*目次 [#r683ab6e]

*ユーザガイド [#e7b195c9]

*リファレンス [#ibd3b158]


**“Widget Basics” introduces the Dashboard environment and describes how to develop a simple widget. [#r456a53f]

**“Designing Widgets” provides guidelines and tips for designing successful widgets. [#fc00bd80]

**“Introduction to the Apple Classes” discusses the Apple Classes, what they offer, and how to include them in your widget. [#d91ccb50]

***“Using Scroll Areas” talks about integrating a scroll area into your widget. [#u975735a]


***“Using an Apple Slider” tells you how to use a slider control in your widget. [#d79534ee]

***“Using Animation” discusses using the animation-focused Apple Classes. [#q58d1a41]

***“Using an Apple Button” talks about using the AppleButton class to build your own buttons, and how to use the AppleGlassButton subclass for standard-style buttons. [#c0a7c53d]

***“Widget Backs and Preferences” tells you how to display, save, and retrieve preferences. [#mef2dd0e]
AppleInfoButton, used on a widget's front to signify that a widget has a back. When clicked, it flips the widget over.


***“Syncing Widgets” looks at the Dashboard Sync feature in Mac OS X v.10.5 and how you can handle syncing in your widget. [#q8597d1b]

**“Using Widget Events” discusses Dashboard and widget events that your widget may want to be aware of. [#c216245b]
**“Declaring Control Regions” defines and explains how to work with control regions, areas where controls are present in a widget. [#wd1b2a82]
**“Resizing Widgets” provides code useful for implementing resizing in your widget. [#hbf1ac8b]
Using the Canvas talks about using the Canvas feature of WebKit within your widget.
Using the Pasteboard from JavaScript talks about supporting copy, cut, and paste in a widget.
Using Drag and Drop From JavaScript tells you about the handlers needed to support drag and drop in your widget.
**“Localizing Widgets” discusses offering your widget with international users in mind, using localizable strings and other resources. [#y77fd738]
**“Specifying Access Keys” describes the widget access keys, used to turn on resource access for your widget. [#tb0b7d47]
**“Accessing External Resources” talks about opening applications or web pages in a browser with your widget. [#y291baa4]
**“Accessing Command Line Utilities” tells you how to access command-line utilities and scripts from within your widget. [#s242d8ce]
**“Creating a Widget Plug-in” discusses native code plug-ins that your widget uses to interact with other applications. [#z4f33939]
Using Objective-C From JavaScript provides more detail on bridging Objective-C and JavaScript.
**“Delivering Widgets” tells you about packaging and distributing your widget. [#n063d75b]

*Dashcode のwiki [#e0d16f77]

*Dashcodeでプログラミング(ネットワーク上のファイルにアクセスする) [#j3666ce2]


*Dashboard Station [#f78c2c0f]

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