

Sakura エディタ用のHTML記述支援マクロのコードを表示しています。

インターネットでファイルダウンロードが困難な場所での作業用にマクロをコピペしています。 ソースコードをみることで、登録されているコマンドを知るのに便利かもしれないとおもったので、コピペしました。











// Zen-Coding for SakuraEditor ver 0.0.6
// Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Ugetsu Yobane
// http://mwlab.net/
// Zen-Coding
// Copyright (c) 2008 Sergey Chikuyono
// http://code.google.com/p/zen-coding/
// Licensed under The MIT License
// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
// Change log -------------------------------------------------------------------
//   0.0.6 (2011-09-20)
//     New created (modified version of Zen.Coding-PSPad.v0.7)
//   0.0.5 (2011-05-16)
//     add expand CSS
//   0.0.4 (2010-08-03)
//     indent bug fixed
//   0.0.3 (2010-07-30)
//     Caret move after replace
//   0.0.1 (2010-07-16)
//     New created (modified version of Zen.Coding-Notepad++.v0.6.1)
//                                                   (I am not good at English. )
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// $Id: ZenCoding.js,v ea8fc14fde72 2011/09/20 09:31:01 yobane_mw $
zen_coding = (function() {
	 * Zen Coding settings
	 * @author Sergey Chikuyonok (serge.che@gmail.com)
	 * @link http://chikuyonok.ru
	var zen_settings = {
		 * Variables that can be placed inside snippets or abbreviations as
		 * ${variable} ${child} variable is reserved, don't use it
		'variables' : {
			'lang' : 'ja',
			'locale' : 'ja-JP',
			'charset' : 'UTF-8',

			/** Inner element indentation */
			'indentation' : '\t',

			// newline variables, useful for wrapping
			'newline' : '\n',
			'nl' : '\n'

		'css' : {
			'filters' : 'html,css',
			'snippets' : {
				"@i" : "@import url(|);",
				"@m" : "@media print {\n\t|\n}",
				"@f" : "@font-face {\n\tfont-family:|;\n\tsrc:url(|);\n}",
				"!" : "!important",
				"pos" : "position:|;",
				"pos:s" : "position:static;",
				"pos:a" : "position:absolute;",
				"pos:r" : "position:relative;",
				"pos:f" : "position:fixed;",
				"t" : "top:|;",
				"t:a" : "top:auto;",
				"r" : "right:|;",
				"r:a" : "right:auto;",
				"b" : "bottom:|;",
				"b:a" : "bottom:auto;",
				"brad" : "-webkit-border-radius: ${1:radius};\n-moz-border-radius: $1;\n-ms-border-radius: $1;\nborder-radius: $1;",
				"bsha" : "-webkit-box-shadow: ${1:hoff} ${2:voff} ${3:blur} ${4:rgba(0,0,0,0.5)};\n-moz-box-shadow: $1 $2 $3 $4;\n-ms-box-shadow: $1 $2 $3 $4;\nbox-shadow: $1 $2 $3 $4;",
				"l" : "left:|;",
				"l:a" : "left:auto;",
				"z" : "z-index:|;",
				"z:a" : "z-index:auto;",
				"fl" : "float:|;",
				"fl:n" : "float:none;",
				"fl:l" : "float:left;",
				"fl:r" : "float:right;",
				"cl" : "clear:|;",
				"cl:n" : "clear:none;",
				"cl:l" : "clear:left;",
				"cl:r" : "clear:right;",
				"cl:b" : "clear:both;",
				"d" : "display:|;",
				"d:n" : "display:none;",
				"d:b" : "display:block;",
				"d:i" : "display:inline;",
				"d:ib" : "display:inline-block;",
				"d:li" : "display:list-item;",
				"d:ri" : "display:run-in;",
				"d:cp" : "display:compact;",
				"d:tb" : "display:table;",
				"d:itb" : "display:inline-table;",
				"d:tbcp" : "display:table-caption;",
				"d:tbcl" : "display:table-column;",
				"d:tbclg" : "display:table-column-group;",
				"d:tbhg" : "display:table-header-group;",
				"d:tbfg" : "display:table-footer-group;",
				"d:tbr" : "display:table-row;",
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				"d:rb" : "display:ruby;",
				"d:rbb" : "display:ruby-base;",
				"d:rbbg" : "display:ruby-base-group;",
				"d:rbt" : "display:ruby-text;",
				"d:rbtg" : "display:ruby-text-group;",
				"v" : "visibility:|;",
				"v:v" : "visibility:visible;",
				"v:h" : "visibility:hidden;",
				"v:c" : "visibility:collapse;",
				"ov" : "overflow:|;",
				"ov:v" : "overflow:visible;",
				"ov:h" : "overflow:hidden;",
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				"ov:a" : "overflow:auto;",
				"ovx" : "overflow-x:|;",
				"ovx:v" : "overflow-x:visible;",
				"ovx:h" : "overflow-x:hidden;",
				"ovx:s" : "overflow-x:scroll;",
				"ovx:a" : "overflow-x:auto;",
				"ovy" : "overflow-y:|;",
				"ovy:v" : "overflow-y:visible;",
				"ovy:h" : "overflow-y:hidden;",
				"ovy:s" : "overflow-y:scroll;",
				"ovy:a" : "overflow-y:auto;",
				"ovs" : "overflow-style:|;",
				"ovs:a" : "overflow-style:auto;",
				"ovs:s" : "overflow-style:scrollbar;",
				"ovs:p" : "overflow-style:panner;",
				"ovs:m" : "overflow-style:move;",
				"ovs:mq" : "overflow-style:marquee;",
				"zoo" : "zoom:1;",
				"cp" : "clip:|;",
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				"bxz" : "box-sizing:|;",
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				"bxz:bb" : "box-sizing:border-box;",
				"bxsh" : "box-shadow:|;",
				"bxsh:n" : "box-shadow:none;",
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				"m" : "margin:|;",
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				"m:4" : "margin:0 0 0 0;",
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				"p:0" : "padding:0;",
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				"bds:dtdtds" : "border-style:dot-dot-dash;",
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				"coi" : "counter-increment:|;",
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				"ti" : "text-indent:|;",
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				"fw:n" : "font-weight:normal;",
				"fw:b" : "font-weight:bold;",
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				"wid" : "widows:|;"

		'html' : {
			'filters' : 'html',
			'snippets' : {
				'cc:ie6' : '<!--[if lte IE 6]>\n\t${child}|\n<![endif]-->',
				'cc:ie' : '<!--[if IE]>\n\t${child}|\n<![endif]-->',
				'cc:noie' : '<!--[if !IE]><!-->\n\t${child}|\n<!--<![endif]-->',
				'html:4t' : '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">\n'
						+ '<html lang="${lang}">\n'
						+ '<head>\n'
						+ '	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=${charset}">\n'
						+ '	<title></title>\n'
						+ '</head>\n'
						+ '<body>\n\t${child}|\n</body>\n' + '</html>',

				'html:4s' : '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">\n'
						+ '<html lang="${lang}">\n'
						+ '<head>\n'
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						+ '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="${lang}">\n'
						+ '<head>\n'
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						+ '	<title></title>\n'
						+ '</head>\n'
						+ '<body>\n\t${child}|\n</body>\n' + '</html>',

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						+ '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="${lang}">\n'
						+ '<head>\n'
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						+ '	<title></title>\n'
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						+ '<body>\n\t${child}|\n</body>\n' + '</html>',

				'html:5' : '<!DOCTYPE HTML>\n' + '<html lang="${locale}">\n'
						+ '<head>\n' + '	<meta charset="${charset}">\n'
						+ '	<title></title>\n' + '</head>\n'
						+ '<body>\n\t${child}|\n</body>\n' + '</html>'

			'abbreviations' : {
				'a' : '<a href="">',
				'a:link' : '<a href="http://|">',
				'a:mail' : '<a href="mailto:|">',
				'abbr' : '<abbr title="">',
				'acronym' : '<acronym title="">',
				'base' : '<base href="" />',
				'bdo' : '<bdo dir="">',
				'bdo:r' : '<bdo dir="rtl">',
				'bdo:l' : '<bdo dir="ltr">',
				'link:css' : '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${1:style}.css" media="all" />',
				'link:print' : '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="|print.css" media="print" />',
				'link:favicon' : '<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="|favicon.ico" />',
				'link:touch' : '<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="|favicon.png" />',
				'link:rss' : '<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="|rss.xml" />',
				'link:atom' : '<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Atom" href="atom.xml" />',
				'meta:utf' : '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />',
				'meta:win' : '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=windows-1251" />',
				'meta:compat' : '<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7" />',
				'style' : '<style type="text/css">',
				'script' : '<script type="text/javascript">',
				'script:src' : '<script type="text/javascript" src="">',
				'img' : '<img src="" alt="" />',
				'iframe' : '<iframe src="" frameborder="0">',
				'embed' : '<embed src="" type="" />',
				'object' : '<object data="" type="">',
				'param' : '<param name="" value="" />',
				'map' : '<map name="">',
				'area' : '<area shape="" coords="" href="" alt="" />',
				'area:d' : '<area shape="default" href="" alt="" />',
				'area:c' : '<area shape="circle" coords="" href="" alt="" />',
				'area:r' : '<area shape="rect" coords="" href="" alt="" />',
				'area:p' : '<area shape="poly" coords="" href="" alt="" />',
				'link' : '<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />',
				'form' : '<form action="">',
				'form:get' : '<form action="" method="get">',
				'form:post' : '<form action="" method="post">',
				'label' : '<label for="">',
				'input' : '<input type="" />',
				'input:hidden' : '<input type="hidden" name="" />',
				'input:h' : '<input type="hidden" name="" />',
				'input:text' : '<input type="text" name="" id="" />',
				'input:t' : '<input type="text" name="" id="" />',
				'input:search' : '<input type="search" name="" id="" />',
				'input:email' : '<input type="email" name="" id="" />',
				'input:url' : '<input type="url" name="" id="" />',
				'input:password' : '<input type="password" name="" id="" />',
				'input:p' : '<input type="password" name="" id="" />',
				'input:datetime' : '<input type="datetime" name="" id="" />',
				'input:date' : '<input type="date" name="" id="" />',
				'input:datetime-local' : '<input type="datetime-local" name="" id="" />',
				'input:month' : '<input type="month" name="" id="" />',
				'input:week' : '<input type="week" name="" id="" />',
				'input:time' : '<input type="time" name="" id="" />',
				'input:number' : '<input type="number" name="" id="" />',
				'input:color' : '<input type="color" name="" id="" />',
				'input:checkbox' : '<input type="checkbox" name="" id="" />',
				'input:c' : '<input type="checkbox" name="" id="" />',
				'input:radio' : '<input type="radio" name="" id="" />',
				'input:r' : '<input type="radio" name="" id="" />',
				'input:range' : '<input type="range" name="" id="" />',
				'input:file' : '<input type="file" name="" id="" />',
				'input:f' : '<input type="file" name="" id="" />',
				'input:submit' : '<input type="submit" value="" />',
				'input:s' : '<input type="submit" value="" />',
				'input:image' : '<input type="image" src="" alt="" />',
				'input:i' : '<input type="image" src="" alt="" />',
				'input:reset' : '<input type="reset" value="" />',
				'input:button' : '<input type="button" value="" />',
				'input:b' : '<input type="button" value="" />',
				'select' : '<select name="" id=""></select>',
				'option' : '<option value=""></option>',
				'textarea' : '<textarea name="" id="" cols="30" rows="10">',
				'menu:context' : '<menu type="context">',
				'menu:c' : '<menu type="context">',
				'menu:toolbar' : '<menu type="toolbar">',
				'menu:t' : '<menu type="toolbar">',
				'video' : '<video src="">',
				'audio' : '<audio src="">',
				'html:xml' : '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">',
				'bq' : '<blockquote>',
				'acr' : '<acronym>',
				'fig' : '<figure>',
				'ifr' : '<iframe>',
				'emb' : '<embed>',
				'obj' : '<object>',
				'src' : '<source>',
				'cap' : '<caption>',
				'colg' : '<colgroup>',
				'fst' : '<fieldset>',
				'btn' : '<button>',
				'optg' : '<optgroup>',
				'opt' : '<option>',
				'tarea' : '<textarea>',
				'leg' : '<legend>',
				'sect' : '<section>',
				'art' : '<article>',
				'hdr' : '<header>',
				'ftr' : '<footer>',
				'adr' : '<address>',
				'dlg' : '<dialog>',
				'str' : '<strong>',
				'prog' : '<progress>',
				'fset' : '<fieldset>',
				'datag' : '<datagrid>',
				'datal' : '<datalist>',
				'kg' : '<keygen>',
				'out' : '<output>',
				'det' : '<details>',
				'cmd' : '<command>',

				// expandos
				'ol+' : 'ol>li',
				'ul+' : 'ul>li',
				'dl+' : 'dl>dt+dd',
				'map+' : 'map>area',
				'table+' : 'table>tr>td',
				'colgroup+' : 'colgroup>col',
				'colg+' : 'colgroup>col',
				'tr+' : 'tr>td',
				'select+' : 'select>option',
				'optgroup+' : 'optgroup>option',
				'optg+' : 'optgroup>option'


			'element_types' : {
				'empty' : 'area,base,basefont,br,col,frame,hr,img,input,isindex,link,meta,param,embed,keygen,command',
				'block_level' : 'address,applet,blockquote,button,center,dd,del,dir,div,dl,dt,fieldset,form,frameset,hr,iframe,ins,isindex,li,link,map,menu,noframes,noscript,object,ol,p,pre,script,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,tr,ul,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6',
				'inline_level' : 'a,abbr,acronym,applet,b,basefont,bdo,big,br,button,cite,code,del,dfn,em,font,i,iframe,img,input,ins,kbd,label,map,object,q,s,samp,select,small,span,strike,strong,sub,sup,textarea,tt,u,var'

		'xml' : {
			'extends' : 'html',
			'filters' : 'html'

		'xsl' : {
			'extends' : 'html',
			'filters' : 'html, xsl',
			'abbreviations' : {
				'tm' : '<xsl:template match="" mode="">',
				'tmatch' : 'tm',
				'tn' : '<xsl:template name="">',
				'tname' : 'tn',
				'xsl:when' : '<xsl:when test="">',
				'wh' : 'xsl:when',
				'var' : '<xsl:variable name="">',
				'vare' : '<xsl:variable name="" select=""/>',
				'if' : '<xsl:if test="">',
				'call' : '<xsl:call-template name=""/>',
				'attr' : '<xsl:attribute name="">',
				'wp' : '<xsl:with-param name="" select=""/>',
				'par' : '<xsl:param name="" select=""/>',
				'val' : '<xsl:value-of select=""/>',
				'co' : '<xsl:copy-of select=""/>',
				'each' : '<xsl:for-each select="">',
				'for' : 'each',
				'ap' : '<xsl:apply-templates select="" mode=""/>',

				// expandos
				'choose+' : 'xsl:choose>xsl:when+xsl:otherwise'

		'haml' : {
			'filters' : 'haml',
			'extends' : 'html'
	 * Parsed resources (snippets, abbreviations, variables, etc.) for Zen
	 * Coding. Contains convenient method to get access for snippets with
	 * respect of inheritance. Also provides abilitity to store data in
	 * different vocabularies ('system' and 'user') for fast and safe resurce
	 * update
	 * @author Sergey Chikuyonok (serge.che@gmail.com)
	 * @link http://chikuyonok.ru
	var zen_resources = (function() {
		var TYPE_ABBREVIATION = 'zen-tag', TYPE_EXPANDO = 'zen-expando',

		/** Reference to another abbreviation or tag */
		TYPE_REFERENCE = 'zen-reference',

		VOC_SYSTEM = 'system', VOC_USER = 'user',

		/** Regular expression for XML tag matching */
		re_tag = /^<(\w+\:?[\w\-]*)((?:\s+[\w\:\-]+\s*=\s*(['"]).*?\3)*)\s*(\/?)>/, re_attrs = /([\w\-]+)\s*=\s*(['"])(.*?)\2/g,

		system_settings = {}, user_settings = {};

		 * Trim whitespace from string
		 * @param {String}
		 *            text
		 * @return {String}

		function trim(text) {
			return (text || "").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");

		 * Check if specified resource is parsed by Zen Coding
		 * @param {Object}
		 *            obj
		 * @return {Boolean}

		function isParsed(obj) {
			return obj && obj.__zen_parsed__;

		 * Marks object as parsed by Zen Coding
		 * @param {Object}

		function setParsed(obj) {
			obj.__zen_parsed__ = true;

		 * Returns resource vocabulary by its name
		 * @param {String}
		 *            name Vocabulary name ('system' or 'user')

		function getVocabulary(name) {
			return name == VOC_SYSTEM ? system_settings : user_settings;

		 * Helper function that transforms string into hash
		 * @return {Object}

		function stringToHash(str) {
			var obj = {}, items = str.split(",");
			for ( var i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
				obj[items[i]] = true;
			return obj;

		 * Creates resource inheritance chain for lookups
		 * @param {String}
		 *            vocabulary Resource vocabulary
		 * @param {String}
		 *            syntax Syntax name
		 * @param {String}
		 *            name Resource name
		 * @return {Array}

		function createResourceChain(vocabulary, syntax, name) {
			var voc = getVocabulary(vocabulary), result = [], resource;

			if (voc && syntax in voc) {
				resource = voc[syntax];
				if (name in resource)

			// get inheritance definition
			// in case of user-defined vocabulary, resource dependency
			// may be defined in system vocabulary only, so we have to correctly
			// handle this case
			var chain_source;
			if (resource && 'extends' in resource)
				chain_source = resource;
			else if (vocabulary == VOC_USER && syntax in system_settings
					&& 'extends' in system_settings[syntax])
				chain_source = system_settings[syntax];

			if (chain_source) {
				if (!isParsed(chain_source['extends'])) {
					var ar = chain_source['extends'].split(',');
					for ( var i = 0; i < ar.length; i++)
						ar[i] = trim(ar[i]);
					chain_source['extends'] = ar;

				// find resource in ancestors
				for ( var i = 0; i < chain_source['extends'].length; i++) {
					var type = chain_source['extends'][i];
					if (voc[type] && voc[type][name])

			return result;

		 * Get resource collection from settings vocbulary for specified syntax.
		 * It follows inheritance chain if resource wasn't directly found in
		 * syntax settings
		 * @param {String}
		 *            vocabulary Resource vocabulary
		 * @param {String}
		 *            syntax Syntax name
		 * @param {String}
		 *            name Resource name

		function getSubset(vocabulary, syntax, name) {
			var chain = createResourceChain(vocabulary, syntax, name);
			return chain[0];

		 * Returns parsed item located in specified vocabulary by its syntax and
		 * name
		 * @param {String}
		 *            vocabulary Resource vocabulary
		 * @param {String}
		 *            syntax Syntax name
		 * @param {String}
		 *            name Resource name ('abbreviation', 'snippet')
		 * @param {String}
		 *            item Abbreviation or snippet name
		 * @return {Object|null}

		function getParsedItem(vocabulary, syntax, name, item) {
			var chain = createResourceChain(vocabulary, syntax, name), result = null, res;

			for ( var i = 0, il = chain.length; i < il; i++) {
				res = chain[i];
				if (item in res) {
					if (name == 'abbreviations' && !isParsed(res[item])) {
						// parse abbreviation
						var value = res[item];
						res[item] = parseAbbreviation(item, value);
						res[item].__ref = value;

					result = res[item];

			return result;

		 * Unified object for parsed data

		function entry(type, key, value) {
			return {
				type : type,
				key : key,
				value : value

		 * Make expando from string
		 * @param {String}
		 *            key
		 * @param {String}
		 *            value
		 * @return {Object}

		function makeExpando(key, value) {
			return entry(TYPE_EXPANDO, key, value);

		 * Make abbreviation from string
		 * @param {String}
		 *            key Abbreviation key
		 * @param {String}
		 *            tag_name Expanded element's tag name
		 * @param {String}
		 *            attrs Expanded element's attributes
		 * @param {Boolean}
		 *            is_empty Is expanded element empty or not
		 * @return {Object}

		function makeAbbreviation(key, tag_name, attrs, is_empty) {
			var result = {
				name : tag_name,
				is_empty : !!is_empty

			if (attrs) {
				var m;
				result.attributes = [];
				while (m = re_attrs.exec(attrs)) {
						name : m[1],
						value : m[3]

			return entry(TYPE_ABBREVIATION, key, result);

		 * Parses single abbreviation
		 * @param {String}
		 *            key Abbreviation name
		 * @param {String}
		 *            value = Abbreviation value
		 * @return {Object}

		function parseAbbreviation(key, value) {
			key = trim(key);
			var m;
			if (key.substr(-1) == '+') {
				// this is expando, leave 'value' as is
				return makeExpando(key, value);
			} else if (m = re_tag.exec(value)) {
				return makeAbbreviation(key, m[1], m[2], m[4] == '/');
			} else {
				// assume it's reference to another abbreviation
				return entry(TYPE_REFERENCE, key, value);

		return {
			 * Sets new unparsed data for specified settings vocabulary
			 * @param {Object}
			 *            data
			 * @param {String}
			 *            type Vocabulary type ('system' or 'user')
			setVocabulary : function(data, type) {
				if (type == VOC_SYSTEM)
					system_settings = data;
					user_settings = data;

			 * Get data from specified vocabulary. Can contain parsed entities
			 * @param {String}
			 *            name Vocabulary type ('system' or 'user')
			 * @return {Object}
			getVocabulary : getVocabulary,

			 * Returns resource value from data set with respect of inheritance
			 * @param {String}
			 *            syntax Resource syntax (html, css, ...)
			 * @param {String}
			 *            name Resource name ('snippets' or 'abbreviation')
			 * @param {String}
			 *            abbr Abbreviation name
			 * @return {Object|null}
			getResource : function(syntax, name, item) {
				return getParsedItem(VOC_USER, syntax, name, item)
						|| getParsedItem(VOC_SYSTEM, syntax, name, item);

			 * Returns abbreviation value from data set
			 * @param {String}
			 *            type Resource type (html, css, ...)
			 * @param {String}
			 *            name Abbreviation name
			 * @return {Object|null}
			getAbbreviation : function(type, name) {
				return this.getResource(type, 'abbreviations', name)
						|| this.getResource(type, 'abbreviations', name
								.replace(/\-/g, ':'));

			 * Returns snippet value from data set
			 * @param {String}
			 *            type Resource type (html, css, ...)
			 * @param {String}
			 *            name Snippet name
			 * @return {Object|null}
			getSnippet : function(type, name) {
				return this.getResource(type, 'snippets', name)
						|| this.getResource(type, 'snippets', name.replace(
								/\-/g, ':'));

			 * Returns variable value
			 * @return {String}
			getVariable : function(name) {
				return getSubset(VOC_USER, 'variables', name)
						|| getSubset(VOC_SYSTEM, 'variables', name);

			 * Returns resource subset from settings vocabulary
			 * @param {String}
			 *            syntax Syntax name
			 * @param {String}
			 *            name Resource name
			 * @return {Object}
			getSubset : function(syntax, name) {
				return getSubset(VOC_USER, syntax, name)
						|| getSubset(VOC_SYSTEM, syntax, name);

			 * Check if specified item exists in specified resource collection
			 * (like 'empty', 'block_level')
			 * @param {String}
			 *            syntax
			 * @param {String}
			 *            collection Collection name
			 * @param {String}
			 *            item Item name
			isItemInCollection : function(syntax, collection, item) {
				return item in this.getElementsCollection(
						getVocabulary(VOC_USER)[syntax], collection)
						|| item in this.getElementsCollection(
								getVocabulary(VOC_SYSTEM)[syntax], collection);

			 * Returns specified elements collection (like 'empty',
			 * 'block_level') from <code>resource</code>. If collections
			 * wasn't found, returns empty object
			 * @param {Object}
			 *            resource
			 * @param {String}
			 *            type
			 * @return {Object}
			getElementsCollection : function(resource, type) {
				if (resource && resource.element_types) {
					// if it's not parsed yet ? do it
					var res = resource.element_types;
					if (!isParsed(res)) {
						for ( var p in res)
							res[p] = stringToHash(res[p]);

					return res[type] || {}
				} else
					return {};

			 * Check if there are resources for specified syntax
			 * @param {String}
			 *            syntax
			 * @return {Boolean}
			hasSyntax : function(syntax) {
				return syntax in getVocabulary(VOC_USER)
						|| syntax in getVocabulary(VOC_SYSTEM);

	try {
		zen_resources.setVocabulary(zen_settings, 'system');
		zen_resources.setVocabulary(my_zen_settings, 'user');
	} catch (e) {
	 * Class that parses abbreviation into tree with respect of groups,
	 * attributes and text nodes
	 * @author Sergey Chikuyonok (serge.che@gmail.com)
	 * @link http://chikuyonok.ru
	 * @include "zen_coding.js"
	var zen_parser = (function() {

		var re_valid_name = /^[\w\d\-_\$\:@!]+\+?$/i;

		 * @class

		function TreeNode(parent) {
			this.abbreviation = '';
			/** @type {TreeNode} */
			this.parent = null;
			this.children = [];
			this.count = 1;
			this.name = null;
			this.text = null;
			this.attributes = [];
			this.is_repeating = false;
			this.has_implict_name = false;

		TreeNode.prototype = {
			 * Adds passed or creates new child
			 * @param {TreeNode}
			 *            [child]
			 * @return {TreeNode}
			addChild : function(child) {
				child = child || new TreeNode;
				child.parent = this;
				return child;

			 * Replace current node in parent's child list with another node
			 * @param {TreeNode}
			 *            node
			replace : function(node) {
				if (this.parent) {
					var children = this.parent.children;
					for ( var i = 0, il = children.length; i < il; i++) {
						if (children[i] === this) {
							children[i] = node;
							this.parent = null;

			 * Sets abbreviation that belongs to current node
			 * @param {String}
			 *            abbr
			setAbbreviation : function(abbr) {
				this.abbreviation = abbr;
				var m = abbr.match(/\*(\d+)?$/);
				if (m) {
					this.count = parseInt(m[1] || 1, 10);
					this.is_repeating = !m[1];
					abbr = abbr.substr(0, abbr.length - m[0].length);

				if (abbr) {
					var name_text = splitExpression(abbr);
					var name = name_text[0];
					if (name_text.length == 2)
						this.text = name_text[1];

					if (name) {
						var attr_result = parseAttributes(name);
						this.name = attr_result[0] || 'div';
						this.has_implict_name = !attr_result[0];
						this.attributes = attr_result[1];

				// validate name
				if (this.name && !re_valid_name.test(this.name)) {
					throw new Error('InvalidAbbreviation');

			 * @return {String}
			getAbbreviation : function() {
				return this.expr;

			 * Dump current tree node into a foramtted string
			 * @return {String}
			toString : function(level) {
				level = level || 0;
				var output = '(empty)';
				if (this.abbreviation) {
					output = '';
					if (this.name)
						output = this.name;

					if (this.text !== null)
						output += (output ? ' ' : '') + '{text: "' + this.text
								+ '"}';

					if (this.attributes.length) {
						var attrs = [];
						for ( var i = 0, il = this.attributes.length; i < il; i++) {
							attrs.push(this.attributes[i].name + '="'
									+ this.attributes[i].value + '"');
						output += ' [' + attrs.join(', ') + ']';
				var result = zen_coding.repeatString('-', level) + output
						+ '\n';
				for ( var i = 0, il = this.children.length; i < il; i++) {
					result += this.children[i].toString(level + 1);

				return result;

			 * Check if current node contains children with empty
			 * <code>expr</code> property
			 * @return {Boolean}
			hasEmptyChildren : function() {
				for ( var i = 0, il = this.children.length; i < il; i++) {
					if (this.children[i].isEmpty())
						return true;

				return false;

			 * @return {Boolean}
			isEmpty : function() {
				return !this.abbreviation;

			 * Check if current node is a text-only node
			 * @return {Boolean}
			isTextNode : function() {
				return !this.name && this.text;

		 * Check if character is numeric
		 * @requires {Stirng} ch
		 * @return {Boolean}

		function isNumeric(ch) {
			if (typeof (ch) == 'string')
				ch = ch.charCodeAt(0);

			return (ch && ch > 47 && ch < 58);

		 * Optimizes tree node: replaces empty nodes with their children
		 * @param {TreeNode}
		 *            node
		 * @return {TreeNode}

		function squash(node) {
			for ( var i = node.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
				/** @type {TreeNode} */
				var n = node.children[i];
				if (n.isEmpty()) {
					var args = [ i, 1 ];
					for ( var j = 0, jl = n.children.length; j < jl; j++) {

					Array.prototype.splice.apply(node.children, args);

			return node;

		 * Trim whitespace from string
		 * @param {String}
		 *            text
		 * @return {String}

		function trim(text) {
			return (text || "").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");

		 * Get word, starting at <code>ix</code> character of <code>str</code>

		function getWord(ix, str) {
			var m = str.substring(ix).match(/^[\w\-:\$]+/);
			return m ? m[0] : '';

		 * Extract attributes and their values from attribute set
		 * @param {String}
		 *            attr_set

		function extractAttributes(attr_set) {
			attr_set = trim(attr_set);
			var loop_count = 100,
			// endless loop protection
			re_string = /^(["'])((?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\.)*)\1/, result = [], attr;

			while (attr_set && loop_count--) {
				var attr_name = getWord(0, attr_set);
				attr = null;
				if (attr_name) {
					attr = {
						name : attr_name,
						value : ''
					// result[attr_name] = '';
					// let's see if attribute has value
					var ch = attr_set.charAt(attr_name.length);
					switch (ch) {
					case '=':
						var ch2 = attr_set.charAt(attr_name.length + 1);
						if (ch2 == '"' || ch2 == "'") {
							// we have a quoted string
							var m = attr_set.substring(attr_name.length + 1)
							if (m) {
								attr.value = m[2];
								attr_set = trim(attr_set
												+ m[0].length + 1));
							} else {
								// something wrong, break loop
								attr_set = '';
						} else {
							// unquoted string
							var m = attr_set.substring(attr_name.length + 1)
							if (m) {
								attr.value = m[1];
								attr_set = trim(attr_set
												+ m[1].length + 1));
							} else {
								// something wrong, break loop
								attr_set = '';
						attr_set = trim(attr_set.substring(attr_name.length));
				} else {
					// something wrong, can't extract attribute name

				if (attr)
			return result;

		 * Parses tag attributes extracted from abbreviation
		 * @param {String}
		 *            str

		function parseAttributes(str) {
			 * Example of incoming data: #header .some.data .some.data#header
			 * [attr] #item[attr=Hello other="World"].class
			var result = [], name = '', collect_name = true, class_name, char_map = {
				'#' : 'id',
				'.' : 'class'

			// walk char-by-char
			var i = 0, il = str.length, val;

			while (i < il) {
				var ch = str.charAt(i);
				switch (ch) {
				case '#':
					// id
					val = getWord(i, str.substring(1));
						name : char_map[ch],
						value : val
					i += val.length + 1;
					collect_name = false;
				case '.':
					// class
					val = getWord(i, str.substring(1));
					if (!class_name) {
						// remember object pointer for value modification
						class_name = {
							name : char_map[ch],
							value : ''

					class_name.value += ((class_name.value) ? ' ' : '') + val;
					i += val.length + 1;
					collect_name = false;
				case '[':
					// begin attribute set
					// search for end of set
					var end_ix = str.indexOf(']', i);
					if (end_ix == -1) {
						// invalid attribute set, stop searching
						i = str.length;
					} else {
						var attrs = extractAttributes(str.substring(i + 1,
						for ( var j = 0, jl = attrs.length; j < jl; j++) {
						i = end_ix;
					collect_name = false;
					if (collect_name)
						name += ch;

			return [ name, result ];

		 * @param {TreeNode}
		 *            node
		 * @return {TreeNode}

		function optimizeTree(node) {
			while (node.hasEmptyChildren())

			for ( var i = 0, il = node.children.length; i < il; i++) {

			return node;

		 * Split expression by node name and its content, if exists. E.g. if we
		 * pass <code>a{Text}</code> expression, it will be splitted into
		 * <code>a</code> and <code>Text</code>
		 * @param {String}
		 *            expr
		 * @return {Array} Result with one or two elements (if expression
		 *         contains text node)

		function splitExpression(expr) {
			// fast test on text node
			if (expr.indexOf('{') == -1)
				return [ expr ];

			var attr_lvl = 0, text_lvl = 0, brace_stack = [], i = 0, il = expr.length, ch;

			while (i < il) {
				ch = expr.charAt(i);
				switch (ch) {
				case '[':
					if (!text_lvl)
				case ']':
					if (!text_lvl)
				case '{':
					if (!attr_lvl) {
				case '}':
					if (!attr_lvl) {
						var brace_start = brace_stack.pop();
						if (text_lvl === 0) {
							// found braces bounds
							return [ expr.substring(0, brace_start),
									expr.substring(brace_start + 1, i) ];

			// if we are here, then no valid text node found
			return [ expr ];

		return {
			 * Parses abbreviation into tree with respect of groups, text nodes
			 * and attributes. Each node of the tree is a single abbreviation.
			 * Tree represents actual structure of the outputted result
			 * @param {String}
			 *            abbr Abbreviation to parse
			 * @return {TreeNode}
			parse : function(abbr) {
				var root = new TreeNode, context = root.addChild(), i = 0, il = abbr.length, text_lvl = 0, attr_lvl = 0, group_lvl = 0, group_stack = [ root ], ch, prev_ch, token = '';

				group_stack.last = function() {
					return this[this.length - 1];

				var dumpToken = function() {
					if (token)
					token = '';

				while (i < il) {
					ch = abbr.charAt(i);
					prev_ch = i ? abbr.charAt(i - 1) : '';
					switch (ch) {
					case '{':
						if (!attr_lvl)
						token += ch;
					case '}':
						if (!attr_lvl)
						token += ch;
					case '[':
						if (!text_lvl)
						token += ch;
					case ']':
						if (!text_lvl)
						token += ch;
					case '(':
						if (!text_lvl && !attr_lvl) {
							// beginning of the new group

							if (prev_ch != '+' && prev_ch != '>') {
								// previous char is not an operator, assume it's
								// a sibling
								context = context.parent.addChild();

							context = context.addChild();
						} else {
							token += ch;
					case ')':
						if (!text_lvl && !attr_lvl) {
							// end of the group, pop stack
							context = group_stack.pop();

							if (i < il - 1 && abbr.charAt(i + 1) == '*') {
								// group multiplication
								var group_mul = '', n_ch;
								for ( var j = i + 2; j < il; j++) {
									n_ch = abbr.charAt(j);
									if (isNumeric(n_ch))
										group_mul += n_ch;

								i += group_mul.length + 1;
								group_mul = parseInt(group_mul || 1, 10);
								while (1 < group_mul--)
								// last_parent.addChild(cur_item);

						} else {
							token += ch;
					case '+':
						// sibling operator
						if (!text_lvl && !attr_lvl && i != il - 1 /* expando? */) {
							context = context.parent.addChild();
						} else {
							token += ch;
					case '>':
						// child operator
						if (!text_lvl && !attr_lvl) {
							context = context.addChild();
						} else {
							token += ch;
						token += ch;

				// put the final token

				return optimizeTree(root);

			TreeNode : TreeNode,
			optimizeTree : optimizeTree
	 * Core library that do all Zen Coding magic
	 * @author Sergey Chikuyonok (serge.che@gmail.com)
	 * @link http://chikuyonok.ru
	 * @include "settings.js"
	 * @include "zen_parser.js"
	 * @include "zen_resources.js"
	var zen_coding = (function() {
		var re_tag = /<\/?[\w:\-]+(?:\s+[\w\-:]+(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:'[^']*')|[^>\s]+))?)*\s*(\/?)>$/,

		caret_placeholder = '{%::zen-caret::%}', newline = '\n',

		/** List of registered filters */
		filters = {},
		/** Filters that will be applied for unknown syntax */
		basic_filters = 'html',

		profiles = {}, default_profile = {
			tag_case : 'lower',
			attr_case : 'lower',
			attr_quotes : 'double',

			// each tag on new line
			tag_nl : 'decide',

			place_cursor : true,

			// indent tags
			indent : true,

			// how many inline elements should be to force line break
			// (set to 0 to disable)
			inline_break : 3,

			// use self-closing style for writing empty elements, e.g. <br /> or
			// <br>
			self_closing_tag : 'xhtml',

			// Profile-level output filters, re-defines syntax filters
			filters : ''

		function isNumeric(ch) {
			if (typeof (ch) == 'string')
				ch = ch.charCodeAt(0);

			return (ch && ch > 47 && ch < 58);

		 * ミ湲€ミセミイミオム€ム紹オム・ ム紹イミサム紹オムび・・ミサミク ム・クミシミイミセミサ ミエミセミソムτ・ひクミシム巾シ ミイ ミーミアミアム€ミオミイミクミームびτ€ミオ
		 * @param {String}
		 *            ch
		 * @return {Boolean}

		function isAllowedChar(ch) {
			ch = String(ch); // convert Java object to JS
			var char_code = ch.charCodeAt(0), special_chars = '#.>+*:$-_!@[]()|';

			return (char_code > 64 && char_code < 91) // uppercase letter
					|| (char_code > 96 && char_code < 123) // lowercase letter
					|| isNumeric(ch) // number
					|| special_chars.indexOf(ch) != -1; // special character

		 * ミ漬セミキミイム€ミーム禍ーミオム・ム・クミシミイミセミサ ミソミオム€ミオミイミセミエミー ム・び€ミセミコミク, ミクム・ソミセミサム糊キムσオミシム巾ケ ミイ ム€ミオミエミーミコムひセム€ミオ
		 * @return {String}

		function getNewline() {
			return zen_coding.getNewline();

		 * Returns caret placeholder
		 * @return {String}

		function getCaretPlaceholder() {
			return (typeof (caret_placeholder) != 'string') ? caret_placeholder()
					: caret_placeholder

		 * Split text into lines. Set <code>remove_empty</code> to true to
		 * filter empty lines
		 * @param {String}
		 *            text
		 * @param {Boolean}
		 *            [remove_empty]
		 * @return {Array}

		function splitByLines(text, remove_empty) {
			// IE fails to split string by regexp,
			// need to normalize newlines first
			// Also, Mozilla's Rhiho JS engine has a wierd newline bug
			var nl = getNewline();
			var lines = (text || '').replace(/\r\n/g, '\n').replace(/\n\r/g,
					'\n').replace(/\r/g, '\n').replace(/\n/g, nl).split(nl);

			if (remove_empty) {
				for ( var i = lines.length; i >= 0; i--) {
					if (!trim(lines[i]))
						lines.splice(i, 1);

			return lines;

		 * Trim whitespace from string
		 * @param {String}
		 *            text
		 * @return {String}

		function trim(text) {
			return (text || "").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");

		function createProfile(options) {
			var result = {};
			for ( var p in default_profile)
				result[p] = (p in options) ? options[p] : default_profile[p];

			return result;

		function setupProfile(name, options) {
			profiles[name.toLowerCase()] = createProfile(options || {});

		 * Repeats string <code>how_many</code> times
		 * @param {String}
		 *            str
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            how_many
		 * @return {String}

		function repeatString(str, how_many) {
			var result = '';
			for ( var i = 0; i < how_many; i++)
				result += str;

			return result;

		 * Indents text with padding
		 * @param {String}
		 *            text Text to indent
		 * @param {String|Number}
		 *            pad Padding size (number) or padding itself (string)
		 * @return {String}

		function padString(text, pad) {
			var pad_str = (typeof (pad) == 'number') ? repeatString(
					getIndentation(), pad) : pad, result = '';

			var lines = splitByLines(text), nl = getNewline();

			result += lines[0];
			for ( var j = 1; j < lines.length; j++)
				result += nl + pad_str + lines[j];

			return result;

		 * Class inheritance method
		 * @param {Function}
		 *            derived Derived class
		 * @param {Function}
		 *            from Base class

		function inherit(derived, from) {
			var Inheritance = function() {

			Inheritance.prototype = from.prototype;

			derived.prototype = new Inheritance();
			derived.prototype.constructor = derived;
			derived.baseConstructor = from;
			derived.superClass = from.prototype;

		 * Check if passed abbreviation is snippet
		 * @param {String}
		 *            abbr
		 * @param {String}
		 *            type
		 * @return {Boolean}

		function isShippet(abbr, type) {
			return getSnippet(type, filterNodeName(abbr)) ? true : false;

		 * Test if passed string ends with XHTML tag. This method is used for
		 * testing '>' character: it belongs to tag or it's a part of
		 * abbreviation?
		 * @param {String}
		 *            str
		 * @return {Boolean}

		function isEndsWithTag(str) {
			return re_tag.test(str);

		 * Replace variables like ${var} in string
		 * @param {String}
		 *            str
		 * @param {Object|Function}
		 *            [vars] Variable set (default is
		 *            <code>zen_settings.variables</code>)
		 * @return {String}

		function replaceVariables(str, vars) {
			var callback;

			if (typeof vars == 'function')
				callback = vars;
			else if (vars)
				callback = function(str, p1) {
					return (p1 in vars) ? vars[p1] : str;
				callback = function(str, p1) {
					var v = getVariable(p1);
					return (v !== null && typeof v != 'undefined') ? v : str;

			return str.replace(/\$\{([\w\-]+)\}/g, callback);

		 * Removes any unnecessary characters from node name
		 * @param {String}
		 *            name
		 * @return {String}

		function filterNodeName(name) {
			return (name || '').replace(/(.+)\!$/, '$1');

		 * Test if text contains output placeholder $#
		 * @param {String}
		 *            text
		 * @return {Boolean}

		function hasOutputPlaceholder( /* String */text) {
			for ( var i = 0, il = text.length; i < il; i++) {
				var ch = text.charAt(i);
				if (ch == '\\') { // escaped char
				} else if (ch == '$' && text.charAt(i + 1) == '#') {
					return true;

			return false;

		 * Tag
		 * @class
		 * @param {zen_parser.TreeNode}
		 *            node Parsed tree node
		 * @param {String}
		 *            type Tag type (html, xml)

		function Tag(node, type) {
			type = type || 'html';

			var abbr = null;
			if (node.name) {
				abbr = getAbbreviation(type, filterNodeName(node.name));
				if (abbr && abbr.type == 'zen-reference')
					abbr = getAbbreviation(type, filterNodeName(abbr.value));

			this.name = (abbr) ? abbr.value.name : node.name;
			this.real_name = node.name;
			this.count = node.count || 1;
			this._abbr = abbr;
			this.syntax = type;
			this._content = '';
			this._paste_content = '';
			this.repeat_by_lines = node.is_repeating;
			this.is_repeating = node && node.count > 1;
			this.parent = null;
			this.has_implicit_name = node.has_implict_name;


			// add default attributes
			if (this._abbr)


		Tag.prototype = {
			 * Adds new child tag to current one
			 * @param {Tag}
			 *            tag
			addChild : function(tag) {
				if (!this.children)
					this.children = [];

				tag.parent = this;

			 * Adds new attribute
			 * @param {String}
			 *            name Attribute's name
			 * @param {String}
			 *            value Attribute's value
			addAttribute : function(name, value) {
				if (!this.attributes)
					this.attributes = [];

				if (!this._attr_hash)
					this._attr_hash = {};

				// escape pipe (caret) character with internal placeholder
				value = replaceUnescapedSymbol(value, '|',

				var a;
				if (name in this._attr_hash) {
					// attribute already exists, decide what to do
					a = this._attr_hash[name];
					if (name == 'class') {
						// 'class' is a magic attribute
						a.value += ((a.value) ? ' ' : '') + value;
					} else {
						a.value = value;
				} else {
					a = {
						name : name,
						value : value
					this._attr_hash[name] = a

			 * Copy attributes from parsed node
			copyAttributes : function(node) {
				if (node && node.attributes)
					for ( var i = 0, il = node.attributes.length; i < il; i++) {
						var attr = node.attributes[i];
						this.addAttribute(attr.name, attr.value);

			 * This function tests if current tags' content contains xHTML tags.
			 * This function is mostly used for output formatting
			hasTagsInContent : function() {
				return this.getContent() && re_tag.test(this.getContent());

			 * Set textual content for tag
			 * @param {String}
			 *            str Tag's content
			setContent : function(str) {
				this._content = replaceUnescapedSymbol(str || '', '|',

			 * Returns tag's textual content
			 * @return {String}
			getContent : function() {
				return this._content || '';

			 * Set content that should be pasted to the output
			 * @param {String}
			 *            val
			setPasteContent : function(val) {
				this._paste_content = zen_coding.escapeText(val);

			 * Get content that should be pasted to the output
			 * @return {String}
			getPasteContent : function() {
				return this._paste_content;

			 * Search for deepest and latest child of current element
			 * @return {Tag|null} Returns null if there's no children
			findDeepestChild : function() {
				if (!this.children || !this.children.length)
					return null;

				var deepest_child = this;
				while (true) {
					deepest_child = deepest_child.children[deepest_child.children.length - 1];
					if (!deepest_child.children
							|| !deepest_child.children.length)

				return deepest_child;

		 * Snippet
		 * @param {zen_parser.TreeNode}
		 *            node
		 * @param {String}
		 *            type Tag type (html, xml)

		function Snippet(node, type) {
			/** @type {String} */
			this.name = filterNodeName(node.name);
			this.real_name = node.name;
			this.count = node.count;
			this.children = [];
			this._content = node.text || '';
			this.repeat_by_lines = node.is_repeating;
			this.is_repeating = node && node.count > 1;
			this.attributes = [];
			this.value = replaceUnescapedSymbol(getSnippet(type, this.name),
					'|', getCaretPlaceholder());
			this.parent = null;
			this.syntax = type;

			this.addAttribute('id', getCaretPlaceholder());
			this.addAttribute('class', getCaretPlaceholder());

		inherit(Snippet, Tag);

		 * Returns abbreviation value from data set
		 * @param {String}
		 *            type Resource type (html, css, ...)
		 * @param {String}
		 *            abbr Abbreviation name
		 * @return {Object|null}

		function getAbbreviation(type, abbr) {
			return zen_resources.getAbbreviation(type, abbr);

		 * Returns snippet value from data set
		 * @param {String}
		 *            type Resource type (html, css, ...)
		 * @param {String}
		 *            snippet_name Snippet name
		 * @return {Object|null}

		function getSnippet(type, snippet_name) {
			return zen_resources.getSnippet(type, snippet_name);

		 * Returns variable value
		 * @return {String}

		function getVariable(name) {
			return zen_resources.getVariable(name);

		 * Returns indentation string
		 * @return {String}

		function getIndentation() {
			return getVariable('indentation');

		 * @class Creates simplified tag from Zen Coding tag
		 * @param {Tag}
		 *            tag

		function ZenNode(tag) {
			this.type = (tag instanceof Snippet) ? 'snippet' : 'tag';
			this.name = tag.name;
			this.real_name = tag.real_name;
			this.children = [];
			this.counter = 1;
			this.is_repeating = tag.is_repeating;
			this.repeat_by_lines = tag.repeat_by_lines;
			this.has_implicit_name = this.type == 'tag'
					&& tag.has_implicit_name;

			// create deep copy of attribute list so we can change
			// their values in runtime without affecting other nodes
			// created from the same tag
			this.attributes = [];
			if (tag.attributes) {
				for ( var i = 0, il = tag.attributes.length; i < il; i++) {
					var a = tag.attributes[i];
						name : a.name,
						value : a.value

			/** @type {Tag} Source element from which current tag was created */
			this.source = tag;

			// relations
			/** @type {ZenNode} */
			this.parent = null;
			/** @type {ZenNode} */
			this.nextSibling = null;
			/** @type {ZenNode} */
			this.previousSibling = null;

			// output params
			this.start = '';
			this.end = '';
			this.content = tag.getContent() || '';
			this.padding = '';

		ZenNode.prototype = {
			 * @type {ZenNode} tag
			addChild : function(tag) {
				tag.parent = this;

				// check for implicit name
				if (tag.has_implicit_name && this.isInline())
					tag.name = 'span';

				var last_child = this.children[this.children.length - 1];
				if (last_child) {
					tag.previousSibling = last_child;
					last_child.nextSibling = tag;


			 * Get attribute's value.
			 * @param {String}
			 *            name
			 * @return {String|null} Returns <code>null</code> if attribute
			 *         wasn't found
			getAttribute : function(name) {
				name = name.toLowerCase();
				for ( var i = 0, il = this.attributes.length; i < il; i++) {
					if (this.attributes[i].name.toLowerCase() == name)
						return this.attributes[i].value;

				return null;

			 * Test if current tag is unary (no closing tag)
			 * @return {Boolean}
			isUnary : function() {
				if (this.type == 'snippet')
					return false;

				return (this.source._abbr && this.source._abbr.value.is_empty)
						|| zen_resources.isItemInCollection(this.source.syntax,
								'empty', this.name);

			 * Test if current tag is inline-level (like &lt;strong&gt;,
			 * &lt;img&gt;)
			 * @return {Boolean}
			isInline : function() {
				return this.type == 'text'
						|| zen_resources.isItemInCollection(this.source.syntax,
								'inline_level', this.name);

			 * Test if current element is block-level
			 * @return {Boolean}
			isBlock : function() {
				return this.type == 'snippet' || !this.isInline();

			 * This function tests if current tags' content contains xHTML tags.
			 * This function is mostly used for output formatting
			hasTagsInContent : function() {
				return this.content && re_tag.test(this.content);

			 * Check if tag has child elements
			 * @return {Boolean}
			hasChildren : function() {
				return !!this.children.length;

			 * Test if current tag contains block-level children
			 * @return {Boolean}
			hasBlockChildren : function() {
				if (this.hasTagsInContent() && this.isBlock()) {
					return true;

				for ( var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
					if (this.children[i].isBlock())
						return true;

				return false;

			 * Search for deepest and latest child of current element
			 * @return {ZenNode|null} Returns <code>null</code> if there's no
			 *         children
			findDeepestChild : function() {
				if (!this.children.length)
					return null;

				var deepest_child = this;
				while (true) {
					deepest_child = deepest_child.children[deepest_child.children.length - 1];
					if (!deepest_child.children.length)

				return deepest_child;

			 * @return {String}
			toString : function() {
				var content = '';
				for ( var i = 0, il = this.children.length; i < il; i++) {
					content += this.children[i].toString();

				return this.start + this.content + content + this.end;

			 * Test if current element contains output placeholder (aka $#)
			 * @return {Boolean}
			hasOutputPlaceholder : function() {
				if (hasOutputPlaceholder(this.content)) {
					return true;
				} else {
					// search inside attributes
					for ( var i = 0, il = this.attributes.length; i < il; i++) {
						if (hasOutputPlaceholder(this.attributes[i].value))
							return true;

				return false;

			 * Recursively search for elements with output placeholders (aka $#)
			 * inside current element (not included in result)
			 * @param {Array}
			 *            _arr
			 * @return {Array} Array of elements with output placeholders.
			findElementsWithOutputPlaceholder : function(_arr) {
				_arr = _arr || [];
				for ( var i = 0, il = this.children.length; i < il; i++) {
					if (this.children[i].hasOutputPlaceholder()) {
				return _arr;

			 * Paste content in context of current node. Pasting is a special
			 * case of recursive adding content in node. This function will try
			 * to find $# placeholder inside node's attributes and text content
			 * and replace in with <code>text</code>. If it doesn't find $#
			 * placeholder, it will put <code>text</code> value as the deepest
			 * child content
			 * @param {String}
			 *            text Text to paste
			pasteContent : function(text) {
				var symbol = '$#', r = [ symbol, text ], replace_fn = function() {
					return r;
				/** @type {ZenNode[]} */
				items = [];

				if (this.hasOutputPlaceholder())

				items = items.concat(this.findElementsWithOutputPlaceholder());

				if (items.length) {
					for ( var i = 0, il = items.length; i < il; i++) {
						/** @type {ZenNode} */
						var item = items[i];
						item.content = replaceUnescapedSymbol(item.content,
								symbol, replace_fn);
						for ( var j = 0, jl = item.attributes.length; j < jl; j++) {
							var a = item.attributes[j];
							a.value = replaceUnescapedSymbol(a.value, symbol,
				} else {
					// no placeholders found, add content to the deepest child
					var child = this.findDeepestChild() || this;
					child.content += text;

		 * Roll outs basic Zen Coding tree into simplified, DOM-like tree. The
		 * simplified tree, for example, represents each multiplied element as a
		 * separate element sets with its own content, if exists.
		 * The simplified tree element contains some meta info (tag name,
		 * attributes, etc.) as well as output strings, which are exactly what
		 * will be outputted after expanding abbreviation. This tree is used for
		 * <i>filtering</i>: you can apply filters that will alter output
		 * strings to get desired look of expanded abbreviation.
		 * @param {Tag}
		 *            tree
		 * @param {ZenNode}
		 *            [parent]

		function rolloutTree(tree, parent) {
			parent = parent || new ZenNode(tree);

			var how_many = 1, tag_content = '';

			if (tree.children) {
				for ( var i = 0, il = tree.children.length; i < il; i++) {
					/** @type {Tag} */
					var child = tree.children[i];
					how_many = child.count;

					if (child.repeat_by_lines) {
						// it's a repeating element
						tag_content = splitByLines(child.getPasteContent(),
						how_many = Math.max(tag_content.length, 1);
					} else {
						tag_content = child.getPasteContent();

					for ( var j = 0; j < how_many; j++) {
						var tag = new ZenNode(child);
						tag.counter = j + 1;

						if (child.children && child.children.length)
							rolloutTree(child, tag);

						if (tag_content) {
							var text = (typeof (tag_content) == 'string') ? tag_content
									: (tag_content[j] || '');

			return parent;

		 * Runs filters on tree
		 * @param {ZenNode}
		 *            tree
		 * @param {String|Object}
		 *            profile
		 * @param {String[]|String}
		 *            filter_list
		 * @return {ZenNode}

		function runFilters(tree, profile, filter_list) {
			profile = processProfile(profile);

			if (typeof (filter_list) == 'string')
				filter_list = filter_list.split(/[\|,]/g);

			for ( var i = 0, il = filter_list.length; i < il; i++) {
				var name = trim(filter_list[i].toLowerCase());
				if (name && name in filters) {
					tree = filters[name](tree, profile);

			return tree;

		 * Transforms abbreviation into a primary internal tree. This tree
		 * should'n be used ouside of this scope
		 * @param {zen_parser.TreeNode}
		 *            node Parsed tree node
		 * @param {String}
		 *            [type] Document type (xsl, html, etc.)
		 * @return {Tag}

		function transformTreeNode(node, type) {
			type = type || 'html';
			if (node.isEmpty())
				return null;

			return isShippet(node.name, type) ? new Snippet(node, type)
					: new Tag(node, type);

		 * Process single tree node: expand it and its children
		 * @param {zen_parser.TreeNode}
		 *            node
		 * @param {String}
		 *            type
		 * @param {Tag}
		 *            parent

		function processParsedNode(node, type, parent) {
			var t_node = transformTreeNode(node, type);

			// set repeating element to the topmost node
			var root = parent;
			while (root.parent)
				root = root.parent;

			root.last = t_node;
			if (t_node.repeat_by_lines)
				root.multiply_elem = t_node;

			// process child groups
			for ( var j = 0, jl = node.children.length; j < jl; j++) {
				processParsedNode(node.children[j], type, t_node);

		 * Replaces expando nodes by its parsed content
		 * @param {zen_parser.TreeNode}
		 *            node
		 * @param {String}
		 *            type

		function replaceExpandos(node, type) {
			for ( var i = 0, il = node.children.length; i < il; i++) {
				var n = node.children[i];
				if (!n.isEmpty() && !n.isTextNode()
						&& n.name.indexOf('+') != -1) {
					// it's expando
					var a = getAbbreviation(type, n.name);
					if (a)
						node.children[i] = zen_parser.parse(a.value);
				replaceExpandos(node.children[i], type);

		 * Replaces expandos and optimizes tree structure by removing empty
		 * nodes
		 * @param {zen_parser.TreeNode}
		 *            tree
		 * @param {String}
		 *            type

		function preprocessParsedTree(tree, type) {
			replaceExpandos(tree, type);
			return zen_parser.optimizeTree(tree);

		 * Pad string with zeroes
		 * @param {String}
		 *            str
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            pad

		function zeroPadString(str, pad) {
			var padding = '', il = str.length;

			while (pad > il++)
				padding += '0';
			return padding + str;

		 * Replaces unescaped symbols in <code>str</code>. For example, the
		 * '$' symbol will be replaced in 'item$count', but not in
		 * 'item\$count'.
		 * @param {String}
		 *            str Original string
		 * @param {String}
		 *            symbol Symbol to replace
		 * @param {String|Function}
		 *            replace Symbol replacement
		 * @return {String}

		function replaceUnescapedSymbol(str, symbol, replace) {
			var i = 0, il = str.length, sl = symbol.length, match_count = 0;

			while (i < il) {
				if (str.charAt(i) == '\\') {
					// escaped symbol, skip next character
					i += sl + 1;
				} else if (str.substr(i, sl) == symbol) {
					// have match
					var cur_sl = sl;
					var new_value = replace;
					if (typeof (replace) !== 'string') {
						var replace_data = replace(str, symbol, i, match_count);
						if (replace_data) {
							cur_sl = replace_data[0].length;
							new_value = replace_data[1];
						} else {
							new_value = false;

					if (new_value === false) { // skip replacement

					str = str.substring(0, i) + new_value
							+ str.substring(i + cur_sl);
					// adjust indexes
					il = str.length;
					i += new_value.length;
				} else {

			return str;

		 * Processes profile argument, returning, if possible, profile object

		function processProfile(profile) {
			var _profile = profile;
			if (typeof (profile) == 'string' && profile in profiles)
				_profile = profiles[profile];

			if (!_profile)
				_profile = profiles['plain'];

			return _profile;

		// create default profiles
		setupProfile('html', {
			self_closing_tag : false
		setupProfile('xml', {
			self_closing_tag : true,
			tag_nl : true
		setupProfile('plain', {
			tag_nl : false,
			indent : false,
			place_cursor : false

		return {
			/** Hash of all available actions */
			actions : {},

			 * Adds new Zen Coding action. This action will be available in
			 * <code>zen_settings.actions</code> object.
			 * @param {String}
			 *            name Action's name
			 * @param {Function}
			 *            fn Action itself. The first argument should be
			 *            <code>zen_editor</code> instance.
			registerAction : function(name, fn) {
				this.actions[name.toLowerCase()] = fn;

			 * Runs Zen Coding action. For list of available actions and their
			 * arguments see <code>zen_actions.js</code> file.
			 * @param {String}
			 *            name Action name
			 * @param {Array}
			 *            args Additional arguments. It may be array of
			 *            arguments or inline arguments. The first argument
			 *            should be <code>zen_editor</code> instance
			 * @example zen_coding.runActions('expand_abbreviation',
			 *          zen_editor);
			 *          zen_coding.runActions('wrap_with_abbreviation',
			 *          [zen_editor, 'div']);
			runAction : function(name, args) {
				if (!(args instanceof Array))
					args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);

				name = name.toLowerCase();
				if (name in this.actions)
					return this.actions[name].apply(this, args);
				// try {
				// } catch(e){
				// if (window && window.console)
				// console.error(e);
				// return false;
				// }

			expandAbbreviation : function(abbr, type, profile) {
				type = type || 'html';
				var parsed_tree = this.parseIntoTree(abbr, type);

				if (parsed_tree) {
					var tree = rolloutTree(parsed_tree);
					this.applyFilters(tree, type, profile, parsed_tree.filters);
					return replaceVariables(tree.toString());

				return '';

			 * Extracts abbreviations from text stream, starting from the end
			 * @param {String}
			 *            str
			 * @return {String} Abbreviation or empty string
			extractAbbreviation : function(str) {
				var cur_offset = str.length, start_index = -1, group_count = 0, brace_count = 0, text_count = 0;

				while (true) {
					if (cur_offset < 0) {
						// moved to the beginning of the line
						start_index = 0;

					var ch = str.charAt(cur_offset);

					if (ch == ']') {
					} else if (ch == '[') {
						if (!brace_count) { // unexpected brace
							start_index = cur_offset + 1;
					} else if (ch == '}') {
					} else if (ch == '{') {
						if (!text_count) { // unexpected brace
							start_index = cur_offset + 1;
					} else if (ch == ')') {
					} else if (ch == '(') {
						if (!group_count) { // unexpected brace
							start_index = cur_offset + 1;
					} else {
						if (brace_count || text_count)
							// respect all characters inside attribute sets or
							// text nodes
						else if (!isAllowedChar(ch)
								|| (ch == '>' && isEndsWithTag(str.substring(0,
										cur_offset + 1)))) {
							// found stop symbol
							start_index = cur_offset + 1;

				if (start_index != -1 && !text_count && !brace_count
						&& !group_count)
					// found something, return abbreviation
					return str.substring(start_index);
					return '';

			 * Parses abbreviation into a node set
			 * @param {String}
			 *            abbr Abbreviation
			 * @param {String}
			 *            type Document type (xsl, html, etc.)
			 * @return {Tag}
			parseIntoTree : function(abbr, type) {
				type = type || 'html';
				// remove filters from abbreviation
				var filter_list = '';
				abbr = abbr.replace(/\|([\w\|\-]+)$/, function(str, p1) {
					filter_list = p1;
					return '';

				// try to parse abbreviation
				try {
					var abbr_tree = zen_parser.parse(abbr), tree_root = new Tag(
							{}, type);

					abbr_tree = preprocessParsedTree(abbr_tree, type);
				} catch (e) {
					if (e.message == "InvalidAbbreviation")
						return null;

				// then recursively expand each group item
				for ( var i = 0, il = abbr_tree.children.length; i < il; i++) {
					processParsedNode(abbr_tree.children[i], type, tree_root);

				tree_root.filters = filter_list;
				return tree_root;

			 * Indents text with padding
			 * @param {String}
			 *            text Text to indent
			 * @param {String|Number}
			 *            pad Padding size (number) or padding itself (string)
			 * @return {String}
			padString : padString,
			setupProfile : setupProfile,
			getNewline : function() {
				return newline;

			setNewline : function(str) {
				newline = str;
				this.setVariable('newline', str);
				this.setVariable('nl', str);

			 * Wraps passed text with abbreviation. Text will be placed inside
			 * last expanded element
			 * @param {String}
			 *            abbr Abbreviation
			 * @param {String}
			 *            text Text to wrap
			 * @param {String}
			 *            [type] Document type (html, xml, etc.). Default is
			 *            'html'
			 * @param {String}
			 *            [profile] Output profile's name. Default is 'plain'
			 * @return {String}
			wrapWithAbbreviation : function(abbr, text, type, profile) {
				type = type || 'html';
				var tree_root = this.parseIntoTree(abbr, type), pasted = false;

				if (tree_root) {
					if (tree_root.multiply_elem) {
						// we have a repeating element, put content in
						tree_root.multiply_elem.repeat_by_lines = pasted = true;

					var tree = rolloutTree(tree_root);

					if (!pasted)

					this.applyFilters(tree, type, profile, tree_root.filters);
					return replaceVariables(tree.toString());

				return null;

			splitByLines : splitByLines,

			 * Check if cursor is placed inside xHTML tag
			 * @param {String}
			 *            html Contents of the document
			 * @param {Number}
			 *            cursor_pos Current caret position inside tag
			 * @return {Boolean}
			isInsideTag : function(html, cursor_pos) {
				var re_tag = /^<\/?\w[\w\:\-]*.*?>/;

				// search left to find opening brace
				var pos = cursor_pos;
				while (pos > -1) {
					if (html.charAt(pos) == '<')

				if (pos != -1) {
					var m = re_tag.exec(html.substring(pos));
					if (m && cursor_pos > pos && cursor_pos < pos + m[0].length)
						return true;

				return false;

			 * Returns caret placeholder
			 * @return {String}
			getCaretPlaceholder : getCaretPlaceholder,

			 * Set caret placeholder: a string (like '|') or function. You may
			 * use a function as a placeholder generator. For example, TextMate
			 * uses ${0}, ${1}, ..., ${n} natively for quick Tab-switching
			 * between them.
			 * @param {String|Function}
			 *            value
			setCaretPlaceholder : function(value) {
				caret_placeholder = value;

			rolloutTree : rolloutTree,

			 * Register new filter
			 * @param {String}
			 *            name Filter name
			 * @param {Function}
			 *            fn Filter function
			registerFilter : function(name, fn) {
				filters[name] = fn;

			 * Factory method that produces <code>ZenNode</code> instance
			 * @param {String}
			 *            name Node name
			 * @param {Array}
			 *            [attrs] Array of attributes as key/value objects
			 * @return {ZenNode}
			nodeFactory : function(name, attrs) {
				return new ZenNode({
					name : name,
					attributes : attrs || []

			 * Applies filters to tree according to syntax
			 * @param {ZenNode}
			 *            tree Tag tree to apply filters to
			 * @param {String}
			 *            syntax Syntax name ('html', 'css', etc.)
			 * @param {String|Object}
			 *            profile Profile or profile's name
			 * @param {String|Array}
			 *            [additional_filters] List or pipe-separated string of
			 *            additional filters to apply
			 * @return {ZenNode}
			applyFilters : function(tree, syntax, profile, additional_filters) {
				profile = processProfile(profile);
				var _filters = profile.filters;
				if (!_filters)
					_filters = zen_resources.getSubset(syntax, 'filters')
							|| basic_filters;

				if (additional_filters)
					_filters += '|'
							+ ((typeof (additional_filters) == 'string') ? additional_filters
									: additional_filters.join('|'));

				if (!_filters)
					// looks like unknown syntax, apply basic filters
					_filters = basic_filters;

				return runFilters(tree, profile, _filters);

			runFilters : runFilters,

			repeatString : repeatString,
			getVariable : getVariable,
			 * Store runtime variable in user storage
			 * @param {String}
			 *            name Variable name
			 * @param {String}
			 *            value Variable value
			setVariable : function(name, value) {
				var voc = zen_resources.getVocabulary('user') || {};
				if (!('varaibles' in voc))
					voc.variables = {};

				voc.variables[name] = value;
				zen_resources.setVocabulary(voc, 'user');
			replaceVariables : replaceVariables,

			 * Escapes special characters used in Zen Coding, like '$', '|',
			 * etc. Use this method before passing to actions like "Wrap with
			 * Abbreviation" to make sure that existing spacial characters won't
			 * be altered
			 * @param {String}
			 *            text
			 * @return {String}
			escapeText : function(text) {
				return text.replace(/([\$\|\\])/g, '\\$1');

			 * Unescapes special characters used in Zen Coding, like '$', '|',
			 * etc.
			 * @param {String}
			 *            text
			 * @return {String}
			unescapeText : function(text) {
				return text.replace(/\\(.)/g, '$1');

			 * Replaces '$' character in string assuming it might be escaped
			 * with '\'
			 * @param {String}
			 *            str
			 * @param {String|Number}
			 *            value
			 * @return {String}
			replaceCounter : function(str, value) {
				var symbol = '$';
				value = String(value);
				return replaceUnescapedSymbol(str, symbol, function(str,
						symbol, pos, match_num) {
					if (str.charAt(pos + 1) == '{'
							|| isNumeric(str.charAt(pos + 1))) {
						// it's a variable, skip it
						return false;

					// replace sequense of $ symbols with padded number
					var j = pos + 1;
					while (str.charAt(j) == '$' && str.charAt(j + 1) != '{')
					return [ str.substring(pos, j),
							zeroPadString(value, j - pos) ];

			isNumeric : isNumeric,

			 * Upgrades tabstops in zen node in order to prevent naming
			 * conflicts
			 * @param {ZenNode}
			 *            node
			 * @param {Number}
			 *            offset Tab index offset
			 * @returns {Number} Maximum tabstop index in element
			upgradeTabstops : function(node, offset) {
				var max_num = 0, props = [ 'start', 'end', 'content' ], escape_fn = function(
						ch) {
					return '\\' + ch;
				}, tabstop_fn = function(i, num, value) {
					num = parseInt(num);
					if (num > max_num)
						max_num = num;

					if (value)
						return '${' + (num + offset) + ':' + value + '}';
						return '$' + (num + offset);

				for ( var i = 0, il = props.length; i < il; i++)
					node[props[i]] = this.processTextBeforePaste(
							node[props[i]], escape_fn, tabstop_fn);

				return max_num;

			 * Get profile by it's name. If profile wasn't found, returns
			 * 'plain' profile
			getProfile : function(name) {
				return (name in profiles) ? profiles[name] : profiles['plain'];

			 * Gets image size from image byte stream.
			 * @author http://romeda.org/rePublish/
			 * @param {String}
			 *            stream Image byte stream (use
			 *            <code>zen_file.read()</code>)
			 * @return {Object} Object with <code>width</code> and
			 *         <code>height</code> properties
			getImageSize : function(stream) {
				var pngMagicNum = "\211PNG\r\n\032\n", jpgMagicNum = "\377\330", gifMagicNum = "GIF8", nextByte = function() {
					return stream.charCodeAt(pos++);

				if (stream.substr(0, 8) === pngMagicNum) {
					// PNG. Easy peasy.
					var pos = stream.indexOf('IHDR') + 4;

					return {
						width : (nextByte() << 24) | (nextByte() << 16)
								| (nextByte() << 8) | nextByte(),
						height : (nextByte() << 24) | (nextByte() << 16)
								| (nextByte() << 8) | nextByte()

				} else if (stream.substr(0, 4) === gifMagicNum) {
					pos = 6;

					return {
						width : nextByte() | (nextByte() << 8),
						height : nextByte() | (nextByte() << 8)

				} else if (stream.substr(0, 2) === jpgMagicNum) {
					// TODO need testing
					pos = 2;

					var l = stream.length;
					while (pos < l) {
						if (nextByte() != 0xFF)

						var marker = nextByte();
						if (marker == 0xDA)

						var size = (nextByte() << 8) | nextByte();

						if (marker >= 0xC0 && marker <= 0xCF && !(marker & 0x4)
								&& !(marker & 0x8)) {
							pos += 1;
							return {
								height : (nextByte() << 8) | nextByte(),
								width : (nextByte() << 8) | nextByte()

						} else {
							pos += size - 2;

			 * Returns context-aware node counter
			 * @param {node}
			 *            ZenNode
			 * @return {Number}
			getCounterForNode : function(node) {
				// find nearest repeating parent
				var counter = node.counter;
				if (!node.is_repeating && !node.repeat_by_lines) {
					while (node = node.parent) {
						if (node.is_repeating || node.repeat_by_lines)
							return node.counter;

				return counter;

			 * Process text that should be pasted into editor: clear escaped
			 * text and handle tabstops
			 * @param {String}
			 *            text
			 * @param {Function}
			 *            escape_fn Handle escaped character. Must return
			 *            replaced value
			 * @param {Function}
			 *            tabstop_fn Callback function that will be called on
			 *            every tabstob occurance, passing <b>index</b>,
			 *            <code>number</code> and <b>value</b> (if exists)
			 *            arguments. This function must return replacement value
			 * @return {String}
			processTextBeforePaste : function(text, escape_fn, tabstop_fn) {
				var i = 0, il = text.length, start_ix, _i, str_builder = [];

				var nextWhile = function(ix, fn) {
					while (ix < il)
						if (!fn(text.charAt(ix++)))
					return ix - 1;

				while (i < il) {
					var ch = text.charAt(i);
					if (ch == '\\' && i + 1 < il) {
						// handle escaped character
						str_builder.push(escape_fn(text.charAt(i + 1)));
						i += 2;
					} else if (ch == '$') {
						// looks like a tabstop
						var next_ch = text.charAt(i + 1) || '';
						_i = i;
						if (this.isNumeric(next_ch)) {
							// $N placeholder
							start_ix = i + 1;
							i = nextWhile(start_ix, this.isNumeric);
							if (start_ix < i) {
								str_builder.push(tabstop_fn(_i, text.substring(
										start_ix, i)));
						} else if (next_ch == '{') {
							// ${N:value} or ${N} placeholder
							var brace_count = 1;
							start_ix = i + 2;
							i = nextWhile(start_ix, this.isNumeric);

							if (i > start_ix) {
								if (text.charAt(i) == '}') {
									str_builder.push(tabstop_fn(_i, text
											.substring(start_ix, i)));
									i++; // handle closing brace
								} else if (text.charAt(i) == ':') {
									var val_start = i + 2;
									i = nextWhile(val_start, function(c) {
										if (c == '{')
										else if (c == '}')
										return !!brace_count;
													val_start - 2),
											text.substring(val_start - 1, i)));
									i++; // handle closing brace
						i = _i;

					// push current character to stack

				return str_builder.join('');
	 * Middleware layer that communicates between editor and Zen Coding. This
	 * layer describes all available Zen Coding actions, like "Expand
	 * Abbreviation".
	 * @author Sergey Chikuyonok (serge.che@gmail.com)
	 * @link http://chikuyonok.ru
	 * @include "zen_editor.js"
	 * @include "html_matcher.js"
	 * @include "zen_coding.js"
	 * @include "zen_file.js"
	 * @include "base64.js"

	 * Search for abbreviation in editor from current caret position
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor Editor instance
	 * @return {String|null}

	function findAbbreviation(editor) {
		var range = editor.getSelectionRange(), content = String(editor
		if (range.start != range.end) {
			// abbreviation is selected by user
			return content.substring(range.start, range.end);

		// search for new abbreviation from current caret position
		var cur_line = editor.getCurrentLineRange();
		return zen_coding.extractAbbreviation(content.substring(cur_line.start,

	 * Find from current caret position and expand abbreviation in editor
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor Editor instance
	 * @param {String}
	 *            [syntax] Syntax type (html, css, etc.)
	 * @param {String}
	 *            [profile_name] Output profile name (html, xml, xhtml)
	 * @return {Boolean} Returns <code>true</code> if abbreviation was
	 *         expanded successfully

	function expandAbbreviation(editor, syntax, profile_name) {
		syntax = String(syntax || editor.getSyntax());
		profile_name = String(profile_name || editor.getProfileName());

		var caret_pos = editor.getSelectionRange().end, abbr, content = '';

		if ((abbr = findAbbreviation(editor))) {
			content = zen_coding.expandAbbreviation(abbr, syntax, profile_name);
			if (content) {
				editor.replaceContent(content, caret_pos - abbr.length,
				return true;

		return false;

	 * A special version of <code>expandAbbreviation</code> function: if it
	 * can't find abbreviation, it will place Tab character at caret position
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor Editor instance
	 * @param {String}
	 *            syntax Syntax type (html, css, etc.)
	 * @param {String}
	 *            profile_name Output profile name (html, xml, xhtml)

	function expandAbbreviationWithTab(editor, syntax, profile_name) {
		syntax = String(syntax || editor.getSyntax());
		profile_name = String(profile_name || editor.getProfileName());
		if (!expandAbbreviation(editor, syntax, profile_name))
			editor.replaceContent(zen_coding.getVariable('indentation'), editor

	 * Find and select HTML tag pair
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor Editor instance
	 * @param {String}
	 *            [direction] Direction of pair matching: 'in' or 'out'. Default
	 *            is 'out'

	function matchPair(editor, direction, syntax) {
		direction = String((direction || 'out').toLowerCase());
		syntax = String(syntax || editor.getProfileName());

		var range = editor.getSelectionRange(), cursor = range.end, range_start = range.start, range_end = range.end,
		// content = zen_coding.splitByLines(editor.getContent()).join('\n'),
		content = String(editor.getContent()), range = null, _r,

		old_open_tag = zen_coding.html_matcher.last_match['opening_tag'], old_close_tag = zen_coding.html_matcher.last_match['closing_tag'];

		if (direction == 'in' && old_open_tag && range_start != range_end) {
			// user has previously selected tag and wants to move inward
			if (!old_close_tag) {
				// unary tag was selected, can't move inward
				return false;
			} else if (old_open_tag.start == range_start) {
				if (content.charAt(old_open_tag.end) == '<') {
					// test if the first inward tag matches the entire parent
					// tag's content
					_r = zen_coding.html_matcher.find(content,
							old_open_tag.end + 1, syntax);
					if (_r[0] == old_open_tag.end
							&& _r[1] == old_close_tag.start) {
						range = zen_coding.html_matcher(content,
								old_open_tag.end + 1, syntax);
					} else {
						range = [ old_open_tag.end, old_close_tag.start ];
				} else {
					range = [ old_open_tag.end, old_close_tag.start ];
			} else {
				var new_cursor = content.substring(0, old_close_tag.start)
						.indexOf('<', old_open_tag.end);
				var search_pos = new_cursor != -1 ? new_cursor + 1
						: old_open_tag.end;
				range = zen_coding.html_matcher(content, search_pos, syntax);
		} else {
			range = zen_coding.html_matcher(content, cursor, syntax);

		if (range !== null && range[0] != -1) {
			editor.createSelection(range[0], range[1]);
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;

	 * Narrow down text indexes, adjusting selection to non-space characters
	 * @param {String}
	 *            text
	 * @param {Number}
	 *            start
	 * @param {Number}
	 *            end
	 * @return {Array}

	function narrowToNonSpace(text, start, end) {
		// narrow down selection until first non-space character
		var re_space = /\s|\n|\r/;

		function isSpace(ch) {
			return re_space.test(ch);

		while (start < end) {
			if (!isSpace(text.charAt(start)))


		while (end > start) {
			if (!isSpace(text.charAt(end))) {

		return [ start, end ];

	 * Wraps content with abbreviation
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            Editor instance
	 * @param {String}
	 *            abbr Abbreviation to wrap with
	 * @param {String}
	 *            [syntax] Syntax type (html, css, etc.)
	 * @param {String}
	 *            [profile_name] Output profile name (html, xml, xhtml)

	function wrapWithAbbreviation(editor, abbr, syntax, profile_name) {
		syntax = String(syntax || editor.getSyntax());
		profile_name = String(profile_name || editor.getProfileName());
		abbr = abbr || editor.prompt("Enter abbreviation");

		var range = editor.getSelectionRange(), start_offset = range.start, end_offset = range.end, content = String(editor

		if (!abbr || typeof abbr == 'undefined')
			return null;

		abbr = String(abbr);

		if (start_offset == end_offset) {
			// no selection, find tag pair
			range = zen_coding
					.html_matcher(content, start_offset, profile_name);

			if (!range || range[0] == -1) // nothing to wrap
				return null;

			var narrowed_sel = narrowToNonSpace(content, range[0], range[1]);

			start_offset = narrowed_sel[0];
			end_offset = narrowed_sel[1];

		var new_content = zen_coding.escapeText(content.substring(start_offset,
				end_offset)), result = zen_coding.wrapWithAbbreviation(abbr,
				unindent(editor, new_content), syntax, profile_name);

		if (result) {
			editor.replaceContent(result, start_offset, end_offset);

	 * Unindent content, thus preparing text for tag wrapping
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor Editor instance
	 * @param {String}
	 *            text
	 * @return {String}

	function unindent(editor, text) {
		return unindentText(text, getCurrentLinePadding(editor));

	 * Removes padding at the beginning of each text's line
	 * @param {String}
	 *            text
	 * @param {String}
	 *            pad

	function unindentText(text, pad) {
		var lines = zen_coding.splitByLines(text);
		for ( var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
			if (lines[i].search(pad) == 0)
				lines[i] = lines[i].substr(pad.length);

		return lines.join(zen_coding.getNewline());

	 * Returns padding of current editor's line
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            Editor instance
	 * @return {String}

	function getCurrentLinePadding(editor) {
		return getLinePadding(editor.getCurrentLine());

	 * Returns line padding
	 * @param {String}
	 *            line
	 * @return {String}

	function getLinePadding(line) {
		return (line.match(/^(\s+)/) || [ '' ])[0];

	 * Search for new caret insertion point
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor Editor instance
	 * @param {Number}
	 *            inc Search increment: -1 ? search left, 1 ? search right
	 * @param {Number}
	 *            offset Initial offset relative to current caret position
	 * @return {Number} Returns -1 if insertion point wasn't found

	function findNewEditPoint(editor, inc, offset) {
		inc = inc || 1;
		offset = offset || 0;
		var cur_point = editor.getCaretPos() + offset, content = String(editor
				.getContent()), max_len = content.length, next_point = -1, re_empty_line = /^\s+$/;

		function ch(ix) {
			return content.charAt(ix);

		function getLine(ix) {
			var start = ix;
			while (start >= 0) {
				var c = ch(start);
				if (c == '\n' || c == '\r')

			return content.substring(start, ix);

		while (cur_point < max_len && cur_point > 0) {
			cur_point += inc;
			var cur_char = ch(cur_point), next_char = ch(cur_point + 1), prev_char = ch(cur_point - 1);

			switch (cur_char) {
			case '"':
			case '\'':
				if (next_char == cur_char && prev_char == '=') {
					// empty attribute
					next_point = cur_point + 1;
			case '>':
				if (next_char == '<') {
					// between tags
					next_point = cur_point + 1;
			case '\n':
			case '\r':
				// empty line
				if (re_empty_line.test(getLine(cur_point - 1))) {
					next_point = cur_point;

			if (next_point != -1)

		return next_point;

	 * Move caret to previous edit point
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor Editor instance

	function prevEditPoint(editor) {
		var cur_pos = editor.getCaretPos(), new_point = findNewEditPoint(
				editor, -1);

		if (new_point == cur_pos)
			// we're still in the same point, try searching from the other place
			new_point = findNewEditPoint(editor, -1, -2);

		if (new_point != -1)

	 * Move caret to next edit point
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor Editor instance

	function nextEditPoint(editor) {
		var new_point = findNewEditPoint(editor, 1);
		if (new_point != -1)

	 * Inserts newline character with proper indentation in specific positions
	 * only.
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor
	 * @return {Boolean} Returns <code>true</code> if line break was inserted

	function insertFormattedNewlineOnly(editor) {
		var caret_pos = editor.getCaretPos(), content = String(editor
				.getContent()), nl = zen_coding.getNewline(), pad = zen_coding
				.getVariable('indentation'), syntax = String(editor.getSyntax());

		if (syntax == 'html') {
			// let's see if we're breaking newly created tag
			var pair = zen_coding.html_matcher.getTags(content, caret_pos,

			if (pair[0] && pair[1] && pair[0].type == 'tag'
					&& pair[0].end == caret_pos && pair[1].start == caret_pos) {
				editor.replaceContent(nl + pad
						+ zen_coding.getCaretPlaceholder() + nl, caret_pos);
				return true;
		} else if (syntax == 'css') {
			if (caret_pos && content.charAt(caret_pos - 1) == '{') {
				// look ahead for a closing brace
				for ( var i = caret_pos, il = content.length, ch; i < il; i++) {
					ch = content.charAt(i);
					if (ch == '}')
						return false;
					if (ch == '{')

				// defining rule set
				var ins_value = nl + pad + zen_coding.getCaretPlaceholder()
						+ nl, has_close_brace = caret_pos < content.length
						&& content.charAt(caret_pos) == '}';

				var user_close_brace = zen_coding
				if (user_close_brace) {
					// user defined how close brace should look like
					ins_value += zen_coding.replaceVariables(user_close_brace);
				} else if (!has_close_brace) {
					ins_value += '}';

				editor.replaceContent(ins_value, caret_pos, caret_pos
						+ (has_close_brace ? 1 : 0));
				return true;

		return false;

	 * Inserts newline character with proper indentation. This action is used in
	 * editors that doesn't have indentation control (like textarea element) to
	 * provide proper indentation
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor Editor instance

	function insertFormattedNewline(editor) {
		if (!insertFormattedNewlineOnly(editor)) {
			var cur_padding = getCurrentLinePadding(editor), content = String(editor
					.getContent()), caret_pos = editor.getCaretPos(), c_len = content.length, nl = zen_coding

			// check out next line padding
			var line_range = editor.getCurrentLineRange(), next_padding = '';

			for ( var i = line_range.end + 1, ch; i < c_len; i++) {
				ch = content.charAt(i);
				if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t')
					next_padding += ch;

			if (next_padding.length > cur_padding.length)
				editor.replaceContent(nl + next_padding, caret_pos, caret_pos,
				editor.replaceContent(nl, caret_pos);

	 * Select line under cursor
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor Editor instance

	function selectLine(editor) {
		var range = editor.getCurrentLineRange();
		editor.createSelection(range.start, range.end);

	 * Moves caret to matching opening or closing tag
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor

	function goToMatchingPair(editor) {
		var content = String(editor.getContent()), caret_pos = editor

		if (content.charAt(caret_pos) == '<')
			// looks like caret is outside of tag pair

		var tags = zen_coding.html_matcher.getTags(content, caret_pos,

		if (tags && tags[0]) {
			// match found
			var open_tag = tags[0], close_tag = tags[1];

			if (close_tag) { // exclude unary tags
				if (open_tag.start <= caret_pos && open_tag.end >= caret_pos)
				else if (close_tag.start <= caret_pos
						&& close_tag.end >= caret_pos)

	 * Merge lines spanned by user selection. If there's no selection, tries to
	 * find matching tags and use them as selection
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor

	function mergeLines(editor) {
		var selection = editor.getSelectionRange();
		if (selection.start == selection.end) {
			// find matching tag
			var pair = zen_coding.html_matcher(String(editor.getContent()),
					editor.getCaretPos(), String(editor.getProfileName()));
			if (pair) {
				selection.start = pair[0];
				selection.end = pair[1];

		if (selection.start != selection.end) {
			// got range, merge lines
			var text = String(editor.getContent()).substring(selection.start,
					selection.end), old_length = text.length;
			var lines = zen_coding.splitByLines(text);

			for ( var i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) {
				lines[i] = lines[i].replace(/^\s+/, '');

			text = lines.join('').replace(/\s{2,}/, ' ');
			editor.replaceContent(text, selection.start, selection.end);
			editor.createSelection(selection.start, selection.start
					+ text.length);

	 * Toggle comment on current editor's selection or HTML tag/CSS rule
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor

	function toggleComment(editor) {
		var syntax = String(editor.getSyntax());
		if (syntax == 'css') {
			// in case out editor is good enough and can recognize syntax from
			// current token, we have to make sure that cursor is not inside
			// 'style' attribute of html element
			var caret_pos = editor.getCaretPos();
			var pair = zen_coding.html_matcher.getTags(String(editor
					.getContent()), caret_pos);
			if (pair && pair[0] && pair[0].type == 'tag'
					&& pair[0].start <= caret_pos && pair[0].end >= caret_pos) {
				syntax = 'html';

		switch (syntax) {
		case 'css':
			return toggleCSSComment(editor);
			return toggleHTMLComment(editor);

	 * Toggle HTML comment on current selection or tag
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor
	 * @return {Boolean} Returns <code>true</code> if comment was toggled

	function toggleHTMLComment(editor) {
		var rng = editor.getSelectionRange(), content = String(editor

		if (rng.start == rng.end) {
			// no selection, find matching tag
			var pair = zen_coding.html_matcher.getTags(content, editor
					.getCaretPos(), String(editor.getProfileName()));
			if (pair && pair[0]) { // found pair
				rng.start = pair[0].start;
				rng.end = pair[1] ? pair[1].end : pair[0].end;

		return genericCommentToggle(editor, '<!--', '-->', rng.start, rng.end);

	 * Simple CSS commenting
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor
	 * @return {Boolean} Returns <code>true</code> if comment was toggled

	function toggleCSSComment(editor) {
		var rng = editor.getSelectionRange();

		if (rng.start == rng.end) {
			// no selection, get current line
			rng = editor.getCurrentLineRange();

			// adjust start index till first non-space character
			var _r = narrowToNonSpace(String(editor.getContent()), rng.start,
			rng.start = _r[0];
			rng.end = _r[1];

		return genericCommentToggle(editor, '/*', '*/', rng.start, rng.end);

	 * Search for nearest comment in <code>str</code>, starting from index
	 * <code>from</code>
	 * @param {String}
	 *            text Where to search
	 * @param {Number}
	 *            from Search start index
	 * @param {String}
	 *            start_token Comment start string
	 * @param {String}
	 *            end_token Comment end string
	 * @return {Array|null} Returns null if comment wasn't found

	function searchComment(text, from, start_token, end_token) {
		var start_ch = start_token.charAt(0), end_ch = end_token.charAt(0), comment_start = -1, comment_end = -1;

		function hasMatch(str, start) {
			return text.substr(start, str.length) == str;

		// search for comment start
		while (from--) {
			if (text.charAt(from) == start_ch && hasMatch(start_token, from)) {
				comment_start = from;

		if (comment_start != -1) {
			// search for comment end
			from = comment_start;
			var content_len = text.length;
			while (content_len >= from++) {
				if (text.charAt(from) == end_ch && hasMatch(end_token, from)) {
					comment_end = from + end_token.length;

		return (comment_start != -1 && comment_end != -1) ? [ comment_start,
				comment_end ] : null;

	 * Escape special regexp chars in string, making it usable for creating
	 * dynamic regular expressions
	 * @param {String}
	 *            str
	 * @return {String}

	function escapeForRegexp(str) {
		var specials = new RegExp("[.*+?|()\\[\\]{}\\\\]", "g"); // .*+?|()[]{}\
		return str.replace(specials, "\\$&");

	 * Generic comment toggling routine
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor
	 * @param {String}
	 *            comment_start Comment start token
	 * @param {String}
	 *            comment_end Comment end token
	 * @param {Number}
	 *            range_start Start selection range
	 * @param {Number}
	 *            range_end End selection range
	 * @return {Boolean}

	function genericCommentToggle(editor, comment_start, comment_end,
			range_start, range_end) {
		var content = String(editor.getContent()), caret_pos = editor
				.getCaretPos(), new_content = null;

		 * Remove comment markers from string
		 * @param {Sting}
		 *            str
		 * @return {String}

		function removeComment(str) {
			return str.replace(
					new RegExp('^' + escapeForRegexp(comment_start) + '\\s*'),
					function(str) {
						caret_pos -= str.length;
						return '';
							new RegExp('\\s*' + escapeForRegexp(comment_end)
									+ '$'), '');

		function hasMatch(str, start) {
			return content.substr(start, str.length) == str;

		// first, we need to make sure that this substring is not inside
		// comment
		var comment_range = searchComment(content, caret_pos, comment_start,

		if (comment_range && comment_range[0] <= range_start
				&& comment_range[1] >= range_end) {
			// we're inside comment, remove it
			range_start = comment_range[0];
			range_end = comment_range[1];

			new_content = removeComment(content.substring(range_start,
		} else {
			// should add comment
			// make sure that there's no comment inside selection
			new_content = comment_start
					+ ' '
					+ content.substring(range_start, range_end).replace(
							new RegExp(escapeForRegexp(comment_start)
									+ '\\s*|\\s*'
									+ escapeForRegexp(comment_end), 'g'), '')
					+ ' ' + comment_end;

			// adjust caret position
			caret_pos += comment_start.length + 1;

		// replace editor content
		if (new_content !== null) {
			editor.replaceContent(unindent(editor, new_content), range_start,
			return true;

		return false;

	 * Splits or joins tag, e.g. transforms it into a short notation and vice
	 * versa:<br>
	 * &lt;div&gt;&lt;/div&gt; 竊・&lt;div /&gt; : join<br>
	 * &lt;div /&gt; 竊・&lt;div&gt;&lt;/div&gt; : split
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor Editor instance
	 * @param {String}
	 *            [profile_name] Profile name

	function splitJoinTag(editor, profile_name) {
		var caret_pos = editor.getCaretPos(), profile = zen_coding
				.getProfile(String(profile_name || editor.getProfileName())), caret = zen_coding

		// find tag at current position
		var pair = zen_coding.html_matcher.getTags(String(editor.getContent()),
				caret_pos, String(editor.getProfileName()));
		if (pair && pair[0]) {
			var new_content = pair[0].full_tag;

			if (pair[1]) { // join tag
				var closing_slash = ' /';
				if (profile.self_closing_tag === true)
					closing_slash = '/';

				new_content = new_content.replace(/\s*>$/, closing_slash + '>');

				// add caret placeholder
				if (new_content.length + pair[0].start < caret_pos)
					new_content += caret;
				else {
					var d = caret_pos - pair[0].start;
					new_content = new_content.substring(0, d) + caret
							+ new_content.substring(d);

				editor.replaceContent(new_content, pair[0].start, pair[1].end);
			} else { // split tag
				var nl = zen_coding.getNewline(), pad = zen_coding

				// define tag content depending on profile
				var tag_content = (profile.tag_nl === true) ? nl + pad + caret
						+ nl : caret;

				new_content = new_content.replace(/\s*\/>$/, '>') + tag_content
						+ '</' + pair[0].name + '>';
				editor.replaceContent(new_content, pair[0].start, pair[0].end);

			return true;
		} else {
			return false;

	 * Returns line bounds for specific character position
	 * @param {String}
	 *            text
	 * @param {Number}
	 *            from Where to start searching
	 * @return {Object}

	function getLineBounds(text, from) {
		var len = text.length, start = 0, end = len - 1;

		// search left
		for ( var i = from - 1; i > 0; i--) {
			var ch = text.charAt(i);
			if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') {
				start = i + 1;
		// search right
		for ( var j = from; j < len; j++) {
			var ch = text.charAt(j);
			if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') {
				end = j;

		return {
			start : start,
			end : end

	 * Gracefully removes tag under cursor
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor

	function removeTag(editor) {
		var caret_pos = editor.getCaretPos(), content = String(editor

		// search for tag
		var pair = zen_coding.html_matcher.getTags(content, caret_pos,
		if (pair && pair[0]) {
			if (!pair[1]) {
				// simply remove unary tag
						pair[0].start, pair[0].end);
			} else {
				var tag_content_range = narrowToNonSpace(content, pair[0].end,
						pair[1].start), start_line_bounds = getLineBounds(
						content, tag_content_range[0]), start_line_pad = getLinePadding(content
								start_line_bounds.end)), tag_content = content
						.substring(tag_content_range[0], tag_content_range[1]);

				tag_content = unindentText(tag_content, start_line_pad);
						+ tag_content, pair[0].start, pair[1].end);

			return true;
		} else {
			return false;

	 * Test if <code>text</code> starts with <code>token</code> at
	 * <code>pos</code> position. If <code>pos</code> is ommited, search
	 * from beginning of text
	 * @param {String}
	 *            token Token to test
	 * @param {String}
	 *            text Where to search
	 * @param {Number}
	 *            pos Position where to start search
	 * @return {Boolean}
	 * @since 0.65

	function startsWith(token, text, pos) {
		pos = pos || 0;
		return text.charAt(pos) == token.charAt(0)
				&& text.substr(pos, token.length) == token;

	 * Encodes/decodes image under cursor to/from base64
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor
	 * @since 0.65

	function encodeDecodeBase64(editor) {
		var data = String(editor.getSelection()), caret_pos = editor

		if (!data) {
			// no selection, try to find image bounds from current caret
			// position
			var text = String(editor.getContent()), ch, m;
			while (caret_pos-- >= 0) {
				if (startsWith('src=', text, caret_pos)) { // found <img
															// src="">
					if (m = text.substr(caret_pos).match(
							/^(src=(["'])?)([^'"<>\s]+)\1?/)) {
						data = m[3];
						caret_pos += m[1].length;
				} else if (startsWith('url(', text, caret_pos)) { // found CSS
																	// url()
																	// pattern
					if (m = text.substr(caret_pos).match(
							/^(url\((['"])?)([^'"\)\s]+)\1?/)) {
						data = m[3];
						caret_pos += m[1].length;

		if (data) {
			if (startsWith('data:', data))
				return decodeFromBase64(editor, data, caret_pos);
				return encodeToBase64(editor, data, caret_pos);
		} else {
			return false;

	 * Encodes image to base64
	 * @requires zen_file
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor
	 * @param {String}
	 *            img_path Path to image
	 * @param {Number}
	 *            pos Caret position where image is located in the editor
	 * @return {Boolean}

	function encodeToBase64(editor, img_path, pos) {
		var editor_file = editor.getFilePath(), default_mime_type = 'application/octet-stream';

		if (editor_file === null) {
			throw "You should save your file before using this action";

		// locate real image path
		var real_img_path = zen_file.locateFile(editor_file, img_path);
		if (real_img_path === null) {
			throw "Can't find " + img_path + ' file';

		var b64 = base64.encode(String(zen_file.read(real_img_path)));
		if (!b64) {
			throw "Can't encode file content to base64";

		b64 = 'data:'
				+ (base64.mime_types[String(zen_file.getExt(real_img_path))] || default_mime_type)
				+ ';base64,' + b64;

		editor.replaceContent('$0' + b64, pos, pos + img_path.length);
		return true;

	 * Decodes base64 string back to file.
	 * @requires zen_editor.prompt
	 * @requires zen_file
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor
	 * @param {String}
	 *            data Base64-encoded file content
	 * @param {Number}
	 *            pos Caret position where image is located in the editor

	function decodeFromBase64(editor, data, pos) {
		// ask user to enter path to file
		var file_path = String(editor
				.prompt('Enter path to file (absolute or relative)'));
		if (!file_path)
			return false;

		var abs_path = zen_file.createPath(editor.getFilePath(), file_path);
		if (!abs_path) {
			throw "Can't save file";

		zen_file.save(abs_path, base64.decode(data.replace(/^data\:.+?;.+?,/,
		editor.replaceContent('$0' + file_path, pos, pos + data.length);
		return true;

	 * Make decimal number look good: convert it to fixed precision end remove
	 * traling zeroes
	 * @param {Number}
	 *            num
	 * @param {Number}
	 *            [fracion] Fraction numbers (default is 2)
	 * @return {String}

	function prettifyNumber(num, fraction) {
		return num.toFixed(typeof fraction == 'undefined' ? 2 : fraction)
				.replace(/\.?0+$/, '');

	 * Find expression bounds in current editor at caret position. On each
	 * character a <code>fn</code> function will be caller which must return
	 * <code>true</code> if current character meets requirements,
	 * <code>false</code> otherwise
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor
	 * @param {Function}
	 *            fn Function to test each character of expression
	 * @return {Array} If expression found, returns array with start and end
	 *         positions

	function findExpressionBounds(editor, fn) {
		var content = String(editor.getContent()), il = content.length, expr_start = editor
				.getCaretPos() - 1, expr_end = expr_start + 1;

		// start by searching left
		while (expr_start >= 0
				&& fn(content.charAt(expr_start), expr_start, content))

		// then search right
		while (expr_end < il && fn(content.charAt(expr_end), expr_end, content))

		return expr_end > expr_start ? [ ++expr_start, expr_end ] : null;

	 * Extract number from current caret position of the <code>editor</code>
	 * and increment it by <code>step</code>
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor
	 * @param {Number}
	 *            step Increment step (may be negative)

	function incrementNumber(editor, step) {
		var content = String(editor.getContent()), has_sign = false, has_decimal = false;

		var r = findExpressionBounds(editor, function(ch) {
			if (zen_coding.isNumeric(ch))
				return true;
			if (ch == '.')
				return has_decimal ? false : has_decimal = true;
			if (ch == '-')
				return has_sign ? false : has_sign = true;

			return false;

		if (r) {
			var num = parseFloat(content.substring(r[0], r[1]));
			if (!isNaN(num)) {
				num = prettifyNumber(num + step);
				editor.replaceContent(num, r[0], r[1]);
				editor.createSelection(r[0], r[0] + num.length);
				return true;

		return false;

	 * Evaluates simple math expresison under caret
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor

	function evaluateMathExpression(editor) {
		var content = String(editor.getContent()), chars = '.+-*/\\';

		var r = findExpressionBounds(editor, function(ch) {
			return zen_coding.isNumeric(ch) || chars.indexOf(ch) != -1;

		if (r) {
			var expr = content.substring(r[0], r[1]);

			// replace integral division: 11\2 => Math.round(11/2)
			expr = expr.replace(/([\d\.\-]+)\\([\d\.\-]+)/g,

			try {
				var result = new Function('return ' + expr)();
				result = prettifyNumber(result);
				editor.replaceContent(result, r[0], r[1]);
				editor.setCaretPos(r[0] + result.length);
				return true;
			} catch (e) {

		return false;

	// register all actions
	zen_coding.registerAction('expand_abbreviation', expandAbbreviation);
	zen_coding.registerAction('match_pair', matchPair);
	zen_coding.registerAction('match_pair_inward', function(editor) {
		matchPair(editor, 'in');

	zen_coding.registerAction('match_pair_outward', function(editor) {
		matchPair(editor, 'out');
	zen_coding.registerAction('wrap_with_abbreviation', wrapWithAbbreviation);
	zen_coding.registerAction('prev_edit_point', prevEditPoint);
	zen_coding.registerAction('next_edit_point', nextEditPoint);
	zen_coding.registerAction('select_line', selectLine);
	zen_coding.registerAction('matching_pair', goToMatchingPair);
	zen_coding.registerAction('merge_lines', mergeLines);
	zen_coding.registerAction('toggle_comment', toggleComment);
	zen_coding.registerAction('split_join_tag', splitJoinTag);
	zen_coding.registerAction('remove_tag', removeTag);
	zen_coding.registerAction('encode_decode_data_url', encodeDecodeBase64);
	// zen_coding.registerAction('update_image_size', updateImageSize);
	zen_coding.registerAction('increment_number_by_1', function(editor) {
		return incrementNumber(editor, 1);

	zen_coding.registerAction('decrement_number_by_1', function(editor) {
		return incrementNumber(editor, -1);

	zen_coding.registerAction('increment_number_by_10', function(editor) {
		return incrementNumber(editor, 10);

	zen_coding.registerAction('decrement_number_by_10', function(editor) {
		return incrementNumber(editor, -10);

	zen_coding.registerAction('increment_number_by_01', function(editor) {
		return incrementNumber(editor, 0.1);

	zen_coding.registerAction('decrement_number_by_01', function(editor) {
		return incrementNumber(editor, -0.1);

	 * @author Sergey Chikuyonok (serge.che@gmail.com)
	 * @link http://chikuyonok.ru
	(function() {
		// Regular Expressions for parsing tags and attributes
		var start_tag = /^<([\w\:\-]+)((?:\s+[\w\-:]+(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:'[^']*')|[^>\s]+))?)*)\s*(\/?)>/, end_tag = /^<\/([\w\:\-]+)[^>]*>/, attr = /([\w\-:]+)(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"((?:\\.|[^"])*)")|(?:'((?:\\.|[^'])*)')|([^>\s]+)))?/g;

		// Empty Elements - HTML 4.01
		var empty = makeMap("area,base,basefont,br,col,frame,hr,img,input,isindex,link,meta,param,embed");

		// Block Elements - HTML 4.01
		var block = makeMap("address,applet,blockquote,button,center,dd,dir,div,dl,dt,fieldset,form,frameset,hr,iframe,isindex,li,map,menu,noframes,noscript,object,ol,p,pre,script,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,tr,ul");

		// Inline Elements - HTML 4.01
		var inline = makeMap("a,abbr,acronym,applet,b,basefont,bdo,big,br,button,cite,code,del,dfn,em,font,i,iframe,img,input,ins,kbd,label,map,object,q,s,samp,select,small,span,strike,strong,sub,sup,textarea,tt,u,var");

		// Elements that you can, intentionally, leave open
		// (and which close themselves)
		var close_self = makeMap("colgroup,dd,dt,li,options,p,td,tfoot,th,thead,tr");

		/** Current matching mode */
		var cur_mode = 'xhtml';

		/** Last matched HTML pair */
		var last_match = {
			opening_tag : null,
			// tag() or comment() object
			closing_tag : null,
			// tag() or comment() object
			start_ix : -1,
			end_ix : -1

		function setMode(new_mode) {
			if (!new_mode || new_mode != 'html')
				new_mode = 'xhtml';

			cur_mode = new_mode;

		function tag(match, ix) {
			var name = match[1].toLowerCase();
			return {
				name : name,
				full_tag : match[0],
				start : ix,
				end : ix + match[0].length,
				unary : Boolean(match[3])
						|| (name in empty && cur_mode == 'html'),
				has_close : Boolean(match[3]),
				type : 'tag',
				close_self : (name in close_self && cur_mode == 'html')

		function comment(start, end) {
			return {
				start : start,
				end : end,
				type : 'comment'

		function makeMap(str) {
			var obj = {}, items = str.split(",");
			for ( var i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
				obj[items[i]] = true;
			return obj;

		 * Makes selection ranges for matched tag pair
		 * @param {tag}
		 *            opening_tag
		 * @param {tag}
		 *            closing_tag
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            ix

		function makeRange(opening_tag, closing_tag, ix) {
			ix = ix || 0;

			var start_ix = -1, end_ix = -1;

			if (opening_tag && !closing_tag) { // unary element
				start_ix = opening_tag.start;
				end_ix = opening_tag.end;
			} else if (opening_tag && closing_tag) { // complete element
				if ((opening_tag.start < ix && opening_tag.end > ix)
						|| (closing_tag.start <= ix && closing_tag.end > ix)) {
					start_ix = opening_tag.start;
					end_ix = closing_tag.end;
				} else {
					start_ix = opening_tag.end;
					end_ix = closing_tag.start;

			return [ start_ix, end_ix ];

		 * Save matched tag for later use and return found indexes
		 * @param {tag}
		 *            opening_tag
		 * @param {tag}
		 *            closing_tag
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            ix
		 * @return {Array}

		function saveMatch(opening_tag, closing_tag, ix) {
			ix = ix || 0;
			last_match.opening_tag = opening_tag;
			last_match.closing_tag = closing_tag;

			var range = makeRange(opening_tag, closing_tag, ix);
			last_match.start_ix = range[0];
			last_match.end_ix = range[1];

			return last_match.start_ix != -1 ? [ last_match.start_ix,
					last_match.end_ix ] : null;

		 * Handle unary tag: find closing tag if needed
		 * @param {String}
		 *            text
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            ix
		 * @param {tag}
		 *            open_tag
		 * @return {tag|null} Closing tag (or null if not found)

		function handleUnaryTag(text, ix, open_tag) {
			if (open_tag.has_close)
				return null;
			else {
				// TODO finish this method

		 * Search for matching tags in <code>html</code>, starting from
		 * <code>start_ix</code> position
		 * @param {String}
		 *            html Code to search
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            start_ix Character index where to start searching pair
		 *            (commonly, current caret position)
		 * @param {Function}
		 *            action Function that creates selection range
		 * @return {Array|null}

		function findPair(html, start_ix, mode, action) {
			action = action || makeRange;

			var forward_stack = [], backward_stack = [],
			/** @type {tag()} */
			opening_tag = null,
			/** @type {tag()} */
			closing_tag = null, range = null, html_len = html.length, m, ix, tmp_tag;

			forward_stack.last = backward_stack.last = function() {
				return this[this.length - 1];

			function hasMatch(str, start) {
				if (arguments.length == 1)
					start = ix;
				return html.substr(start, str.length) == str;

			function searchCommentStart(from) {
				while (from--) {
					if (html.charAt(from) == '<' && hasMatch('<!--', from))

				return from;
			// find opening tag
			ix = start_ix;
			while (ix-- && ix >= 0) {
				var ch = html.charAt(ix);
				if (ch == '<') {
					var check_str = html.substring(ix, html_len);

					if ((m = check_str.match(end_tag))) { // found closing tag
						tmp_tag = tag(m, ix);
						if (tmp_tag.start < start_ix && tmp_tag.end > start_ix) // direct
																				// hit
																				// on
																				// searched
																				// closing
																				// tag
							closing_tag = tmp_tag;
					} else if ((m = check_str.match(start_tag))) { // found
																	// opening
																	// tag
						tmp_tag = tag(m, ix);

						if (tmp_tag.unary) {
							if (tmp_tag.start < start_ix
									&& tmp_tag.end > start_ix) // exact match
								// TODO handle unary tag
								return action(tmp_tag, null, start_ix);
						} else if (backward_stack.last()
								&& backward_stack.last().name == tmp_tag.name) {
						} else { // found nearest unclosed tag
							opening_tag = tmp_tag;
					} else if (check_str.indexOf('<!--') == 0) { // found
																	// comment
																	// start
						var end_ix = check_str.search('-->') + ix + 3;
						if (ix < start_ix && end_ix >= start_ix)
							return action(comment(ix, end_ix));
				} else if (ch == '-' && hasMatch('-->')) { // found comment end
					// search left until comment start is reached
					ix = searchCommentStart(ix);

			if (!opening_tag)
				return action(null);

			// find closing tag
			if (!closing_tag) {
				for (ix = start_ix; ix < html_len; ix++) {
					var ch = html.charAt(ix);
					if (ch == '<') {
						var check_str = html.substring(ix, html_len);

						if ((m = check_str.match(start_tag))) { // found opening
																// tag
							tmp_tag = tag(m, ix);
							if (!tmp_tag.unary)
						} else if ((m = check_str.match(end_tag))) { // found
																		// closing
																		// tag
							var tmp_tag = tag(m, ix);
							if (forward_stack.last()
									&& forward_stack.last().name == tmp_tag.name)
							else { // found matched closing tag
								closing_tag = tmp_tag;
						} else if (hasMatch('<!--')) { // found comment
							ix += check_str.search('-->') + 2;
					} else if (ch == '-' && hasMatch('-->')) {
						// looks like cursor was inside comment with invalid
						// HTML
						if (!forward_stack.last()
								|| forward_stack.last().type != 'comment') {
							var end_ix = ix + 3;
							return action(comment(searchCommentStart(ix),

			return action(opening_tag, closing_tag, start_ix);

		 * Search for matching tags in <code>html</code>, starting from
		 * <code>start_ix</code> position. The result is automatically saved
		 * in <code>last_match</code> property
		 * @return {Array|null}
		var HTMLPairMatcher = function( /* String */html, /* Number */
				start_ix, /*  */mode) {
			return findPair(html, start_ix, mode, saveMatch);

		HTMLPairMatcher.start_tag = start_tag;
		HTMLPairMatcher.end_tag = end_tag;

		 * Search for matching tags in <code>html</code>, starting from
		 * <code>start_ix</code> position. The difference between
		 * <code>HTMLPairMatcher</code> function itself is that
		 * <code>find</code> method doesn't save matched result in
		 * <code>last_match</code> property. This method is generally used for
		 * lookups
		HTMLPairMatcher.find = function(html, start_ix, mode) {
			return findPair(html, start_ix, mode);

		 * Search for matching tags in <code>html</code>, starting from
		 * <code>start_ix</code> position. The difference between
		 * <code>HTMLPairMatcher</code> function itself is that
		 * <code>getTags</code> method doesn't save matched result in
		 * <code>last_match</code> property and returns array of opening and
		 * closing tags This method is generally used for lookups
		HTMLPairMatcher.getTags = function(html, start_ix, mode) {
			return findPair(html, start_ix, mode, function(opening_tag,
					closing_tag) {
				return [ opening_tag, closing_tag ];

		HTMLPairMatcher.last_match = last_match;

		try {
			zen_coding.html_matcher = HTMLPairMatcher;
		} catch (e) {

	 * @author Sergey Chikuyonok (serge.che@gmail.com)
	 * @link http://chikuyonok.ru
	var base64 = {
		chars : "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=",

		mime_types : {
			'gif' : 'image/gif',
			'png' : 'image/png',
			'jpg' : 'image/jpeg',
			'jpeg' : 'image/jpeg',
			'svg' : 'image/svg+xml',
			'html' : 'text/html',
			'htm' : 'text/html'

		encode : function(input) {
			var output = [];
			var chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4, cdp1, cdp2, cdp3;
			var i = 0, il = input.length, b64_str = this.chars;

			while (i < il) {

				cdp1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
				cdp2 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
				cdp3 = input.charCodeAt(i++);

				chr1 = cdp1 & 0xff;
				chr2 = cdp2 & 0xff;
				chr3 = cdp3 & 0xff;

				enc1 = chr1 >> 2;
				enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4);
				enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6);
				enc4 = chr3 & 63;

				if (isNaN(cdp2)) {
					enc3 = enc4 = 64;
				} else if (isNaN(cdp3)) {
					enc4 = 64;

				output.push(b64_str.charAt(enc1) + b64_str.charAt(enc2)
						+ b64_str.charAt(enc3) + b64_str.charAt(enc4));

			return output.join('');

		 * Decodes string using MIME base64 algorithm
		 * @author Tyler Akins (http://rumkin.com)
		 * @param {String}
		 *            data
		 * @return {String}
		decode : function(data) {
			var o1, o2, o3, h1, h2, h3, h4, bits, i = 0, ac = 0, dec = "", tmp_arr = [];
			var b64 = this.chars, il = data.length;

			if (!data) {
				return data;

			data += '';

			do { // unpack four hexets into three octets using index points
					// in b64
				h1 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++));
				h2 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++));
				h3 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++));
				h4 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++));

				bits = h1 << 18 | h2 << 12 | h3 << 6 | h4;

				o1 = bits >> 16 & 0xff;
				o2 = bits >> 8 & 0xff;
				o3 = bits & 0xff;

				if (h3 == 64) {
					tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1);
				} else if (h4 == 64) {
					tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1, o2);
				} else {
					tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1, o2, o3);
			} while (i < il);

			return tmp_arr.join('');
	 * This file defines an XML parser, with a few kludges to make it useable
	 * for HTML. autoSelfClosers defines a set of tag names that are expected to
	 * not have a closing tag, and doNotIndent specifies the tags inside of
	 * which no indentation should happen (see Config object). These can be
	 * disabled by passing the editor an object like {useHTMLKludges: false} as
	 * parserConfig option.
	 * Original code by Marijn Haverbeke from CodeMirror projet:
	 * http://codemirror.net/

	var XMLParser = (function() {
		// The value used to signal the end of a sequence in iterators.
		var StopIteration = {
			toString : function() {
				return "StopIteration"

		// Apply a function to each element in a sequence.

		function forEach(iter, f) {
			if (iter.next) {
				try {
					while (true)
				} catch (e) {
					if (e != StopIteration)
						throw e;
			} else {
				for ( var i = 0; i < iter.length; i++)

		// A framework for simple tokenizers. Takes care of newlines and
		// white-space, and of getting the text from the source stream into
		// the token object. A state is a function of two arguments -- a
		// string stream and a setState function. The second can be used to
		// change the tokenizer's state, and can be ignored for stateless
		// tokenizers. This function should advance the stream over a token
		// and return a string or object containing information about the next
		// token, or null to pass and have the (new) state be called to finish
		// the token. When a string is given, it is wrapped in a {style, type}
		// object. In the resulting object, the characters consumed are stored
		// under the content property. Any whitespace following them is also
		// automatically consumed, and added to the value property. (Thus,
		// content is the actual meaningful part of the token, while value
		// contains all the text it spans.)

		function tokenizer(source, state) {
			// Newlines are always a separate token.

			function isWhiteSpace(ch) {
				// The messy regexp is because IE's regexp matcher is of the
				// opinion that non-breaking spaces are no whitespace.
				return ch != "\n" && /^[\s\u00a0]*$/.test(ch);

			var tokenizer = {
				state : state,

				take : function(type) {
					if (typeof (type) == "string")
						type = {
							style : type,
							type : type

					type.content = (type.content || "") + source.get();
					if (!/\n$/.test(type.content))
					type.value = type.content + source.get();
					return type;

				next : function() {
					if (!source.more())
						throw StopIteration;

					var type;
					if (source.equals("\n")) {
						return this.take("whitespace");

					if (source.applies(isWhiteSpace))
						type = "whitespace";
						while (!type)
							type = this.state(source, function(s) {
								tokenizer.state = s;

					return this.take(type);
			return tokenizer;

		 * String streams are the things fed to parsers (which can feed them to
		 * a tokenizer if they want). They provide peek and next methods for
		 * looking at the current character (next 'consumes' this character,
		 * peek does not), and a get method for retrieving all the text that was
		 * consumed since the last time get was called.
		 * An easy mistake to make is to let a StopIteration exception finish
		 * the token stream while there are still characters pending in the
		 * string stream (hitting the end of the buffer while parsing a token).
		 * To make it easier to detect such errors, the stringstreams throw an
		 * exception when this happens.

		// Make a stringstream stream out of an iterator that returns strings.
		// This is applied to the result of traverseDOM (see codemirror.js),
		// and the resulting stream is fed to the parser.
		var stringStream = function(source) {
			// String that's currently being iterated over.
			var current = "";
			// Position in that string.
			var pos = 0;
			// Accumulator for strings that have been iterated over but not
			// get()-ed yet.
			var accum = "";

			// ZC fix: if we've passed a string, wrap it with traverseDOM-like
			// interface
			if (typeof source == 'string') {
				var _source = source, _fed = false;
				source = {
					next : function() {
						if (!_fed) {
							_fed = true;
							return _source;
						} else {
							throw StopIteration;

			// Make sure there are more characters ready, or throw
			// StopIteration.

			function ensureChars() {
				while (pos == current.length) {
					accum += current;
					current = ""; // In case source.next() throws
					pos = 0;
					try {
						current = source.next();
					} catch (e) {
						if (e != StopIteration)
							throw e;
							return false;
				return true;

			return {
				// peek: -> character
				// Return the next character in the stream.
				peek : function() {
					if (!ensureChars())
						return null;
					return current.charAt(pos);
				// next: -> character
				// Get the next character, throw StopIteration if at end, check
				// for unused content.
				next : function() {
					if (!ensureChars()) {
						if (accum.length > 0)
							throw "End of stringstream reached without emptying buffer ('"
									+ accum + "').";
							throw StopIteration;
					return current.charAt(pos++);
				// get(): -> string
				// Return the characters iterated over since the last call to
				// .get().
				get : function() {
					var temp = accum;
					accum = "";
					if (pos > 0) {
						temp += current.slice(0, pos);
						current = current.slice(pos);
						pos = 0;
					return temp;
				// Push a string back into the stream.
				push : function(str) {
					current = current.slice(0, pos) + str + current.slice(pos);
				lookAhead : function(str, consume, skipSpaces, caseInsensitive) {
					function cased(str) {
						return caseInsensitive ? str.toLowerCase() : str;
					str = cased(str);
					var found = false;

					var _accum = accum, _pos = pos;
					if (skipSpaces)

					while (true) {
						var end = pos + str.length, left = current.length - pos;
						if (end <= current.length) {
							found = str == cased(current.slice(pos, end));
							pos = end;
						} else if (str.slice(0, left) == cased(current
								.slice(pos))) {
							accum += current;
							current = "";
							try {
								current = source.next();
							} catch (e) {
								if (e != StopIteration)
									throw e;
							pos = 0;
							str = str.slice(left);
						} else {

					if (!(found && consume)) {
						current = accum.slice(_accum.length) + current;
						pos = _pos;
						accum = _accum;

					return found;
				// Wont't match past end of line.
				lookAheadRegex : function(regex, consume) {
					if (regex.source.charAt(0) != "^")
						throw new Error(
								"Regexps passed to lookAheadRegex must start with ^");

					// Fetch the rest of the line
					while (current.indexOf("\n", pos) == -1) {
						try {
							current += source.next();
						} catch (e) {
							if (e != StopIteration)
								throw e;
					var matched = current.slice(pos).match(regex);
					if (matched && consume)
						pos += matched[0].length;
					return matched;

				// Utils built on top of the above
				// more: -> boolean
				// Produce true if the stream isn't empty.
				more : function() {
					return this.peek() !== null;
				applies : function(test) {
					var next = this.peek();
					return (next !== null && test(next));
				nextWhile : function(test) {
					var next;
					while ((next = this.peek()) !== null && test(next))
				matches : function(re) {
					var next = this.peek();
					return (next !== null && re.test(next));
				nextWhileMatches : function(re) {
					var next;
					while ((next = this.peek()) !== null && re.test(next))
				equals : function(ch) {
					return ch === this.peek();
				endOfLine : function() {
					var next = this.peek();
					return next == null || next == "\n";

		var Kludges = {
			autoSelfClosers : {
				"br" : true,
				"img" : true,
				"hr" : true,
				"link" : true,
				"input" : true,
				"meta" : true,
				"col" : true,
				"frame" : true,
				"base" : true,
				"area" : true
			doNotIndent : {
				"pre" : true,
				"!cdata" : true
		var NoKludges = {
			autoSelfClosers : {},
			doNotIndent : {
				"!cdata" : true
		var UseKludges = Kludges;
		var alignCDATA = false;

		// Simple stateful tokenizer for XML documents. Returns a
		// MochiKit-style iterator, with a state property that contains a
		// function encapsulating the current state. See tokenize.js.
		var tokenizeXML = (function() {
			function inText(source, setState) {
				var ch = source.next();
				if (ch == "<") {
					if (source.equals("!")) {
						if (source.equals("[")) {
							if (source.lookAhead("[CDATA[", true)) {
								setState(inBlock("xml-cdata", "]]>"));
								return null;
							} else {
								return "xml-text";
						} else if (source.lookAhead("--", true)) {
							setState(inBlock("xml-comment", "-->"));
							return null;
						} else if (source.lookAhead("DOCTYPE", true)) {
							setState(inBlock("xml-doctype", ">"));
							return "xml-doctype";
						} else {
							return "xml-text";
					} else if (source.equals("?")) {
						setState(inBlock("xml-processing", "?>"));
						return "xml-processing";
					} else {
						if (source.equals("/"))
						return "xml-punctuation";
				} else if (ch == "&") {
					while (!source.endOfLine()) {
						if (source.next() == ";")
					return "xml-entity";
				} else {
					return "xml-text";

			function inTag(source, setState) {
				var ch = source.next();
				if (ch == ">") {
					return "xml-punctuation";
				} else if (/[?\/]/.test(ch) && source.equals(">")) {
					return "xml-punctuation";
				} else if (ch == "=") {
					return "xml-punctuation";
				} else if (/[\'\"]/.test(ch)) {
					return null;
				} else {
					return "xml-name";

			function inAttribute(quote) {
				return function(source, setState) {
					while (!source.endOfLine()) {
						if (source.next() == quote) {
					return "xml-attribute";

			function inBlock(style, terminator) {
				return function(source, setState) {
					while (!source.endOfLine()) {
						if (source.lookAhead(terminator, true)) {
					return style;

			return function(source, startState) {
				return tokenizer(source, startState || inText);

		// The parser. The structure of this function largely follows that of
		// parseJavaScript in parsejavascript.js (there is actually a bit more
		// shared code than I'd like), but it is quite a bit simpler.

		function parseXML(source) {
			var tokens = tokenizeXML(source), token;
			var cc = [ base ];
			var tokenNr = 0, indented = 0;
			var currentTag = null, context = null;
			var consume;

			function push(fs) {
				for ( var i = fs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)

			function cont() {
				consume = true;

			function pass() {
				consume = false;

			function markErr() {
				token.style += " xml-error";

			function expect(text) {
				return function(style, content) {
					if (content == text)
					else {

			function pushContext(tagname, startOfLine) {
				var noIndent = UseKludges.doNotIndent.hasOwnProperty(tagname)
						|| (context && context.noIndent);
				context = {
					prev : context,
					name : tagname,
					indent : indented,
					startOfLine : startOfLine,
					noIndent : noIndent

			function popContext() {
				context = context.prev;

			function computeIndentation(baseContext) {
				return function(nextChars, current) {
					var context = baseContext;
					if (context && context.noIndent)
						return current;
					if (alignCDATA && /<!\[CDATA\[/.test(nextChars))
						return 0;
					if (context && /^<\//.test(nextChars))
						context = context.prev;
					while (context && !context.startOfLine)
						context = context.prev;
					if (context)
						return context.indent + indentUnit;
						return 0;

			function base() {
				return pass(element, base);
			var harmlessTokens = {
				"xml-text" : true,
				"xml-entity" : true,
				"xml-comment" : true,
				"xml-processing" : true,
				"xml-doctype" : true

			function element(style, content) {
				if (content == "<")
					cont(tagname, attributes, endtag(tokenNr == 1));
				else if (content == "</")
					cont(closetagname, expect(">"));
				else if (style == "xml-cdata") {
					if (!context || context.name != "!cdata")
					if (/\]\]>$/.test(content))
				} else if (harmlessTokens.hasOwnProperty(style))
				else {

			function tagname(style, content) {
				if (style == "xml-name") {
					currentTag = content.toLowerCase();
					token.style = "xml-tagname";
				} else {
					currentTag = null;

			function closetagname(style, content) {
				if (style == "xml-name") {
					token.style = "xml-tagname";
					if (context && content.toLowerCase() == context.name)

			function endtag(startOfLine) {
				return function(style, content) {
					if (content == "/>"
							|| (content == ">" && UseKludges.autoSelfClosers
					else if (content == ">") {
						pushContext(currentTag, startOfLine);
					} else {

			function attributes(style) {
				if (style == "xml-name") {
					token.style = "xml-attname";
					cont(attribute, attributes);
				} else

			function attribute(style, content) {
				if (content == "=")
				else if (content == ">" || content == "/>")

			function value(style) {
				if (style == "xml-attribute")

			return {
				indentation : function() {
					return indented;

				next : function() {
					token = tokens.next();
					if (token.style == "whitespace" && tokenNr == 0)
						indented = token.value.length;
					if (token.content == "\n") {
						indented = tokenNr = 0;
						token.indentation = computeIndentation(context);

					if (token.style == "whitespace"
							|| token.type == "xml-comment")
						return token;

					while (true) {
						consume = false;
						cc.pop()(token.style, token.content);
						if (consume)
							return token;

				copy : function() {
					var _cc = cc.concat([]), _tokenState = tokens.state, _context = context;
					var parser = this;

					return function(input) {
						cc = _cc.concat([]);
						tokenNr = indented = 0;
						context = _context;
						tokens = tokenizeXML(input, _tokenState);
						return parser;

		return {
			make : function(stream) {
				if (typeof stream == 'string')
					stream = stringStream(stream);

				return parseXML(stream);
	 * @author Stoyan Stefanov
	 * @link https://github.com/stoyan/etc/tree/master/cssex
	var CSSEX = (function() {

		var walker, tokens = [], isOp, isNameChar, isDigit;

		// walks around the source
		walker = {
			lines : null,
			total_lines : 0,
			linenum : -1,
			line : '',
			ch : '',
			chnum : -1,
			init : function(source) {
				var me = walker;

				// source, yumm
				me.lines = source.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n').replace(/\r/g, '\n')
				me.total_lines = me.lines.length;

				// reset
				me.chnum = -1;
				me.linenum = -1;
				me.ch = '';
				me.line = '';

				// advance
			nextLine : function() {
				var me = this;
				me.linenum += 1;
				if (me.total_lines <= me.linenum) {
					me.line = false;
				} else {
					me.line = me.lines[me.linenum];
				if (me.chnum !== -1) {
					me.chnum = 0;
				return me.line;
			nextChar : function() {
				var me = this;
				me.chnum += 1;
				while (me.line.charAt(me.chnum) === '') {
					if (this.nextLine() === false) {
						me.ch = false;
						return false; // end of source
					me.chnum = -1;
					me.ch = '\n';
					return '\n';
				me.ch = me.line.charAt(me.chnum);
				return me.ch;
			peek : function() {
				return this.line.charAt(this.chnum + 1);

		// utility helpers
		isNameChar = function(c) {
			return (c === '_' || c === '-' || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'));

		isDigit = function(ch) {
			return (ch !== false && ch >= '0' && ch <= '9');

		isOp = (function() {
			var opsa = "{}[]()+*=.,;:>~|\\%$#@^!".split(''), opsmatcha = "*^|$~"
					.split(''), ops = {}, opsmatch = {}, i = 0;
			for (; i < opsa.length; i += 1) {
				ops[opsa[i]] = true;
			for (i = 0; i < opsmatcha.length; i += 1) {
				opsmatch[opsmatcha[i]] = true;
			return function(ch, matchattr) {
				if (matchattr) {
					return !!opsmatch[ch];
				return !!ops[ch];

		// shorthands

		function isset(v) {
			return typeof v !== 'undefined';

		function getConf() {
			return {
				'char' : walker.chnum,
				line : walker.linenum

		// creates token objects and pushes them to a list

		function tokener(value, type, conf) {
			var w = walker, c = conf || {};
				charstart : isset(c['char']) ? c['char'] : w.chnum,
				charend : isset(c.charend) ? c.charend : w.chnum,
				linestart : isset(c.line) ? c.line : w.linenum,
				lineend : isset(c.lineend) ? c.lineend : w.linenum,
				value : value,
				type : type || value

		// oops

		function error(m, config) {
			var w = walker, conf = config || {}, c = isset(conf['char']) ? conf['char']
					: w.chnum, l = isset(conf.line) ? conf.line : w.linenum;
			return {
				name : "ParseError",
				message : m + " at line " + (l + 1) + ' char ' + (c + 1),
				walker : w,
				tokens : tokens

		// token handlers follow for:
		// white space, comment, string, identifier, number, operator

		function white() {

			var c = walker.ch, token = '', conf = getConf();

			while (c === " " || c === "\t") {
				token += c;
				c = walker.nextChar();

			tokener(token, 'white', conf);


		function comment() {

			var w = walker, c = w.ch, token = c, cnext, conf = getConf();

			cnext = w.nextChar();

			if (cnext !== '*') {
				// oops, not a comment, just a /
				conf.charend = conf['char'];
				conf.lineend = conf.line;
				return tokener(token, token, conf);

			while (!(c === "*" && cnext === "/")) {
				token += cnext;
				c = cnext;
				cnext = w.nextChar();
			token += cnext;
			tokener(token, 'comment', conf);

		function str() {
			var w = walker, c = w.ch, q = c, token = c, cnext, conf = getConf();

			c = w.nextChar();

			while (c !== q) {

				if (c === '\n') {
					cnext = w.nextChar();
					if (cnext === "\\") {
						token += c + cnext;
					} else {
						// end of line with no \ escape = bad
						throw error("Unterminated string", conf);
				} else {
					if (c === "\\") {
						token += c + w.nextChar();
					} else {
						token += c;

				c = w.nextChar();

			token += c;
			tokener(token, 'string', conf);

		function brace() {
			var w = walker, c = w.ch, depth = 0, token = c, conf = getConf();

			c = w.nextChar();

			while (c !== ')' && !depth) {
				if (c === '(') {
				} else if (c === ')') {
				} else if (c === false) {
					throw error("Unterminated brace", conf);

				token += c;
				c = w.nextChar();

			token += c;
			tokener(token, 'brace', conf);

		function identifier(pre) {
			var w = walker, c = w.ch, conf = getConf(), token = (pre) ? pre + c
					: c;

			c = w.nextChar();

			if (pre) { // adjust token position
				conf['char'] -= pre.length;

			while (isNameChar(c) || isDigit(c)) {
				token += c;
				c = w.nextChar();

			tokener(token, 'identifier', conf);

		function num() {
			var w = walker, c = w.ch, conf = getConf(), token = c, point = token === '.', nondigit;

			c = w.nextChar();
			nondigit = !isDigit(c);

			// .2px or .classname?
			if (point && nondigit) {
				// meh, NaN, could be a class name, so it's an operator for now
				conf.charend = conf['char'];
				conf.lineend = conf.line;
				return tokener(token, '.', conf);

			// -2px or -moz-something
			if (token === '-' && nondigit) {
				return identifier('-');

			while (c !== false && (isDigit(c) || (!point && c === '.'))) { // not
																			// end
																			// of
																			// source
																			// &&
																			// digit
																			// or
																			// first
																			// instance
																			// of .
				if (c === '.') {
					point = true;
				token += c;
				c = w.nextChar();

			tokener(token, 'number', conf);


		function op() {
			var w = walker, c = w.ch, conf = getConf(), token = c, next = w

			if (next === "=" && isOp(token, true)) {
				token += next;
				tokener(token, 'match', conf);

			conf.charend = conf['char'] + 1;
			conf.lineend = conf.line;
			tokener(token, token, conf);

		// call the appropriate handler based on the first character in a token
		// suspect

		function tokenize() {

			var ch = walker.ch;

			if (ch === " " || ch === "\t") {
				return white();

			if (ch === '/') {
				return comment();

			if (ch === '"' || ch === "'") {
				return str();

			if (ch === '(') {
				return brace();

			if (ch === '-' || ch === '.' || isDigit(ch)) { // tricky - char:
															// minus (-1px) or
															// dash (-moz-stuff)
				return num();

			if (isNameChar(ch)) {
				return identifier();

			if (isOp(ch)) {
				return op();

			if (ch === "\n") {

			throw error("Unrecognized character");

		return {
			lex : function(source) {
				tokens = [];
				while (walker.ch !== false) {
				return tokens;
			toSource : function(toks) {
				var i = 0, max = toks.length, t, src = '';
				for (; i < max; i += 1) {
					t = toks[i];
					if (t.type === 'line') {
						src += '\n';
					} else {
						src += t.value;
				return src;

	 * Some utility functions for CSS parser: -- optimizes CSS lexer token,
	 * produced by Stoyan Stefanov's CSSEX parser, for Zen Coding needs --
	 * extracts full CSS rule (selector + style rules) from content
	 * @author Sergey Chikuyonok (serge.che@gmail.com)
	 * @link http://chikuyonok.ru
	 * @include "sex.js"
	var ParserUtils = (function() {
		var css_stop_chars = '{}/\\<>';

		function isStopChar(token) {
			var stop_chars = '{};:';
			return stop_chars.indexOf(token.type) != -1;

		 * Calculates newline width at specified position in content
		 * @param {String}
		 *            content
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            pos
		 * @return {Number}

		function calculateNlLength(content, pos) {
			return content.charAt(pos) == '\r'
					&& content.charAt(pos + 1) == '\n' ? 2 : 1;

		 * Post-process optmized tokens: collapse tokens for complex values
		 * @param {Array}
		 *            optimized Optimized tokens
		 * @param {Array}
		 *            original Original preprocessed tokens

		function postProcessOptimized(optimized, original) {
			var token, child;
			for ( var i = 0, il = optimized.length; i < il; i++) {
				token = optimized[i];
				if (token.type == 'value') {
					token.children = [];
					child = null;

					var subtoken_start = token.ref_start_ix;

					while (subtoken_start <= token.ref_end_ix) {
						var subtoken = original[subtoken_start];
						if (subtoken.type != 'white') {
							if (!child)
								child = [ subtoken.start, subtoken.end ];
								child[1] = subtoken.end;
						} else if (child) {
							child = null;


					if (child) // push last token

			return optimized;

		function makeToken(type, value, pos, ix) {
			value = value || '';
			return {
				type : type || '',
				content : value,
				start : pos,
				end : pos + value.length,
				/** Reference token index that starts current token */
				ref_start_ix : ix,
				/** Reference token index that ends current token */
				ref_end_ix : ix

		return {
			 * Parses CSS and optimizes parsed chunks
			 * @see ParserUtils#optimizeCSS
			 * @param {String}
			 *            source CSS source code fragment
			 * @param {Number}
			 *            offset Offset of CSS fragment inside whole document
			 * @return {Array}
			parseCSS : function(source, offset) {
				return this.optimizeCSS(CSSEX.lex(source), offset || 0, source);

			 * Parses HTML and optimizes parsed chunks
			 * @param {String}
			 *            source HTML source code fragment
			 * @param {Number}
			 *            offset Offset of HTML fragment inside whole document
			 * @return {Array}
			parseHTML : function(tag, offset) {
				var tokens = XMLParser.make(tag), result = [], t, i = 0;

				try {
					while (t = tokens.next()) {
						// result.push(tagDef(offset + i, t));
								.push(makeToken(t.style, t.content, offset + i,
						i += t.value.length;
				} catch (e) {
					if (e != 'StopIteration')
						throw e;

				return result;

			 * Optimizes parsed CSS tokens: combines selector chunks, complex
			 * values into a single chunk
			 * @param {Array}
			 *            tokens Tokens produced by <code>CSSEX.lex()</code>
			 * @param {Number}
			 *            offset CSS rule offset in source code (character
			 *            index)
			 * @param {String}
			 *            content Original CSS source code
			 * @return {Array} Optimized tokens
			optimizeCSS : function(tokens, offset, content) {
				offset = offset || 0;
				var result = [], token, i, il, _o = 0, in_rules = false, in_value = false, delta = 0, acc_type, acc_tokens = {
					/** @type {makeToken} */
					selector : null,
					/** @type {makeToken} */
					value : null
				}, nl_size, orig_tokens = [];

				function addToken(token, type) {
					if (type && type in acc_tokens) {
						if (!acc_tokens[type]) {
							acc_tokens[type] = makeToken(type, token.value,
									offset + delta + token.charstart, i);
						} else {
							acc_tokens[type].content += token.value;
							acc_tokens[type].end += token.value.length;
							acc_tokens[type].ref_end_ix = i;
					} else {
						result.push(makeToken(token.type, token.value, offset
								+ delta + token.charstart, i));

				for (i = 0, il = tokens.length; i < il; i++) {
					token = tokens[i];
					acc_type = null;

					if (token.type == 'line') {
						delta += _o;
						nl_size = content ? calculateNlLength(content, delta)
								: 1;

						var tok_value = nl_size == 1 ? '\n' : '\r\n';
						orig_tokens.push(makeToken(token.type, tok_value,
								offset + delta));

						result.push(makeToken(token.type, tok_value, offset
								+ delta, i));
						delta += nl_size;
						_o = 0;


					orig_tokens.push(makeToken(token.type, token.value, offset
							+ delta + token.charstart));

					// _o = token.charend;
					// use charstart and length because of incorrect charend
					// computation for whitespace
					_o = token.charstart + token.value.length;

					if (token.type != 'white') {
						if (token.type == '{') {
							in_rules = true;
							acc_tokens.selector = null;
						} else if (in_rules) {
							if (token.type == ':') {
								in_value = true;
							} else if (token.type == ';') {
								in_value = false;
								acc_tokens.value = null;
							} else if (token.type == '}') {
								in_value = in_rules = false;
								acc_tokens.value = null;
							} else if (in_value || acc_tokens.value) {
								acc_type = 'value';
						} else if (acc_tokens.selector
								|| (!in_rules && !isStopChar(token))) {
							// start selector token
							acc_type = 'selector';

						addToken(token, acc_type);
					} else {
						// whitespace token, decide where it should be
						if (i < il - 1 && isStopChar(tokens[i + 1]))

						if (acc_tokens.selector || acc_tokens.value)
							addToken(token, acc_tokens.selector ? 'selector'
									: 'value');

				result.__original = orig_tokens;
				return postProcessOptimized(result, orig_tokens);

			 * Extracts single CSS selector definition from source code
			 * @param {String}
			 *            content CSS source code
			 * @param {Number}
			 *            pos Character position where to start source code
			 *            extraction
			extractCSSRule : function(content, pos, is_backward) {
				var result = '', c_len = content.length, offset = pos, brace_pos = -1, ch;

				// search left until we find rule edge
				while (offset >= 0) {
					ch = content.charAt(offset);
					if (ch == '{') {
						brace_pos = offset;
					} else if (ch == '}' && !is_backward) {


				// search right for full rule set
				while (offset < c_len) {
					ch = content.charAt(offset);
					if (ch == '{')
						brace_pos = offset;
					else if (ch == '}') {
						if (brace_pos != -1)
							result = content.substring(brace_pos, offset + 1);


				if (result) {
					// find CSS selector
					offset = brace_pos - 1;
					var selector = '';
					while (offset >= 0) {
						ch = content.charAt(offset);
						if (css_stop_chars.indexOf(ch) != -1)

					// also trim whitespace
					selector = content.substring(offset + 1, brace_pos)
							.replace(/^[\s\n\r]+/m, '');
					return [ brace_pos - selector.length,
							brace_pos + result.length ];

				return null;

			token : makeToken
	 * @author Sergey Chikuyonok (serge.che@gmail.com)
	 * @link http://chikuyonok.ru
	 * @include "../zen_editor.js"
	 * @include "parserutils.js"
	 * @include "../zen_coding.js"
	 * @include "../zen_actions.js"

	 * Reflect CSS value: takes rule's value under caret and pastes it for the
	 * same rules with vendor prefixes
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor

	function reflectCSSValue(editor) {
		if (editor.getSyntax() != 'css')
			return false;

		return compoundUpdate(editor, doCSSReflection(editor));

	 * Update image size: reads image from image/CSS rule under caret and
	 * updates dimensions inside tag/rule
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor

	function updateImageSize(editor) {
		var result;
		if (String(editor.getSyntax()) == 'css') {
			result = updateImageSizeCSS(editor);
		} else {
			result = updateImageSizeHTML(editor);

		return compoundUpdate(editor, result);

	function compoundUpdate(editor, data) {
		if (data) {
			var sel = editor.getSelectionRange();
			editor.replaceContent(data.data, data.start, data.end, true);
					.createSelection(data.caret, data.caret + sel.end
							- sel.start);
			return true;

		return false;

	 * Updates image size of &lt;img src=""&gt; tag
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor

	function updateImageSizeHTML(editor) {
		var offset = editor.getCaretPos();

		var image = findImage(editor);
		if (image) {
			var re = /\bsrc=(["'])(.+?)\1/i, m, src;
			if (m = re.exec(image.tag))
				src = m[2];

			if (src) {
				var size = getImageSizeForSource(editor, src);
				if (size) {
					var new_tag = replaceOrAppend(image.tag, 'width',
					new_tag = replaceOrAppend(new_tag, 'height', size.height);

					return {
						'data' : new_tag,
						'start' : image.start,
						'end' : image.end,
						'caret' : offset

		return null;

	 * Search for insertion point for new CSS properties
	 * @param {ParserUtils.token[]}
	 *            tokens
	 * @param {Number}
	 *            start_ix Token index where to start searching

	function findCSSInsertionPoint(tokens, start_ix) {
		var ins_point, ins_ix = -1, need_col = false;

		for ( var i = start_ix, il = tokens.length; i < il; i++) {
			var t = tokens[i];
			if (t.type == 'value') {
				ins_point = t;
				ins_ix = i;
				// look ahead fo rule termination
				if (tokens[i + 1] && tokens[i + 1].type == ';') {
					ins_point = tokens[i + 1];
					ins_ix += 1;
				} else {
					need_col = true;

		return {
			token : ins_point,
			ix : ins_ix,
			need_col : need_col

	 * Updates image size of CSS rule
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor

	function updateImageSizeCSS(editor) {
		var caret_pos = editor.getCaretPos(), content = String(editor
				.getContent()), rule = ParserUtils.extractCSSRule(content,
				caret_pos, true);

		if (rule) {
			var css = ParserUtils.parseCSS(content.substring(rule[0], rule[1]),
					rule[0]), cur_token = findTokenFromPosition(css, caret_pos,
					'identifier'), value = findValueToken(css, cur_token + 1), m;

			if (!value)
				return false;

			// find inserion point
			var ins_point = findCSSInsertionPoint(css, cur_token);

			if (m = /url\((["']?)(.+?)\1\)/i.exec(value.content)) {
				var size = getImageSizeForSource(editor, m[2]);
				if (size) {
					var wh = {
						width : null,
						height : null
					}, updates = [], styler = learnCSSStyle(css, cur_token);

					for ( var i = 0, il = css.length; i < il; i++) {
						if (css[i].type == 'identifier' && css[i].content in wh)
							wh[css[i].content] = i;

					function update(name, val) {
						var v;
						if (wh[name] !== null
								&& (v = findValueToken(css, wh[name] + 1))) {
							updates.push([ v.start, v.end, val + 'px' ]);
						} else {
							updates.push([ ins_point.token.end,
									styler(name, val + 'px') ]);

					update('width', size.width);
					update('height', size.height);

					if (updates.length) {
						updates.sort(function(a, b) {
							return a[0] - b[0]

						// some editors do not provide easy way to replace
						// multiple code
						// fragments so we have to squash all replace operations
						// into one
						var data = content.substring(updates[0][0],
								updates[updates.length - 1][1]), offset = updates[0][0];

						for ( var i = updates.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
							var u = updates[i];
							data = replaceSubstring(data, u[0] - offset, u[1]
									- offset, u[2]);

							// also calculate new caret position
							if (u[0] < caret_pos)
								caret_pos += u[2].length - u[1] + u[0];

						if (ins_point.need_col)
							data = replaceSubstring(data, ins_point.token.end
									- offset, ins_point.token.end - offset, ';');

						return {
							'data' : data,
							'start' : offset,
							'end' : updates[updates.length - 1][1],
							'caret' : caret_pos


		return false;

	 * Learns formatting style from parsed tokens
	 * @param {ParserUtils.token[]}
	 *            tokens List of tokens
	 * @param {Number}
	 *            pos Identifier token position, from which style should be
	 *            learned
	 * @returns {Function} Function with <code>(name, value)</code> arguments
	 *          that will create CSS rule based on learned formatting

	function learnCSSStyle(tokens, pos) {
		var prefix = '', glue = '', i, il;

		// use original tokens instead of optimized ones
		pos = tokens[pos].ref_start_ix;
		tokens = tokens.__original;

		// learn prefix
		for (i = pos - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
			if (tokens[i].type == 'white') {
				prefix = tokens[i].content + prefix;
			} else if (tokens[i].type == 'line') {
				prefix = tokens[i].content + prefix;
			} else {

		// learn glue
		for (i = pos + 1, il = tokens.length; i < il; i++) {
			if (tokens[i].type == 'white' || tokens[i].type == ':')
				glue += tokens[i].content;

		if (glue.indexOf(':') == -1)
			glue = ':';

		return function(name, value) {
			return prefix + name + glue + value + ';';

	 * Returns image dimentions for source
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor
	 * @param {String}
	 *            src Image source (path or data:url)

	function getImageSizeForSource(editor, src) {
		var f_content;
		if (src) {
			// check if it is data:url
			if (startsWith('data:', src)) {
				f_content = base64.decode(src.replace(/^data\:.+?;.+?,/, ''));
			} else {
				var abs_path = zen_file.locateFile(editor.getFilePath(), src);
				if (abs_path === null) {
					throw "Can't find " + src + ' file';

				f_content = String(zen_file.read(abs_path));

			return zen_coding.getImageSize(f_content);

	 * Find image tag under caret
	 * @param {zen_editor}
	 *            editor
	 * @return Image tag and its indexes inside editor source

	function findImage(editor) {
		var caret_pos = editor.getCaretPos(), content = String(editor
				.getContent()), content_len = content.length, start_ix = -1, end_ix = -1;

		// find the beginning of the tag
		do {
			if (caret_pos < 0)
			if (content.charAt(caret_pos) == '<') {
				if (content.substring(caret_pos, caret_pos + 4).toLowerCase() == '<img') {
					// found the beginning of the image tag
					start_ix = caret_pos;
				} else {
					// found some other tag
					return null;
		} while (caret_pos--);

		// find the end of the tag
		caret_pos = editor.getCaretPos();
		do {
			if (caret_pos >= content_len)

			if (content.charAt(caret_pos) == '>') {
				end_ix = caret_pos + 1;
		} while (caret_pos++);

		if (start_ix != -1 && end_ix != -1)

			return {
				start : start_ix,
				end : end_ix,
				tag : content.substring(start_ix, end_ix)

		return null;

	 * Replaces or adds attribute to the tag
	 * @param {String}
	 *            img_tag
	 * @param {String}
	 *            attr_name
	 * @param {String}
	 *            attr_value

	function replaceOrAppend(img_tag, attr_name, attr_value) {
		if (img_tag.toLowerCase().indexOf(attr_name) != -1) {
			// attribute exists
			var re = new RegExp(attr_name + '=([\'"])(.*?)([\'"])', 'i');
			return img_tag.replace(re, function(str, p1, p2) {
				return attr_name + '=' + p1 + attr_value + p1;
		} else {
			return img_tag.replace(/\s*(\/?>)$/, ' ' + attr_name + '="'
					+ attr_value + '" $1');

	function doCSSReflection(editor) {
		var content = String(editor.getContent()), caret_pos = editor
				.getCaretPos(), css = ParserUtils.extractCSSRule(content,
				caret_pos), v;

		if (!css || caret_pos < css[0] || caret_pos > css[1])
			// no matching CSS rule or caret outside rule bounds
			return false;

		var tokens = ParserUtils.parseCSS(content.substring(css[0], css[1]),
				css[0]), token_ix = findTokenFromPosition(tokens, caret_pos,

		if (token_ix != -1) {
			var cur_prop = tokens[token_ix].content, value_token = findValueToken(
					tokens, token_ix + 1), base_name = getBaseCSSName(cur_prop), re_name = new RegExp(
					'^(?:\\-\\w+\\-)?' + base_name + '$'), re_name = getReflectedCSSName(base_name), values = [];

			if (!value_token)
				return false;

			// search for all vendor-prefixed properties
			for ( var i = 0, token, il = tokens.length; i < il; i++) {
				token = tokens[i];
				if (token.type == 'identifier' && re_name.test(token.content)
						&& token.content != cur_prop) {
					v = findValueToken(tokens, i + 1);
					if (v)
							name : token,
							value : v

			// some editors do not provide easy way to replace multiple code
			// fragments so we have to squash all replace operations into one
			if (values.length) {
				var data = content.substring(values[0].value.start,
						values[values.length - 1].value.end), offset = values[0].value.start, value = value_token.content, rv;

				for ( var i = values.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
					v = values[i].value;
					rv = getReflectedValue(cur_prop, value,
							values[i].name.content, v.content);
					data = replaceSubstring(data, v.start - offset, v.end
							- offset, rv);

					// also calculate new caret position
					if (v.start < caret_pos) {
						caret_pos += rv.length - v.content.length;

				return {
					'data' : data,
					'start' : offset,
					'end' : values[values.length - 1].value.end,
					'caret' : caret_pos

	zen_coding.actions.doCSSReflection = doCSSReflection;

	 * Removes vendor prefix from CSS property
	 * @param {String}
	 *            name CSS property
	 * @return {String}

	function getBaseCSSName(name) {
		return name.replace(/^\s*\-\w+\-/, '');

	 * Returns regexp that should match reflected CSS property names
	 * @param {String}
	 *            name Current CSS property name
	 * @return {RegExp}

	function getReflectedCSSName(name) {
		name = getBaseCSSName(name);
		var vendor_prefix = '^(?:\\-\\w+\\-)?', m;

		if (name == 'opacity' || name == 'filter') {
			return new RegExp(vendor_prefix + '(?:opacity|filter)$');
		} else if (m = name.match(/^border-radius-(top|bottom)(left|right)/)) {
			// Mozilla-style border radius
			return new RegExp(vendor_prefix + '(?:' + name + '|border-' + m[1]
					+ '-' + m[2] + '-radius)$');
		} else if (m = name.match(/^border-(top|bottom)-(left|right)-radius/)) {
			return new RegExp(vendor_prefix + '(?:' + name + '|border-radius-'
					+ m[1] + m[2] + ')$');

		return new RegExp(vendor_prefix + name + '$');

	 * Returns value that should be reflected for <code>ref_name</code> CSS
	 * property from <code>cur_name</code> property. This function is used for
	 * special cases, when the same result must be achieved with different
	 * properties for different browsers. For example: opミーcity:0.5; ->
	 * filter:alpha(opacity=50);<br>
	 * <br>
	 * This function does value conversion between different CSS properties
	 * @param {String}
	 *            cur_name Current CSS property name
	 * @param {String}
	 *            cur_value Current CSS property value
	 * @param {String}
	 *            ref_name Receiver CSS property's name
	 * @param {String}
	 *            ref_value Receiver CSS property's value
	 * @return {String} New value for receiver property

	function getReflectedValue(cur_name, cur_value, ref_name, ref_value) {
		cur_name = getBaseCSSName(cur_name);
		ref_name = getBaseCSSName(ref_name);

		if (cur_name == 'opacity' && ref_name == 'filter') {
			return ref_value.replace(/opacity=[^)]*/i, 'opacity='
					+ Math.floor(parseFloat(cur_value) * 100));
		} else if (cur_name == 'filter' && ref_name == 'opacity') {
			var m = cur_value.match(/opacity=([^)]*)/i);
			return m ? prettifyNumber(parseInt(m[1]) / 100) : ref_value;

		return cur_value;

	 * Find value token, staring at <code>pos</code> index and moving right
	 * @param {Array}
	 *            tokens
	 * @param {Number}
	 *            pos
	 * @return {ParserUtils.token}

	function findValueToken(tokens, pos) {
		for ( var i = pos, il = tokens.length; i < il; i++) {
			var t = tokens[i];
			if (t.type == 'value')
				return t;
			else if (t.type == 'identifier' || t.type == ';')

		return null;

	 * Replace substring of <code>text</code>, defined by <code>start</code>
	 * and <code>end</code> indexes with <code>new_value</code>
	 * @param {String}
	 *            text
	 * @param {Number}
	 *            start
	 * @param {Number}
	 *            end
	 * @param {String}
	 *            new_value
	 * @return {String}

	function replaceSubstring(text, start, end, new_value) {
		return text.substring(0, start) + new_value + text.substring(end);

	 * Search for token with specified type left to the specified position
	 * @param {Array}
	 *            tokens List of parsed tokens
	 * @param {Number}
	 *            pos Position where to start searching
	 * @param {String}
	 *            type Token type
	 * @return {Number} Token index

	function findTokenFromPosition(tokens, pos, type) {
		// find token under caret
		var token_ix = -1;
		for ( var i = 0, il = tokens.length; i < il; i++) {
			var token = tokens[i];
			if (token.start <= pos && token.end >= pos) {
				token_ix = i;

		if (token_ix != -1) {
			// token found, search left until we find token with specified type
			while (token_ix >= 0) {
				if (tokens[token_ix].type == type)
					return token_ix;

		return -1;

	zen_coding.registerAction('reflect_css_value', reflectCSSValue);
	zen_coding.registerAction('update_image_size', updateImageSize);
	 * Actions that use stream parsers and tokenizers for traversing: -- Search
	 * for next/previous items in HTML -- Search for next/previous items in CSS
	 * @author Sergey Chikuyonok (serge.che@gmail.com)
	 * @link http://chikuyonok.ru
	 * @include "../zen_editor.js"
	 * @include "utils.js"
	 * @include "stringstream.js"
	 * @include "parsexml.js"
	 * @include "tokenize.js"
	 * @include "sex.js"
	 * @include "parserutils.js"
	(function() {
		var start_tag = /^<([\w\:\-]+)((?:\s+[\w\-:]+(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:'[^']*')|[^>\s]+))?)*)\s*(\/?)>/, known_xml_types = {
			'xml-tagname' : 1,
			'xml-attname' : 1,
			'xml-attribute' : 1
		}, known_css_types = {
			'selector' : 1,
			'identifier' : 1,
			'value' : 1

		 * Find next HTML item
		 * @param {zen_editor}
		 *            editor

		function findNextHTMLItem(editor) {
			var is_first = true;
			return findItem(editor, false, function(content, search_pos) {
				if (is_first) {
					is_first = false;
					return findOpeningTagFromPosition(content, search_pos);
				} else {
					return getOpeningTagFromPosition(content, search_pos);
			}, getRangeForNextItemInHTML);

		 * Find previous HTML item
		 * @param {zen_editor}
		 *            editor

		function findPrevHTMLItem(editor) {
			return findItem(editor, true, getOpeningTagFromPosition,

		 * Returns range for item to be selected in tag after current caret
		 * position
		 * @param {String}
		 *            tag Tag declaration
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            offset Tag's position index inside content
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            sel_start Start index of user selection
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            sel_end End index of user selection
		 * @return {Array} Returns array with two indexes if next item was
		 *         found, <code>null</code> otherwise

		function getRangeForNextItemInHTML(tag, offset, sel_start, sel_end) {
			var tokens = ParserUtils.parseHTML(tag, offset), next = [];

			// search for token that is right to selection
			for ( var i = 0, il = tokens.length; i < il; i++) {
				/** @type {ParserUtils.token} */
				var token = tokens[i], pos_test;
				if (token.type in known_xml_types) {
					// check token position
					pos_test = token.start >= sel_start;
					if (token.type == 'xml-attribute'
							&& isQuote(token.content.charAt(0)))
						pos_test = token.start + 1 >= sel_start
								&& token.end - 1 != sel_end;

					if (!pos_test
							&& !(sel_start == sel_end && token.end > sel_start))

					// found token that should be selected
					if (token.type == 'xml-attname') {
						next = handleFullAttributeHTML(tokens, i,
								sel_end <= token.end ? token.start : -1);
						if (next)
							return next;
					} else if (token.end > sel_end) {
						next = [ token.start, token.end ];

						if (token.type == 'xml-attribute')
							next = handleQuotesHTML(token.content, next);

						if (sel_start == next[0] && sel_end == next[1])
							// in case of empty attribute

						return next;

			return null;

		 * Returns range for item to be selected in tag before current caret
		 * position
		 * @param {String}
		 *            tag Tag declaration
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            offset Tag's position index inside content
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            sel_start Start index of user selection
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            sel_end End index of user selection
		 * @return {Array} Returns array with two indexes if next item was
		 *         found, <code>null</code> otherwise

		function getRangeForPrevItemInHTML(tag, offset, sel_start, sel_end) {
			var tokens = ParserUtils.parseHTML(tag, offset), next;

			// search for token that is left to the selection
			for ( var i = tokens.length - 1, il = tokens.length; i >= 0; i--) {
				/** @type {ParserUtils.token} */
				var token = tokens[i], pos_test;
				if (token.type in known_xml_types) {
					// check token position
					pos_test = token.start < sel_start;
					if (token.type == 'xml-attribute'
							&& isQuote(token.content.charAt(0))) {
						pos_test = token.start + 1 < sel_start;

					if (!pos_test)

					// found token that should be selected
					if (token.type == 'xml-attname') {
						next = handleFullAttributeHTML(tokens, i, token.start);
						if (next)
							return next;
					} else {
						next = [ token.start, token.end ];

						if (token.type == 'xml-attribute')
							next = handleQuotesHTML(token.content, next);

						return next;

			return null;

		 * Search for opening tag in content, starting at specified position
		 * @param {String}
		 *            html Where to search tag
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            pos Character index where to start searching
		 * @return {Array} Returns array with tag indexes if valid opening tag
		 *         was found, <code>null</code> otherwise

		function findOpeningTagFromPosition(html, pos) {
			var tag;
			while (pos >= 0) {
				if (tag = getOpeningTagFromPosition(html, pos))
					return tag;

			return null;

		 * @param {String}
		 *            html Where to search tag
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            pos Character index where to start searching
		 * @return {Array} Returns array with tag indexes if valid opening tag
		 *         was found, <code>null</code> otherwise

		function getOpeningTagFromPosition(html, pos) {
			var m;
			if (html.charAt(pos) == '<'
					&& (m = html.substring(pos, html.length).match(start_tag))) {
				return [ pos, pos + m[0].length ];

		function isQuote(ch) {
			return ch == '"' || ch == "'";

		 * Find item
		 * @param {zen_editor}
		 *            editor
		 * @param {String}
		 *            is_backward Search backward (search forward otherwise)
		 * @param {Function}
		 *            extract_fn Function that extracts item content
		 * @param {Function}
		 *            range_rn Function that search for next token range

		function findItem(editor, is_backward, extract_fn, range_fn) {
			var content = String(editor.getContent()), c_len = content.length, item, item_def, rng, loop = 100000,
			// endless loop protection
			prev_range = [ -1, -1 ], sel = editor.getSelectionRange(), sel_start = Math
					.min(sel.start, sel.end), sel_end = Math.max(sel.start,

			var search_pos = sel_start;
			while (search_pos >= 0 && search_pos < c_len && loop > 0) {
				if ((item = extract_fn(content, search_pos, is_backward))) {
					if (prev_range[0] == item[0] && prev_range[1] == item[1]) {

					prev_range[0] = item[0];
					prev_range[1] = item[1];
					item_def = content.substring(item[0], item[1]);
					rng = range_fn(item_def, item[0], sel_start, sel_end);

					if (rng) {
						editor.createSelection(rng[0], rng[1]);
						return true;
					} else {
						search_pos = is_backward ? item[0] : item[1] - 1;

				search_pos += is_backward ? -1 : 1;

			return false;

		function findNextCSSItem(editor) {
			return findItem(editor, false, ParserUtils.extractCSSRule,

		function findPrevCSSItem(editor) {
			return findItem(editor, true, ParserUtils.extractCSSRule,

		 * Returns range for item to be selected in tag after current caret
		 * position
		 * @param {String}
		 *            rule CSS rule declaration
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            offset Rule's position index inside content
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            sel_start Start index of user selection
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            sel_end End index of user selection
		 * @return {Array} Returns array with two indexes if next item was
		 *         found, <code>null</code> otherwise

		function getRangeForNextItemInCSS(rule, offset, sel_start, sel_end) {
			var tokens = ParserUtils.parseCSS(rule, offset), pos_test, next = [];

			 * Same range is used inside complex value processor
			 * @return {Boolean}

			function checkSameRange(r) {
				return r[0] == sel_start && r[1] == sel_end;

			// search for token that is right to selection
			for ( var i = 0, il = tokens.length; i < il; i++) {
				/** @type {ParserUtils.token} */
				var token = tokens[i], pos_test;
				if (token.type in known_css_types) {
					// check token position
					if (sel_start == sel_end)
						pos_test = token.end > sel_start;
					else {
						pos_test = token.start >= sel_start;
						if (token.type == 'value') // respect complex values
							pos_test = pos_test || sel_start >= token.start
									&& token.end >= sel_end;

					if (!pos_test)

					// found token that should be selected
					if (token.type == 'identifier') {
						var rule_sel = handleFullRuleCSS(tokens, i,
								sel_end <= token.end ? token.start : -1);
						if (rule_sel)
							return rule_sel;

					} else if (token.type == 'value' && sel_end > token.start
							&& token.children) {
						// looks like a complex value
						var children = token.children;
						for ( var j = 0, jl = children.length; j < jl; j++) {
							if (children[j][0] >= sel_start
									|| (sel_start == sel_end && children[j][1] > sel_start)) {
								next = [ children[j][0], children[j][1] ];
								if (checkSameRange(next)) {
									var rule_sel = handleCSSSpecialCase(rule,
											next[0], next[1], offset);
									if (!checkSameRange(rule_sel))
										return rule_sel;

								return next;
					} else if (token.end > sel_end) {
						return [ token.start, token.end ];

			return null;

		 * Returns range for item to be selected in CSS rule before current
		 * caret position
		 * @param {String}
		 *            rule CSS rule declaration
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            offset Rule's position index inside content
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            sel_start Start index of user selection
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            sel_end End index of user selection
		 * @return {Array} Returns array with two indexes if next item was
		 *         found, <code>null</code> otherwise

		function getRangeForPrevItemInCSS(rule, offset, sel_start, sel_end) {
			var tokens = ParserUtils.parseCSS(rule, offset), next = [];

			 * Same range is used inside complex value processor
			 * @return {Boolean}

			function checkSameRange(r) {
				return r[0] == sel_start && r[1] == sel_end;

			// search for token that is left to the selection
			for ( var i = tokens.length - 1, il = tokens.length; i >= 0; i--) {
				/** @type {ParserUtils.token} */
				var token = tokens[i], pos_test;
				if (token.type in known_css_types) {
					// check token position
					pos_test = token.start < sel_start;
					if (token.type == 'value'
							&& token.ref_start_ix != token.ref_end_ix) // respect
																		// complex
																		// values
						pos_test = token.start <= sel_start;

					if (!pos_test)

					// found token that should be selected
					if (token.type == 'identifier') {
						var rule_sel = handleFullRuleCSS(tokens, i, token.start);
						if (rule_sel)
							return rule_sel;
					} else if (token.type == 'value'
							&& token.ref_start_ix != token.ref_end_ix) {
						// looks like a complex value
						var children = token.children;
						for ( var j = children.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
							if (children[j][0] < sel_start) {
								// create array copy
								next = [ children[j][0], children[j][1] ];

								var rule_sel = handleCSSSpecialCase(rule,
										next[0], next[1], offset);
								return !checkSameRange(rule_sel) ? rule_sel
										: next;

						// if we are here than we already traversed trough all
						// child tokens, select full value
						next = [ token.start, token.end ];
						if (!checkSameRange(next))
							return next;
					} else {
						return [ token.start, token.end ];

			return null;

		function handleFullRuleCSS(tokens, i, start) {
			for ( var j = i + 1, il = tokens.length; j < il; j++) {
				/** @type {ParserUtils.token} */
				var _t = tokens[j];
				if ((_t.type == 'value' && start == -1)
						|| _t.type == 'identifier') {
					return [ _t.start, _t.end ];
				} else if (_t.type == ';') {
					return [ start == -1 ? _t.start : start, _t.end ];
				} else if (_t.type == '}') {
					return [ start == -1 ? _t.start : start, _t.start - 1 ];

			return null;

		function handleFullAttributeHTML(tokens, i, start) {
			for ( var j = i + 1, il = tokens.length; j < il; j++) {
				/** @type {ParserUtils.token} */
				var _t = tokens[j];
				if (_t.type == 'xml-attribute') {
					if (start == -1)
						return handleQuotesHTML(_t.content,
								[ _t.start, _t.end ]);
						return [ start, _t.end ];
				} else if (_t.type == 'xml-attname') {
					// moved to next attribute, adjust selection
					return [ _t.start, tokens[i].end ];

			return null;

		function handleQuotesHTML(attr, r) {
			if (isQuote(attr.charAt(0)))
			if (isQuote(attr.charAt(attr.length - 1)))

			return r;

		function handleCSSSpecialCase(text, start, end, offset) {
			text = text.substring(start - offset, end - offset);
			var m;
			if (m = text.match(/^[\w\-]+\(['"]?/)) {
				start += m[0].length;
				if (m = text.match(/['"]?\)$/))
					end -= m[0].length;

			return [ start, end ];

		// XXX register actions
		zen_coding.registerAction('select_next_item', function(
				/* zen_editor */editor) {
			if (editor.getSyntax() == 'css')
				return findNextCSSItem(editor);
				return findNextHTMLItem(editor);

		zen_coding.registerAction('select_previous_item', function(
				/* zen_editor */editor) {
			if (editor.getSyntax() == 'css')
				return findPrevCSSItem(editor);
				return findPrevHTMLItem(editor);
	 * Comment important tags (with 'id' and 'class' attributes)
	 * @author Sergey Chikuyonok (serge.che@gmail.com)
	 * @link http://chikuyonok.ru
	(function() {
		 * Add comments to tag
		 * @param {ZenNode}
		 *            node

		function addComments(node, i) {
			var id_attr = node.getAttribute('id'), class_attr = node
					.getAttribute('class'), nl = zen_coding.getNewline();

			if (id_attr || class_attr) {
				var comment_str = '', padding = (node.parent) ? node.parent.padding
						: '';
				if (id_attr)
					comment_str += '#' + id_attr;
				if (class_attr)
					comment_str += '.' + class_attr;

				node.start = node.start.replace(/</, '<!-- ' + comment_str
						+ ' -->' + nl + padding + '<');
				node.end = node.end.replace(/>/, '>' + nl + padding + '<!-- /'
						+ comment_str + ' -->');

				// replace counters
				var counter = zen_coding.getCounterForNode(node);
				node.start = zen_coding.replaceCounter(node.start, counter);
				node.end = zen_coding.replaceCounter(node.end, counter);

		function process(tree, profile) {
			if (profile.tag_nl === false)
				return tree;

			for ( var i = 0, il = tree.children.length; i < il; i++) {
				/** @type {ZenNode} */
				var item = tree.children[i];

				if (item.isBlock())
					addComments(item, i);

				process(item, profile);

			return tree;

		zen_coding.registerFilter('c', process);
	 * Process CSS properties: replaces snippets, augumented with ! char, with
	 * <em>!important</em> suffix
	 * @author Sergey Chikuyonok (serge.che@gmail.com)
	 * @link http://chikuyonok.ru
	(function() {
		var re_important = /(.+)\!$/;

		function process(tree, profile) {
			for ( var i = 0, il = tree.children.length; i < il; i++) {
				/** @type {ZenNode} */
				var item = tree.children[i];

				// CSS properties are always snippets
				if (item.type == 'snippet' && re_important.test(item.real_name)) {
					item.start = item.start.replace(/(;?)$/, ' !important$1');

				process(item, profile);

			return tree;

		zen_coding.registerFilter('css', process);
	 * Filter for escaping unsafe XML characters: <, >, &
	 * @author Sergey Chikuyonok (serge.che@gmail.com)
	 * @link http://chikuyonok.ru
	(function() {
		var char_map = {
			'<' : '&lt;',
			'>' : '&gt;',
			'&' : '&amp;'

		function escapeChars(str) {
			return str.replace(/([<>&])/g, function(str, p1) {
				return char_map[p1];

		function process(tree, profile, level) {
			for ( var i = 0, il = tree.children.length; i < il; i++) {
				/** @type {ZenNode} */
				var item = tree.children[i];

				item.start = escapeChars(item.start);
				item.end = escapeChars(item.end);


			return tree;

		zen_coding.registerFilter('e', process);
	 * Format CSS properties: add space after property name: padding:0; 竊・
	 * padding: 0;
	 * @author Sergey Chikuyonok (serge.che@gmail.com)
	 * @link http://chikuyonok.ru
	(function() {
		function process(tree, profile) {
			for ( var i = 0, il = tree.children.length; i < il; i++) {
				/** @type {ZenNode} */
				var item = tree.children[i];

				// CSS properties are always snippets
				if (item.type == 'snippet') {
					item.start = item.start.replace(/([\w\-]+\s*:)(?!:)\s*/,
							'$1 ');

				process(item, profile);

			return tree;

		zen_coding.registerFilter('fc', process);
	 * Generic formatting filter: creates proper indentation for each tree node,
	 * placing "%s" placeholder where the actual output should be. You can use
	 * this filter to preformat tree and then replace %s placeholder to whatever
	 * you need. This filter should't be called directly from editor as a part
	 * of abbreviation.
	 * @author Sergey Chikuyonok (serge.che@gmail.com)
	 * @link http://chikuyonok.ru
	 * @include "../zen_coding.js"
	(function() {
		var child_token = '${child}', placeholder = '%s';

		function getNewline() {
			return zen_coding.getNewline();

		function getIndentation() {
			return zen_resources.getVariable('indentation');

		 * Test if passed node has block-level sibling element
		 * @param {ZenNode}
		 *            item
		 * @return {Boolean}

		function hasBlockSibling(item) {
			return (item.parent && item.parent.hasBlockChildren());

		 * Test if passed itrem is very first child of the whole tree
		 * @param {ZenNode}
		 *            tree

		function isVeryFirstChild(item) {
			return item.parent && !item.parent.parent && !item.previousSibling;

		 * Need to add line break before element
		 * @param {ZenNode}
		 *            node
		 * @param {Object}
		 *            profile
		 * @return {Boolean}

		function shouldBreakLine(node, profile) {
			if (!profile.inline_break)
				return false;

			// find toppest non-inline sibling
			while (node.previousSibling && node.previousSibling.isInline())
				node = node.previousSibling;

			if (!node.isInline())
				return false;

			// calculate how many inline siblings we have
			var node_count = 1;
			while (node = node.nextSibling) {
				if (node.type == 'text' || !node.isInline())
					node_count = 0;
				else if (node.isInline())

			return node_count >= profile.inline_break;

		 * Need to add newline because <code>item</code> has too many inline
		 * children
		 * @param {ZenNode}
		 *            node
		 * @param {Object}
		 *            profile

		function shouldBreakChild(node, profile) {
			// we need to test only one child element, because
			// hasBlockChildren() method will do the rest
			return (node.children.length && shouldBreakLine(node.children[0],

		 * Processes element with <code>snippet</code> type
		 * @param {ZenNode}
		 *            item
		 * @param {Object}
		 *            profile
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            [level] Depth level

		function processSnippet(item, profile, level) {
			var data = item.source.value;

			if (!data)
				// snippet wasn't found, process it as tag
				return processTag(item, profile, level);

			item.start = item.end = placeholder;

			var padding = (item.parent) ? item.parent.padding : zen_coding
					.repeatString(getIndentation(), level);

			if (!isVeryFirstChild(item)) {
				item.start = getNewline() + padding + item.start;

			// adjust item formatting according to last line of
			// <code>start</code> property
			var parts = data.split(child_token), lines = zen_coding
					.splitByLines(parts[0] || ''), padding_delta = getIndentation();

			if (lines.length > 1) {
				var m = lines[lines.length - 1].match(/^(\s+)/);
				if (m)
					padding_delta = m[1];

			item.padding = padding + padding_delta;

			return item;

		 * Processes element with <code>tag</code> type
		 * @param {ZenNode}
		 *            item
		 * @param {Object}
		 *            profile
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            [level] Depth level

		function processTag(item, profile, level) {
			if (!item.name)
				// looks like it's a root element
				return item;

			item.start = item.end = placeholder;

			var is_unary = (item.isUnary() && !item.children.length);

			// formatting output
			if (profile.tag_nl !== false) {
				var padding = (item.parent) ? item.parent.padding : zen_coding
						.repeatString(getIndentation(), level), force_nl = (profile.tag_nl === true), should_break = shouldBreakLine(
						item, profile);

				// formatting block-level elements
				if (item.type != 'text') {
					if (((item.isBlock() || should_break) && item.parent)
							|| force_nl) {
						// snippet children should take different formatting
						if (!item.parent
								|| (item.parent.type != 'snippet' && !isVeryFirstChild(item)))
							item.start = getNewline() + padding + item.start;

						if (item.hasBlockChildren()
								|| shouldBreakChild(item, profile)
								|| (force_nl && !is_unary))
							item.end = getNewline() + padding + item.end;

						if (item.hasTagsInContent()
								|| (force_nl && !item.hasChildren() && !is_unary))
							item.start += getNewline() + padding
									+ getIndentation();

					} else if (item.isInline() && hasBlockSibling(item)
							&& !isVeryFirstChild(item)) {
						item.start = getNewline() + padding + item.start;
					} else if (item.isInline() && item.hasBlockChildren()) {
						item.end = getNewline() + padding + item.end;

					item.padding = padding + getIndentation();

			return item;

		 * Processes simplified tree, making it suitable for output as HTML
		 * structure
		 * @param {ZenNode}
		 *            tree
		 * @param {Object}
		 *            profile
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            [level] Depth level

		function process(tree, profile, level) {
			level = level || 0;

			for ( var i = 0, il = tree.children.length; i < il; i++) {
				/** @type {ZenNode} */
				var item = tree.children[i];
				item = (item.type == 'tag') ? processTag(item, profile, level)
						: processSnippet(item, profile, level);

				if (item.content)
					item.content = zen_coding.padString(item.content,

				process(item, profile, level + 1);

			return tree;

		zen_coding.registerFilter('_format', process);
	 * Filter that produces HAML tree
	 * @author Sergey Chikuyonok (serge.che@gmail.com)
	 * @link http://chikuyonok.ru
	 * @include "../zen_coding.js"
	(function() {
		var child_token = '${child}';

		 * Creates HTML attributes string from tag according to profile settings
		 * @param {ZenNode}
		 *            tag
		 * @param {default_profile}
		 *            profile

		function makeAttributesString(tag, profile) {
			// make attribute string
			var attrs = '', attr_quote = profile.attr_quotes == 'single' ? "'"
					: '"', cursor = profile.place_cursor ? zen_coding
					.getCaretPlaceholder() : '', attr_name, i, a;

			// use short notation for ID and CLASS attributes
			for (i = 0; i < tag.attributes.length; i++) {
				a = tag.attributes[i];
				switch (a.name.toLowerCase()) {
				case 'id':
					attrs += '#' + (a.value || cursor);
				case 'class':
					attrs += '.' + (a.value || cursor);

			var other_attrs = [];

			// process other attributes
			for (i = 0; i < tag.attributes.length; i++) {
				a = tag.attributes[i];
				var attr_name_lower = a.name.toLowerCase();
				if (attr_name_lower != 'id' && attr_name_lower != 'class') {
					attr_name = (profile.attr_case == 'upper') ? a.name
							.toUpperCase() : attr_name_lower;
					other_attrs.push(':' + attr_name + ' => ' + attr_quote
							+ (a.value || cursor) + attr_quote);

			if (other_attrs.length)
				attrs += '{' + other_attrs.join(', ') + '}';

			return attrs;

		 * Processes element with <code>snippet</code> type
		 * @param {ZenNode}
		 *            item
		 * @param {Object}
		 *            profile
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            [level] Depth level

		function processSnippet(item, profile, level) {
			var data = item.source.value;

			if (!data)
				// snippet wasn't found, process it as tag
				return processTag(item, profile, level);

			var parts = data.split(child_token), start = parts[0] || '', end = parts[1]
					|| '', padding = item.parent ? item.parent.padding : '';

			item.start = item.start.replace('%s', zen_coding.padString(start,
			item.end = item.end.replace('%s', zen_coding
					.padString(end, padding));

			// replace variables ID and CLASS
			var cb = function(str, var_name) {
				if (var_name == 'id' || var_name == 'class')
					return item.getAttribute(var_name);
					return str;
			item.start = zen_coding.replaceVariables(item.start, cb);
			item.end = zen_coding.replaceVariables(item.end, cb);

			return item;

		 * Test if passed node has block-level sibling element
		 * @param {ZenNode}
		 *            item
		 * @return {Boolean}

		function hasBlockSibling(item) {
			return (item.parent && item.parent.hasBlockChildren());

		 * Processes element with <code>tag</code> type
		 * @param {ZenNode}
		 *            item
		 * @param {Object}
		 *            profile
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            [level] Depth level

		function processTag(item, profile, level) {
			if (!item.name)
				// looks like it's root element
				return item;

			var attrs = makeAttributesString(item, profile), content = '', cursor = profile.place_cursor ? zen_coding
					: '', self_closing = '', is_unary = (item.isUnary() && !item.children.length), start = '', end = '';

			if (profile.self_closing_tag && is_unary)
				self_closing = '/';

			// define tag name
			var tag_name = '%'
					+ ((profile.tag_case == 'upper') ? item.name.toUpperCase()
							: item.name.toLowerCase());
			if (tag_name.toLowerCase() == '%div' && attrs
					&& attrs.indexOf('{') == -1)
				// omit div tag
				tag_name = '';

			item.end = '';
			start = tag_name + attrs + self_closing;

			var placeholder = '%s';
			// We can't just replace placeholder with new value because
			// JavaScript will treat double $ character as a single one,
			// assuming
			// we're using RegExp literal.
			var pos = item.start.indexOf(placeholder);
			item.start = item.start.substring(0, pos) + start
					+ item.start.substring(pos + placeholder.length);

			if (!item.children.length && !is_unary)
				item.start += cursor;

			return item;

		 * Processes simplified tree, making it suitable for output as HTML
		 * structure
		 * @param {ZenNode}
		 *            tree
		 * @param {Object}
		 *            profile
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            [level] Depth level

		function process(tree, profile, level) {
			level = level || 0;
			if (level == 0)
				// preformat tree
				tree = zen_coding.runFilters(tree, profile, '_format');

			for ( var i = 0, il = tree.children.length; i < il; i++) {
				/** @type {ZenNode} */
				var item = tree.children[i];
				item = (item.type == 'tag') ? processTag(item, profile, level)
						: processSnippet(item, profile, level);

				// replace counters
				var counter = zen_coding.getCounterForNode(item);
				item.start = zen_coding.unescapeText(zen_coding.replaceCounter(
						item.start, counter));
				item.end = zen_coding.unescapeText(zen_coding.replaceCounter(
						item.end, counter));

				process(item, profile, level + 1);

			return tree;

		zen_coding.registerFilter('haml', process);
	 * Filter that produces HTML tree
	 * @author Sergey Chikuyonok (serge.che@gmail.com)
	 * @link http://chikuyonok.ru
	 * @include "../zen_coding.js"
	(function() {
		var child_token = '${child}', tabstops = 0;

		 * Returns proper string case, depending on profile value
		 * @param {String}
		 *            val String to process
		 * @param {String}
		 *            case_param Profile's case value ('lower', 'upper',
		 *            'leave')

		function processStringCase(val, case_param) {
			switch (String(case_param || '').toLowerCase()) {
			case 'lower':
				return val.toLowerCase();
			case 'upper':
				return val.toUpperCase();

			return val;

		 * Creates HTML attributes string from tag according to profile settings
		 * @param {ZenNode}
		 *            tag
		 * @param {default_profile}
		 *            profile

		function makeAttributesString(tag, profile) {
			// make attribute string
			var attrs = '', attr_quote = profile.attr_quotes == 'single' ? "'"
					: '"', cursor = profile.place_cursor ? zen_coding
					.getCaretPlaceholder() : '', attr_name;

			for ( var i = 0; i < tag.attributes.length; i++) {
				var a = tag.attributes[i];
				attr_name = processStringCase(a.name, profile.attr_case);
				attrs += ' ' + attr_name + '=' + attr_quote
						+ (a.value || cursor) + attr_quote;

			return attrs;

		 * Processes element with <code>snippet</code> type
		 * @param {ZenNode}
		 *            item
		 * @param {Object}
		 *            profile
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            [level] Depth level

		function processSnippet(item, profile, level) {
			var data = item.source.value;

			if (!data)
				// snippet wasn't found, process it as tag
				return processTag(item, profile, level);

			var parts = data.split(child_token), start = parts[0] || '', end = parts[1]
					|| '', padding = item.parent ? item.parent.padding : '';

			item.start = item.start.replace('%s', zen_coding.padString(start,
			item.end = item.end.replace('%s', zen_coding
					.padString(end, padding));

			// replace variables ID and CLASS
			var cb = function(str, var_name) {
				if (var_name == 'id' || var_name == 'class')
					return item.getAttribute(var_name);
					return str;
			item.start = zen_coding.replaceVariables(item.start, cb);
			item.end = zen_coding.replaceVariables(item.end, cb);

			return item;

		 * Test if passed node has block-level sibling element
		 * @param {ZenNode}
		 *            item
		 * @return {Boolean}

		function hasBlockSibling(item) {
			return (item.parent && item.parent.hasBlockChildren());

		 * Processes element with <code>tag</code> type
		 * @param {ZenNode}
		 *            item
		 * @param {Object}
		 *            profile
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            [level] Depth level

		function processTag(item, profile, level) {
			if (!item.name)
				// looks like it's root element
				return item;

			var attrs = makeAttributesString(item, profile), content = '', cursor = profile.place_cursor ? zen_coding
					: '', self_closing = '', is_unary = (item.isUnary() && !item.children.length), start = '', end = '';

			if (profile.self_closing_tag == 'xhtml')
				self_closing = ' /';
			else if (profile.self_closing_tag === true)
				self_closing = '/';

			// define opening and closing tags
			if (item.type != 'text') {
				var tag_name = processStringCase(item.name, profile.tag_case);
				if (is_unary) {
					start = '<' + tag_name + attrs + self_closing + '>';
					item.end = '';
				} else {
					start = '<' + tag_name + attrs + '>';
					end = '</' + tag_name + '>';

			var placeholder = '%s';
			// We can't just replace placeholder with new value because
			// JavaScript will treat double $ character as a single one,
			// assuming
			// we're using RegExp literal.
			var pos = item.start.indexOf(placeholder);
			item.start = item.start.substring(0, pos) + start
					+ item.start.substring(pos + placeholder.length);

			pos = item.end.indexOf(placeholder);
			item.end = item.end.substring(0, pos) + end
					+ item.end.substring(pos + placeholder.length);

			if (!item.children.length && !is_unary
					&& item.content.indexOf(cursor) == -1)
				item.start += cursor;

			return item;

		 * Processes simplified tree, making it suitable for output as HTML
		 * structure
		 * @param {ZenNode}
		 *            tree
		 * @param {Object}
		 *            profile
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            [level] Depth level

		function process(tree, profile, level) {
			level = level || 0;
			if (level == 0) {
				tree = zen_coding.runFilters(tree, profile, '_format');
				tabstops = 0;

			for ( var i = 0, il = tree.children.length; i < il; i++) {
				/** @type {ZenNode} */

				var item = tree.children[i];
				item = (item.type == 'tag') ? processTag(item, profile, level)
						: processSnippet(item, profile, level);

				// replace counters
				var counter = zen_coding.getCounterForNode(item);
				item.start = zen_coding.unescapeText(zen_coding.replaceCounter(
						item.start, counter));
				item.end = zen_coding.unescapeText(zen_coding.replaceCounter(
						item.end, counter));
				item.content = zen_coding.unescapeText(zen_coding
						.replaceCounter(item.content, counter));

				tabstops += zen_coding.upgradeTabstops(item, tabstops) + 1;

				process(item, profile, level + 1);

			return tree;

		zen_coding.registerFilter('html', process);
	 * Output abbreviation on a single line (i.e. no line breaks)
	 * @author Sergey Chikuyonok (serge.che@gmail.com)
	 * @link http://chikuyonok.ru
	(function() {
		function process(tree, profile, level) {
			for ( var i = 0, il = tree.children.length; i < il; i++) {
				/** @type {ZenNode} */
				var item = tree.children[i];
				if (item.type == 'tag') {
					// remove padding from item
					var re_pad = /^\s+/;
					item.start = item.start.replace(re_pad, '');
					item.end = item.end.replace(re_pad, '');

				// remove newlines
				var re_nl = /[\n\r]/g;
				item.start = item.start.replace(re_nl, '');
				item.end = item.end.replace(re_nl, '');
				item.content = item.content.replace(re_nl, '');


			return tree;

		zen_coding.registerFilter('s', process);
	 * Trim filter: removes characters at the beginning of the text content that
	 * indicates lists: numbers, #, *, -, etc.
	 * @author Sergey Chikuyonok (serge.che@gmail.com)
	 * @link http://chikuyonok.ru
	(function() {
		function process(tree, profile, level) {
			for ( var i = 0, il = tree.children.length; i < il; i++) {
				/** @type {ZenNode} */
				var item = tree.children[i];

				if (item.content)
					item.content = item.content.replace(
							/^([\s|\u00a0])?[\d|#|\-|\*|\u2022]+\.?\s*/, '$1');


			return tree;

		zen_coding.registerFilter('t', process);
	 * Filter for trimming "select" attributes from some tags that contains
	 * child elements
	 * @author Sergey Chikuyonok (serge.che@gmail.com)
	 * @link http://chikuyonok.ru
	(function() {
		var tags = {
			'xsl:variable' : 1,
			'xsl:with-param' : 1

		 * Removes "select" attribute from node
		 * @param {ZenNode}
		 *            node

		function trimAttribute(node) {
			node.start = node.start.replace(/\s+select\s*=\s*(['"]).*?\1/, '');

		function process(tree) {
			for ( var i = 0, il = tree.children.length; i < il; i++) {
				/** @type {ZenNode} */
				var item = tree.children[i];
				if (item.type == 'tag' && item.name.toLowerCase() in tags
						&& item.children.length)

		zen_coding.registerFilter('xsl', process);
	zen_coding.getResourceManager = function() {
		return zen_resources;
	return zen_coding;
 * High-level editor interface that communicates with underlying editor (like
 * TinyMCE, CKEditor, etc.) or browser. Basically, you should call
 * <code>zen_editor.setContext(obj)</code> method to set up undelying editor
 * context before using any other method.
 * This interface is used by <i>zen_actions.js</i> for performing different
 * actions like <b>Expand abbreviation</b>
 * @example var textarea = document.getElemenetsByTagName('textarea')[0];
 *          zen_editor.setContext(textarea); //now you are ready to use editor
 *          object zen_editor.getSelectionRange();
 * @author Sergey Chikuyonok (serge.che@gmail.com)
 * @link http://chikuyonok.ru

var zen_editor = (function() {
	var context = null;

	 * Find start and end index of text line for <code>from</code> index
	 * @param {String}
	 *            text
	 * @param {Number}
	 *            from

	function findNewlineBounds(text, from) {
		var len = text.length, start = 0, end = len - 1;

		// search left
		for ( var i = from - 1; i > 0; i--) {
			var ch = text.charAt(i);
			if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') {
				start = i + 1;
		// search right
		for ( var j = from; j < len; j++) {
			var ch = text.charAt(j);
			if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') {
				end = j;

		return {
			start : start,
			end : end

	 * Handle tab-stops (like $1 or ${1:label}) inside text: find first
	 * tab-stop, marks it as selection, remove the rest. If tab-stop wasn't
	 * found, search for caret placeholder and use it as selection
	 * @param {String}
	 *            text
	 * @return {Array} Array with new text and selection indexes (['...', -1,-1]
	 *         if there's no selection)

	function handleTabStops(text) {
		var selection_len = 0, caret_placeholder = zen_coding
				.getCaretPlaceholder(), caret_pos = text
				.indexOf(caret_placeholder), placeholders = {};

		// find caret position
		if (caret_pos != -1) {
			text = text.split(caret_placeholder).join('');
		} else {
			caret_pos = text.length;

		text = zen_coding.processTextBeforePaste(text, function(ch) {
			return ch;
		}, function(i, num, val) {
			if (val)
				placeholders[num] = val;

			if (i < caret_pos) {
				caret_pos = i;
				if (val)
					selection_len = val.length;

			return placeholders[num] || '';

		return [ text, caret_pos, caret_pos + selection_len ];

	 * Returns whitrespace padding of string
	 * @param {String}
	 *            str String line
	 * @return {String}

	function getStringPadding(str) {
		return (str.match(/^(\s+)/) || [ '' ])[0];

	return {
		 * Setup underlying editor context. You should call this method
		 * <code>before</code> using any Zen Coding action.
		 * @param {Object}
		 *            context
		setContext : function(ctx) {
			context = ctx;

		 * Returns character indexes of selected text: object with
		 * <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> properties. If there's no
		 * selection, should return object with <code>start</code> and
		 * <code>end</code> properties referring to current caret position
		 * @return {Object}
		 * @example var selection = zen_editor.getSelectionRange();
		 *          alert(selection.start + ', ' + selection.end);
		getSelectionRange : function() {
			var rangeStart = 0, rangeEnd = 0;

			if (IsTextSelected() == 0) {
				rangeStart = 0;
				rangeEnd = ExpandParameter("$x") - 1;
			} else {
				rangeStart = GetSelectColmFrom() - 1;
				rangeEnd = GetSelectColmTo() - 1;
			return {
				start : rangeStart,
				end : rangeEnd

		 * Creates selection from <code>start</code> to <code>end</code>
		 * character indexes. If <code>end</code> is ommited, this method
		 * should place caret and <code>start</code> index
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            start
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            [end]
		 * @example zen_editor.createSelection(10, 40);
		 * //move caret to 15th character zen_editor.createSelection(15);
		createSelection : function(start, end) {
			var pos = 0;
			// 繧ォ繝シ繧ス繝ォ菴咲スョ縺梧欠螳壽。√h繧雁、ァ縺阪¥縺ェ繧九∪縺ァ蜿ウ遘サ蜍・
			for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
				pos = ExpandParameter("$x");

		 * Returns current line's start and end indexes as object with
		 * <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> properties
		 * @return {Object}
		 * @example var range = zen_editor.getCurrentLineRange();
		 *          alert(range.start + ', ' + range.end);
		getCurrentLineRange : function() {
			return findNewlineBounds(this.getContent(), this.getCaretPos());

		 * Returns current caret position
		 * @return {Number|null}
		getCaretPos : function() {
			var pos = 0;
			pos = ExpandParameter("$x");
			return pos;

		 * Set new caret position
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            pos Caret position
		setCaretPos : function(pos) {
			for ( var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
				var caret_pos = ExpandParameter("$x");
				// 繧ォ繝シ繧ス繝ォ菴咲スョ縺梧欠螳壽。√h繧雁、ァ縺阪¥縺ェ繧九∪縺ァ蜿ウ遘サ蜍・
				for ( var j = caret_pos; j < pos; j++) {
				caret_pos = ExpandParameter("$x");
				if (caret_pos == pos)


		 * Returns content of current line
		 * @return {String}
		getCurrentLine : function() {
			var currentLine = null;
			if (IsTextSelected() == 0) {
				currentLine = GetLineStr(0);
			} else {
				currentLine = GetSelectedString(0);
			return currentLine;

		 * Replace editor's content or it's part (from <code>start</code> to
		 * <code>end</code> index). If <code>value</code> contains
		 * <code>caret_placeholder</code>, the editor will put caret into
		 * this position. If you skip <code>start</code> and <code>end</code>
		 * arguments, the whole target's content will be replaced with
		 * <code>value</code>.
		 * If you pass <code>start</code> argument only, the
		 * <code>value</code> will be placed at <code>start</code> string
		 * index of current content.
		 * If you pass <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> arguments,
		 * the corresponding substring of current target's content will be
		 * replaced with <code>value</code>.
		 * @param {String}
		 *            value Content you want to paste
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            [start] Start index of editor's content
		 * @param {Number}
		 *            [end] End index of editor's content
		replaceContent : function(value, start, end, no_indent) {
			var caret_pos = this.getCaretPos(),
			// content = this.getContent(),
			caret_placeholder = zen_coding.getCaretPlaceholder(), has_start = typeof (start) !== 'undefined', has_end = typeof (end) !== 'undefined';

			// indent new value
			if (!no_indent)
				value = zen_coding.padString(value, getStringPadding(this

			// find new caret position
			var tabstop_res = handleTabStops(value);
			value = tabstop_res[0];

			start = start || 0;
			if (tabstop_res[1] !== -1) {
				tabstop_res[1] += start;
				tabstop_res[2] += start;
			} else {
				tabstop_res[1] = tabstop_res[2] = value.length + start;

			try {
				if (!has_start && !has_end) {
					start = 0;
					end = content.length;
				} else if (!has_end) {
					end = start;

				// 螻暮幕貂医∩譁・ュ怜・縺ァ鄂ョ謠・
				if (IsTextSelected() == 0) {
					this.createSelection(start, end);

				// 繧ュ繝」繝ャ繝・ヨ繧堤ァサ蜍・
				var move = value.length - tabstop_res[1];
				for ( var i = 0; i < GetLineStr(0).length; i++) {
				while (move > 0) {
					move -= GetLineStr(0).length;

				for ( var i = move; i < 0; i++) {
			} catch (e) {

		 * Returns editor's content
		 * @return {String}
		getContent : function() {
			return GetLineStr(0) || '';

		 * Returns current editor's syntax mode
		 * @return {String}
		getSyntax : function() {
			var syntax = ('').toLowerCase(), caret_pos = this.getCaretPos();

			if (IsCurTypeExt('css') == 1) {
				syntax = 'css';

			if (!zen_coding.getResourceManager().hasSyntax(syntax)) {
				syntax = 'html';

			if (syntax == 'html') {
				// get the context tag
				var pair = zen_coding.html_matcher.getTags(this.getContent(),
				if (pair && pair[0] && pair[0].type == 'tag'
						&& pair[0].name.toLowerCase() == 'style') {
					// check that we're actually inside the tag
					if (pair[0].end <= caret_pos && pair[1].start >= caret_pos)
						syntax = 'css';
			return syntax;

		 * Returns current output profile name (@see zen_coding#setupProfile)
		 * @return {String}
		getProfileName : function() {
			return zen_coding.getVariable('profile') || 'xhtml';

		 * Returns current selection
		 * @return {String}
		 * @since 0.65
		getSelection : function() {
			var sel = this.getSelectionRange();
			if (sel) {
				try {
					return this.getContent().substring(sel.start, sel.end);
				} catch (e) {

			return '';

		 * Returns current editor's file path
		 * @return {String}
		 * @since 0.65
		getFilePath : function() {
			return GetFilename();
 * Zen Coding manager that runs actions
 * @param {String}
 *            action_name Action to call
 * @return {Boolean} Returns 'true' if action ran successfully

function zc_manager(action_name) {
	return zen_coding.runAction(action_name, zen_editor);

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Last-modified: 2011-11-22 (火) 23:18:48 (4537d)