: tags
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
             baseType: Tag
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
             isModel: true
             nameInCamelCase: Tags
             nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
           nameInCamelCase: Tags
           nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
           xmlName: tag
           isXmlWrapped: true
           openApiType: string
           baseName: status
           complexType: string
           getter: getStatus
           setter: setStatus
           description: pet status in the store
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
           name: status
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
           baseType: string
           unescapedDescription: pet status in the store
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "description" : "pet status in the store",
                         "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
           isString: true
           isEnum: true
           _enum: [
               0: available
               1: pending
               2: sold
           allowableValues: {
               values: [
                 0: available
                 1: pending
                 2: sold
           nameInCamelCase: Status
           nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
           enumName: StatusEnum
       allVars: [
           openApiType: integer
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           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
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           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
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           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: Category
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           getter: getCategory
           setter: setCategory
           dataType: Category
           datatypeWithEnum: Category
           name: category
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.category;
           baseType: Category
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Category"
           isModel: true
           nameInCamelCase: Category
           nameInSnakeCase: CATEGORY
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
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           name: name
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           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: doggie
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "example" : "doggie"
           required: true
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
           openApiType: array
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           getter: getPhotoUrls
           setter: setPhotoUrls
           dataType: List
           datatypeWithEnum: List
           name: photoUrls
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
           baseType: array
           containerType: array
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "array",
                         "xml" : {
                           "name" : "photoUrl",
                           "wrapped" : true
                         "items" : {
                           "type" : "string"
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           isContainer: true
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             setter: setPhotoUrls
             dataType: String
             datatypeWithEnum: String
             name: photoUrls
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
             baseType: string
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string"
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             nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
             openApiType: string
             baseName: photoUrls
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             getter: getPhotoUrls
             setter: setPhotoUrls
             dataType: String
             datatypeWithEnum: String
             name: photoUrls
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
             baseType: string
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
             nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
           nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
           nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
           xmlName: photoUrl
           isXmlWrapped: true
           openApiType: array
           baseName: tags
           complexType: Tag
           getter: getTags
           setter: setTags
           dataType: List
           datatypeWithEnum: List
           name: tags
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
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           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "array",
                         "xml" : {
                           "name" : "tag",
                           "wrapped" : true
                         "items" : {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
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             setter: setTags
             dataType: Tag
             datatypeWithEnum: Tag
             name: tags
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
             baseType: Tag
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
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             nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
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             complexType: Tag
             getter: getTags
             setter: setTags
             dataType: Tag
             datatypeWithEnum: Tag
             name: tags
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             baseType: Tag
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
             isModel: true
             nameInCamelCase: Tags
             nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
           nameInCamelCase: Tags
           nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
           xmlName: tag
           isXmlWrapped: true
           openApiType: string
           baseName: status
           complexType: string
           getter: getStatus
           setter: setStatus
           description: pet status in the store
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
           name: status
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
           baseType: string
           unescapedDescription: pet status in the store
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "description" : "pet status in the store",
                         "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
           isString: true
           isEnum: true
           _enum: [
               0: available
               1: pending
               2: sold
           allowableValues: {
               values: [
                 0: available
                 1: pending
                 2: sold
           nameInCamelCase: Status
           nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
           enumName: StatusEnum
       requiredVars: [
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: doggie
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "example" : "doggie"
           required: true
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
           openApiType: array
           baseName: photoUrls
           complexType: string
           getter: getPhotoUrls
           setter: setPhotoUrls
           dataType: List
           datatypeWithEnum: List
           name: photoUrls
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
           baseType: array
           containerType: array
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "array",
                         "xml" : {
                           "name" : "photoUrl",
                           "wrapped" : true
                         "items" : {
                           "type" : "string"
           required: true
           isContainer: true
           isArray: true
             openApiType: string
             baseName: photoUrls
             complexType: string
             getter: getPhotoUrls
             setter: setPhotoUrls
             dataType: String
             datatypeWithEnum: String
             name: photoUrls
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
             baseType: string
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
             nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
             openApiType: string
             baseName: photoUrls
             complexType: string
             getter: getPhotoUrls
             setter: setPhotoUrls
             dataType: String
             datatypeWithEnum: String
             name: photoUrls
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
             baseType: string
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
             nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
           nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
           nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
           xmlName: photoUrl
           isXmlWrapped: true
       optionalVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: Category
           baseName: category
           complexType: Category
           getter: getCategory
           setter: setCategory
           dataType: Category
           datatypeWithEnum: Category
           name: category
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.category;
           baseType: Category
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Category"
           isModel: true
           nameInCamelCase: Category
           nameInSnakeCase: CATEGORY
           openApiType: array
           baseName: tags
           complexType: Tag
           getter: getTags
           setter: setTags
           dataType: List
           datatypeWithEnum: List
           name: tags
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
           baseType: array
           containerType: array
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "array",
                         "xml" : {
                           "name" : "tag",
                           "wrapped" : true
                         "items" : {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
           isContainer: true
           isArray: true
             openApiType: Tag
             baseName: tags
             complexType: Tag
             getter: getTags
             setter: setTags
             dataType: Tag
             datatypeWithEnum: Tag
             name: tags
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
             baseType: Tag
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
             isModel: true
             nameInCamelCase: Tags
             nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
             openApiType: Tag
             baseName: tags
             complexType: Tag
             getter: getTags
             setter: setTags
             dataType: Tag
             datatypeWithEnum: Tag
             name: tags
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
             baseType: Tag
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
             isModel: true
             nameInCamelCase: Tags
             nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
           nameInCamelCase: Tags
           nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
           xmlName: tag
           isXmlWrapped: true
           openApiType: string
           baseName: status
           complexType: string
           getter: getStatus
           setter: setStatus
           description: pet status in the store
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
           name: status
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
           baseType: string
           unescapedDescription: pet status in the store
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "description" : "pet status in the store",
                         "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
           isString: true
           isEnum: true
           _enum: [
               0: available
               1: pending
               2: sold
           allowableValues: {
               values: [
                 0: available
                 1: pending
                 2: sold
           nameInCamelCase: Status
           nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
           enumName: StatusEnum
       readWriteVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: Category
           baseName: category
           complexType: Category
           getter: getCategory
           setter: setCategory
           dataType: Category
           datatypeWithEnum: Category
           name: category
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.category;
           baseType: Category
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Category"
           isModel: true
           nameInCamelCase: Category
           nameInSnakeCase: CATEGORY
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: doggie
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "example" : "doggie"
           required: true
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
           openApiType: array
           baseName: photoUrls
           complexType: string
           getter: getPhotoUrls
           setter: setPhotoUrls
           dataType: List
           datatypeWithEnum: List
           name: photoUrls
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
           baseType: array
           containerType: array
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "array",
                         "xml" : {
                           "name" : "photoUrl",
                           "wrapped" : true
                         "items" : {
                           "type" : "string"
           required: true
           isContainer: true
           isArray: true
             openApiType: string
             baseName: photoUrls
             complexType: string
             getter: getPhotoUrls
             setter: setPhotoUrls
             dataType: String
             datatypeWithEnum: String
             name: photoUrls
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
             baseType: string
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
             nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
             openApiType: string
             baseName: photoUrls
             complexType: string
             getter: getPhotoUrls
             setter: setPhotoUrls
             dataType: String
             datatypeWithEnum: String
             name: photoUrls
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
             baseType: string
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
             nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
           nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
           nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
           xmlName: photoUrl
           isXmlWrapped: true
           openApiType: array
           baseName: tags
           complexType: Tag
           getter: getTags
           setter: setTags
           dataType: List
           datatypeWithEnum: List
           name: tags
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
           baseType: array
           containerType: array
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "array",
                         "xml" : {
                           "name" : "tag",
                           "wrapped" : true
                         "items" : {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
           isContainer: true
           isArray: true
             openApiType: Tag
             baseName: tags
             complexType: Tag
             getter: getTags
             setter: setTags
             dataType: Tag
             datatypeWithEnum: Tag
             name: tags
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
             baseType: Tag
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
             isModel: true
             nameInCamelCase: Tags
             nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
             openApiType: Tag
             baseName: tags
             complexType: Tag
             getter: getTags
             setter: setTags
             dataType: Tag
             datatypeWithEnum: Tag
             name: tags
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
             baseType: Tag
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
             isModel: true
             nameInCamelCase: Tags
             nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
           nameInCamelCase: Tags
           nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
           xmlName: tag
           isXmlWrapped: true
           openApiType: string
           baseName: status
           complexType: string
           getter: getStatus
           setter: setStatus
           description: pet status in the store
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
           name: status
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
           baseType: string
           unescapedDescription: pet status in the store
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "description" : "pet status in the store",
                         "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
           isString: true
           isEnum: true
           _enum: [
               0: available
               1: pending
               2: sold
           allowableValues: {
               values: [
                 0: available
                 1: pending
                 2: sold
           nameInCamelCase: Status
           nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
           enumName: StatusEnum
       mandatory: [name, photoUrls]
       mandatory: {
           - name
           - photoUrls
       allMandatory: [name, photoUrls]
       allMandatory: {
           - name
           - photoUrls
       imports: [Category, List, Tag, array, string]
       imports: {
           - Category
           - List
           - Tag
           - array
           - string
       hasVars: true
       hasEnums: true
       hasRequired: true
       hasOptional: true
     4: {
       importPath: org.openapitools.model.Tag
       name: Tag
       classname: Tag
       title: Pet Tag
       description: A tag for a pet
       classVarName: Tag
       modelJson: {
                    "title" : "Pet Tag",
                    "type" : "object",
                    "properties" : {
                      "id" : {
                        "type" : "integer",
                        "format" : "int64"
                      "name" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                    "description" : "A tag for a pet",
                    "xml" : {
                      "name" : "Tag"
       dataType: object
       xmlName: Tag
       classFilename: Tag
       unescapedDescription: A tag for a pet
       vars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
       allVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
       optionalVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
       readWriteVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
       imports: [string]
       imports: {
           - string
       hasVars: true
       hasOptional: true
     5: {
       importPath: org.openapitools.model.User
       name: User
       classname: User
       title: a User
       description: A User who is purchasing from the pet store
       classVarName: User
       modelJson: {
                    "title" : "a User",
                    "type" : "object",
                    "properties" : {
                      "id" : {
                        "type" : "integer",
                        "format" : "int64"
                      "username" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                      "firstName" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                      "lastName" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                      "email" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                      "password" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                      "phone" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                      "userStatus" : {
                        "type" : "integer",
                        "description" : "User Status",
                        "format" : "int32"
                    "description" : "A User who is purchasing from the pet store",
                    "xml" : {
                      "name" : "User"
       dataType: object
       xmlName: User
       classFilename: User
       unescapedDescription: A User who is purchasing from the pet store
       vars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: username
           complexType: string
           getter: getUsername
           setter: setUsername
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: username
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.username;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Username
           nameInSnakeCase: USERNAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: firstName
           complexType: string
           getter: getFirstName
           setter: setFirstName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: firstName
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.firstName;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: FirstName
           nameInSnakeCase: FIRST_NAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: lastName
           complexType: string
           getter: getLastName
           setter: setLastName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: lastName
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.lastName;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: LastName
           nameInSnakeCase: LAST_NAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: email
           complexType: string
           getter: getEmail
           setter: setEmail
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: email
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.email;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Email
           nameInSnakeCase: EMAIL
           openApiType: string
           baseName: password
           complexType: string
           getter: getPassword
           setter: setPassword
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: password
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.password;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Password
           nameInSnakeCase: PASSWORD
           openApiType: string
           baseName: phone
           complexType: string
           getter: getPhone
           setter: setPhone
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: phone
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.phone;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Phone
           nameInSnakeCase: PHONE
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: userStatus
           complexType: integer
           getter: getUserStatus
           setter: setUserStatus
           description: User Status
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: userStatus
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.userStatus;
           baseType: integer
           unescapedDescription: User Status
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "description" : "User Status",
                         "format" : "int32"
           isNumeric: true
           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: UserStatus
           nameInSnakeCase: USER_STATUS
       allVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: username
           complexType: string
           getter: getUsername
           setter: setUsername
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: username
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.username;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Username
           nameInSnakeCase: USERNAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: firstName
           complexType: string
           getter: getFirstName
           setter: setFirstName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: firstName
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.firstName;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: FirstName
           nameInSnakeCase: FIRST_NAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: lastName
           complexType: string
           getter: getLastName
           setter: setLastName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: lastName
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.lastName;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: LastName
           nameInSnakeCase: LAST_NAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: email
           complexType: string
           getter: getEmail
           setter: setEmail
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: email
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.email;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Email
           nameInSnakeCase: EMAIL
           openApiType: string
           baseName: password
           complexType: string
           getter: getPassword
           setter: setPassword
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: password
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.password;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Password
           nameInSnakeCase: PASSWORD
           openApiType: string
           baseName: phone
           complexType: string
           getter: getPhone
           setter: setPhone
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: phone
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.phone;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Phone
           nameInSnakeCase: PHONE
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: userStatus
           complexType: integer
           getter: getUserStatus
           setter: setUserStatus
           description: User Status
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: userStatus
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.userStatus;
           baseType: integer
           unescapedDescription: User Status
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "description" : "User Status",
                         "format" : "int32"
           isNumeric: true
           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: UserStatus
           nameInSnakeCase: USER_STATUS
       optionalVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: username
           complexType: string
           getter: getUsername
           setter: setUsername
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: username
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.username;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Username
           nameInSnakeCase: USERNAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: firstName
           complexType: string
           getter: getFirstName
           setter: setFirstName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: firstName
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.firstName;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: FirstName
           nameInSnakeCase: FIRST_NAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: lastName
           complexType: string
           getter: getLastName
           setter: setLastName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: lastName
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.lastName;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: LastName
           nameInSnakeCase: LAST_NAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: email
           complexType: string
           getter: getEmail
           setter: setEmail
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: email
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.email;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Email
           nameInSnakeCase: EMAIL
           openApiType: string
           baseName: password
           complexType: string
           getter: getPassword
           setter: setPassword
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: password
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.password;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Password
           nameInSnakeCase: PASSWORD
           openApiType: string
           baseName: phone
           complexType: string
           getter: getPhone
           setter: setPhone
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: phone
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.phone;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Phone
           nameInSnakeCase: PHONE
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: userStatus
           complexType: integer
           getter: getUserStatus
           setter: setUserStatus
           description: User Status
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: userStatus
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.userStatus;
           baseType: integer
           unescapedDescription: User Status
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "description" : "User Status",
                         "format" : "int32"
           isNumeric: true
           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: UserStatus
           nameInSnakeCase: USER_STATUS
       readWriteVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: username
           complexType: string
           getter: getUsername
           setter: setUsername
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: username
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.username;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Username
           nameInSnakeCase: USERNAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: firstName
           complexType: string
           getter: getFirstName
           setter: setFirstName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: firstName
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.firstName;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: FirstName
           nameInSnakeCase: FIRST_NAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: lastName
           complexType: string
           getter: getLastName
           setter: setLastName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: lastName
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.lastName;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: LastName
           nameInSnakeCase: LAST_NAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: email
           complexType: string
           getter: getEmail
           setter: setEmail
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: email
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.email;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Email
           nameInSnakeCase: EMAIL
           openApiType: string
           baseName: password
           complexType: string
           getter: getPassword
           setter: setPassword
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: password
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.password;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Password
           nameInSnakeCase: PASSWORD
           openApiType: string
           baseName: phone
           complexType: string
           getter: getPhone
           setter: setPhone
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: phone
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.phone;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Phone
           nameInSnakeCase: PHONE
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: userStatus
           complexType: integer
           getter: getUserStatus
           setter: setUserStatus
           description: User Status
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: userStatus
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.userStatus;
           baseType: integer
           unescapedDescription: User Status
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "description" : "User Status",
                         "format" : "int32"
           isNumeric: true
           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: UserStatus
           nameInSnakeCase: USER_STATUS
       imports: [integer, string]
       imports: {
           - integer
           - string
       hasVars: true
       hasOptional: true
 [main] INFO org.openapitools.codegen.TemplateManager - writing file C:\Users\kh\prj\openapi_gen\template\mydoc2\out\mydoc2\src\org\openapitools\api\PetApi.sample
 --- objs ---
     operations: {
       classname: StoreApi
       operation: [
         hasParams: true
         hasRequiredParams: true
         path: /store/order/{orderId}
         operationId: deleteOrder
         httpMethod: DELETE
         summary: Delete purchase order by ID
         unescapedNotes: For valid response try integer IDs with value < 1000. Anything above 1000 or nonintegers will generate API errors
         notes: For valid response try integer IDs with value < 1000. Anything above 1000 or nonintegers will generate API errors
         baseName: Store
         allParams: [
             isPathParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: orderId
             paramName: orderId
             dataType: String
             description: ID of the order that needs to be deleted
             unescapedDescription: ID of the order that needs to be deleted
             defaultValue: null
             example: orderId_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "orderId",
                           "in" : "path",
                           "description" : "ID of the order that needs to be deleted",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             required: true
         pathParams: [
             isPathParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: orderId
             paramName: orderId
             dataType: String
             description: ID of the order that needs to be deleted
             unescapedDescription: ID of the order that needs to be deleted
             defaultValue: null
             example: orderId_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "orderId",
                           "in" : "path",
                           "description" : "ID of the order that needs to be deleted",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             required: true
         requiredParams: [
             isPathParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: orderId
             paramName: orderId
             dataType: String
             description: ID of the order that needs to be deleted
             unescapedDescription: ID of the order that needs to be deleted
             defaultValue: null
             example: orderId_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "orderId",
                           "in" : "path",
                           "description" : "ID of the order that needs to be deleted",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             required: true
         tags: [
             name: store
             description: Access to Petstore orders
         responses: [
             code: 400
             is4xx: true
             message: Invalid ID supplied
             simpleType: true
             primitiveType: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Invalid ID supplied",
                           "content" : { }
             code: 404
             is4xx: true
             message: Order not found
             simpleType: true
             primitiveType: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Order not found",
                           "content" : { }
         imports: [string]
         imports: {
             - string
         nickname: deleteOrder
         operationIdOriginal: deleteOrder
         operationIdLowerCase: deleteorder
         operationIdCamelCase: DeleteOrder
         operationIdSnakeCase: delete_order
         hasAuthMethods: true
         hasProduces: true
         isMap: true
         path: /store/inventory
         operationId: getInventory
         returnType: Map
         returnFormat: int32
         httpMethod: GET
         returnBaseType: integer
         returnContainer: map
         summary: Returns pet inventories by status
         unescapedNotes: Returns a map of status codes to quantities
         notes: Returns a map of status codes to quantities
         baseName: Store
         defaultResponse: null
         produces: [
             0: {
               mediaType: application/json
         authMethods: [
             name: api_key
             type: apiKey
             isApiKey: true
             keyParamName: api_key
             isKeyInHeader: true
         tags: [
             name: store
             description: Access to Petstore orders
         responses: [
             code: 200
             is2xx: true
             message: successful operation
             dataType: Map
             baseType: integer
             containerType: map
             isModel: true
             isMap: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "successful operation",
                           "content" : {
                             "application/json" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "type" : "object",
                                 "additionalProperties" : {
                                   "type" : "integer",
                                   "format" : "int32"
               openApiType: integer
               complexType: integer
               getter: get
               setter: set
               dataType: Integer
               datatypeWithEnum: Integer
               dataFormat: int32
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.;
               baseType: integer
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "integer",
                             "format" : "int32"
               isNumeric: true
               isInteger: true
               isShort: true
         imports: [integer]
         imports: {
             - integer
         nickname: getInventory
         operationIdOriginal: getInventory
         operationIdLowerCase: getinventory
         operationIdCamelCase: GetInventory
         operationIdSnakeCase: get_inventory
         hasProduces: true
         hasParams: true
         hasRequiredParams: true
         returnSimpleType: true
         hasReference: true
         path: /store/order/{orderId}
         operationId: getOrderById
         returnType: Order
         httpMethod: GET
         returnBaseType: Order
         summary: Find purchase order by ID
         unescapedNotes: For valid response try integer IDs with value <= 5 or > 10. Other values will generated exceptions
         notes: For valid response try integer IDs with value <= 5 or > 10. Other values will generated exceptions
         baseName: Store
         defaultResponse: null
         produces: [
             0: {
               mediaType: application/xml
             1: {
               mediaType: application/json
         allParams: [
             isPathParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: orderId
             paramName: orderId
             dataType: Long
             dataFormat: int64
             description: ID of pet that needs to be fetched
             unescapedDescription: ID of pet that needs to be fetched
             defaultValue: null
             example: 789
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "orderId",
                           "in" : "path",
                           "description" : "ID of pet that needs to be fetched",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "maximum" : 5,
                             "minimum" : 1,
                             "type" : "integer",
                             "format" : "int64"
             isLong: true
             hasValidation: true
             required: true
             maximum: 5
             minimum: 1
         pathParams: [
             isPathParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: orderId
             paramName: orderId
             dataType: Long
             dataFormat: int64
             description: ID of pet that needs to be fetched
             unescapedDescription: ID of pet that needs to be fetched
             defaultValue: null
             example: 789
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "orderId",
                           "in" : "path",
                           "description" : "ID of pet that needs to be fetched",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "maximum" : 5,
                             "minimum" : 1,
                             "type" : "integer",
                             "format" : "int64"
             isLong: true
             hasValidation: true
             required: true
             maximum: 5
             minimum: 1
         requiredParams: [
             isPathParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: orderId
             paramName: orderId
             dataType: Long
             dataFormat: int64
             description: ID of pet that needs to be fetched
             unescapedDescription: ID of pet that needs to be fetched
             defaultValue: null
             example: 789
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "orderId",
                           "in" : "path",
                           "description" : "ID of pet that needs to be fetched",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "maximum" : 5,
                             "minimum" : 1,
                             "type" : "integer",
                             "format" : "int64"
             isLong: true
             hasValidation: true
             required: true
             maximum: 5
             minimum: 1
         tags: [
             name: store
             description: Access to Petstore orders
         responses: [
             code: 200
             is2xx: true
             message: successful operation
             dataType: Order
             baseType: Order
             isModel: true
             simpleType: true
               $ref: #/components/schemas/Order
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "successful operation",
                           "content" : {
                             "application/xml" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Order"
                             "application/json" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Order"
             code: 400
             is4xx: true
             message: Invalid ID supplied
             simpleType: true
             primitiveType: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Invalid ID supplied",
                           "content" : { }
             code: 404
             is4xx: true
             message: Order not found
             simpleType: true
             primitiveType: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Order not found",
                           "content" : { }
         imports: [Order]
         imports: {
             - Order
         examples: [
             0: {
               contentType: application/json
               example: {
                          "petId" : 6,
                          "quantity" : 1,
                          "id" : 0,
                          "shipDate" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
                          "complete" : false,
                          "status" : "placed"
               statusCode: 200
             1: {
               contentType: application/xml
               example: <Order>
               statusCode: 200
         nickname: getOrderById
         operationIdOriginal: getOrderById
         operationIdLowerCase: getorderbyid
         operationIdCamelCase: GetOrderById
         operationIdSnakeCase: get_order_by_id
         hasProduces: true
         hasParams: true
         hasRequiredParams: true
         returnSimpleType: true
         hasReference: true
         path: /store/order
         operationId: placeOrder
         returnType: Order
         httpMethod: POST
         returnBaseType: Order
         summary: Place an order for a pet
         baseName: Store
         defaultResponse: null
         produces: [
             0: {
               mediaType: application/xml
             1: {
               mediaType: application/json
           isBodyParam: true
           isModel: true
           baseName: body
           paramName: body
           dataType: Order
           description: order placed for purchasing the pet
           baseType: Order
           jsonSchema: {
                         "description" : "order placed for purchasing the pet",
                         "content" : {
                           "*/*" : {
                             "schema" : {
                               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Order"
                         "required" : true
           hasVars: true
           vars: [
               openApiType: integer
               baseName: id
               complexType: long
               getter: getId
               setter: setId
               dataType: Long
               datatypeWithEnum: Long
               dataFormat: int64
               name: id
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
               baseType: long
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "integer",
                             "format" : "int64"
               isNumeric: true
               isLong: true
               nameInCamelCase: Id
               nameInSnakeCase: ID
               openApiType: integer
               baseName: petId
               complexType: long
               getter: getPetId
               setter: setPetId
               dataType: Long
               datatypeWithEnum: Long
               dataFormat: int64
               name: petId
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.petId;
               baseType: long
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "integer",
                             "format" : "int64"
               isNumeric: true
               isLong: true
               nameInCamelCase: PetId
               nameInSnakeCase: PET_ID
               openApiType: integer
               baseName: quantity
               complexType: integer
               getter: getQuantity
               setter: setQuantity
               dataType: Integer
               datatypeWithEnum: Integer
               dataFormat: int32
               name: quantity
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.quantity;
               baseType: integer
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "integer",
                             "format" : "int32"
               isNumeric: true
               isInteger: true
               isShort: true
               nameInCamelCase: Quantity
               nameInSnakeCase: QUANTITY
               openApiType: string
               baseName: shipDate
               complexType: DateTime
               getter: getShipDate
               setter: setShipDate
               dataType: Date
               datatypeWithEnum: Date
               dataFormat: date-time
               name: shipDate
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.shipDate;
               baseType: DateTime
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string",
                             "format" : "date-time"
               isDateTime: true
               nameInCamelCase: ShipDate
               nameInSnakeCase: SHIP_DATE
               openApiType: string
               baseName: status
               complexType: string
               getter: getStatus
               setter: setStatus
               description: Order Status
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
               name: status
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
               baseType: string
               unescapedDescription: Order Status
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string",
                             "description" : "Order Status",
                             "enum" : [ "placed", "approved", "delivered" ]
               isString: true
               isEnum: true
               _enum: [
                   0: placed
                   1: approved
                   2: delivered
               allowableValues: {
                   values: [
                     0: placed
                     1: approved
                     2: delivered
               nameInCamelCase: Status
               nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
               enumName: StatusEnum
               openApiType: boolean
               baseName: complete
               complexType: boolean
               getter: getComplete
               setter: setComplete
               dataType: Boolean
               datatypeWithEnum: Boolean
               name: complete
               defaultValue: false
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.complete;
               baseType: boolean
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "boolean",
                             "default" : false
               isBoolean: true
               nameInCamelCase: Complete
               nameInSnakeCase: COMPLETE
           required: true
         allParams: [
             isBodyParam: true
             isModel: true
             baseName: body
             paramName: body
             dataType: Order
             description: order placed for purchasing the pet
             baseType: Order
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "order placed for purchasing the pet",
                           "content" : {
                             "*/*" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Order"
                           "required" : true
             hasVars: true
             vars: [
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: id
                 complexType: long
                 getter: getId
                 setter: setId
                 dataType: Long
                 datatypeWithEnum: Long
                 dataFormat: int64
                 name: id
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
                 baseType: long
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "format" : "int64"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isLong: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Id
                 nameInSnakeCase: ID
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: petId
                 complexType: long
                 getter: getPetId
                 setter: setPetId
                 dataType: Long
                 datatypeWithEnum: Long
                 dataFormat: int64
                 name: petId
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.petId;
                 baseType: long
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "format" : "int64"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isLong: true
                 nameInCamelCase: PetId
                 nameInSnakeCase: PET_ID
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: quantity
                 complexType: integer
                 getter: getQuantity
                 setter: setQuantity
                 dataType: Integer
                 datatypeWithEnum: Integer
                 dataFormat: int32
                 name: quantity
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.quantity;
                 baseType: integer
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "format" : "int32"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isInteger: true
                 isShort: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Quantity
                 nameInSnakeCase: QUANTITY
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: shipDate
                 complexType: DateTime
                 getter: getShipDate
                 setter: setShipDate
                 dataType: Date
                 datatypeWithEnum: Date
                 dataFormat: date-time
                 name: shipDate
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.shipDate;
                 baseType: DateTime
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "format" : "date-time"
                 isDateTime: true
                 nameInCamelCase: ShipDate
                 nameInSnakeCase: SHIP_DATE
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: status
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getStatus
                 setter: setStatus
                 description: Order Status
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
                 name: status
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
                 baseType: string
                 unescapedDescription: Order Status
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "description" : "Order Status",
                               "enum" : [ "placed", "approved", "delivered" ]
                 isString: true
                 isEnum: true
                 _enum: [
                     0: placed
                     1: approved
                     2: delivered
                 allowableValues: {
                     values: [
                       0: placed
                       1: approved
                       2: delivered
                 nameInCamelCase: Status
                 nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
                 enumName: StatusEnum
                 openApiType: boolean
                 baseName: complete
                 complexType: boolean
                 getter: getComplete
                 setter: setComplete
                 dataType: Boolean
                 datatypeWithEnum: Boolean
                 name: complete
                 defaultValue: false
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.complete;
                 baseType: boolean
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "boolean",
                               "default" : false
                 isBoolean: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Complete
                 nameInSnakeCase: COMPLETE
             required: true
         bodyParams: [
             isBodyParam: true
             isModel: true
             baseName: body
             paramName: body
             dataType: Order
             description: order placed for purchasing the pet
             baseType: Order
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "order placed for purchasing the pet",
                           "content" : {
                             "*/*" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Order"
                           "required" : true
             hasVars: true
             vars: [
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: id
                 complexType: long
                 getter: getId
                 setter: setId
                 dataType: Long
                 datatypeWithEnum: Long
                 dataFormat: int64
                 name: id
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
                 baseType: long
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "format" : "int64"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isLong: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Id
                 nameInSnakeCase: ID
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: petId
                 complexType: long
                 getter: getPetId
                 setter: setPetId
                 dataType: Long
                 datatypeWithEnum: Long
                 dataFormat: int64
                 name: petId
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.petId;
                 baseType: long
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "format" : "int64"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isLong: true
                 nameInCamelCase: PetId
                 nameInSnakeCase: PET_ID
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: quantity
                 complexType: integer
                 getter: getQuantity
                 setter: setQuantity
                 dataType: Integer
                 datatypeWithEnum: Integer
                 dataFormat: int32
                 name: quantity
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.quantity;
                 baseType: integer
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "format" : "int32"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isInteger: true
                 isShort: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Quantity
                 nameInSnakeCase: QUANTITY
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: shipDate
                 complexType: DateTime
                 getter: getShipDate
                 setter: setShipDate
                 dataType: Date
                 datatypeWithEnum: Date
                 dataFormat: date-time
                 name: shipDate
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.shipDate;
                 baseType: DateTime
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "format" : "date-time"
                 isDateTime: true
                 nameInCamelCase: ShipDate
                 nameInSnakeCase: SHIP_DATE
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: status
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getStatus
                 setter: setStatus
                 description: Order Status
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
                 name: status
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
                 baseType: string
                 unescapedDescription: Order Status
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "description" : "Order Status",
                               "enum" : [ "placed", "approved", "delivered" ]
                 isString: true
                 isEnum: true
                 _enum: [
                     0: placed
                     1: approved
                     2: delivered
                 allowableValues: {
                     values: [
                       0: placed
                       1: approved
                       2: delivered
                 nameInCamelCase: Status
                 nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
                 enumName: StatusEnum
                 openApiType: boolean
                 baseName: complete
                 complexType: boolean
                 getter: getComplete
                 setter: setComplete
                 dataType: Boolean
                 datatypeWithEnum: Boolean
                 name: complete
                 defaultValue: false
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.complete;
                 baseType: boolean
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "boolean",
                               "default" : false
                 isBoolean: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Complete
                 nameInSnakeCase: COMPLETE
             required: true
         requiredParams: [
             isBodyParam: true
             isModel: true
             baseName: body
             paramName: body
             dataType: Order
             description: order placed for purchasing the pet
             baseType: Order
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "order placed for purchasing the pet",
                           "content" : {
                             "*/*" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Order"
                           "required" : true
             hasVars: true
             vars: [
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: id
                 complexType: long
                 getter: getId
                 setter: setId
                 dataType: Long
                 datatypeWithEnum: Long
                 dataFormat: int64
                 name: id
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
                 baseType: long
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "format" : "int64"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isLong: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Id
                 nameInSnakeCase: ID
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: petId
                 complexType: long
                 getter: getPetId
                 setter: setPetId
                 dataType: Long
                 datatypeWithEnum: Long
                 dataFormat: int64
                 name: petId
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.petId;
                 baseType: long
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "format" : "int64"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isLong: true
                 nameInCamelCase: PetId
                 nameInSnakeCase: PET_ID
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: quantity
                 complexType: integer
                 getter: getQuantity
                 setter: setQuantity
                 dataType: Integer
                 datatypeWithEnum: Integer
                 dataFormat: int32
                 name: quantity
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.quantity;
                 baseType: integer
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "format" : "int32"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isInteger: true
                 isShort: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Quantity
                 nameInSnakeCase: QUANTITY
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: shipDate
                 complexType: DateTime
                 getter: getShipDate
                 setter: setShipDate
                 dataType: Date
                 datatypeWithEnum: Date
                 dataFormat: date-time
                 name: shipDate
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.shipDate;
                 baseType: DateTime
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "format" : "date-time"
                 isDateTime: true
                 nameInCamelCase: ShipDate
                 nameInSnakeCase: SHIP_DATE
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: status
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getStatus
                 setter: setStatus
                 description: Order Status
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
                 name: status
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
                 baseType: string
                 unescapedDescription: Order Status
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "description" : "Order Status",
                               "enum" : [ "placed", "approved", "delivered" ]
                 isString: true
                 isEnum: true
                 _enum: [
                     0: placed
                     1: approved
                     2: delivered
                 allowableValues: {
                     values: [
                       0: placed
                       1: approved
                       2: delivered
                 nameInCamelCase: Status
                 nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
                 enumName: StatusEnum
                 openApiType: boolean
                 baseName: complete
                 complexType: boolean
                 getter: getComplete
                 setter: setComplete
                 dataType: Boolean
                 datatypeWithEnum: Boolean
                 name: complete
                 defaultValue: false
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.complete;
                 baseType: boolean
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "boolean",
                               "default" : false
                 isBoolean: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Complete
                 nameInSnakeCase: COMPLETE
             required: true
         tags: [
             name: store
             description: Access to Petstore orders
         responses: [
             code: 200
             is2xx: true
             message: successful operation
             dataType: Order
             baseType: Order
             isModel: true
             simpleType: true
               $ref: #/components/schemas/Order
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "successful operation",
                           "content" : {
                             "application/xml" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Order"
                             "application/json" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Order"
             code: 400
             is4xx: true
             message: Invalid Order
             simpleType: true
             primitiveType: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Invalid Order",
                           "content" : { }
         imports: [Order]
         imports: {
             - Order
         examples: [
             0: {
               contentType: application/json
               example: {
                          "petId" : 6,
                          "quantity" : 1,
                          "id" : 0,
                          "shipDate" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
                          "complete" : false,
                          "status" : "placed"
               statusCode: 200
             1: {
               contentType: application/xml
               example: <Order>
               statusCode: 200
         requestBodyExamples: [
             0: {
               contentType: */*
               example: {
                          "petId" : 6,
                          "quantity" : 1,
                          "id" : 0,
                          "shipDate" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00",
                          "complete" : false,
                          "status" : "placed"
         vendorExtensions: {
             x-codegen-request-body-name: body
         nickname: placeOrder
         operationIdOriginal: placeOrder
         operationIdLowerCase: placeorder
         operationIdCamelCase: PlaceOrder
         operationIdSnakeCase: place_order
       pathPrefix: store
     package: org.openapitools.api
     imports: [
       0: {
         import: org.openapitools.model.Order
         classname: Order
       1: {
         import: org.openapitools.model.integer
         classname: integer
       2: {
         import: org.openapitools.model.string
         classname: string
     hasImport: true
 --- allModels ---
     0: {
       importPath: org.openapitools.model.ApiResponse
       name: ApiResponse
       classname: ApiResponse
       title: An uploaded response
       description: Describes the result of uploading an image resource
       classVarName: ApiResponse
       modelJson: {
                    "title" : "An uploaded response",
                    "type" : "object",
                    "properties" : {
                      "code" : {
                        "type" : "integer",
                        "format" : "int32"
                      "type" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                      "message" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                    "description" : "Describes the result of uploading an image resource"
       dataType: object
       classFilename: ApiResponse
       unescapedDescription: Describes the result of uploading an image resource
       vars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: code
           complexType: integer
           getter: getCode
           setter: setCode
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: code
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.code;
           baseType: integer
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int32"
           isNumeric: true
           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: Code
           nameInSnakeCase: CODE
           openApiType: string
           baseName: type
           complexType: string
           getter: getType
           setter: setType
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: type
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.type;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Type
           nameInSnakeCase: TYPE
           openApiType: string
           baseName: message
           complexType: string
           getter: getMessage
           setter: setMessage
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: message
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.message;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Message
           nameInSnakeCase: MESSAGE
       allVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: code
           complexType: integer
           getter: getCode
           setter: setCode
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: code
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.code;
           baseType: integer
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int32"
           isNumeric: true
           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: Code
           nameInSnakeCase: CODE
           openApiType: string
           baseName: type
           complexType: string
           getter: getType
           setter: setType
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: type
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.type;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Type
           nameInSnakeCase: TYPE
           openApiType: string
           baseName: message
           complexType: string
           getter: getMessage
           setter: setMessage
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: message
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.message;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Message
           nameInSnakeCase: MESSAGE
       optionalVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: code
           complexType: integer
           getter: getCode
           setter: setCode
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: code
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.code;
           baseType: integer
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int32"
           isNumeric: true
           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: Code
           nameInSnakeCase: CODE
           openApiType: string
           baseName: type
           complexType: string
           getter: getType
           setter: setType
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: type
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.type;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Type
           nameInSnakeCase: TYPE
           openApiType: string
           baseName: message
           complexType: string
           getter: getMessage
           setter: setMessage
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: message
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.message;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Message
           nameInSnakeCase: MESSAGE
       readWriteVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: code
           complexType: integer
           getter: getCode
           setter: setCode
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: code
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.code;
           baseType: integer
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int32"
           isNumeric: true
           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: Code
           nameInSnakeCase: CODE
           openApiType: string
           baseName: type
           complexType: string
           getter: getType
           setter: setType
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: type
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.type;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Type
           nameInSnakeCase: TYPE
           openApiType: string
           baseName: message
           complexType: string
           getter: getMessage
           setter: setMessage
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: message
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.message;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Message
           nameInSnakeCase: MESSAGE
       imports: [integer, string]
       imports: {
           - integer
           - string
       hasVars: true
       hasOptional: true
     1: {
       importPath: org.openapitools.model.Category
       name: Category
       classname: Category
       title: Pet category
       description: A category for a pet
       classVarName: Category
       modelJson: {
                    "title" : "Pet category",
                    "type" : "object",
                    "properties" : {
                      "id" : {
                        "type" : "integer",
                        "format" : "int64"
                      "name" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                    "description" : "A category for a pet",
                    "xml" : {
                      "name" : "Category"
       dataType: object
       xmlName: Category
       classFilename: Category
       unescapedDescription: A category for a pet
       vars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
       allVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
       optionalVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
       readWriteVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
       imports: [string]
       imports: {
           - string
       hasVars: true
       hasOptional: true
     2: {
       importPath: org.openapitools.model.Order
       name: Order
       classname: Order
       title: Pet Order
       description: An order for a pets from the pet store
       classVarName: Order
       modelJson: {
                    "title" : "Pet Order",
                    "type" : "object",
                    "properties" : {
                      "id" : {
                        "type" : "integer",
                        "format" : "int64"
                      "petId" : {
                        "type" : "integer",
                        "format" : "int64"
                      "quantity" : {
                        "type" : "integer",
                        "format" : "int32"
                      "shipDate" : {
                        "type" : "string",
                        "format" : "date-time"
                      "status" : {
                        "type" : "string",
                        "description" : "Order Status",
                        "enum" : [ "placed", "approved", "delivered" ]
                      "complete" : {
                        "type" : "boolean",
                        "default" : false
                    "description" : "An order for a pets from the pet store",
                    "xml" : {
                      "name" : "Order"
       dataType: object
       xmlName: Order
       classFilename: Order
       unescapedDescription: An order for a pets from the pet store
       vars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: petId
           complexType: long
           getter: getPetId
           setter: setPetId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: petId
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.petId;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: PetId
           nameInSnakeCase: PET_ID
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: quantity
           complexType: integer
           getter: getQuantity
           setter: setQuantity
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: quantity
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.quantity;
           baseType: integer
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int32"
           isNumeric: true
           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: Quantity
           nameInSnakeCase: QUANTITY
           openApiType: string
           baseName: shipDate
           complexType: DateTime
           getter: getShipDate
           setter: setShipDate
           dataType: Date
           datatypeWithEnum: Date
           dataFormat: date-time
           name: shipDate
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.shipDate;
           baseType: DateTime
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "format" : "date-time"
           isDateTime: true
           nameInCamelCase: ShipDate
           nameInSnakeCase: SHIP_DATE
           openApiType: string
           baseName: status
           complexType: string
           getter: getStatus
           setter: setStatus
           description: Order Status
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
           name: status
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
           baseType: string
           unescapedDescription: Order Status
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "description" : "Order Status",
                         "enum" : [ "placed", "approved", "delivered" ]
           isString: true
           isEnum: true
           _enum: [
               0: placed
               1: approved
               2: delivered
           allowableValues: {
               values: [
                 0: placed
                 1: approved
                 2: delivered
           nameInCamelCase: Status
           nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
           enumName: StatusEnum
           openApiType: boolean
           baseName: complete
           complexType: boolean
           getter: getComplete
           setter: setComplete
           dataType: Boolean
           datatypeWithEnum: Boolean
           name: complete
           defaultValue: false
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.complete;
           baseType: boolean
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "boolean",
                         "default" : false
           isBoolean: true
           nameInCamelCase: Complete
           nameInSnakeCase: COMPLETE
       allVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: petId
           complexType: long
           getter: getPetId
           setter: setPetId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: petId
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.petId;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: PetId
           nameInSnakeCase: PET_ID
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: quantity
           complexType: integer
           getter: getQuantity
           setter: setQuantity
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: quantity
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.quantity;
           baseType: integer
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int32"
           isNumeric: true
           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: Quantity
           nameInSnakeCase: QUANTITY
           openApiType: string
           baseName: shipDate
           complexType: DateTime
           getter: getShipDate
           setter: setShipDate
           dataType: Date
           datatypeWithEnum: Date
           dataFormat: date-time
           name: shipDate
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.shipDate;
           baseType: DateTime
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "format" : "date-time"
           isDateTime: true
           nameInCamelCase: ShipDate
           nameInSnakeCase: SHIP_DATE
           openApiType: string
           baseName: status
           complexType: string
           getter: getStatus
           setter: setStatus
           description: Order Status
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
           name: status
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
           baseType: string
           unescapedDescription: Order Status
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "description" : "Order Status",
                         "enum" : [ "placed", "approved", "delivered" ]
           isString: true
           isEnum: true
           _enum: [
               0: placed
               1: approved
               2: delivered
           allowableValues: {
               values: [
                 0: placed
                 1: approved
                 2: delivered
           nameInCamelCase: Status
           nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
           enumName: StatusEnum
           openApiType: boolean
           baseName: complete
           complexType: boolean
           getter: getComplete
           setter: setComplete
           dataType: Boolean
           datatypeWithEnum: Boolean
           name: complete
           defaultValue: false
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.complete;
           baseType: boolean
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "boolean",
                         "default" : false
           isBoolean: true
           nameInCamelCase: Complete
           nameInSnakeCase: COMPLETE
       optionalVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
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           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: petId
           complexType: long
           getter: getPetId
           setter: setPetId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: petId
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.petId;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
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           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: PetId
           nameInSnakeCase: PET_ID
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           baseName: quantity
           complexType: integer
           getter: getQuantity
           setter: setQuantity
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: quantity
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.quantity;
           baseType: integer
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int32"
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           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: Quantity
           nameInSnakeCase: QUANTITY
           openApiType: string
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           complexType: DateTime
           getter: getShipDate
           setter: setShipDate
           dataType: Date
           datatypeWithEnum: Date
           dataFormat: date-time
           name: shipDate
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.shipDate;
           baseType: DateTime
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "format" : "date-time"
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           nameInCamelCase: ShipDate
           nameInSnakeCase: SHIP_DATE
           openApiType: string
           baseName: status
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           getter: getStatus
           setter: setStatus
           description: Order Status
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
           name: status
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
           baseType: string
           unescapedDescription: Order Status
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "description" : "Order Status",
                         "enum" : [ "placed", "approved", "delivered" ]
           isString: true
           isEnum: true
           _enum: [
               0: placed
               1: approved
               2: delivered
           allowableValues: {
               values: [
                 0: placed
                 1: approved
                 2: delivered
           nameInCamelCase: Status
           nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
           enumName: StatusEnum
           openApiType: boolean
           baseName: complete
           complexType: boolean
           getter: getComplete
           setter: setComplete
           dataType: Boolean
           datatypeWithEnum: Boolean
           name: complete
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           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.complete;
           baseType: boolean
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "boolean",
                         "default" : false
           isBoolean: true
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           nameInSnakeCase: COMPLETE
       readWriteVars: [
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           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
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           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
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           getter: getPetId
           setter: setPetId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: petId
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.petId;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
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           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: PetId
           nameInSnakeCase: PET_ID
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           getter: getQuantity
           setter: setQuantity
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: quantity
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.quantity;
           baseType: integer
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
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           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
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           nameInSnakeCase: QUANTITY
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           getter: getShipDate
           setter: setShipDate
           dataType: Date
           datatypeWithEnum: Date
           dataFormat: date-time
           name: shipDate
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.shipDate;
           baseType: DateTime
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "format" : "date-time"
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           nameInSnakeCase: SHIP_DATE
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           setter: setStatus
           description: Order Status
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
           name: status
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
           baseType: string
           unescapedDescription: Order Status
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "description" : "Order Status",
                         "enum" : [ "placed", "approved", "delivered" ]
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           isEnum: true
           _enum: [
               0: placed
               1: approved
               2: delivered
           allowableValues: {
               values: [
                 0: placed
                 1: approved
                 2: delivered
           nameInCamelCase: Status
           nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
           enumName: StatusEnum
           openApiType: boolean
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           setter: setComplete
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           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "boolean",
                         "default" : false
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           nameInCamelCase: Complete
           nameInSnakeCase: COMPLETE
       imports: [DateTime, integer, string]
       imports: {
           - DateTime
           - integer
           - string
       hasVars: true
       hasEnums: true
       hasOptional: true
     3: {
       importPath: org.openapitools.model.Pet
       name: Pet
       classname: Pet
       title: a Pet
       description: A pet for sale in the pet store
       classVarName: Pet
       modelJson: {
                    "title" : "a Pet",
                    "required" : [ "name", "photoUrls" ],
                    "type" : "object",
                    "properties" : {
                      "id" : {
                        "type" : "integer",
                        "format" : "int64"
                      "category" : {
                        "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Category"
                      "name" : {
                        "type" : "string",
                        "example" : "doggie"
                      "photoUrls" : {
                        "type" : "array",
                        "xml" : {
                          "name" : "photoUrl",
                          "wrapped" : true
                        "items" : {
                          "type" : "string"
                      "tags" : {
                        "type" : "array",
                        "xml" : {
                          "name" : "tag",
                          "wrapped" : true
                        "items" : {
                          "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
                      "status" : {
                        "type" : "string",
                        "description" : "pet status in the store",
                        "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
                    "description" : "A pet for sale in the pet store",
                    "xml" : {
                      "name" : "Pet"
       dataType: object
       xmlName: Pet
       classFilename: Pet
       unescapedDescription: A pet for sale in the pet store
       vars: [
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           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
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           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: Category
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           complexType: Category
           getter: getCategory
           setter: setCategory
           dataType: Category
           datatypeWithEnum: Category
           name: category
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.category;
           baseType: Category
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Category"
           isModel: true
           nameInCamelCase: Category
           nameInSnakeCase: CATEGORY
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: doggie
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "example" : "doggie"
           required: true
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
           openApiType: array
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           complexType: string
           getter: getPhotoUrls
           setter: setPhotoUrls
           dataType: List
           datatypeWithEnum: List
           name: photoUrls
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
           baseType: array
           containerType: array
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "array",
                         "xml" : {
                           "name" : "photoUrl",
                           "wrapped" : true
                         "items" : {
                           "type" : "string"
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           isContainer: true
           isArray: true
             openApiType: string
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             setter: setPhotoUrls
             dataType: String
             datatypeWithEnum: String
             name: photoUrls
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
             baseType: string
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string"
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             nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
             openApiType: string
             baseName: photoUrls
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             setter: setPhotoUrls
             dataType: String
             datatypeWithEnum: String
             name: photoUrls
             defaultValue: null
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             baseType: string
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
             nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
           nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
           nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
           xmlName: photoUrl
           isXmlWrapped: true
           openApiType: array
           baseName: tags
           complexType: Tag
           getter: getTags
           setter: setTags
           dataType: List
           datatypeWithEnum: List
           name: tags
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
           baseType: array
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           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "array",
                         "xml" : {
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                           "wrapped" : true
                         "items" : {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
           isContainer: true
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             setter: setTags
             dataType: Tag
             datatypeWithEnum: Tag
             name: tags
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             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
             baseType: Tag
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
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             nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
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             getter: getTags
             setter: setTags
             dataType: Tag
             datatypeWithEnum: Tag
             name: tags
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
             baseType: Tag
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
             isModel: true
             nameInCamelCase: Tags
             nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
           nameInCamelCase: Tags
           nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
           xmlName: tag
           isXmlWrapped: true
           openApiType: string
           baseName: status
           complexType: string
           getter: getStatus
           setter: setStatus
           description: pet status in the store
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
           name: status
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
           baseType: string
           unescapedDescription: pet status in the store
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "description" : "pet status in the store",
                         "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
           isString: true
           isEnum: true
           _enum: [
               0: available
               1: pending
               2: sold
           allowableValues: {
               values: [
                 0: available
                 1: pending
                 2: sold
           nameInCamelCase: Status
           nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
           enumName: StatusEnum
       allVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: Category
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           getter: getCategory
           setter: setCategory
           dataType: Category
           datatypeWithEnum: Category
           name: category
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.category;
           baseType: Category
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Category"
           isModel: true
           nameInCamelCase: Category
           nameInSnakeCase: CATEGORY
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: doggie
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "example" : "doggie"
           required: true
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
           openApiType: array
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           getter: getPhotoUrls
           setter: setPhotoUrls
           dataType: List
           datatypeWithEnum: List
           name: photoUrls
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
           baseType: array
           containerType: array
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "array",
                         "xml" : {
                           "name" : "photoUrl",
                           "wrapped" : true
                         "items" : {
                           "type" : "string"
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           isContainer: true
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             openApiType: string
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             setter: setPhotoUrls
             dataType: String
             datatypeWithEnum: String
             name: photoUrls
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
             baseType: string
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string"
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             nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
             openApiType: string
             baseName: photoUrls
             complexType: string
             getter: getPhotoUrls
             setter: setPhotoUrls
             dataType: String
             datatypeWithEnum: String
             name: photoUrls
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
             baseType: string
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
             nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
           nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
           nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
           xmlName: photoUrl
           isXmlWrapped: true
           openApiType: array
           baseName: tags
           complexType: Tag
           getter: getTags
           setter: setTags
           dataType: List
           datatypeWithEnum: List
           name: tags
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
           baseType: array
           containerType: array
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "array",
                         "xml" : {
                           "name" : "tag",
                           "wrapped" : true
                         "items" : {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
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             setter: setTags
             dataType: Tag
             datatypeWithEnum: Tag
             name: tags
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
             baseType: Tag
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
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             nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
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             complexType: Tag
             getter: getTags
             setter: setTags
             dataType: Tag
             datatypeWithEnum: Tag
             name: tags
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
             baseType: Tag
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
             isModel: true
             nameInCamelCase: Tags
             nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
           nameInCamelCase: Tags
           nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
           xmlName: tag
           isXmlWrapped: true
           openApiType: string
           baseName: status
           complexType: string
           getter: getStatus
           setter: setStatus
           description: pet status in the store
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
           name: status
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
           baseType: string
           unescapedDescription: pet status in the store
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "description" : "pet status in the store",
                         "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
           isString: true
           isEnum: true
           _enum: [
               0: available
               1: pending
               2: sold
           allowableValues: {
               values: [
                 0: available
                 1: pending
                 2: sold
           nameInCamelCase: Status
           nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
           enumName: StatusEnum
       requiredVars: [
           openApiType: string
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           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: doggie
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "example" : "doggie"
           required: true
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
           openApiType: array
           baseName: photoUrls
           complexType: string
           getter: getPhotoUrls
           setter: setPhotoUrls
           dataType: List
           datatypeWithEnum: List
           name: photoUrls
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
           baseType: array
           containerType: array
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "array",
                         "xml" : {
                           "name" : "photoUrl",
                           "wrapped" : true
                         "items" : {
                           "type" : "string"
           required: true
           isContainer: true
           isArray: true
             openApiType: string
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             getter: getPhotoUrls
             setter: setPhotoUrls
             dataType: String
             datatypeWithEnum: String
             name: photoUrls
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
             baseType: string
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string"
             isString: true
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             nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
             openApiType: string
             baseName: photoUrls
             complexType: string
             getter: getPhotoUrls
             setter: setPhotoUrls
             dataType: String
             datatypeWithEnum: String
             name: photoUrls
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
             baseType: string
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
             nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
           nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
           nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
           xmlName: photoUrl
           isXmlWrapped: true
       optionalVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: Category
           baseName: category
           complexType: Category
           getter: getCategory
           setter: setCategory
           dataType: Category
           datatypeWithEnum: Category
           name: category
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.category;
           baseType: Category
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Category"
           isModel: true
           nameInCamelCase: Category
           nameInSnakeCase: CATEGORY
           openApiType: array
           baseName: tags
           complexType: Tag
           getter: getTags
           setter: setTags
           dataType: List
           datatypeWithEnum: List
           name: tags
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
           baseType: array
           containerType: array
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "array",
                         "xml" : {
                           "name" : "tag",
                           "wrapped" : true
                         "items" : {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
           isContainer: true
           isArray: true
             openApiType: Tag
             baseName: tags
             complexType: Tag
             getter: getTags
             setter: setTags
             dataType: Tag
             datatypeWithEnum: Tag
             name: tags
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
             baseType: Tag
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
             isModel: true
             nameInCamelCase: Tags
             nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
             openApiType: Tag
             baseName: tags
             complexType: Tag
             getter: getTags
             setter: setTags
             dataType: Tag
             datatypeWithEnum: Tag
             name: tags
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
             baseType: Tag
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
             isModel: true
             nameInCamelCase: Tags
             nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
           nameInCamelCase: Tags
           nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
           xmlName: tag
           isXmlWrapped: true
           openApiType: string
           baseName: status
           complexType: string
           getter: getStatus
           setter: setStatus
           description: pet status in the store
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
           name: status
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
           baseType: string
           unescapedDescription: pet status in the store
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "description" : "pet status in the store",
                         "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
           isString: true
           isEnum: true
           _enum: [
               0: available
               1: pending
               2: sold
           allowableValues: {
               values: [
                 0: available
                 1: pending
                 2: sold
           nameInCamelCase: Status
           nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
           enumName: StatusEnum
       readWriteVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: Category
           baseName: category
           complexType: Category
           getter: getCategory
           setter: setCategory
           dataType: Category
           datatypeWithEnum: Category
           name: category
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.category;
           baseType: Category
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Category"
           isModel: true
           nameInCamelCase: Category
           nameInSnakeCase: CATEGORY
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: doggie
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "example" : "doggie"
           required: true
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
           openApiType: array
           baseName: photoUrls
           complexType: string
           getter: getPhotoUrls
           setter: setPhotoUrls
           dataType: List
           datatypeWithEnum: List
           name: photoUrls
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
           baseType: array
           containerType: array
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "array",
                         "xml" : {
                           "name" : "photoUrl",
                           "wrapped" : true
                         "items" : {
                           "type" : "string"
           required: true
           isContainer: true
           isArray: true
             openApiType: string
             baseName: photoUrls
             complexType: string
             getter: getPhotoUrls
             setter: setPhotoUrls
             dataType: String
             datatypeWithEnum: String
             name: photoUrls
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
             baseType: string
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
             nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
             openApiType: string
             baseName: photoUrls
             complexType: string
             getter: getPhotoUrls
             setter: setPhotoUrls
             dataType: String
             datatypeWithEnum: String
             name: photoUrls
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
             baseType: string
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
             nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
           nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
           nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
           xmlName: photoUrl
           isXmlWrapped: true
           openApiType: array
           baseName: tags
           complexType: Tag
           getter: getTags
           setter: setTags
           dataType: List
           datatypeWithEnum: List
           name: tags
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
           baseType: array
           containerType: array
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "array",
                         "xml" : {
                           "name" : "tag",
                           "wrapped" : true
                         "items" : {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
           isContainer: true
           isArray: true
             openApiType: Tag
             baseName: tags
             complexType: Tag
             getter: getTags
             setter: setTags
             dataType: Tag
             datatypeWithEnum: Tag
             name: tags
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
             baseType: Tag
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
             isModel: true
             nameInCamelCase: Tags
             nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
             openApiType: Tag
             baseName: tags
             complexType: Tag
             getter: getTags
             setter: setTags
             dataType: Tag
             datatypeWithEnum: Tag
             name: tags
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
             baseType: Tag
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
             isModel: true
             nameInCamelCase: Tags
             nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
           nameInCamelCase: Tags
           nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
           xmlName: tag
           isXmlWrapped: true
           openApiType: string
           baseName: status
           complexType: string
           getter: getStatus
           setter: setStatus
           description: pet status in the store
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
           name: status
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
           baseType: string
           unescapedDescription: pet status in the store
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "description" : "pet status in the store",
                         "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
           isString: true
           isEnum: true
           _enum: [
               0: available
               1: pending
               2: sold
           allowableValues: {
               values: [
                 0: available
                 1: pending
                 2: sold
           nameInCamelCase: Status
           nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
           enumName: StatusEnum
       mandatory: [name, photoUrls]
       mandatory: {
           - name
           - photoUrls
       allMandatory: [name, photoUrls]
       allMandatory: {
           - name
           - photoUrls
       imports: [Category, List, Tag, array, string]
       imports: {
           - Category
           - List
           - Tag
           - array
           - string
       hasVars: true
       hasEnums: true
       hasRequired: true
       hasOptional: true
     4: {
       importPath: org.openapitools.model.Tag
       name: Tag
       classname: Tag
       title: Pet Tag
       description: A tag for a pet
       classVarName: Tag
       modelJson: {
                    "title" : "Pet Tag",
                    "type" : "object",
                    "properties" : {
                      "id" : {
                        "type" : "integer",
                        "format" : "int64"
                      "name" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                    "description" : "A tag for a pet",
                    "xml" : {
                      "name" : "Tag"
       dataType: object
       xmlName: Tag
       classFilename: Tag
       unescapedDescription: A tag for a pet
       vars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
       allVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
       optionalVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
       readWriteVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
       imports: [string]
       imports: {
           - string
       hasVars: true
       hasOptional: true
     5: {
       importPath: org.openapitools.model.User
       name: User
       classname: User
       title: a User
       description: A User who is purchasing from the pet store
       classVarName: User
       modelJson: {
                    "title" : "a User",
                    "type" : "object",
                    "properties" : {
                      "id" : {
                        "type" : "integer",
                        "format" : "int64"
                      "username" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                      "firstName" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                      "lastName" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                      "email" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                      "password" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                      "phone" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                      "userStatus" : {
                        "type" : "integer",
                        "description" : "User Status",
                        "format" : "int32"
                    "description" : "A User who is purchasing from the pet store",
                    "xml" : {
                      "name" : "User"
       dataType: object
       xmlName: User
       classFilename: User
       unescapedDescription: A User who is purchasing from the pet store
       vars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: username
           complexType: string
           getter: getUsername
           setter: setUsername
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: username
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.username;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Username
           nameInSnakeCase: USERNAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: firstName
           complexType: string
           getter: getFirstName
           setter: setFirstName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: firstName
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.firstName;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: FirstName
           nameInSnakeCase: FIRST_NAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: lastName
           complexType: string
           getter: getLastName
           setter: setLastName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: lastName
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.lastName;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: LastName
           nameInSnakeCase: LAST_NAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: email
           complexType: string
           getter: getEmail
           setter: setEmail
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: email
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.email;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Email
           nameInSnakeCase: EMAIL
           openApiType: string
           baseName: password
           complexType: string
           getter: getPassword
           setter: setPassword
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: password
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.password;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Password
           nameInSnakeCase: PASSWORD
           openApiType: string
           baseName: phone
           complexType: string
           getter: getPhone
           setter: setPhone
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: phone
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.phone;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Phone
           nameInSnakeCase: PHONE
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: userStatus
           complexType: integer
           getter: getUserStatus
           setter: setUserStatus
           description: User Status
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: userStatus
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.userStatus;
           baseType: integer
           unescapedDescription: User Status
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "description" : "User Status",
                         "format" : "int32"
           isNumeric: true
           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: UserStatus
           nameInSnakeCase: USER_STATUS
       allVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: username
           complexType: string
           getter: getUsername
           setter: setUsername
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: username
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.username;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Username
           nameInSnakeCase: USERNAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: firstName
           complexType: string
           getter: getFirstName
           setter: setFirstName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: firstName
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.firstName;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: FirstName
           nameInSnakeCase: FIRST_NAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: lastName
           complexType: string
           getter: getLastName
           setter: setLastName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: lastName
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.lastName;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: LastName
           nameInSnakeCase: LAST_NAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: email
           complexType: string
           getter: getEmail
           setter: setEmail
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: email
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.email;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Email
           nameInSnakeCase: EMAIL
           openApiType: string
           baseName: password
           complexType: string
           getter: getPassword
           setter: setPassword
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: password
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.password;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Password
           nameInSnakeCase: PASSWORD
           openApiType: string
           baseName: phone
           complexType: string
           getter: getPhone
           setter: setPhone
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: phone
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.phone;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Phone
           nameInSnakeCase: PHONE
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: userStatus
           complexType: integer
           getter: getUserStatus
           setter: setUserStatus
           description: User Status
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: userStatus
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.userStatus;
           baseType: integer
           unescapedDescription: User Status
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "description" : "User Status",
                         "format" : "int32"
           isNumeric: true
           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: UserStatus
           nameInSnakeCase: USER_STATUS
       optionalVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: username
           complexType: string
           getter: getUsername
           setter: setUsername
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: username
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.username;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Username
           nameInSnakeCase: USERNAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: firstName
           complexType: string
           getter: getFirstName
           setter: setFirstName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: firstName
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.firstName;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: FirstName
           nameInSnakeCase: FIRST_NAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: lastName
           complexType: string
           getter: getLastName
           setter: setLastName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: lastName
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.lastName;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: LastName
           nameInSnakeCase: LAST_NAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: email
           complexType: string
           getter: getEmail
           setter: setEmail
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: email
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.email;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Email
           nameInSnakeCase: EMAIL
           openApiType: string
           baseName: password
           complexType: string
           getter: getPassword
           setter: setPassword
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: password
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.password;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Password
           nameInSnakeCase: PASSWORD
           openApiType: string
           baseName: phone
           complexType: string
           getter: getPhone
           setter: setPhone
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: phone
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.phone;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Phone
           nameInSnakeCase: PHONE
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: userStatus
           complexType: integer
           getter: getUserStatus
           setter: setUserStatus
           description: User Status
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: userStatus
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.userStatus;
           baseType: integer
           unescapedDescription: User Status
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "description" : "User Status",
                         "format" : "int32"
           isNumeric: true
           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: UserStatus
           nameInSnakeCase: USER_STATUS
       readWriteVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: username
           complexType: string
           getter: getUsername
           setter: setUsername
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: username
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.username;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Username
           nameInSnakeCase: USERNAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: firstName
           complexType: string
           getter: getFirstName
           setter: setFirstName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: firstName
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.firstName;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: FirstName
           nameInSnakeCase: FIRST_NAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: lastName
           complexType: string
           getter: getLastName
           setter: setLastName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: lastName
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.lastName;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: LastName
           nameInSnakeCase: LAST_NAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: email
           complexType: string
           getter: getEmail
           setter: setEmail
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: email
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.email;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Email
           nameInSnakeCase: EMAIL
           openApiType: string
           baseName: password
           complexType: string
           getter: getPassword
           setter: setPassword
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: password
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.password;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Password
           nameInSnakeCase: PASSWORD
           openApiType: string
           baseName: phone
           complexType: string
           getter: getPhone
           setter: setPhone
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: phone
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.phone;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Phone
           nameInSnakeCase: PHONE
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: userStatus
           complexType: integer
           getter: getUserStatus
           setter: setUserStatus
           description: User Status
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: userStatus
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.userStatus;
           baseType: integer
           unescapedDescription: User Status
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "description" : "User Status",
                         "format" : "int32"
           isNumeric: true
           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: UserStatus
           nameInSnakeCase: USER_STATUS
       imports: [integer, string]
       imports: {
           - integer
           - string
       hasVars: true
       hasOptional: true
 [main] INFO org.openapitools.codegen.TemplateManager - writing file C:\Users\kh\prj\openapi_gen\template\mydoc2\out\mydoc2\src\org\openapitools\api\StoreApi.sample
 --- objs ---
     operations: {
       classname: UserApi
       operation: [
         hasParams: true
         hasRequiredParams: true
         path: /user
         operationId: createUser
         httpMethod: POST
         summary: Create user
         unescapedNotes: This can only be done by the logged in user.
         notes: This can only be done by the logged in user.
         baseName: User
           isBodyParam: true
           isModel: true
           baseName: body
           paramName: body
           dataType: User
           description: Created user object
           baseType: User
           jsonSchema: {
                         "description" : "Created user object",
                         "content" : {
                           "*/*" : {
                             "schema" : {
                               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
                         "required" : true
           hasVars: true
           vars: [
               openApiType: integer
               baseName: id
               complexType: long
               getter: getId
               setter: setId
               dataType: Long
               datatypeWithEnum: Long
               dataFormat: int64
               name: id
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
               baseType: long
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "integer",
                             "format" : "int64"
               isNumeric: true
               isLong: true
               nameInCamelCase: Id
               nameInSnakeCase: ID
               openApiType: string
               baseName: username
               complexType: string
               getter: getUsername
               setter: setUsername
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: String
               name: username
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.username;
               baseType: string
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string"
               required: true
               isString: true
               nameInCamelCase: Username
               nameInSnakeCase: USERNAME
               openApiType: string
               baseName: firstName
               complexType: string
               getter: getFirstName
               setter: setFirstName
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: String
               name: firstName
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.firstName;
               baseType: string
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string"
               isString: true
               nameInCamelCase: FirstName
               nameInSnakeCase: FIRST_NAME
               openApiType: string
               baseName: lastName
               complexType: string
               getter: getLastName
               setter: setLastName
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: String
               name: lastName
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.lastName;
               baseType: string
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string"
               isString: true
               nameInCamelCase: LastName
               nameInSnakeCase: LAST_NAME
               openApiType: string
               baseName: email
               complexType: string
               getter: getEmail
               setter: setEmail
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: String
               name: email
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.email;
               baseType: string
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string"
               isString: true
               nameInCamelCase: Email
               nameInSnakeCase: EMAIL
               openApiType: string
               baseName: password
               complexType: string
               getter: getPassword
               setter: setPassword
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: String
               name: password
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.password;
               baseType: string
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string"
               isString: true
               nameInCamelCase: Password
               nameInSnakeCase: PASSWORD
               openApiType: string
               baseName: phone
               complexType: string
               getter: getPhone
               setter: setPhone
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: String
               name: phone
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.phone;
               baseType: string
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string"
               isString: true
               nameInCamelCase: Phone
               nameInSnakeCase: PHONE
               openApiType: integer
               baseName: userStatus
               complexType: integer
               getter: getUserStatus
               setter: setUserStatus
               description: User Status
               dataType: Integer
               datatypeWithEnum: Integer
               dataFormat: int32
               name: userStatus
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.userStatus;
               baseType: integer
               unescapedDescription: User Status
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "integer",
                             "description" : "User Status",
                             "format" : "int32"
               isNumeric: true
               isInteger: true
               isShort: true
               nameInCamelCase: UserStatus
               nameInSnakeCase: USER_STATUS
           required: true
         allParams: [
             isBodyParam: true
             isModel: true
             baseName: body
             paramName: body
             dataType: User
             description: Created user object
             baseType: User
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Created user object",
                           "content" : {
                             "*/*" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
                           "required" : true
             hasVars: true
             vars: [
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: id
                 complexType: long
                 getter: getId
                 setter: setId
                 dataType: Long
                 datatypeWithEnum: Long
                 dataFormat: int64
                 name: id
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
                 baseType: long
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "format" : "int64"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isLong: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Id
                 nameInSnakeCase: ID
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: username
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getUsername
                 setter: setUsername
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: username
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.username;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 required: true
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Username
                 nameInSnakeCase: USERNAME
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: firstName
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getFirstName
                 setter: setFirstName
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: firstName
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.firstName;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: FirstName
                 nameInSnakeCase: FIRST_NAME
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: lastName
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getLastName
                 setter: setLastName
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: lastName
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.lastName;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: LastName
                 nameInSnakeCase: LAST_NAME
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: email
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getEmail
                 setter: setEmail
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: email
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.email;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Email
                 nameInSnakeCase: EMAIL
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: password
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPassword
                 setter: setPassword
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: password
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.password;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Password
                 nameInSnakeCase: PASSWORD
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: phone
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPhone
                 setter: setPhone
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: phone
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.phone;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Phone
                 nameInSnakeCase: PHONE
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: userStatus
                 complexType: integer
                 getter: getUserStatus
                 setter: setUserStatus
                 description: User Status
                 dataType: Integer
                 datatypeWithEnum: Integer
                 dataFormat: int32
                 name: userStatus
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.userStatus;
                 baseType: integer
                 unescapedDescription: User Status
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "description" : "User Status",
                               "format" : "int32"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isInteger: true
                 isShort: true
                 nameInCamelCase: UserStatus
                 nameInSnakeCase: USER_STATUS
             required: true
         bodyParams: [
             isBodyParam: true
             isModel: true
             baseName: body
             paramName: body
             dataType: User
             description: Created user object
             baseType: User
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Created user object",
                           "content" : {
                             "*/*" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
                           "required" : true
             hasVars: true
             vars: [
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: id
                 complexType: long
                 getter: getId
                 setter: setId
                 dataType: Long
                 datatypeWithEnum: Long
                 dataFormat: int64
                 name: id
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
                 baseType: long
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "format" : "int64"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isLong: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Id
                 nameInSnakeCase: ID
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: username
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getUsername
                 setter: setUsername
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: username
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.username;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 required: true
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Username
                 nameInSnakeCase: USERNAME
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: firstName
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getFirstName
                 setter: setFirstName
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: firstName
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.firstName;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: FirstName
                 nameInSnakeCase: FIRST_NAME
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: lastName
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getLastName
                 setter: setLastName
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: lastName
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.lastName;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: LastName
                 nameInSnakeCase: LAST_NAME
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: email
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getEmail
                 setter: setEmail
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: email
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.email;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Email
                 nameInSnakeCase: EMAIL
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: password
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPassword
                 setter: setPassword
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: password
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.password;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Password
                 nameInSnakeCase: PASSWORD
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: phone
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPhone
                 setter: setPhone
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: phone
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.phone;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Phone
                 nameInSnakeCase: PHONE
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: userStatus
                 complexType: integer
                 getter: getUserStatus
                 setter: setUserStatus
                 description: User Status
                 dataType: Integer
                 datatypeWithEnum: Integer
                 dataFormat: int32
                 name: userStatus
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.userStatus;
                 baseType: integer
                 unescapedDescription: User Status
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "description" : "User Status",
                               "format" : "int32"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isInteger: true
                 isShort: true
                 nameInCamelCase: UserStatus
                 nameInSnakeCase: USER_STATUS
             required: true
         requiredParams: [
             isBodyParam: true
             isModel: true
             baseName: body
             paramName: body
             dataType: User
             description: Created user object
             baseType: User
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Created user object",
                           "content" : {
                             "*/*" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
                           "required" : true
             hasVars: true
             vars: [
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: id
                 complexType: long
                 getter: getId
                 setter: setId
                 dataType: Long
                 datatypeWithEnum: Long
                 dataFormat: int64
                 name: id
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
                 baseType: long
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "format" : "int64"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isLong: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Id
                 nameInSnakeCase: ID
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: username
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getUsername
                 setter: setUsername
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: username
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.username;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 required: true
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Username
                 nameInSnakeCase: USERNAME
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: firstName
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getFirstName
                 setter: setFirstName
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: firstName
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.firstName;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: FirstName
                 nameInSnakeCase: FIRST_NAME
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: lastName
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getLastName
                 setter: setLastName
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: lastName
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.lastName;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: LastName
                 nameInSnakeCase: LAST_NAME
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: email
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getEmail
                 setter: setEmail
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: email
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.email;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Email
                 nameInSnakeCase: EMAIL
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: password
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPassword
                 setter: setPassword
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: password
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.password;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Password
                 nameInSnakeCase: PASSWORD
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: phone
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPhone
                 setter: setPhone
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: phone
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.phone;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Phone
                 nameInSnakeCase: PHONE
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: userStatus
                 complexType: integer
                 getter: getUserStatus
                 setter: setUserStatus
                 description: User Status
                 dataType: Integer
                 datatypeWithEnum: Integer
                 dataFormat: int32
                 name: userStatus
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.userStatus;
                 baseType: integer
                 unescapedDescription: User Status
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "description" : "User Status",
                               "format" : "int32"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isInteger: true
                 isShort: true
                 nameInCamelCase: UserStatus
                 nameInSnakeCase: USER_STATUS
             required: true
         tags: [
             name: user
             description: Operations about user
         responses: [
             code: 0
             message: successful operation
             isDefault: true
             simpleType: true
             primitiveType: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "successful operation",
                           "content" : { }
         imports: [User]
         imports: {
             - User
         requestBodyExamples: [
             0: {
               contentType: */*
               example: {
                          "firstName" : "firstName",
                          "lastName" : "lastName",
                          "password" : "password",
                          "userStatus" : 6,
                          "phone" : "phone",
                          "id" : 0,
                          "email" : "email",
                          "username" : "username"
         vendorExtensions: {
             x-codegen-request-body-name: body
         nickname: createUser
         operationIdOriginal: createUser
         operationIdLowerCase: createuser
         operationIdCamelCase: CreateUser
         operationIdSnakeCase: create_user
         hasParams: true
         hasRequiredParams: true
         path: /user/createWithArray
         operationId: createUsersWithArrayInput
         httpMethod: POST
         summary: Creates list of users with given input array
         baseName: User
           isBodyParam: true
           isContainer: true
           baseName: body
           paramName: body
           dataType: List
           description: List of user object
           baseType: User
           jsonSchema: {
                         "description" : "List of user object",
                         "content" : {
                           "*/*" : {
                             "schema" : {
                               "type" : "array",
                               "items" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
                         "required" : true
           isArray: true
             openApiType: User
             baseName: property
             complexType: User
             getter: getProperty
             setter: setProperty
             dataType: User
             datatypeWithEnum: User
             name: property
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.property;
             baseType: User
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
             isModel: true
             nameInCamelCase: Property
             nameInSnakeCase: PROPERTY
             openApiType: User
             baseName: property
             complexType: User
             getter: getProperty
             setter: setProperty
             dataType: User
             datatypeWithEnum: User
             name: property
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.property;
             baseType: User
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
             isModel: true
             nameInCamelCase: Property
             nameInSnakeCase: PROPERTY
           required: true
         allParams: [
             isBodyParam: true
             isContainer: true
             baseName: body
             paramName: body
             dataType: List
             description: List of user object
             baseType: User
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "List of user object",
                           "content" : {
                             "*/*" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "type" : "array",
                                 "items" : {
                                   "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
                           "required" : true
             isArray: true
               openApiType: User
               baseName: property
               complexType: User
               getter: getProperty
               setter: setProperty
               dataType: User
               datatypeWithEnum: User
               name: property
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.property;
               baseType: User
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
               isModel: true
               nameInCamelCase: Property
               nameInSnakeCase: PROPERTY
               openApiType: User
               baseName: property
               complexType: User
               getter: getProperty
               setter: setProperty
               dataType: User
               datatypeWithEnum: User
               name: property
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.property;
               baseType: User
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
               isModel: true
               nameInCamelCase: Property
               nameInSnakeCase: PROPERTY
             required: true
         bodyParams: [
             isBodyParam: true
             isContainer: true
             baseName: body
             paramName: body
             dataType: List
             description: List of user object
             baseType: User
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "List of user object",
                           "content" : {
                             "*/*" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "type" : "array",
                                 "items" : {
                                   "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
                           "required" : true
             isArray: true
               openApiType: User
               baseName: property
               complexType: User
               getter: getProperty
               setter: setProperty
               dataType: User
               datatypeWithEnum: User
               name: property
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.property;
               baseType: User
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
               isModel: true
               nameInCamelCase: Property
               nameInSnakeCase: PROPERTY
               openApiType: User
               baseName: property
               complexType: User
               getter: getProperty
               setter: setProperty
               dataType: User
               datatypeWithEnum: User
               name: property
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.property;
               baseType: User
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
               isModel: true
               nameInCamelCase: Property
               nameInSnakeCase: PROPERTY
             required: true
         requiredParams: [
             isBodyParam: true
             isContainer: true
             baseName: body
             paramName: body
             dataType: List
             description: List of user object
             baseType: User
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "List of user object",
                           "content" : {
                             "*/*" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "type" : "array",
                                 "items" : {
                                   "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
                           "required" : true
             isArray: true
               openApiType: User
               baseName: property
               complexType: User
               getter: getProperty
               setter: setProperty
               dataType: User
               datatypeWithEnum: User
               name: property
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.property;
               baseType: User
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
               isModel: true
               nameInCamelCase: Property
               nameInSnakeCase: PROPERTY
               openApiType: User
               baseName: property
               complexType: User
               getter: getProperty
               setter: setProperty
               dataType: User
               datatypeWithEnum: User
               name: property
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.property;
               baseType: User
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
               isModel: true
               nameInCamelCase: Property
               nameInSnakeCase: PROPERTY
             required: true
         tags: [
             name: user
             description: Operations about user
         responses: [
             code: 0
             message: successful operation
             isDefault: true
             simpleType: true
             primitiveType: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "successful operation",
                           "content" : { }
         imports: [User, array]
         imports: {
             - User
             - array
         requestBodyExamples: [
             0: {
               contentType: */*
               example: {
                          "firstName" : "firstName",
                          "lastName" : "lastName",
                          "password" : "password",
                          "userStatus" : 6,
                          "phone" : "phone",
                          "id" : 0,
                          "email" : "email",
                          "username" : "username"
         vendorExtensions: {
             x-codegen-request-body-name: body
         nickname: createUsersWithArrayInput
         operationIdOriginal: createUsersWithArrayInput
         operationIdLowerCase: createuserswitharrayinput
         operationIdCamelCase: CreateUsersWithArrayInput
         operationIdSnakeCase: create_users_with_array_input
         hasParams: true
         hasRequiredParams: true
         path: /user/createWithList
         operationId: createUsersWithListInput
         httpMethod: POST
         summary: Creates list of users with given input array
         baseName: User
           isBodyParam: true
           isContainer: true
           baseName: body
           paramName: body
           dataType: List
           description: List of user object
           baseType: User
           jsonSchema: {
                         "description" : "List of user object",
                         "content" : {
                           "*/*" : {
                             "schema" : {
                               "type" : "array",
                               "items" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
                         "required" : true
           isArray: true
             openApiType: User
             baseName: property
             complexType: User
             getter: getProperty
             setter: setProperty
             dataType: User
             datatypeWithEnum: User
             name: property
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.property;
             baseType: User
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
             isModel: true
             nameInCamelCase: Property
             nameInSnakeCase: PROPERTY
             openApiType: User
             baseName: property
             complexType: User
             getter: getProperty
             setter: setProperty
             dataType: User
             datatypeWithEnum: User
             name: property
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.property;
             baseType: User
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
             isModel: true
             nameInCamelCase: Property
             nameInSnakeCase: PROPERTY
           required: true
         allParams: [
             isBodyParam: true
             isContainer: true
             baseName: body
             paramName: body
             dataType: List
             description: List of user object
             baseType: User
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "List of user object",
                           "content" : {
                             "*/*" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "type" : "array",
                                 "items" : {
                                   "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
                           "required" : true
             isArray: true
               openApiType: User
               baseName: property
               complexType: User
               getter: getProperty
               setter: setProperty
               dataType: User
               datatypeWithEnum: User
               name: property
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.property;
               baseType: User
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
               isModel: true
               nameInCamelCase: Property
               nameInSnakeCase: PROPERTY
               openApiType: User
               baseName: property
               complexType: User
               getter: getProperty
               setter: setProperty
               dataType: User
               datatypeWithEnum: User
               name: property
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.property;
               baseType: User
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
               isModel: true
               nameInCamelCase: Property
               nameInSnakeCase: PROPERTY
             required: true
         bodyParams: [
             isBodyParam: true
             isContainer: true
             baseName: body
             paramName: body
             dataType: List
             description: List of user object
             baseType: User
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "List of user object",
                           "content" : {
                             "*/*" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "type" : "array",
                                 "items" : {
                                   "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
                           "required" : true
             isArray: true
               openApiType: User
               baseName: property
               complexType: User
               getter: getProperty
               setter: setProperty
               dataType: User
               datatypeWithEnum: User
               name: property
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.property;
               baseType: User
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
               isModel: true
               nameInCamelCase: Property
               nameInSnakeCase: PROPERTY
               openApiType: User
               baseName: property
               complexType: User
               getter: getProperty
               setter: setProperty
               dataType: User
               datatypeWithEnum: User
               name: property
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.property;
               baseType: User
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
               isModel: true
               nameInCamelCase: Property
               nameInSnakeCase: PROPERTY
             required: true
         requiredParams: [
             isBodyParam: true
             isContainer: true
             baseName: body
             paramName: body
             dataType: List
             description: List of user object
             baseType: User
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "List of user object",
                           "content" : {
                             "*/*" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "type" : "array",
                                 "items" : {
                                   "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
                           "required" : true
             isArray: true
               openApiType: User
               baseName: property
               complexType: User
               getter: getProperty
               setter: setProperty
               dataType: User
               datatypeWithEnum: User
               name: property
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.property;
               baseType: User
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
               isModel: true
               nameInCamelCase: Property
               nameInSnakeCase: PROPERTY
               openApiType: User
               baseName: property
               complexType: User
               getter: getProperty
               setter: setProperty
               dataType: User
               datatypeWithEnum: User
               name: property
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.property;
               baseType: User
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
               isModel: true
               nameInCamelCase: Property
               nameInSnakeCase: PROPERTY
             required: true
         tags: [
             name: user
             description: Operations about user
         responses: [
             code: 0
             message: successful operation
             isDefault: true
             simpleType: true
             primitiveType: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "successful operation",
                           "content" : { }
         imports: [User, array]
         imports: {
             - User
             - array
         requestBodyExamples: [
             0: {
               contentType: */*
               example: {
                          "firstName" : "firstName",
                          "lastName" : "lastName",
                          "password" : "password",
                          "userStatus" : 6,
                          "phone" : "phone",
                          "id" : 0,
                          "email" : "email",
                          "username" : "username"
         vendorExtensions: {
             x-codegen-request-body-name: body
         nickname: createUsersWithListInput
         operationIdOriginal: createUsersWithListInput
         operationIdLowerCase: createuserswithlistinput
         operationIdCamelCase: CreateUsersWithListInput
         operationIdSnakeCase: create_users_with_list_input
         hasParams: true
         hasRequiredParams: true
         path: /user/{username}
         operationId: deleteUser
         httpMethod: DELETE
         summary: Delete user
         unescapedNotes: This can only be done by the logged in user.
         notes: This can only be done by the logged in user.
         baseName: User
         allParams: [
             isPathParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: username
             paramName: username
             dataType: String
             description: The name that needs to be deleted
             unescapedDescription: The name that needs to be deleted
             defaultValue: null
             example: username_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "username",
                           "in" : "path",
                           "description" : "The name that needs to be deleted",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             required: true
         pathParams: [
             isPathParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: username
             paramName: username
             dataType: String
             description: The name that needs to be deleted
             unescapedDescription: The name that needs to be deleted
             defaultValue: null
             example: username_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "username",
                           "in" : "path",
                           "description" : "The name that needs to be deleted",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             required: true
         requiredParams: [
             isPathParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: username
             paramName: username
             dataType: String
             description: The name that needs to be deleted
             unescapedDescription: The name that needs to be deleted
             defaultValue: null
             example: username_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "username",
                           "in" : "path",
                           "description" : "The name that needs to be deleted",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             required: true
         tags: [
             name: user
             description: Operations about user
         responses: [
             code: 400
             is4xx: true
             message: Invalid username supplied
             simpleType: true
             primitiveType: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Invalid username supplied",
                           "content" : { }
             code: 404
             is4xx: true
             message: User not found
             simpleType: true
             primitiveType: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "User not found",
                           "content" : { }
         imports: [string]
         imports: {
             - string
         nickname: deleteUser
         operationIdOriginal: deleteUser
         operationIdLowerCase: deleteuser
         operationIdCamelCase: DeleteUser
         operationIdSnakeCase: delete_user
         hasProduces: true
         hasParams: true
         hasRequiredParams: true
         returnSimpleType: true
         hasReference: true
         path: /user/{username}
         operationId: getUserByName
         returnType: User
         httpMethod: GET
         returnBaseType: User
         summary: Get user by user name
         baseName: User
         defaultResponse: null
         produces: [
             0: {
               mediaType: application/xml
             1: {
               mediaType: application/json
         allParams: [
             isPathParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: username
             paramName: username
             dataType: String
             description: The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing.
             unescapedDescription: The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing.
             defaultValue: null
             example: username_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "username",
                           "in" : "path",
                           "description" : "The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing.",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             required: true
         pathParams: [
             isPathParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: username
             paramName: username
             dataType: String
             description: The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing.
             unescapedDescription: The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing.
             defaultValue: null
             example: username_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "username",
                           "in" : "path",
                           "description" : "The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing.",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             required: true
         requiredParams: [
             isPathParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: username
             paramName: username
             dataType: String
             description: The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing.
             unescapedDescription: The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing.
             defaultValue: null
             example: username_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "username",
                           "in" : "path",
                           "description" : "The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing.",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             required: true
         tags: [
             name: user
             description: Operations about user
         responses: [
             code: 200
             is2xx: true
             message: successful operation
             dataType: User
             baseType: User
             isModel: true
             simpleType: true
               $ref: #/components/schemas/User
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "successful operation",
                           "content" : {
                             "application/xml" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
                             "application/json" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
             code: 400
             is4xx: true
             message: Invalid username supplied
             simpleType: true
             primitiveType: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Invalid username supplied",
                           "content" : { }
             code: 404
             is4xx: true
             message: User not found
             simpleType: true
             primitiveType: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "User not found",
                           "content" : { }
         imports: [User, string]
         imports: {
             - User
             - string
         examples: [
             0: {
               contentType: application/json
               example: {
                          "firstName" : "firstName",
                          "lastName" : "lastName",
                          "password" : "password",
                          "userStatus" : 6,
                          "phone" : "phone",
                          "id" : 0,
                          "email" : "email",
                          "username" : "username"
               statusCode: 200
             1: {
               contentType: application/xml
               example: <User>
               statusCode: 200
         nickname: getUserByName
         operationIdOriginal: getUserByName
         operationIdLowerCase: getuserbyname
         operationIdCamelCase: GetUserByName
         operationIdSnakeCase: get_user_by_name
         responseHeaders: [
             openApiType: integer
             baseName: X-Rate-Limit
             complexType: integer
             getter: getXMinusRateMinusLimit
             setter: setXMinusRateMinusLimit
             description: calls per hour allowed by the user
             dataType: Integer
             datatypeWithEnum: Integer
             dataFormat: int32
             name: XMinusRateMinusLimit
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.X-Rate-Limit;
             baseType: integer
             unescapedDescription: calls per hour allowed by the user
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "integer",
                           "format" : "int32"
             isNumeric: true
             isInteger: true
             isShort: true
             nameInCamelCase: XMinusRateMinusLimit
             nameInSnakeCase: X_MINUS_RATE_MINUS_LIMIT
             openApiType: string
             baseName: X-Expires-After
             complexType: DateTime
             getter: getXMinusExpiresMinusAfter
             setter: setXMinusExpiresMinusAfter
             description: date in UTC when token expires
             dataType: Date
             datatypeWithEnum: Date
             dataFormat: date-time
             name: XMinusExpiresMinusAfter
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.X-Expires-After;
             baseType: DateTime
             unescapedDescription: date in UTC when token expires
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string",
                           "format" : "date-time"
             isDateTime: true
             nameInCamelCase: XMinusExpiresMinusAfter
             nameInSnakeCase: X_MINUS_EXPIRES_MINUS_AFTER
         hasProduces: true
         hasParams: true
         hasRequiredParams: true
         returnSimpleType: true
         path: /user/login
         operationId: loginUser
         returnType: String
         httpMethod: GET
         returnBaseType: string
         summary: Logs user into the system
         baseName: User
         defaultResponse: null
         produces: [
             0: {
               mediaType: application/xml
             1: {
               mediaType: application/json
         allParams: [
             isQueryParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: username
             paramName: username
             dataType: String
             description: The user name for login
             unescapedDescription: The user name for login
             defaultValue: null
             example: username_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "username",
                           "in" : "query",
                           "description" : "The user name for login",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             required: true
             isQueryParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: password
             paramName: password
             dataType: String
             description: The password for login in clear text
             unescapedDescription: The password for login in clear text
             defaultValue: null
             example: password_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "password",
                           "in" : "query",
                           "description" : "The password for login in clear text",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             required: true
         queryParams: [
             isQueryParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: username
             paramName: username
             dataType: String
             description: The user name for login
             unescapedDescription: The user name for login
             defaultValue: null
             example: username_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "username",
                           "in" : "query",
                           "description" : "The user name for login",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             required: true
             isQueryParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: password
             paramName: password
             dataType: String
             description: The password for login in clear text
             unescapedDescription: The password for login in clear text
             defaultValue: null
             example: password_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "password",
                           "in" : "query",
                           "description" : "The password for login in clear text",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             required: true
         requiredParams: [
             isQueryParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: username
             paramName: username
             dataType: String
             description: The user name for login
             unescapedDescription: The user name for login
             defaultValue: null
             example: username_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "username",
                           "in" : "query",
                           "description" : "The user name for login",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             required: true
             isQueryParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: password
             paramName: password
             dataType: String
             description: The password for login in clear text
             unescapedDescription: The password for login in clear text
             defaultValue: null
             example: password_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "password",
                           "in" : "query",
                           "description" : "The password for login in clear text",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             required: true
         tags: [
             name: user
             description: Operations about user
         responses: [
             headers: [
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: X-Rate-Limit
                 complexType: integer
                 getter: getXMinusRateMinusLimit
                 setter: setXMinusRateMinusLimit
                 description: calls per hour allowed by the user
                 dataType: Integer
                 datatypeWithEnum: Integer
                 dataFormat: int32
                 name: XMinusRateMinusLimit
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.X-Rate-Limit;
                 baseType: integer
                 unescapedDescription: calls per hour allowed by the user
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "format" : "int32"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isInteger: true
                 isShort: true
                 nameInCamelCase: XMinusRateMinusLimit
                 nameInSnakeCase: X_MINUS_RATE_MINUS_LIMIT
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: X-Expires-After
                 complexType: DateTime
                 getter: getXMinusExpiresMinusAfter
                 setter: setXMinusExpiresMinusAfter
                 description: date in UTC when token expires
                 dataType: Date
                 datatypeWithEnum: Date
                 dataFormat: date-time
                 name: XMinusExpiresMinusAfter
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.X-Expires-After;
                 baseType: DateTime
                 unescapedDescription: date in UTC when token expires
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string",
                               "format" : "date-time"
                 isDateTime: true
                 nameInCamelCase: XMinusExpiresMinusAfter
                 nameInSnakeCase: X_MINUS_EXPIRES_MINUS_AFTER
             code: 200
             is2xx: true
             message: successful operation
             dataType: String
             baseType: string
             hasHeaders: true
             isString: true
             isModel: true
             simpleType: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "successful operation",
                           "headers" : {
                             "X-Rate-Limit" : {
                               "description" : "calls per hour allowed by the user",
                               "schema" : {
                                 "type" : "integer",
                                 "format" : "int32"
                             "X-Expires-After" : {
                               "description" : "date in UTC when token expires",
                               "schema" : {
                                 "type" : "string",
                                 "format" : "date-time"
                           "content" : {
                             "application/xml" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "type" : "string"
                             "application/json" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "type" : "string"
             code: 400
             is4xx: true
             message: Invalid username/password supplied
             simpleType: true
             primitiveType: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Invalid username/password supplied",
                           "content" : { }
         imports: [string]
         imports: {
             - string
         nickname: loginUser
         operationIdOriginal: loginUser
         operationIdLowerCase: loginuser
         operationIdCamelCase: LoginUser
         operationIdSnakeCase: login_user
         path: /user/logout
         operationId: logoutUser
         httpMethod: GET
         summary: Logs out current logged in user session
         baseName: User
         tags: [
             name: user
             description: Operations about user
         responses: [
             code: 0
             message: successful operation
             isDefault: true
             simpleType: true
             primitiveType: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "successful operation",
                           "content" : { }
         nickname: logoutUser
         operationIdOriginal: logoutUser
         operationIdLowerCase: logoutuser
         operationIdCamelCase: LogoutUser
         operationIdSnakeCase: logout_user
         hasParams: true
         hasRequiredParams: true
         path: /user/{username}
         operationId: updateUser
         httpMethod: PUT
         summary: Updated user
         unescapedNotes: This can only be done by the logged in user.
         notes: This can only be done by the logged in user.
         baseName: User
           isBodyParam: true
           isModel: true
           baseName: body
           paramName: body
           dataType: User
           description: Updated user object
           baseType: User
           jsonSchema: {
                         "description" : "Updated user object",
                         "content" : {
                           "*/*" : {
                             "schema" : {
                               "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
                         "required" : true
           hasVars: true
           vars: [
               openApiType: integer
               baseName: id
               complexType: long
               getter: getId
               setter: setId
               dataType: Long
               datatypeWithEnum: Long
               dataFormat: int64
               name: id
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
               baseType: long
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "integer",
                             "format" : "int64"
               isNumeric: true
               isLong: true
               nameInCamelCase: Id
               nameInSnakeCase: ID
               openApiType: string
               baseName: username
               complexType: string
               getter: getUsername
               setter: setUsername
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: String
               name: username
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.username;
               baseType: string
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string"
               required: true
               isString: true
               nameInCamelCase: Username
               nameInSnakeCase: USERNAME
               openApiType: string
               baseName: firstName
               complexType: string
               getter: getFirstName
               setter: setFirstName
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: String
               name: firstName
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.firstName;
               baseType: string
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string"
               isString: true
               nameInCamelCase: FirstName
               nameInSnakeCase: FIRST_NAME
               openApiType: string
               baseName: lastName
               complexType: string
               getter: getLastName
               setter: setLastName
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: String
               name: lastName
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.lastName;
               baseType: string
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string"
               isString: true
               nameInCamelCase: LastName
               nameInSnakeCase: LAST_NAME
               openApiType: string
               baseName: email
               complexType: string
               getter: getEmail
               setter: setEmail
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: String
               name: email
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.email;
               baseType: string
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string"
               isString: true
               nameInCamelCase: Email
               nameInSnakeCase: EMAIL
               openApiType: string
               baseName: password
               complexType: string
               getter: getPassword
               setter: setPassword
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: String
               name: password
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.password;
               baseType: string
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string"
               isString: true
               nameInCamelCase: Password
               nameInSnakeCase: PASSWORD
               openApiType: string
               baseName: phone
               complexType: string
               getter: getPhone
               setter: setPhone
               dataType: String
               datatypeWithEnum: String
               name: phone
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.phone;
               baseType: string
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "string"
               isString: true
               nameInCamelCase: Phone
               nameInSnakeCase: PHONE
               openApiType: integer
               baseName: userStatus
               complexType: integer
               getter: getUserStatus
               setter: setUserStatus
               description: User Status
               dataType: Integer
               datatypeWithEnum: Integer
               dataFormat: int32
               name: userStatus
               defaultValue: null
               defaultValueWithParam:  = data.userStatus;
               baseType: integer
               unescapedDescription: User Status
               example: null
               jsonSchema: {
                             "type" : "integer",
                             "description" : "User Status",
                             "format" : "int32"
               isNumeric: true
               isInteger: true
               isShort: true
               nameInCamelCase: UserStatus
               nameInSnakeCase: USER_STATUS
           required: true
         allParams: [
             isPathParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: username
             paramName: username
             dataType: String
             description: name that need to be deleted
             unescapedDescription: name that need to be deleted
             defaultValue: null
             example: username_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "username",
                           "in" : "path",
                           "description" : "name that need to be deleted",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             required: true
             isBodyParam: true
             isModel: true
             baseName: body
             paramName: body
             dataType: User
             description: Updated user object
             baseType: User
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Updated user object",
                           "content" : {
                             "*/*" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
                           "required" : true
             hasVars: true
             vars: [
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: id
                 complexType: long
                 getter: getId
                 setter: setId
                 dataType: Long
                 datatypeWithEnum: Long
                 dataFormat: int64
                 name: id
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
                 baseType: long
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "format" : "int64"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isLong: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Id
                 nameInSnakeCase: ID
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: username
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getUsername
                 setter: setUsername
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: username
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.username;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 required: true
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Username
                 nameInSnakeCase: USERNAME
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: firstName
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getFirstName
                 setter: setFirstName
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: firstName
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.firstName;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: FirstName
                 nameInSnakeCase: FIRST_NAME
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: lastName
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getLastName
                 setter: setLastName
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: lastName
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.lastName;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: LastName
                 nameInSnakeCase: LAST_NAME
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: email
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getEmail
                 setter: setEmail
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: email
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.email;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Email
                 nameInSnakeCase: EMAIL
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: password
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPassword
                 setter: setPassword
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: password
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.password;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Password
                 nameInSnakeCase: PASSWORD
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: phone
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPhone
                 setter: setPhone
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: phone
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.phone;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Phone
                 nameInSnakeCase: PHONE
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: userStatus
                 complexType: integer
                 getter: getUserStatus
                 setter: setUserStatus
                 description: User Status
                 dataType: Integer
                 datatypeWithEnum: Integer
                 dataFormat: int32
                 name: userStatus
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.userStatus;
                 baseType: integer
                 unescapedDescription: User Status
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "description" : "User Status",
                               "format" : "int32"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isInteger: true
                 isShort: true
                 nameInCamelCase: UserStatus
                 nameInSnakeCase: USER_STATUS
             required: true
         bodyParams: [
             isBodyParam: true
             isModel: true
             baseName: body
             paramName: body
             dataType: User
             description: Updated user object
             baseType: User
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Updated user object",
                           "content" : {
                             "*/*" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
                           "required" : true
             hasVars: true
             vars: [
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: id
                 complexType: long
                 getter: getId
                 setter: setId
                 dataType: Long
                 datatypeWithEnum: Long
                 dataFormat: int64
                 name: id
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
                 baseType: long
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "format" : "int64"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isLong: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Id
                 nameInSnakeCase: ID
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: username
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getUsername
                 setter: setUsername
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: username
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.username;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 required: true
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Username
                 nameInSnakeCase: USERNAME
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: firstName
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getFirstName
                 setter: setFirstName
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: firstName
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.firstName;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: FirstName
                 nameInSnakeCase: FIRST_NAME
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: lastName
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getLastName
                 setter: setLastName
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: lastName
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.lastName;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: LastName
                 nameInSnakeCase: LAST_NAME
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: email
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getEmail
                 setter: setEmail
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: email
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.email;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Email
                 nameInSnakeCase: EMAIL
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: password
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPassword
                 setter: setPassword
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: password
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.password;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Password
                 nameInSnakeCase: PASSWORD
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: phone
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPhone
                 setter: setPhone
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: phone
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.phone;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Phone
                 nameInSnakeCase: PHONE
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: userStatus
                 complexType: integer
                 getter: getUserStatus
                 setter: setUserStatus
                 description: User Status
                 dataType: Integer
                 datatypeWithEnum: Integer
                 dataFormat: int32
                 name: userStatus
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.userStatus;
                 baseType: integer
                 unescapedDescription: User Status
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "description" : "User Status",
                               "format" : "int32"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isInteger: true
                 isShort: true
                 nameInCamelCase: UserStatus
                 nameInSnakeCase: USER_STATUS
             required: true
         pathParams: [
             isPathParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: username
             paramName: username
             dataType: String
             description: name that need to be deleted
             unescapedDescription: name that need to be deleted
             defaultValue: null
             example: username_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "username",
                           "in" : "path",
                           "description" : "name that need to be deleted",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             required: true
         requiredParams: [
             isPathParam: true
             isPrimitiveType: true
             baseName: username
             paramName: username
             dataType: String
             description: name that need to be deleted
             unescapedDescription: name that need to be deleted
             defaultValue: null
             example: username_example
             jsonSchema: {
                           "name" : "username",
                           "in" : "path",
                           "description" : "name that need to be deleted",
                           "required" : true,
                           "schema" : {
                             "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             required: true
             isBodyParam: true
             isModel: true
             baseName: body
             paramName: body
             dataType: User
             description: Updated user object
             baseType: User
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Updated user object",
                           "content" : {
                             "*/*" : {
                               "schema" : {
                                 "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/User"
                           "required" : true
             hasVars: true
             vars: [
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: id
                 complexType: long
                 getter: getId
                 setter: setId
                 dataType: Long
                 datatypeWithEnum: Long
                 dataFormat: int64
                 name: id
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
                 baseType: long
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "format" : "int64"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isLong: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Id
                 nameInSnakeCase: ID
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: username
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getUsername
                 setter: setUsername
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: username
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.username;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 required: true
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Username
                 nameInSnakeCase: USERNAME
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: firstName
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getFirstName
                 setter: setFirstName
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: firstName
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.firstName;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: FirstName
                 nameInSnakeCase: FIRST_NAME
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: lastName
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getLastName
                 setter: setLastName
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: lastName
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.lastName;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: LastName
                 nameInSnakeCase: LAST_NAME
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: email
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getEmail
                 setter: setEmail
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: email
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.email;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Email
                 nameInSnakeCase: EMAIL
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: password
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPassword
                 setter: setPassword
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: password
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.password;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Password
                 nameInSnakeCase: PASSWORD
                 openApiType: string
                 baseName: phone
                 complexType: string
                 getter: getPhone
                 setter: setPhone
                 dataType: String
                 datatypeWithEnum: String
                 name: phone
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.phone;
                 baseType: string
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "string"
                 isString: true
                 nameInCamelCase: Phone
                 nameInSnakeCase: PHONE
                 openApiType: integer
                 baseName: userStatus
                 complexType: integer
                 getter: getUserStatus
                 setter: setUserStatus
                 description: User Status
                 dataType: Integer
                 datatypeWithEnum: Integer
                 dataFormat: int32
                 name: userStatus
                 defaultValue: null
                 defaultValueWithParam:  = data.userStatus;
                 baseType: integer
                 unescapedDescription: User Status
                 example: null
                 jsonSchema: {
                               "type" : "integer",
                               "description" : "User Status",
                               "format" : "int32"
                 isNumeric: true
                 isInteger: true
                 isShort: true
                 nameInCamelCase: UserStatus
                 nameInSnakeCase: USER_STATUS
             required: true
         tags: [
             name: user
             description: Operations about user
         responses: [
             code: 400
             is4xx: true
             message: Invalid user supplied
             simpleType: true
             primitiveType: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "Invalid user supplied",
                           "content" : { }
             code: 404
             is4xx: true
             message: User not found
             simpleType: true
             primitiveType: true
             jsonSchema: {
                           "description" : "User not found",
                           "content" : { }
         imports: [User, string]
         imports: {
             - User
             - string
         requestBodyExamples: [
             0: {
               contentType: */*
               example: {
                          "firstName" : "firstName",
                          "lastName" : "lastName",
                          "password" : "password",
                          "userStatus" : 6,
                          "phone" : "phone",
                          "id" : 0,
                          "email" : "email",
                          "username" : "username"
         vendorExtensions: {
             x-codegen-request-body-name: body
         nickname: updateUser
         operationIdOriginal: updateUser
         operationIdLowerCase: updateuser
         operationIdCamelCase: UpdateUser
         operationIdSnakeCase: update_user
       pathPrefix: user
     package: org.openapitools.api
     imports: [
       0: {
         import: org.openapitools.model.User
         classname: User
       1: {
         import: org.openapitools.model.array
         classname: array
       2: {
         import: org.openapitools.model.string
         classname: string
     hasImport: true
 --- allModels ---
     0: {
       importPath: org.openapitools.model.ApiResponse
       name: ApiResponse
       classname: ApiResponse
       title: An uploaded response
       description: Describes the result of uploading an image resource
       classVarName: ApiResponse
       modelJson: {
                    "title" : "An uploaded response",
                    "type" : "object",
                    "properties" : {
                      "code" : {
                        "type" : "integer",
                        "format" : "int32"
                      "type" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                      "message" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                    "description" : "Describes the result of uploading an image resource"
       dataType: object
       classFilename: ApiResponse
       unescapedDescription: Describes the result of uploading an image resource
       vars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: code
           complexType: integer
           getter: getCode
           setter: setCode
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: code
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.code;
           baseType: integer
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int32"
           isNumeric: true
           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: Code
           nameInSnakeCase: CODE
           openApiType: string
           baseName: type
           complexType: string
           getter: getType
           setter: setType
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: type
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.type;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Type
           nameInSnakeCase: TYPE
           openApiType: string
           baseName: message
           complexType: string
           getter: getMessage
           setter: setMessage
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: message
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           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.message;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
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           nameInSnakeCase: MESSAGE
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           setter: setCode
           dataType: Integer
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           dataFormat: int32
           name: code
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.code;
           baseType: integer
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int32"
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           isShort: true
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           nameInSnakeCase: CODE
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           getter: getType
           setter: setType
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: type
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           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.type;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
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           nameInSnakeCase: TYPE
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           setter: setMessage
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: message
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.message;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
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           nameInSnakeCase: MESSAGE
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           setter: setCode
           dataType: Integer
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           dataFormat: int32
           name: code
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           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.code;
           baseType: integer
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
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           setter: setType
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           name: type
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           example: null
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           nameInSnakeCase: TYPE
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           setter: setMessage
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: message
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           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.message;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
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           nameInSnakeCase: MESSAGE
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           setter: setCode
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           dataFormat: int32
           name: code
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.code;
           baseType: integer
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int32"
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           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: Code
           nameInSnakeCase: CODE
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           getter: getType
           setter: setType
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: type
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           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.type;
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           example: null
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                         "type" : "string"
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           nameInSnakeCase: TYPE
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           setter: setMessage
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: message
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           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.message;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Message
           nameInSnakeCase: MESSAGE
       imports: [integer, string]
       imports: {
           - integer
           - string
       hasVars: true
       hasOptional: true
     1: {
       importPath: org.openapitools.model.Category
       name: Category
       classname: Category
       title: Pet category
       description: A category for a pet
       classVarName: Category
       modelJson: {
                    "title" : "Pet category",
                    "type" : "object",
                    "properties" : {
                      "id" : {
                        "type" : "integer",
                        "format" : "int64"
                      "name" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                    "description" : "A category for a pet",
                    "xml" : {
                      "name" : "Category"
       dataType: object
       xmlName: Category
       classFilename: Category
       unescapedDescription: A category for a pet
       vars: [
           openApiType: integer
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           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
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           isLong: true
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           nameInSnakeCase: ID
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           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
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           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
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           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
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           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
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           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
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           isLong: true
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           nameInSnakeCase: ID
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           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
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           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
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           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
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           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
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           baseName: id
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           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
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           isLong: true
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           nameInSnakeCase: ID
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           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
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           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
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           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
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           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
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           name: id
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           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
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           setter: setName
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           name: name
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           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
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           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
       imports: [string]
       imports: {
           - string
       hasVars: true
       hasOptional: true
     2: {
       importPath: org.openapitools.model.Order
       name: Order
       classname: Order
       title: Pet Order
       description: An order for a pets from the pet store
       classVarName: Order
       modelJson: {
                    "title" : "Pet Order",
                    "type" : "object",
                    "properties" : {
                      "id" : {
                        "type" : "integer",
                        "format" : "int64"
                      "petId" : {
                        "type" : "integer",
                        "format" : "int64"
                      "quantity" : {
                        "type" : "integer",
                        "format" : "int32"
                      "shipDate" : {
                        "type" : "string",
                        "format" : "date-time"
                      "status" : {
                        "type" : "string",
                        "description" : "Order Status",
                        "enum" : [ "placed", "approved", "delivered" ]
                      "complete" : {
                        "type" : "boolean",
                        "default" : false
                    "description" : "An order for a pets from the pet store",
                    "xml" : {
                      "name" : "Order"
       dataType: object
       xmlName: Order
       classFilename: Order
       unescapedDescription: An order for a pets from the pet store
       vars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: petId
           complexType: long
           getter: getPetId
           setter: setPetId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: petId
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.petId;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: PetId
           nameInSnakeCase: PET_ID
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: quantity
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           getter: getQuantity
           setter: setQuantity
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: quantity
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.quantity;
           baseType: integer
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int32"
           isNumeric: true
           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: Quantity
           nameInSnakeCase: QUANTITY
           openApiType: string
           baseName: shipDate
           complexType: DateTime
           getter: getShipDate
           setter: setShipDate
           dataType: Date
           datatypeWithEnum: Date
           dataFormat: date-time
           name: shipDate
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.shipDate;
           baseType: DateTime
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "format" : "date-time"
           isDateTime: true
           nameInCamelCase: ShipDate
           nameInSnakeCase: SHIP_DATE
           openApiType: string
           baseName: status
           complexType: string
           getter: getStatus
           setter: setStatus
           description: Order Status
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
           name: status
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
           baseType: string
           unescapedDescription: Order Status
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "description" : "Order Status",
                         "enum" : [ "placed", "approved", "delivered" ]
           isString: true
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           _enum: [
               0: placed
               1: approved
               2: delivered
           allowableValues: {
               values: [
                 0: placed
                 1: approved
                 2: delivered
           nameInCamelCase: Status
           nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
           enumName: StatusEnum
           openApiType: boolean
           baseName: complete
           complexType: boolean
           getter: getComplete
           setter: setComplete
           dataType: Boolean
           datatypeWithEnum: Boolean
           name: complete
           defaultValue: false
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.complete;
           baseType: boolean
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "boolean",
                         "default" : false
           isBoolean: true
           nameInCamelCase: Complete
           nameInSnakeCase: COMPLETE
       allVars: [
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           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
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           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: petId
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           getter: getPetId
           setter: setPetId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: petId
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.petId;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
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           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: PetId
           nameInSnakeCase: PET_ID
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: quantity
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           getter: getQuantity
           setter: setQuantity
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: quantity
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.quantity;
           baseType: integer
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int32"
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           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: Quantity
           nameInSnakeCase: QUANTITY
           openApiType: string
           baseName: shipDate
           complexType: DateTime
           getter: getShipDate
           setter: setShipDate
           dataType: Date
           datatypeWithEnum: Date
           dataFormat: date-time
           name: shipDate
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.shipDate;
           baseType: DateTime
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "format" : "date-time"
           isDateTime: true
           nameInCamelCase: ShipDate
           nameInSnakeCase: SHIP_DATE
           openApiType: string
           baseName: status
           complexType: string
           getter: getStatus
           setter: setStatus
           description: Order Status
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
           name: status
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
           baseType: string
           unescapedDescription: Order Status
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "description" : "Order Status",
                         "enum" : [ "placed", "approved", "delivered" ]
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           isEnum: true
           _enum: [
               0: placed
               1: approved
               2: delivered
           allowableValues: {
               values: [
                 0: placed
                 1: approved
                 2: delivered
           nameInCamelCase: Status
           nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
           enumName: StatusEnum
           openApiType: boolean
           baseName: complete
           complexType: boolean
           getter: getComplete
           setter: setComplete
           dataType: Boolean
           datatypeWithEnum: Boolean
           name: complete
           defaultValue: false
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.complete;
           baseType: boolean
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "boolean",
                         "default" : false
           isBoolean: true
           nameInCamelCase: Complete
           nameInSnakeCase: COMPLETE
       optionalVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
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           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: petId
           complexType: long
           getter: getPetId
           setter: setPetId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: petId
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.petId;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
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           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: PetId
           nameInSnakeCase: PET_ID
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           baseName: quantity
           complexType: integer
           getter: getQuantity
           setter: setQuantity
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: quantity
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.quantity;
           baseType: integer
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int32"
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           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: Quantity
           nameInSnakeCase: QUANTITY
           openApiType: string
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           complexType: DateTime
           getter: getShipDate
           setter: setShipDate
           dataType: Date
           datatypeWithEnum: Date
           dataFormat: date-time
           name: shipDate
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.shipDate;
           baseType: DateTime
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "format" : "date-time"
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           nameInCamelCase: ShipDate
           nameInSnakeCase: SHIP_DATE
           openApiType: string
           baseName: status
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           getter: getStatus
           setter: setStatus
           description: Order Status
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
           name: status
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
           baseType: string
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           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "description" : "Order Status",
                         "enum" : [ "placed", "approved", "delivered" ]
           isString: true
           isEnum: true
           _enum: [
               0: placed
               1: approved
               2: delivered
           allowableValues: {
               values: [
                 0: placed
                 1: approved
                 2: delivered
           nameInCamelCase: Status
           nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
           enumName: StatusEnum
           openApiType: boolean
           baseName: complete
           complexType: boolean
           getter: getComplete
           setter: setComplete
           dataType: Boolean
           datatypeWithEnum: Boolean
           name: complete
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           baseType: boolean
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "boolean",
                         "default" : false
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           nameInSnakeCase: COMPLETE
       readWriteVars: [
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           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
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           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
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           baseName: petId
           complexType: long
           getter: getPetId
           setter: setPetId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: petId
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.petId;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
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           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: PetId
           nameInSnakeCase: PET_ID
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           baseName: quantity
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           getter: getQuantity
           setter: setQuantity
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: quantity
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.quantity;
           baseType: integer
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int32"
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           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: Quantity
           nameInSnakeCase: QUANTITY
           openApiType: string
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           complexType: DateTime
           getter: getShipDate
           setter: setShipDate
           dataType: Date
           datatypeWithEnum: Date
           dataFormat: date-time
           name: shipDate
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.shipDate;
           baseType: DateTime
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "format" : "date-time"
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           nameInCamelCase: ShipDate
           nameInSnakeCase: SHIP_DATE
           openApiType: string
           baseName: status
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           getter: getStatus
           setter: setStatus
           description: Order Status
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
           name: status
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
           baseType: string
           unescapedDescription: Order Status
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "description" : "Order Status",
                         "enum" : [ "placed", "approved", "delivered" ]
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           isEnum: true
           _enum: [
               0: placed
               1: approved
               2: delivered
           allowableValues: {
               values: [
                 0: placed
                 1: approved
                 2: delivered
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           nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
           enumName: StatusEnum
           openApiType: boolean
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           getter: getComplete
           setter: setComplete
           dataType: Boolean
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           name: complete
           defaultValue: false
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           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "boolean",
                         "default" : false
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           nameInCamelCase: Complete
           nameInSnakeCase: COMPLETE
       imports: [DateTime, integer, string]
       imports: {
           - DateTime
           - integer
           - string
       hasVars: true
       hasEnums: true
       hasOptional: true
     3: {
       importPath: org.openapitools.model.Pet
       name: Pet
       classname: Pet
       title: a Pet
       description: A pet for sale in the pet store
       classVarName: Pet
       modelJson: {
                    "title" : "a Pet",
                    "required" : [ "name", "photoUrls" ],
                    "type" : "object",
                    "properties" : {
                      "id" : {
                        "type" : "integer",
                        "format" : "int64"
                      "category" : {
                        "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Category"
                      "name" : {
                        "type" : "string",
                        "example" : "doggie"
                      "photoUrls" : {
                        "type" : "array",
                        "xml" : {
                          "name" : "photoUrl",
                          "wrapped" : true
                        "items" : {
                          "type" : "string"
                      "tags" : {
                        "type" : "array",
                        "xml" : {
                          "name" : "tag",
                          "wrapped" : true
                        "items" : {
                          "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
                      "status" : {
                        "type" : "string",
                        "description" : "pet status in the store",
                        "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
                    "description" : "A pet for sale in the pet store",
                    "xml" : {
                      "name" : "Pet"
       dataType: object
       xmlName: Pet
       classFilename: Pet
       unescapedDescription: A pet for sale in the pet store
       vars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: Category
           baseName: category
           complexType: Category
           getter: getCategory
           setter: setCategory
           dataType: Category
           datatypeWithEnum: Category
           name: category
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.category;
           baseType: Category
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Category"
           isModel: true
           nameInCamelCase: Category
           nameInSnakeCase: CATEGORY
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: doggie
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "example" : "doggie"
           required: true
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
           openApiType: array
           baseName: photoUrls
           complexType: string
           getter: getPhotoUrls
           setter: setPhotoUrls
           dataType: List
           datatypeWithEnum: List
           name: photoUrls
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
           baseType: array
           containerType: array
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "array",
                         "xml" : {
                           "name" : "photoUrl",
                           "wrapped" : true
                         "items" : {
                           "type" : "string"
           required: true
           isContainer: true
           isArray: true
             openApiType: string
             baseName: photoUrls
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             getter: getPhotoUrls
             setter: setPhotoUrls
             dataType: String
             datatypeWithEnum: String
             name: photoUrls
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
             baseType: string
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
             nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
             openApiType: string
             baseName: photoUrls
             complexType: string
             getter: getPhotoUrls
             setter: setPhotoUrls
             dataType: String
             datatypeWithEnum: String
             name: photoUrls
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
             baseType: string
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
             nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
           nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
           nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
           xmlName: photoUrl
           isXmlWrapped: true
           openApiType: array
           baseName: tags
           complexType: Tag
           getter: getTags
           setter: setTags
           dataType: List
           datatypeWithEnum: List
           name: tags
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
           baseType: array
           containerType: array
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "array",
                         "xml" : {
                           "name" : "tag",
                           "wrapped" : true
                         "items" : {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
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             setter: setTags
             dataType: Tag
             datatypeWithEnum: Tag
             name: tags
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
             baseType: Tag
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
             isModel: true
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             nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
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             complexType: Tag
             getter: getTags
             setter: setTags
             dataType: Tag
             datatypeWithEnum: Tag
             name: tags
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
             baseType: Tag
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
             isModel: true
             nameInCamelCase: Tags
             nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
           nameInCamelCase: Tags
           nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
           xmlName: tag
           isXmlWrapped: true
           openApiType: string
           baseName: status
           complexType: string
           getter: getStatus
           setter: setStatus
           description: pet status in the store
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
           name: status
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
           baseType: string
           unescapedDescription: pet status in the store
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "description" : "pet status in the store",
                         "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
           isString: true
           isEnum: true
           _enum: [
               0: available
               1: pending
               2: sold
           allowableValues: {
               values: [
                 0: available
                 1: pending
                 2: sold
           nameInCamelCase: Status
           nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
           enumName: StatusEnum
       allVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
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           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: Category
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           getter: getCategory
           setter: setCategory
           dataType: Category
           datatypeWithEnum: Category
           name: category
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.category;
           baseType: Category
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Category"
           isModel: true
           nameInCamelCase: Category
           nameInSnakeCase: CATEGORY
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: doggie
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "example" : "doggie"
           required: true
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
           openApiType: array
           baseName: photoUrls
           complexType: string
           getter: getPhotoUrls
           setter: setPhotoUrls
           dataType: List
           datatypeWithEnum: List
           name: photoUrls
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
           baseType: array
           containerType: array
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "array",
                         "xml" : {
                           "name" : "photoUrl",
                           "wrapped" : true
                         "items" : {
                           "type" : "string"
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           isContainer: true
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             openApiType: string
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             setter: setPhotoUrls
             dataType: String
             datatypeWithEnum: String
             name: photoUrls
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
             baseType: string
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
             nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
             openApiType: string
             baseName: photoUrls
             complexType: string
             getter: getPhotoUrls
             setter: setPhotoUrls
             dataType: String
             datatypeWithEnum: String
             name: photoUrls
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
             baseType: string
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
             nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
           nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
           nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
           xmlName: photoUrl
           isXmlWrapped: true
           openApiType: array
           baseName: tags
           complexType: Tag
           getter: getTags
           setter: setTags
           dataType: List
           datatypeWithEnum: List
           name: tags
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
           baseType: array
           containerType: array
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "array",
                         "xml" : {
                           "name" : "tag",
                           "wrapped" : true
                         "items" : {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
           isContainer: true
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             setter: setTags
             dataType: Tag
             datatypeWithEnum: Tag
             name: tags
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
             baseType: Tag
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
             isModel: true
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             nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
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             complexType: Tag
             getter: getTags
             setter: setTags
             dataType: Tag
             datatypeWithEnum: Tag
             name: tags
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
             baseType: Tag
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
             isModel: true
             nameInCamelCase: Tags
             nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
           nameInCamelCase: Tags
           nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
           xmlName: tag
           isXmlWrapped: true
           openApiType: string
           baseName: status
           complexType: string
           getter: getStatus
           setter: setStatus
           description: pet status in the store
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
           name: status
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
           baseType: string
           unescapedDescription: pet status in the store
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "description" : "pet status in the store",
                         "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
           isString: true
           isEnum: true
           _enum: [
               0: available
               1: pending
               2: sold
           allowableValues: {
               values: [
                 0: available
                 1: pending
                 2: sold
           nameInCamelCase: Status
           nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
           enumName: StatusEnum
       requiredVars: [
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: doggie
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "example" : "doggie"
           required: true
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
           openApiType: array
           baseName: photoUrls
           complexType: string
           getter: getPhotoUrls
           setter: setPhotoUrls
           dataType: List
           datatypeWithEnum: List
           name: photoUrls
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
           baseType: array
           containerType: array
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "array",
                         "xml" : {
                           "name" : "photoUrl",
                           "wrapped" : true
                         "items" : {
                           "type" : "string"
           required: true
           isContainer: true
           isArray: true
             openApiType: string
             baseName: photoUrls
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             getter: getPhotoUrls
             setter: setPhotoUrls
             dataType: String
             datatypeWithEnum: String
             name: photoUrls
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
             baseType: string
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
             nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
             openApiType: string
             baseName: photoUrls
             complexType: string
             getter: getPhotoUrls
             setter: setPhotoUrls
             dataType: String
             datatypeWithEnum: String
             name: photoUrls
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
             baseType: string
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
             nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
           nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
           nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
           xmlName: photoUrl
           isXmlWrapped: true
       optionalVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
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           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: Category
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           complexType: Category
           getter: getCategory
           setter: setCategory
           dataType: Category
           datatypeWithEnum: Category
           name: category
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.category;
           baseType: Category
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Category"
           isModel: true
           nameInCamelCase: Category
           nameInSnakeCase: CATEGORY
           openApiType: array
           baseName: tags
           complexType: Tag
           getter: getTags
           setter: setTags
           dataType: List
           datatypeWithEnum: List
           name: tags
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
           baseType: array
           containerType: array
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "array",
                         "xml" : {
                           "name" : "tag",
                           "wrapped" : true
                         "items" : {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
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             openApiType: Tag
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             getter: getTags
             setter: setTags
             dataType: Tag
             datatypeWithEnum: Tag
             name: tags
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
             baseType: Tag
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
             isModel: true
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             nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
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             complexType: Tag
             getter: getTags
             setter: setTags
             dataType: Tag
             datatypeWithEnum: Tag
             name: tags
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
             baseType: Tag
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
             isModel: true
             nameInCamelCase: Tags
             nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
           nameInCamelCase: Tags
           nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
           xmlName: tag
           isXmlWrapped: true
           openApiType: string
           baseName: status
           complexType: string
           getter: getStatus
           setter: setStatus
           description: pet status in the store
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
           name: status
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
           baseType: string
           unescapedDescription: pet status in the store
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "description" : "pet status in the store",
                         "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
           isString: true
           isEnum: true
           _enum: [
               0: available
               1: pending
               2: sold
           allowableValues: {
               values: [
                 0: available
                 1: pending
                 2: sold
           nameInCamelCase: Status
           nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
           enumName: StatusEnum
       readWriteVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: Category
           baseName: category
           complexType: Category
           getter: getCategory
           setter: setCategory
           dataType: Category
           datatypeWithEnum: Category
           name: category
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.category;
           baseType: Category
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Category"
           isModel: true
           nameInCamelCase: Category
           nameInSnakeCase: CATEGORY
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: doggie
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "example" : "doggie"
           required: true
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
           openApiType: array
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           getter: getPhotoUrls
           setter: setPhotoUrls
           dataType: List
           datatypeWithEnum: List
           name: photoUrls
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
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           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "array",
                         "xml" : {
                           "name" : "photoUrl",
                           "wrapped" : true
                         "items" : {
                           "type" : "string"
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           isContainer: true
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             openApiType: string
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             setter: setPhotoUrls
             dataType: String
             datatypeWithEnum: String
             name: photoUrls
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
             baseType: string
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string"
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             nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
             openApiType: string
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             complexType: string
             getter: getPhotoUrls
             setter: setPhotoUrls
             dataType: String
             datatypeWithEnum: String
             name: photoUrls
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.photoUrls;
             baseType: string
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "type" : "string"
             isString: true
             nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
             nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
           nameInCamelCase: PhotoUrls
           nameInSnakeCase: PHOTO_URLS
           xmlName: photoUrl
           isXmlWrapped: true
           openApiType: array
           baseName: tags
           complexType: Tag
           getter: getTags
           setter: setTags
           dataType: List
           datatypeWithEnum: List
           name: tags
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
           baseType: array
           containerType: array
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "array",
                         "xml" : {
                           "name" : "tag",
                           "wrapped" : true
                         "items" : {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
           isContainer: true
           isArray: true
             openApiType: Tag
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             getter: getTags
             setter: setTags
             dataType: Tag
             datatypeWithEnum: Tag
             name: tags
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
             baseType: Tag
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
             isModel: true
             nameInCamelCase: Tags
             nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
             openApiType: Tag
             baseName: tags
             complexType: Tag
             getter: getTags
             setter: setTags
             dataType: Tag
             datatypeWithEnum: Tag
             name: tags
             defaultValue: null
             defaultValueWithParam:  = data.tags;
             baseType: Tag
             example: null
             jsonSchema: {
                           "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Tag"
             isModel: true
             nameInCamelCase: Tags
             nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
           nameInCamelCase: Tags
           nameInSnakeCase: TAGS
           xmlName: tag
           isXmlWrapped: true
           openApiType: string
           baseName: status
           complexType: string
           getter: getStatus
           setter: setStatus
           description: pet status in the store
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: StatusEnum
           name: status
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.status;
           baseType: string
           unescapedDescription: pet status in the store
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string",
                         "description" : "pet status in the store",
                         "enum" : [ "available", "pending", "sold" ]
           isString: true
           isEnum: true
           _enum: [
               0: available
               1: pending
               2: sold
           allowableValues: {
               values: [
                 0: available
                 1: pending
                 2: sold
           nameInCamelCase: Status
           nameInSnakeCase: STATUS
           enumName: StatusEnum
       mandatory: [name, photoUrls]
       mandatory: {
           - name
           - photoUrls
       allMandatory: [name, photoUrls]
       allMandatory: {
           - name
           - photoUrls
       imports: [Category, List, Tag, array, string]
       imports: {
           - Category
           - List
           - Tag
           - array
           - string
       hasVars: true
       hasEnums: true
       hasRequired: true
       hasOptional: true
     4: {
       importPath: org.openapitools.model.Tag
       name: Tag
       classname: Tag
       title: Pet Tag
       description: A tag for a pet
       classVarName: Tag
       modelJson: {
                    "title" : "Pet Tag",
                    "type" : "object",
                    "properties" : {
                      "id" : {
                        "type" : "integer",
                        "format" : "int64"
                      "name" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                    "description" : "A tag for a pet",
                    "xml" : {
                      "name" : "Tag"
       dataType: object
       xmlName: Tag
       classFilename: Tag
       unescapedDescription: A tag for a pet
       vars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
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           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
       allVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
       optionalVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
       readWriteVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: name
           complexType: string
           getter: getName
           setter: setName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: name
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.name;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Name
           nameInSnakeCase: NAME
       imports: [string]
       imports: {
           - string
       hasVars: true
       hasOptional: true
     5: {
       importPath: org.openapitools.model.User
       name: User
       classname: User
       title: a User
       description: A User who is purchasing from the pet store
       classVarName: User
       modelJson: {
                    "title" : "a User",
                    "type" : "object",
                    "properties" : {
                      "id" : {
                        "type" : "integer",
                        "format" : "int64"
                      "username" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                      "firstName" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                      "lastName" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                      "email" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                      "password" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                      "phone" : {
                        "type" : "string"
                      "userStatus" : {
                        "type" : "integer",
                        "description" : "User Status",
                        "format" : "int32"
                    "description" : "A User who is purchasing from the pet store",
                    "xml" : {
                      "name" : "User"
       dataType: object
       xmlName: User
       classFilename: User
       unescapedDescription: A User who is purchasing from the pet store
       vars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: username
           complexType: string
           getter: getUsername
           setter: setUsername
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: username
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.username;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Username
           nameInSnakeCase: USERNAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: firstName
           complexType: string
           getter: getFirstName
           setter: setFirstName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: firstName
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.firstName;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: FirstName
           nameInSnakeCase: FIRST_NAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: lastName
           complexType: string
           getter: getLastName
           setter: setLastName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: lastName
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.lastName;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: LastName
           nameInSnakeCase: LAST_NAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: email
           complexType: string
           getter: getEmail
           setter: setEmail
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: email
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.email;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Email
           nameInSnakeCase: EMAIL
           openApiType: string
           baseName: password
           complexType: string
           getter: getPassword
           setter: setPassword
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: password
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.password;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Password
           nameInSnakeCase: PASSWORD
           openApiType: string
           baseName: phone
           complexType: string
           getter: getPhone
           setter: setPhone
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: phone
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.phone;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Phone
           nameInSnakeCase: PHONE
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: userStatus
           complexType: integer
           getter: getUserStatus
           setter: setUserStatus
           description: User Status
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: userStatus
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.userStatus;
           baseType: integer
           unescapedDescription: User Status
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "description" : "User Status",
                         "format" : "int32"
           isNumeric: true
           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: UserStatus
           nameInSnakeCase: USER_STATUS
       allVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: username
           complexType: string
           getter: getUsername
           setter: setUsername
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: username
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.username;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Username
           nameInSnakeCase: USERNAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: firstName
           complexType: string
           getter: getFirstName
           setter: setFirstName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: firstName
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.firstName;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: FirstName
           nameInSnakeCase: FIRST_NAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: lastName
           complexType: string
           getter: getLastName
           setter: setLastName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: lastName
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.lastName;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: LastName
           nameInSnakeCase: LAST_NAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: email
           complexType: string
           getter: getEmail
           setter: setEmail
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: email
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.email;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Email
           nameInSnakeCase: EMAIL
           openApiType: string
           baseName: password
           complexType: string
           getter: getPassword
           setter: setPassword
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: password
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.password;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Password
           nameInSnakeCase: PASSWORD
           openApiType: string
           baseName: phone
           complexType: string
           getter: getPhone
           setter: setPhone
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: phone
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.phone;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Phone
           nameInSnakeCase: PHONE
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: userStatus
           complexType: integer
           getter: getUserStatus
           setter: setUserStatus
           description: User Status
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: userStatus
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.userStatus;
           baseType: integer
           unescapedDescription: User Status
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "description" : "User Status",
                         "format" : "int32"
           isNumeric: true
           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: UserStatus
           nameInSnakeCase: USER_STATUS
       optionalVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: username
           complexType: string
           getter: getUsername
           setter: setUsername
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: username
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.username;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Username
           nameInSnakeCase: USERNAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: firstName
           complexType: string
           getter: getFirstName
           setter: setFirstName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: firstName
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.firstName;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: FirstName
           nameInSnakeCase: FIRST_NAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: lastName
           complexType: string
           getter: getLastName
           setter: setLastName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: lastName
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.lastName;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: LastName
           nameInSnakeCase: LAST_NAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: email
           complexType: string
           getter: getEmail
           setter: setEmail
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: email
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.email;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Email
           nameInSnakeCase: EMAIL
           openApiType: string
           baseName: password
           complexType: string
           getter: getPassword
           setter: setPassword
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: password
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.password;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Password
           nameInSnakeCase: PASSWORD
           openApiType: string
           baseName: phone
           complexType: string
           getter: getPhone
           setter: setPhone
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: phone
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.phone;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Phone
           nameInSnakeCase: PHONE
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: userStatus
           complexType: integer
           getter: getUserStatus
           setter: setUserStatus
           description: User Status
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: userStatus
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.userStatus;
           baseType: integer
           unescapedDescription: User Status
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "description" : "User Status",
                         "format" : "int32"
           isNumeric: true
           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: UserStatus
           nameInSnakeCase: USER_STATUS
       readWriteVars: [
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: id
           complexType: long
           getter: getId
           setter: setId
           dataType: Long
           datatypeWithEnum: Long
           dataFormat: int64
           name: id
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.id;
           baseType: long
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "format" : "int64"
           isNumeric: true
           isLong: true
           nameInCamelCase: Id
           nameInSnakeCase: ID
           openApiType: string
           baseName: username
           complexType: string
           getter: getUsername
           setter: setUsername
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: username
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.username;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Username
           nameInSnakeCase: USERNAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: firstName
           complexType: string
           getter: getFirstName
           setter: setFirstName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: firstName
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.firstName;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: FirstName
           nameInSnakeCase: FIRST_NAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: lastName
           complexType: string
           getter: getLastName
           setter: setLastName
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: lastName
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.lastName;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: LastName
           nameInSnakeCase: LAST_NAME
           openApiType: string
           baseName: email
           complexType: string
           getter: getEmail
           setter: setEmail
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: email
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.email;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Email
           nameInSnakeCase: EMAIL
           openApiType: string
           baseName: password
           complexType: string
           getter: getPassword
           setter: setPassword
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: password
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.password;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Password
           nameInSnakeCase: PASSWORD
           openApiType: string
           baseName: phone
           complexType: string
           getter: getPhone
           setter: setPhone
           dataType: String
           datatypeWithEnum: String
           name: phone
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.phone;
           baseType: string
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "string"
           isString: true
           nameInCamelCase: Phone
           nameInSnakeCase: PHONE
           openApiType: integer
           baseName: userStatus
           complexType: integer
           getter: getUserStatus
           setter: setUserStatus
           description: User Status
           dataType: Integer
           datatypeWithEnum: Integer
           dataFormat: int32
           name: userStatus
           defaultValue: null
           defaultValueWithParam:  = data.userStatus;
           baseType: integer
           unescapedDescription: User Status
           example: null
           jsonSchema: {
                         "type" : "integer",
                         "description" : "User Status",
                         "format" : "int32"
           isNumeric: true
           isInteger: true
           isShort: true
           nameInCamelCase: UserStatus
           nameInSnakeCase: USER_STATUS
       imports: [integer, string]
       imports: {
           - integer
           - string
       hasVars: true
       hasOptional: true

*** ダンプに使ったコード [#xf4dc0e3]
 package org.openapitools.codegen;
 import java.lang.reflect.Field;
 import java.util.HashSet;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Set;
 import java.util.TreeSet;
 import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
 public class Dump {
 	private static final int MAX_INDENT = 30;
 	private static final boolean DISABLE_FALSE = true;
 	private static final boolean DISABLE_NULL = true;
 	private static final boolean DISABLE_SIZEZERO = true;
 	 * mapの中身をダンプする
 	 * @param map
 	public static void dump(Object obj) {
 		dump(obj, 0, "");
 	 * mapの中身をダンプする
 	 * @param obj
 	 * @param indent
 	 * @param preString
 	public static void dump(Object obj, int indent, String preString) {
 		String space = StringUtils.repeat(" ", indent);
 		if (MAX_INDENT < indent) {
             System.out.println(space + preString + "class: " + obj.getClass().getSimpleName());
     	if (obj == null ) {
     		if (DISABLE_NULL) {
     	    System.out.println(space + preString + "null");
         } else if (obj instanceof String) {
         	String splited[] = ((String)obj).replaceAll("\r\n", "\n").split("\n");
         	int cnt = 0;
         	for (String line : splited) {
         		if (cnt == 0) {
         			System.out.println(space + preString + line);
             	} else {
     				System.out.println(space + StringUtils.repeat(" ", preString.length()) + line);
     	} else if (obj instanceof List) {
     		if (DISABLE_SIZEZERO) {
     			if (((List)obj).size() == 0) {
             System.out.println(space + preString + "[");
             int cnt = 0;
             for (Object item : (List)obj) {
             	System.out.println(StringUtils.repeat(" ",indent + 2) + "[" + cnt + "]: ");
             	dump(item, indent + 2, "  " + cnt + ": ");
             System.out.println(space + "]");
     	} else if (obj instanceof Map) {
     		Map<String, Object> map = (Map<String, Object>)obj; // keyはString型の前提
     		if (DISABLE_SIZEZERO) {
     			if (map.keySet().size() == 0) {
             System.out.println(space + preString + "{");
             for (String key : map.keySet()) {
             	dump(map.get(key), indent + 2, "  " +  key + ": ");
             System.out.println(space + "}");
     	} else if (obj instanceof Boolean) {
     		if (DISABLE_FALSE) {
     			if ("false".equals(obj.toString())) {
     		System.out.println(space + preString + obj.toString());
     	} else if (obj instanceof HashSet || obj instanceof TreeSet) {
     		Set<Object> set = (Set<Object>)obj; // keyはString型の前提
             if (DISABLE_SIZEZERO) {
 	    		if (set.size() == 0) {
     		System.out.println(space + preString + obj.toString());
     		System.out.println(space + preString + "{");
             for (Object item : set) {
             	dump(item, indent + 2, "  " + "- ");
             System.out.println(space + "}");    		
     	} else {
     		String className = obj.getClass().getSimpleName();
     		if (className.equals("CodegenOperation")) {
                 dumpByReflection(obj, indent, preString);
     		} else if (className.equals("ApiResponse")) {
                 dumpByReflection(obj, indent, preString);
     		} else if (className.equals("CodegenModel")) {
                 dumpByReflection(obj, indent, preString);
     		} else if (className.equals("CodegenParameter")) {
                 dumpByReflection(obj, indent, preString);
     		} else if (className.equals("CodegenSecurity")) {
                 dumpByReflection(obj, indent, preString);
     		} else if (className.equals("CodegenResponse")) {
                 dumpByReflection(obj, indent, preString);
     		} else if (className.equals("CodegenProperty")) {
                 dumpByReflection(obj, indent, preString);
     		} else if (className.equals("ArraySchema")) {
                 dumpByReflection(obj, indent, preString);
     		} else if (className.equals("Schema")) {
                 dumpByReflection(obj, indent, preString);
     		} else if (className.equals("MapSchema")) {
                 dumpByReflection(obj, indent, preString);
     		} else if (className.equals("StringSchema")) {
                 dumpByReflection(obj, indent, preString);
     		} else if (className.equals("Tag")) {
                 dumpByReflection(obj, indent, preString);
     		} else {
                 System.out.println(space + preString + "class: " + obj.getClass().getSimpleName());
     			int a;
     			a= 1;
 	 * リフレクションを使ってクラスのダンプをする
 	 * @param obj ダンプ対象
 	 * @param indent インデント
 	 * @param preString 先頭に追加する文字列
 	private static void dumpByReflection(Object obj, int indent, String preString) {
 		String space = StringUtils.repeat(" ", indent);
 		try {
 			// フィールド一覧
 			Field[] fields = obj.getClass().getDeclaredFields();
 			for (Field field : fields) {
 				try {
 					dump(field.get(obj), indent + 2, field.getName() +  ": ");
 				} catch (Exception e) {
 					System.out.println(space + preString + "fieldName: " + field.getName());
 		} catch (Exception e) {
 			System.out.println(space + preString + "class: " + obj.getClass().getSimpleName());

トップ   新規 一覧 単語検索 最終更新   ヘルプ   最終更新のRSS